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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 04:56:44 UTC in vault item: Map1 Comment #12367
Yeah I know, I actually had to cut out a piece from above the door and make it func_illusionary so you can walk through it, lol. I'll put a screenshot up now.
Also, my favroite bits are the warning stripes on and around the staircase and around the ladder (warning stripes are cool).
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 04:42:50 UTC in vault item: Map1 Comment #12366
Pretty damn amazing if this is your first map ever. You actually have GASP detail! Nice lights and little stuff like that. Great use of entitys too. If you already know this much, you should try making better (real) stuff...

You need to put a roof on it though, or else you'll get that ugly hall-of-mirrors (HOM) effect, and there could be some other problems if you made a bigger map. You need to sort out the scale problems too, that one door you had was way too small to walk through.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 02:30:41 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12363
Spirit doesn't make it that easy! It's quite the same as Hl1's one, in technical terms.

You guy seem to have too much prejudice against spirit. Everytime you see something with spirit you back off and say that it doesn't worth anything, it's easy to map for it and that it has not point. Spirit doesn't have an env_shootmissle entity, it doesn't have entities for everything. It's still is a chalange mapping for it.
I myself didn't use many of spirit's stuff, but what I used was needed. I didn't use all that alias/locus/calc/motion stuff.
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 00:38:53 UTC in vault item: aim_neon_abyss Comment #12358
Neat Idea, and definitely 100 times nicer than the typical aim map!

The shadows from the green neon thingies will look more uniform if you scale down that floor texture a bit--at least I think so, and that's inferring you WANT it to look more uniform :)

Nice, smooth-lookin, two-sided volumetric light as well.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 00:15:59 UTC in vault item: de_nightstrike Comment #12357
Neat stuff, as I said before, and some nice detail like the broken light switch, burried stuff, truck and other little details.

+Nice new ambients
+As I said before, great detailing!
+Nice underground area--didn't notice it before!
-still using pointlights, hence the weird round shadows...
+The layout seems much more manageable now, even though it isn't that much changed imo...maybe it just took playing it again :)

Nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 23:23:13 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12353
bah cs:s, so I can't test it, but the idea seems pretty cool :)
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 21:38:35 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12345
You do it ingame with the console. Consult the valve wiki.....
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 21:14:30 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12344
I'm sure this is cool--looks cool from the screenie--but what's the point of using spirit?

I never realized it, but I suppose I'm a bit of a hl/cs purist after-all :)
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 13:15:44 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12335
how would you modify existing nav files
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 12:48:29 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12333
ok but i do make maps like that i just posted this because i was bored and made it for a fun map clan =P.

but thanks jimmi ill go do that.

bots dont work for v2 unless you get a nav of the map from a difrent version cuz they shoot the floor and die so... you have to get a nav of the same map wihtout the water pit
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 12:43:36 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12332
i know that but its a break floor map in real life terriost dont shoot boxes that break and tunnle around and shoot counter terriost.

but what kinda texture theme would you recomnd for this map
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 12:23:38 UTC in vault item: StarsBreakClanMap Comment #12331
well i liked the theme of it but if you recomend a difrent theme then tell me but i want you to play it befor you recomend any thing
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 09:13:56 UTC in vault item: Tesla Coil Comment #12330
And next a Nuclear missle silo ;-)
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-24 00:12:38 UTC in vault item: aim_neon_abyss Comment #12323
This is actually quite a nice little map. It's got cool colors, good abstact architecture, ambience... It's not really missing anything, and feels quite well made, despite the fact that it's just a side project.

The background noise could get a little irritating though, so you might want to replace it with a less repetitive one, if you plan on working on this any more.

I didn't think I'd give a rating to such a simple little map, but turns out this one is actually pretty good. There's nothing great about it, but there's nothing bad either!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-23 19:53:52 UTC in vault item: de_nightstrike Comment #12315
A very well thought out map and a great finished version compared to the original release. Balanced gameplay and a nice atmosphere make this a great map. Its especially nice considering that it is only your 3rd map.
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Commented 18 years ago2006-06-23 02:26:54 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12301
Some really cool shit in this map! (are you sure your not an alias of WorldCraft Dude? ^_^ )

Really cool urban environment, though it's so huge, it would take me 20 times playing it to get a good handle on the layout, and explore all areas. Too big and to counfusing of a layout would be my biggest complaint. (I don't like big maps, so I'd consider myself a bit bias in this area)

That said you have lots of superb detail paced in this map, and interesting/creative areas like those big underground tunnels--lighting looked great down there to btw--, the sewers, and the buildings inside and out. Giant area + tons of detailed architecture = gargantuan wpolys... but I'm sure you well aware of this :)

So while it's not the most playable map in the world, this map still shows you have a great command of brushwork, ambience--nice ambience and trigger ambients btw too!!!--, and ligthing.

Misc gripes:

-scale on that nice momentary button/dial was gigantically huge, but it was so cool, I didn't care much :)

-lots of doors that didn't open... another pet peeve of mine ;)

-Some intersecting brushes with the glass on the windows at the "bus station" --that was also a sweet area ;)

Beautiful work!

Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 17:19:39 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12289
Hey saco, You didn't even download! :x

SpaG, If I will I'll have to host the map somewhere. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:42:15 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12288
Hmm.. You could have merged those 2 examples. They are the same kind aren't they? Just include a readme telling that the other file is for spirit and that's all.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:38:09 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12287
yea but, its always been easy things in spirit.I mean your other example is better.Well, good thing you keep trying for better :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:37:33 UTC in vault item: Rockets for Spirit Comment #12286
Nice effect. Very good example.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:49:18 UTC in vault item: de_simc Comment #12285
Cs source! Cs source, we wan't cs source! :D it would be so cool if you had made it for css, then I could host it on my server. But nice work though! I love it.

oh forgot to rate SIX stars! oh dmn, only counts to 5 oh well :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:39:10 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12284
meaning it's limits have been surpassed, Jimmi?
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-21 19:50:40 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12283
Yea, this is indeed a MASSIVE map. I checked the r_speeds throughout the map and got 2000+ wpoly and sometimes 3000+ epoly, but I ran at a solid 72fps.

I'm not sure if it's just my machine or what. I've played the previous version on my ownserver many times, and noone once complained of lag. Perhaps the new additions made it worse, and I'm just not able to notice.

A lot of small crap I was too frustrated to deal with. You have to imagine I have been working onthis map for two years. I started with very crappy architecture and as I grew I went on an ellaboration spree.

The basement I even held back on, as I even thought to myself "This seriously looks like source, and there's no way HL can handle this." At one point I had pushable boxes in the warehouse, which were later removed when they showed to serve no gameplay purpose and I was over my limit of 512 precachable entities.

I will look into CS:S mapping.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-21 18:51:03 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12282
This is an example of the type of map that should probably only be made for CS:S, if you were aiming for it to be playable. It just demands a lot more than HL can handle, and it really shows.

Gosh darn golly, those r_speeds are the worst I've seen in a while! You could have at least upscaled some of the textures, as that would have helped considerably. As far as I'm concerned, 2500 w_polys is simply unnacceptable, and you can't hope to be able to play this without lag.

On the other hand, it's still a fairly well constructed map. Your architecture was a little blocky, but some places like the tunnels looked like more time was spent on them.

There were plenty of small details in places, but for a map like this, it was still too many. Most indoor areas should generally be avoided in open maps, unless you know you have sufficient view blocking.

One thing that bothered me was the (blah) drivable tank. Those things are just way too glitchy. In my opinion, they should be left out of every map except those that were specifically designed to compensate for their... considerable suckyness.

Fairly nice job in places here, but not enough to make up for the downfalls.

2.5 stars, but I can only give you three. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-21 13:37:32 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12281
ooh. looks cool. I'll try it tonight
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-21 09:00:12 UTC in vault item: De_Splinter Comment #12280
Told you to change the pic didn't I, Hunter. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-20 23:04:39 UTC in vault item: Sancefar Comment #12279
+ nice layout
+ nice lighting
+ nice use of textures

- bad wpoly/eploys in areas
- you get stuck in a spawn!
- over scaled texture in 1 area
- ambients would of been nice
- gun/hand 'blacks' out in some areas