
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-28 04:11:31 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100320
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Commented 6 years ago2017-12-28 00:00:19 UTC in journal: #8894 Comment #66236
Poor those social connections if they required smoking or drinking.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-27 18:16:45 UTC in journal: #8894 Comment #66233
in some countries smoking is necessary to build social connections as part of work or social bonding, like drinking. I think environment is a huge factor and it is your responsibiility to avoid smoking-inducing environments as much as possible (if smoking isnt ubiquitous in your country), you clearly said you relapsed due to seeing smoking coworkers. I could tell you the story of how my grandpa quit but it definitely has to do with manipulating your environment. This applies when you have already resolved to quit (unlike some other people who dont even want to quit and denies the dangers of it)
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-26 04:19:37 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100319
There is something wrong Peguinboy...

can´t see map of the month :( do you hate me ?

I mean...2012 was my year :D
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-25 06:16:53 UTC in journal: #8894 Comment #66235
It´s all in the strength of character. If you decide against something - that´s that, you will follow trough no matter how hard it is.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-25 05:52:32 UTC in journal: #8894 Comment #66234
Also I don't know if anybody else struggles with any form of addiction but I'll leave this here: My anecdotal advice for dealing with addiction is that it has less to do with succeeding or victories than it does to do with simply not giving up.
When I quit smoking over a year ago I wasn't really actually trying to quit, it just naturally happened as I found something that got along with me better.
And when I quit nicotine entirely (even if only for two months), that too wasn't a 'desperate' attempt, it was just an open minded attempt which could go either way.

Perhaps for some people it may help to count the days and celebrate their small victories, but in my experience when you place a large amount of emotional investment in either direction, it will bounce in the opposite if it doesn't work out the way you want.
So the exhilarating victories quickly turn into crushing disappointments when (not if) you relapse which is a natural step in dealing with addiction, which then turns into depression and loss of hope and less chance of the ultimate victory (quitting forever).

For me I wouldn't have quit smoking or nicotine entirely if I wasn't open minded about the possibility of relapsing into it again. If I relapse, then I will learn what I can from it, and hope that I will go into the next attempt with a different approach. Maybe it's better, maybe it's not.
But I didn't beat myself up for failing to quit just because I started again, because I knew it would just bury me deeper into it.
Just gotta try again. And again, and again and again and again.
Even if I never end up winning entirely, certainly sporadic periods of abstinence is still a victory as I've gotton less of the thing I didn't want. And that alone seems worth the effort to me.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-25 04:02:59 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100318
Good stuff, but it needs more orange, and I don't mean the fruit.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-24 18:34:51 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100317
I think the new design is a bit too homogeneous. Also the navigation seems a bit scarce.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-24 10:13:40 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100316
Can you give it another try? I just made the error messages red again so they might be more clear but double-check after clicking the button to see if you get any error messages. If it's still no good I'll work it through with you at some point to see what the issue is.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-24 06:12:29 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100315
Same case. Whatever is stopping it is not obvious (to me). I’ve tried using different passwords and emails. It all seems to have no effect and yet keeps forcing any navigation back to it.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-24 04:58:26 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100314
Have you ensured your email address is the same case in both fields? I found out the hard way that the field was case sensitive, so if you type yours with upper case letters and it's stored as lower case only in the database it'll keep locking you out because the first one auto-fills.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-24 03:03:34 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100313
Trying to log in seems to be getting me stuck on the "/auth/convert" page. Filling out the fields as requested and hitting continue seems to just reload the page to no effect.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-23 15:52:58 UTC in vault item: Intake Comment #21169
It's an INTAKE of an OUTTAKE!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-23 14:01:25 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53032
Just a heads up, if you want to use the <game>_addon folder to seperate custom content from default content, you have to enable "Allow custom addon content" in the video options of the game you are playing.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:37:55 UTC in vault item: cs_big_city Comment #21168
A couple of enhancements (though you messed up the water feature in a different way), though largely still the same big ol' city. I'd like to see you reattempt this map now.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:34:13 UTC in vault item: Castle Comment #21167
Hey, Ant? This isn't terrible. Excluding the fact this isn't finished, my main issue is that this castle is actually an elaborate cupboard.
But, really. Test your own maps.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:32:36 UTC in vault item: jax_marioworld Comment #21166
That Mario is in the ground! This invokes SM64, but certainly doesn't evoke it. This is a hollow shell of Mario candy coating with no chocolate inside. Oh, and it looks terrible.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:30:13 UTC in vault item: de_chasm Comment #21165
This is a fairly simple map in its design, but I think I quite like it. Nicely laid out, atmospheric sounds, and that pipe! If it plays well (and I can't test that), this is a pretty well-made map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:28:26 UTC in vault item: Leak (ns_below) (Natural Selection) Comment #21164
Your problem is a one-star problem. Why is this rateable?
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:27:36 UTC in vault item: Null Textures 1 Comment #21163
This belongs in a thread, not in the map vault.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:26:58 UTC in vault item: de_deep1 Comment #21162
This is... almost cool. There's some good mapping in here, but invisible walls, unremarkable hallways and lack of direction make the taste sour.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:25:52 UTC in vault item: jax_assaultworld Comment #21161
Maybe make your own map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:25:10 UTC in vault item: jax_twhlxmas (A Tribute to TWHL) Comment #21160
I shot a snowman and it bled. If it weren't for the "TWHL" scrawled on the wall (and the readme), this would not be notable as a TWHL tribute map at all. There's a floating, non-opaque sprite hovering in the air, the hostages can't be reached and you wouldn't want to if you could, and much of the details were very obviously scratch jobs in Wally (or paint).
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:22:48 UTC in vault item: Boxed in hell! Comment #21159
The wall was missing. There's also some straight up odd design choices, from oddly emphasizing lights to not-quite-two-way paths. In general, just another of many boxes in which Half-Life stuff happens. Not really remarkable when put that way.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:21:02 UTC in vault item: Kotiteollisuus Comment #21158
This is an odd one. Pretty well mapped, in general. A neat little romp through Half-Life stuff. Shame there was no plot to it at all, and had a cop-out ending. Would be a lot easier to recommend otherwise.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:19:35 UTC in vault item: cs_facility_k Comment #21157
It's hard to suggest things to improve about a map when you CAN'T SEE IT
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:19:02 UTC in vault item: JN_CBricks Comment #21156
Aaand a step down. Dark box rooms aren't fun. Controversial, I know.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:18:30 UTC in vault item: JN_CBuildings Comment #21155
Certainly a step up from your last map, though still awfully simple. Getting better.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:17:58 UTC in vault item: JN_DustG Comment #21154
This has first map written all over it. What more can one say?
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:15:50 UTC in vault item: cs_ClseQ Comment #21153
Dude, it is! It's also claustrophobic, incredibly easy to get lost in, unimaginatively textured and... well, that's about it. This map is in desperate need of some landmarks and some variation in the textures.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:14:13 UTC in vault item: Balin's Tomb By Cpl.1nsane Comment #21152
I quite liked this, but it was almost just an interactive version of that screenshot above. If all of a sudden no-one could play this map, I could relate that it was just that except you run around in that room.
Still, a very nice reproduction of that particular area. Though you disappointed me that nothing happened when you jump down the hole.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:12:25 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #21151
My problem with this is that I don't know how much of this was the map itself being funny or of it was just the lines that you poured into it. I had the odd chuckle here and there, but those actors sure did die easily.
Still, was mapped pretty well on the whole, so can't complain too much.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:10:14 UTC in vault item: a01&a02 Comment #21150
This looks pretty neat, insofar as a mess of missing textures in a editor can look neat. I kinda wish you'd kept this going.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:09:07 UTC in vault item: cs_mountain Comment #21149
I don't know how you possibly cocked this map up so badly. Why was the maximum view distance five feet in front of you? That's not something the average newbie messes up. The average newbie wouldn't even know how to change that. Then there's the ghost lights, the glass cube elevator, the pitch black rooms and a complete disregard for the grid and its snapping capabilities.
Maybe look at some more of those tutorials.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:06:37 UTC in vault item: de_Vigo Comment #21148
I don't even know what you were trying to do.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:06:01 UTC in vault item: big_city Comment #21147
Not bad for a firsty. You went and used ambience and lighting and seemed to give a good thought to layout. There's the odd issue I'm surprised you didn't try and fix even back then, like the stationary water feature and some odd indoor detailing. But even as is, I could see this being a fun basharound in HLDM.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:02:55 UTC in vault item: Crash and stuck Comment #21146
Them's sure are planes. I wonder what you were doing with them.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:02:05 UTC in vault item: Roskakyla Comment #21145
Overall, this map is pretty nicely detailed, but there's the odd area which rubs it all the wrong way. Like the garage-y area. It looks like a whole different (much worse) map. The outside is largely pretty good-looking, but it's a shame you weren't more consistent.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 10:00:26 UTC in vault item: cs_deagle2k Comment #21144
Well, you forgot every wad. Either way, I can't condone this kind of room-with-crates-in style of map.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:59:35 UTC in vault item: De_Putkisto Comment #21143
This is one hell of a basic map. I wouldn't want to play it, but I'm curious how a four-roomed square map plays.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:58:49 UTC in vault item: The Box - Too long compiling Comment #21142
I'd like to see what became of this, but that link no longer works and I doubt anyone is reviving it. Hard to tell quality from this snippet.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:58:01 UTC in vault item: de_MikkiHiiri_Rakennustyomaa Comment #21141
I does indeed work fine, but the fullbrightness and rubbish layout make me never want to look at it. Why'd you hide the one good-looking detail in a room you'd never go in?
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:57:09 UTC in vault item: jax_breakable Comment #21140
I don't know about the fun gameplay part, but crap visuals? That I can get behind.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:56:32 UTC in vault item: cs_ties Comment #21139
Nothing much to be said about this. Pretty good if indeed a first map, but nothing outstanding otherwise.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:55:47 UTC in vault item: ministeve: The Beginning Comment #21138
It sure is your first ever map! There's definitely a charm about maps like these, where good mapping practices were ignored in favour of getting anything at all to work. And each thing learned felt like a success, so naturally successes were strung together into an impractical series of boxes.
Let's face it. Not a good map. But a flash into every mappers' memory lanes.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:52:22 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver2 Comment #21137
You've made some nice improvements in this version (though the ending doesn't make sense in a different way now). A little more meat to the gameplay, and a few errors fixed up. Still the odd design choice here and there, but much stronger overall.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:51:10 UTC in vault item: Dream1 Comment #21136
Some spelling errors right off the bat. This wasn't all that bad, but lacked any real coherence to it. (Which may work as a dream, but doesn't work that well from a gameplay/story perspective.) That ending felt like you gave up, frankly.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:49:34 UTC in vault item: Underneath Comment #21135
Interesting concept, but terribly short (unless something broke). Shame it didn't go further with it!
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:48:52 UTC in vault item: Dizzy_Killbox Comment #21134
I'm not a big fan of this... style.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-17 09:48:14 UTC in vault item: ctf_fallen Comment #21133
Find your own leaks! Seems like a nice little map if you ever did finish this. Not sure about that underground passage though. Seems a weird spot for a detour.