
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-30 22:08:42 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10009
It's been done, I assure you. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-30 19:39:20 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10008
Oooooooooo! This opens the door to a whole new idea of bizzare mapping!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-30 17:53:35 UTC in vault item: cs_tobenamed Comment #10007
couldnt open blazurban 2.wad
i did open it in valve and it looks nice... i dont have time to compile and test it so when u get back from work and if u fix it ill test it out in-game when i get back from skating
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-30 17:36:26 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10006
pretty cool... reminds me of awp_digital (i think) that has a similiar concept... i would probably get a fatal headache from the white if i played it for too long (searches the page for zoinked smiley face)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-30 15:41:02 UTC in vault item: aim_black_and_white Comment #10005
Oh thats really nice! Reminds me of Tron 2.0!
Downloads *
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-29 13:44:15 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #10004
=X ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-29 13:24:35 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10003
Hey, the file doesn't seem to be a valid archive.. What's up with that? :?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 22:01:27 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #10001
aha! I thought it was you. should put this map on your server man. :D

Hmm..I'm wondering what theme I'll use on my next map. any ideas people?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 21:21:41 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #10000
Check my journal and you'll figure it out.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 20:10:26 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #9999
i know you dont I?....
btw its not just music from blahhh but its radiohead idioteque :D

Don't post double-posts, please. - Daubster
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 18:39:06 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #9998
Music from blahhhh, hahah.
Fairly nice map, pretty amazing for your second map really(he made a ka_ map before this, I know because I'm psychic).
Haven't tested it with real people yet but I'll go ahead and give it 3 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 18:28:48 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9997
wheres the awp?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 18:20:28 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #9996
naw i didnt expect much but it is quite a fun map to play on. I know some of the texture's werent so great...after strechting them but..i have yet to extract the cs wad so im using the usual hl textures.

BTW i didnt know what else would be at a digging site besides crates for storage but yea...i know those barrels were a bit big but I didnt care. :D

but to think this map came out of nothing. it first started as a ka map where you only went into the pit but then the fy idea came up.


but I know how to make pretty good gameplay.. somethign I have a knack for :D

but I will keep up my work and do know that each map I make is just me learnign more and more at a time.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 14:28:55 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9995
why ask for comments if your gunna spend the whole time arguing bout it! these people are giving something called 'constructive critism'.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 13:54:35 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #9994
i thought the map was cool... the architecture was interesting and the music was cool (i dont no how long i could stand listening to it over and over though) the only problems were the textures on the boxes were off and the map was small (even though it's a fy map) i also had fun with the ladder and different jumps that u could do... overall good job
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 12:59:07 UTC in vault item: fy_dig Comment #9993
OK, all the files were there now :) Downloaded, played with a couple friends. Not bad gameplay, but the pit is a deathtrap and there really is no incentive to go down there for an aug, autoshotty or an mp5, when its ez to shoot from above. Especially with tmp/mac10 from up high = ez kills. FY maps are a dime a dozen, so don't expect much of a woo factor unless you have some great brushwork or uniqueness to it.

Pros: Basics.
OK gameplay! The most important factor!
Lighting was sufficient.
Ran fine, no big errors or crashes :)
Nor_speed or fps issues.
Cons: Design, design, design.
Texture usage.... You can only stretch textures so far before they look well....really bad. The texturing on the large crates outside your spawns leaves room for improvement :P
Alignment of brushes. When in game you can see many unaligned surfaces, cracking on some of your angular stuff. This stuff comes from carving and rotating stuff. You can correct many of these issues by practicing Vertex Manipulation and checking for invalid solid structures after each VM attempt. Keep that stuff aligned to the grid for nice looking ramps, holes etc.
Default sky is poopie!
Scaling and dimensions were a little outta control. A barrel 3X the size of a player is kinda silly.
Crates = boring... at least make some unique art or vary their appearance somewhat.
Don't let this score dishearten ya, you have the gameplay basics part down IMHO, you just need to work on aesthetics and brush alignment. You may want to consult 3 really great tutorials here on TWHL, the Dimensions one, and the Vertex Manipulation tutorials.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-28 01:41:12 UTC in vault item: de_stack_v2 Comment #9992
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 19:46:54 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9990
u have to jump off the end platform to get there... heres the movie i made of how to get to the secret room:;4392805;;/fileinfo.html

the room is dull and boring yes i no but try to find the awp hidden inside of the room (there are teleports to each level at the end)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 18:22:34 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9988
i thought about it, and its a secret! duuh so maybe im not gonna get step by step instructions but a little hint would be nice?
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 18:20:13 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9987
How do you find the secret room?. tried going to the left and to the right, no luck but i like the messages though :P, pls help
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 06:21:14 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #9986
Um, i kind of got some problems with it, just alot of vis problems, i could see through doors many times so i knew where to go and what was behind them and i kept running into stuff when i couldent see it
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 03:13:09 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9985
Take a look at this map ( ). I believe this was done in three days.

And this was his very first Source map.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 03:07:57 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9984
Quoting the mapper: i didnt use any lighting for the following reason: is a glass map which tends to be laggish...

It's such irony. Because with some lighting, the compiler would run VRAD, and therefore improve performance. I don't care that it's a glass map or not, having lighting ALWAYS improves performance and boosts framerates.

You have been mapping for a year, and this is what you came up with? You need to try harder. Just look around the vault for some of other mappers works. Kasperg can whip out a map in two days, yet it looks utterly amazing.

I am sorry to say this, but if this map blew your clan's mind, they must not have seen too many custom maps.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-27 03:00:30 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #9983
Please note that this map now has 32 spawn points instead of the original 8. After multiple complaints, I added more spawns to accommodate a larger server.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-26 19:38:12 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9982
Normally people would say "nice job for your first map" but..., well I don't want to sound like a broken record. My opinion lies with everyone else's.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-26 19:03:29 UTC in vault item: Problem with Lights Comment #9981
Doesn't solve the problem, nublit. It's more an issue of lightmap scales, the wall blocks light already, there's just that blending between light and dark that takes a little too much space.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-26 07:32:33 UTC in vault item: Black Mesa work area B-105 Comment #9980
Hmmm yea i could, That gives me an idea, i could give my pre-disaster labs map a bit of a make over with some extra stuff join it with this and then join it with my dead labs map (The enhanced one im making) then ive got an easy map pack :D
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-26 07:16:22 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9979
Pretty good although there are a few flaws. It was too hard for me so I had to put it on low grav just to get though lol.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 22:07:59 UTC in vault item: Problem with Lights Comment #9978
make the walls func_detail or i think its func_brush, make two walls in a diff map and tie each of them to one of those. i think one of those two can completely block out light
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 21:58:10 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9977
First off, i spend 2 days on this, of which was about 4 hours of those 2 days. So this map wasnt a best of work. Secondly, I didnt use any lighting because its a glass map AND GLASS MAPS TEND TO LAG SOME!
Thirdly, i did use bad textures for the walls and floor. The checkered glass floor was the only two textures that were same EXACT texture but with different colors, so i used that. I will admit this isnt a great map but it is finished and dosnt belong in the unfinished section.
Fourthly, you'll is a word, it is short for "you will".
Fifthly, im sorry if me submitting a full-bright map pissed you off, that won't happen again :)
sixly(if thats even a word), this DEFINANTLY isnt my first map, it sucks, yes i know.
Other things to know are that i said it should be fun because the first version blew my clan member's minds. I thought this was enough but i found on that its better the make a glass pit map with circular pits :-/
I wish i could submit the first version but it will crash your server. I dont know why, its some weird voodoo reason i cant fix or even figure out. It just crashes the server and it dosnt work.
PS: first to post reply, i figured out what you meant by "change the map tag". It was set to 1.6 instead of source. Sorry for any inconveniance. If you downloaded the map, good for you. If you didnt, thats ok, im used to not having anyone like my maps.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 19:47:25 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #9976
Yeah, isn't that so convenient.

I spent quite a bit of time coming up with interesting architecture already. I can't be an artist/sculpture also. Nevertheless, I thought those modern sculptures in the back rooms are quite pretty.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:42:53 UTC in vault item: de_geared Comment #9975
Download no workie :(
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:42:37 UTC in vault item: de_scorched Comment #9974
Download no workie :(
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:39:51 UTC in vault item: fy_warehouse_riot Comment #9972
Download no workie
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 15:42:58 UTC in vault item: Realtime Clock - With Ticking Comment #9971
Alex, nice man! I tried something like this once and gave up tweaking the time values, you are one patient dude :)

I wanted to use something like this but bigger for a map with "Big Ben" in it :P Great work!
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 15:41:56 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #9970
Alright, due to one of the strangest bugs I've ever come across, I had to rethink and recompile my the map. This bug is a little hard to explain so...I wont explain it. If you want the fixed (ending) version of the map, please download it again. Thank you and sorry for any problems.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-25 15:34:30 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #9969
as an alternative to making the 1x func_wall on the pipes where they intersect a brush, you can use clipping and VM to make nice, happy shapes for vis instead. An experienced mapper can see the 1x func wall shortcuts, even with zoner's opacity settings. I think there is a VM tutorial here somewhere if you need it.

OMG by all means run vis. vis is what helps break down your map polygons into bits and pieces, triangles specifically for the engine to comprehend in game. By not doing this, you are basically rendering your entire map from any point of view in game....very bad, will kill FPS and make your map undesirable. If you can't run vis, check for leaks, take your time and use tight brushes and VM for angled stuff and clipped stuff. Bottom line... one leak, a simple 1x pixel somewhere is bad...bad
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 20:17:35 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9967
It's for the fact that it's already running on servers that I leave this map in the Finished section, but maps of this quality belong in the Unfinished Maps vault.

No lighting for performance reasons? Read up on optimization, unlit maps may play nice but in mapper communities, they're frowned upon and really, you're abandoning technology that makes it not only look better, but also outlines the shapes in a map better making it easier to navigate.
It may be a tendency in current CSS communities, but such maps look horrible. Even spending a little more time and effort on them would make them look fair.

A good article about optimization can be found here:
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 17:07:56 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9966
im sorry but seriously, this. is. bad.

Really, work harder. A LOT harder. dont just cover up your leaks, fix them! and your working with one of the most powerful engines in gaming history! USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!

Align your textures, get scale, choose textures more carefully, add arcitecture and please PLEASE PLEEASE! dont submit fullbright maps.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 16:22:46 UTC in vault item: surf_hawk_b08 Comment #9965
Not bad.. The architecture and texturing could use more work, although the surfs were ok.. And that's the most important thing in surf maps.. :)
Nice work.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 13:19:57 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #9964
I really liked it.
Puzzle1 wasn't hard, took me bout 3respawns to get it right.
Puzzle2 was the hardest. although you could easily cheat it, by jumping on the metal support for the hammers, or by walking on the very edge of the catwalk. I didn't manage to do it in any other way.. Took me bout 6-8 respawns.
Puzzle3 was really easy. Took me only 1 respawn :D
Puzzle4 was ok, took me bout 3 respawns to do it right.
The lazer puzzle could have been quite hard, imo. But the lazers didn't hurt me, so it was useless.
And the leap of faith was really an interesting idea.

Great work! I'm lookin forward to more arenas! :D
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 13:04:06 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Revenge Comment #9963
Quite nice. It was really much like Torture that alien..
And some of the traps were stolen, but if it's a first map - then it's really great. The hammer was very nice. You could have made a locked door, showing the player, how he got there.
Anywho - great first one. :)
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 12:03:12 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #9962
Gameplay is definately more important than texturing, and I loved this map's gameplay.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 12:01:16 UTC in vault item: surf_hawk_b08 Comment #9961
Actually,in surf maps your better off making like a desert, not cliffs, which would bump the player as they surf.
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 03:32:14 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9960
is it a first map? if so its just like evetyone elses first map - so who cares!? You'll (is that spelt right?) get better
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 03:09:21 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #9959
It was okay. I get easily frusterated so it took me several tries to do the first, second, and fourth puzzles. Personally I found the Barnacle Maze the easiest because I was able to slide around slowly.

On the "Leap of Faith" I actually thought I had to jump all that distance. =D
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-24 00:51:21 UTC in vault item: surf_water-run2 Comment #9958
lol u just need to surf more and ull eventually get the hang of it... and the free health was a func_door 96 units off the ground with an angle down and dmg target -9999 and it was triggered by a trigger_multiple
Commented 18 years ago2005-11-23 22:45:32 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #9957
I liked it!

So... All the artwork is stolen so you don't have to map it?