
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-09 05:24:04 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10415
Allright, when I get back home, the first thing I'll do will be recomplying the map, I promise ;) But please give some more info about the house...I know the outside of it looks crappy, but is the inside ok, or what was horrible? Idon't know, that I could do something with that gfx-stuff, I'll try, but I'm not sure
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-09 05:01:32 UTC in vault item: ns_ethereal (for Natural Selection) Comment #10414
yeah looks nice but the lava looks quite repetitive
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-09 02:32:21 UTC in vault item: bl_twhl Comment #10413
have to say wow very nice although would be nice to have more of such a gretat level more rooms acouple more places you could go to but other then that lighting was good the flow of map colour coordination and architecture went well!!! welldone
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-09 02:21:34 UTC in vault item: bl_twhl Comment #10412
very nice architecture.. the curves were very smooth

i did open it in cs and i got stuck in the curves twice and i saw the blurry from outside the world but thats probably more of a glitch than a mistake but nice job
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 18:39:19 UTC in vault item: Trirena Comment #10411
Looks very nice actually. Five hours? That's impressive.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 15:21:38 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10410
Still missing Chateau.wad--please do as Kasperg said and recompile...

Well as with all your maps, I like this one a lot, but I must say it contains some wicked flaws. Most notable you take no steps whatsoever to transition the sky brushes to the cliff, which would be okey possibley if you used a custom gfx file. House constrcuction is blocky and ok, but could be much better, as the same with the super-simple design. Same with the textures, excellent in some areas and horrific in others!

Now, the good stuff:

The cliff and river below looked outstanding, and is very unique from a standpoint of Hl maps! Textures were fresh and nice as well the lighting was very well done in general. Ambients were great, and detail was generally good--which is a big plus imo--some obviously barren areas. Detail in the bathroom however was outstanding.

Very nice job.

I've seen what you can do, and though I like this map, I know you can make it much better. This map is definitely 5-star material, but not in it's current form i'm afraid.

3 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 14:49:28 UTC in vault item: tp_wasser (for The Trenches) Comment #10409
Looks neat. <rowleybob trys frivously playing in HL, and then proceeds to trenches link>
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 14:29:36 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10408
K. First I want to rave about the tunnels! They were beautiful, and I find it hard to understand why nobody else mentioned them! They look straight out of HL2 in my opinion and were most well done :)

As for the rest, well, it is apparent you have mapping skill, but you're not using it to it's full potential. The main layout is counfusing, cramped, and repetative, and would never make a good CS map imo.

This is actually a perfect layout for a DM map, If perhpas only making the ducks a tad bit bigger, so they are easier to traverse.

I desperately want to give this a 4 because of the tunnels uptop, but I'm afraid the bad of the rest of the map cancels them out to a 3, sorry!

1 very nice element + many bad elememts = 3 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 14:13:39 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10407
Very nice. Finally, a map that doesn't contain any noticable major flaws!

A nice little HLDM with good weapons placement, pretty bits here and there, and a nice layout.

+Sandbags are nice, but you can make them look nicer I know! Maybe add a nice little func_tank, barbed wire, mines and/or obstacles perhaps, to create a nice killzone :)
+nice climbable camo netting and hidden goodies
+The derelict block wall is a modern art masterpiece but it breaks up the layout nicely
+Interiors are nice to look and otherwise well done imo.
+nice sandy dunes and terrain in general.
+nice texturing and decal work--the top most looked great!

I disagree with everyone that the architecture is blocky. For this map and setting, I think it fits nicely!

My only - would be to add more detail to some of the interior rooms. You are definitely not alone on this, people creating tons generic rooms with absolutely no hint to what purpose they could possibly have.

But I have this with complaint with just about every map I come accross, so imo this gets 5. A nice little DM that is perfect for what it is imo.

NIce Work!

5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 07:15:12 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10406
7th: add an EDIT button here pls.
metal crates would be better than wood ones
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 07:14:21 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10405
mayby have a little water leak past the crates and flow into a drain?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 02:34:44 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10404
The creats would have been filled with hard stuff that could block the water but ill replace them and try make it better soon
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-08 02:20:21 UTC in vault item: Poltergeist Comment #10403
Not could be better, if you really would add a bit more light, coz I don't really like maps, where you can't see shit without a nightvision. Textures are some places impressive, some places horrible:) You should have used more...btw the ambience is neat, it really is scary, loved those blood drops from the cieling, and of course the bathtub. That bed in the radioactive-waste, or I don't know what room with all those sounds is quite cool, but could use more detail to make it perfect.

Overall, this map looks interesting, but still needs a bit work.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:45:49 UTC in vault item: Jasons Rock, My First Real Map Comment #10402
Neat stuff, especially for a first map!

I liked the detailed chair pushables and the tables, and the whole place reminded me of my freind's hunting cabin! I also liked how random this map is, sort of like letting your subconsious flow into hammer, at least that's what it made me think of. Interesting red lighting too, and the flickering reminded me of lightning!

Nice job!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:33:15 UTC in vault item: The Transporter Comment #10401
The first cave was very nicely done, and some other nice concepts in this map. Ironic though that your in Xen where I wouldn't expect any "square edges", but unfortunately the cannons and other things were perfectly square. Make everything in this map as nice as the first room and it will pwn!

Overall bad performance was a distraction thoughout-- I was running <30fps which is unheard of on even the worst--in terms of performance--maps.

As everyone keeps saying running "full vis" and rad should dramatically increase the playablity of this map. I personally don't like running vis and rad, because of the extra time it takes, but it's so worth it!

Nice job anyway!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 21:15:18 UTC in vault item: ctf_fallen Comment #10400
I think this is supposed to be labeled "tfc_fallen" not "ctf" lol.

Well, I did not find the leak, but this .rmf contains some very complex, interesting architecture. I think this sort of architecture can cause "leaks" when there really aren't any. J.C mentioned having a similar problem with de_raid, which I think he eventually fixed by enclosing the supposed "leaks" with clip brushes.

Anyway looks excellent, especially the mine shafts and the waterfall/stream.

Get this to work so we might bask in all it's mapping glory :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 20:49:47 UTC in vault item: Spheres Comment #10399
Neat. You should have made the little one the moon and the big one the earth, and done the right rotations--that would be pwn...

Anyways neat example!
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Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 20:37:18 UTC in vault item: ns_ethereal (for Natural Selection) Comment #10395
Looks excellent, and looks like I'll have to reinstall NS... : )
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 18:06:50 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10394
You're the greatest!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 16:59:55 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10393
I was such a fucking moron a year ago...
but yeah, this baby is on the server :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 14:02:42 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10392
but if the crates are full of lead? :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 13:31:33 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10391
Fixed the link.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 13:18:49 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10390
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 13:18:15 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10389 is where to get it
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 12:22:10 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10388
-cheap wooden crates wouldn`t stop water flodding the rest of the lower level. they would just float away with the water
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 11:56:06 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10387
- nothing made me jump :(
- no cool scripting
- did it 1st time without takeing ANY damage cause most of the aliens didn`t even attack me (i think it is due to a major lack of info_nodes)
-cheap wooden crates wouldn`t
-is there no end or did i miss a door or something?
+lab stuff on upper level.
+HEV in the locker
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-07 10:59:28 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10386
Nice map :)
+/- I liked the theme you used :), but it was a bit empty. You could have put more computers or vents in the lab :> It would made the lab feeling a bit more lab-ish and the corridors in the bottom place were too empty.
- I missed some environment sounds in this map. For example you could have made computers emmit those quick beep beep beep sound that would look like they're working or something. Also you could have made a siren in the bottom part where the red light is on. That would make the atmosphere more something.
+/- Good idea with the zombie hiding near the barney, but it didn't scare me. You could have made that place a bit darker and/or with flickering lights. Maybe add 2 zombies instead of 1 :).
+ The HEV fitted fine in that locker. I liked that idea :o.
- Like said by others water needed to be transperant, and you used 3 water entities which is not a good idea. I would also suggest make the waves a bit more smaller 1-2 px max. That would look more realistic.
+/- good idea with those ichtys but it was somewhat a buggy place, they didn't attack me and one of them got stuck somewhere. And i suppose you wanted to make player jump into the water, but i was able to jump from the broken platfom on the one where a crowbar was without touching the water.
- Ending? didn't noticed one :D I got a crowbar, whacked some planks and got into a corridor which was empty and with a dead end.

With a bit more improvement it could be a five star map easy :)
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Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 17:21:01 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10384
Where did my comment go? :(
It had a,, oh you uploaded new!

Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 11:46:21 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10383
Ooo... update! I hope you improved and fixed all the things I adviced you too! ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 10:11:26 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10382
Pfft, the hunter stole my story-like way of reviewing so i'll keep it short..

- The water down the elevator was a bit to low for me to see the dead body under it, also, you used 2 func_waters because I could clearly see they weren't going at the same height and time with each other.

- The zombie at the gun wasn't surprising and he didn't even attacked me! I think you should put like 2 zombies there and make the lightning real dark with a glance on the gun. That would be very cool.

- The zombie and headcrab were very easy to spot and before they wanted to attack me, I killed them..

- The itchy's were very easy to avoid. They only attacked me when I shot them.

- The overal map was very blocky and especially very very EMPTY!
I would have liked seeing broken computers and scripted sentences like a scientist getting killed, you know, the ussual stuff.

- The conversations at the start could have been smoother, I took a lot of time for them to actually say something against each other wich quite bored me..
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 10:04:32 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10381
Wow, I'm glad you liked it :) I had so much trouble with that water it just wouldent show up in game until a few hours ago. And yes that was the end at the hallway, I was going to make some text saying that but I forgot. I'll get new textures for the ladder soon so it might look better.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 08:42:07 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10380
yes agreed
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-06 07:50:01 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #10379
this map is very cool. I like it.
The screen fades from black as I find myself in a fifties style laboratory. I admire the craftmanship of the pipes filled with wires leading from the computer consoles. The scientists around me are having an interesting conversation, and appart from the panick in their voices, all seems fine. It is then that i notice the elevator. Except its not there. I repeatedly ask the barney to push the button for me but all he does is follow me or stay behind.
I descend the ladder to find myself in a hallway where all hell seems to have broken loose. A muffled gurgle sounds. My heart races. Then i see it - a zombie hovering over a gun. I dash forward, picking up the 9mm pistol before speedily evading the beast's scragly claws. I open fire immediatly, sending the beast to the floor. One of the locker doors is open, a nice touch and something i remember fondly from Black Mesa. The hazard suit still fits like a glove. As i walk along the next corridoor, i cant help but notice how even and nice the overall architecture and lighting are. But alas, t'was a small mercy. Turn the corner and get butt-raped by nothing more than a headcrab because i had been making smiley faces on the wall with gunshot decals. quick load
nice the overall architecture and lighting are. But alas, t'was a small mercy. Turn the corner and just avoid a headcrab. BANG BANG and the headcrab flies, dead in mid-air.
Suddenly i hear a growl. Oh. My. God.
"ITCHY!" I cry with joy, "HOW I MISSED YOU!" and i jump into the pool to greet my old buddy from BM.


Only a few little points i'd like to raise.

1) you forgot to rotate a face of the big tank in the second room, so a few of the faces are nastily stretched (the tank with with the cool pipe leading to it, covered in coolant.. or water :P)

2) I dont like the texture used for the ladder. It seems to flat and cartoony.

3) the water down the elevator should be transparent there are a few little details under the water that i only cought brief glances at because the water was at 'that height' where the player is the exact same height when crouched, so the waves made visibility difficult.

A nice map and fun to play. good job.

(i presume it ended with the corridoor with no door at the end, after metting Itchy)
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Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 20:01:45 UTC in vault item: The Lobby v2 Comment #10369
Nice work pepper! I could go through and list the little flaws, but since this map is almost 2 years old, I'll assume your "above them" now:

So, things I really liked:

+reflective floor was oustanding!
+red lighing in the train area and that area in general were fabulous
+"bridge" was really nice
+loved the little red room with the env beams
+I liked that you could avoid the train by crouching, and still get zapped by the "rail" lol
+nice, different custom water texture.

Nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 19:27:30 UTC in vault item: Respite Comment #10368
link no workie.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 16:32:06 UTC in vault item: Textures will not load Comment #10366
im sorry i cant finish my map, the .map file is gon
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 15:40:02 UTC in vault item: Blow out light Comment #10365
it's based on something that my bro mapped.That was mainly the pipe , water and the grating.Still i think my design on a wreck of an old pumping building, i like it.
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Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 10:22:57 UTC in vault item: Gunz And Science Comment #10362
Yes madcow that would be good.

And yes here

+Coool laser wich kills scientist XD
-You lied it killed one of my barneys as well :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 10:21:17 UTC in vault item: Gunz And Science Comment #10361
You forgot Coool laser wich kills scientist XD

I wonder why the secret room didn't open. :S
Meh, the map was buggy anyway.

I am thinking about fixing the map, as tyrlop said.
Maby I could make ownage out of it! ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-05 10:16:53 UTC in vault item: Gunz And Science Comment #10360
+In mod format
+level changes
+scripted sentences
+Scripted sequences
-mostly full bright
-A little bit crazy
-The secret room dident open up for me

there and it was your first map/mini mod.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-04 13:57:32 UTC in vault item: fy_hunderhave Comment #10353
I bet you didn't even download it... although I don't think it will change your comment so much.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-04 12:42:53 UTC in vault item: Game Ending Comment #10352
Yes.. Never said that..
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