
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:28:48 UTC in vault item: de_dolls Comment #4924
Well, the tampon idea is "interesting" to say the least. I did put a barbie car in it for a while but the map's too small for vehicles really, the barbie car just got trapped under things or into a tight corner.

The jump pad idea is good, how could i impliment it? lots of trigger_push's maybe?

I'll definatly put some frilly knickers coming out of the drawer. Just a simple sprite will do. Thanks again xx
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:24:00 UTC in vault item: de_dolls Comment #4923
Use the ZHLT Light Flags option in teh func_wall entity, you can set the func_walls to Opaque, ie; they create a shadow, but don't split faces.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:21:59 UTC in vault item: de_dolls Comment #4922
Ideas for novelty items:

The fan could push people off the edge of the table, into a waste paper basket? Maybe =P

The bra/panties thing. Seriously, how many kids under 16 are there that play CS, any hint of the 'forbidden fruit' and your map will sell like hot cakes.

I know this sounds sick, but bear with me:
A box of Tampons, you could right, I know this sounds sick, tie the tampons to func_vehicles and have people ride around on them.
I'm not joking either lol, I don't know which is worse :D

If teh bed isn't a major part, or even if it is, have it set up like the jump-pads in Half-Life, so it looks, and feels, liek you're jumping up and down on teh bed.

I'll post more if you want/need any ideas.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:16:05 UTC in vault item: Fire Arena Comment #4921
You sound like you havwe a good concept of level design, try and put more of that focus into making the map look alot better, get some detail in tehre, perhaps use different textres.

It looks like that map is running in fullbright
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:14:02 UTC in vault item: de_dolls Comment #4920
The mirror's a func_breakable, it explodes when the bomb goes off. Most of the things on the floor are either func_walls or 1 unit off the ground (have a look using gl_wireframe)

if i make the books func_walls the shadows look all crazy and that makes cunning cry.

Thanks for your encouragement, always a good ego massage o/
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 09:09:38 UTC in vault item: de_dolls Comment #4919
Well, there's some really nice detail in there, perhaps you could func_wall alot of that shizzle,like the mirror and the drawers, and all that stuff on the shelf.

And just clip all things that touch the ground at one unit above the floor level, and func_wall that one unit piece.

On the whole it actually looks really good, teh best ratsmap I've seen for a long time, and that's a compliment coming from me, I tend to relieve myself over rats maps (and by relieve I don't mean anything pleasurable).

Nice theme, could you perhaps put in some panties?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 02:05:49 UTC in vault item: de_space Comment #4918
Oh I forgot another negative thing for you to fix:

There are lights coming out of nowhere. Light fixtures would do well, and perhaps learn how to use texture lighting instead of using point lights (entity lights)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 02:04:46 UTC in vault item: de_space Comment #4917
Had a look at the rmf, and here is what I think.

+Lighting looks nice
+Decent Architecture
-Texture alignment. If you are going to make things go downhill, make sure the texture lines up with the one going straight.
-Layout. So far it looks like it lacks layout. Something needs to be connected from the bombsite, so it isn't a dead end. Think about it. All good DE_ maps have about three different ways of getting into the bombsite.

Hope it helps. As it is now, 2/5 stars.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 02:00:32 UTC in vault item: de_space Comment #4916
Screenie looks good. Include the BSP for us to play it without compiling.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 01:59:18 UTC in vault item: SubCompo2 - Hotel Rm Half-Life Comment #4915
Is this your final entry that you want judged?

I wanna know. If it isn't, I won't download it yet.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 00:14:01 UTC in vault item: m3_arena Comment #4914
Any EcM members coming here to see if i am a mapper . well there you go!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-04 00:12:47 UTC in vault item: m3_arena Comment #4913
Well i have fixed the teleporters i am yet to upload over this but it should be soon. Oh and i don't give a fuc about what you think about voting its about the map. Stay on topic please.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 21:13:12 UTC in vault item: hlnewend Comment #4912
well, I'll see that, I mean, I'll try to fix that ''square trouble''. I knew that the architecture was very poor in the part of the office (not the lab), and I was wondering if I could put some columns, or make some detailed wall. Give me some ideas, I don't really want to go to the VERC, it's damn boring. Hammerboy
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 21:02:21 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4911
Heh... forgot to zip it. It was the .rmf. Here it is PROPERLY zipped.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 19:38:28 UTC in vault item: Slime removal problem Comment #4910
The button that works the slime has a value = 1 in it's health property. Make it 0 and the button will work when you push it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 17:01:49 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4909
hey man. i would love to check out the map u made, but theres nothing in the zip file.. conspiracy Er.. try uploading it again?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 16:59:56 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4908
Yes i know the player starts. thats why there are so many.. btw.. how do you rate my trucks? lol
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 13:43:24 UTC in vault item: Magurele Comment #4906
If u didn't saw this is a basement, it has to be from brick!
A tip: is to small for 32 players!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 10:54:21 UTC in vault item: BrainF*** Comment #4905
LOL! This map is really really funny ! :D
Good idea u got there.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 09:00:46 UTC in vault item: Graveyard v0.2 Comment #4904
Another good influence you might want to look into are these films. Search in google for 'Phantasm' and also you might want to look at 'Night of the Living Dead' (since it starts with a cool looking cemetry. In Phantasm theres another cool graveyard complete with big crematorium and morgue. I always wanted to map that place.. ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 08:37:18 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4903
Really? I just thought I was a pretty intelligent guy, intelligent enough to land a job where I can spend 90% of my day surfing teh web...

Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 06:48:27 UTC in vault item: 2kill Comment #4902
dunno if its works now but i did not use any custom textures
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 04:18:10 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4901
Rad Brad, for CS info_player_starts are CT starts and info_player_deathmatchs are T starts.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 03:11:54 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4900
1. You only need one info_player_start for a multiplayer game. All the other spawns are info_player_deathmatch. Not sure what CS calls them as I've never mapped for CS.

2. Anywhere you have a texture who's name starts with a brace "{", you need to make that an entity. A func_wall or similar and set the rendermode "solid"/ FX amount 255. That will tell the game to make the blue invisible.

3. All of your func_ladders need to be textured with AAATrigger. The texture of the ladder (and the netting) need to be func_wall/ rendermode "solid"/ FX amount 255. So in front of your climbable textures, place a second brush with AAATrigger on it and make THAT the func_ladder.

4. In the Map dropdown menu, go to Map Properties and change the "Max viewable distance" setting from 4096 to, say, 8192. This will help the lag a bit. It'll help stop the "Hall of Mirrors" effect you get when things are too far away. Also in this Map Properties pallet, add the name of a sky texture... look in your Mod/gfx/env for choices or look in the sky tutorial for the stock names.

5. Stay away from making brushes 1 pixel wide. Don't hesitate to make them 32 or even 64 wide. Look down on the bottom of Hammer and you'll see the size for any selected brush shown as w x l x h. And don't interlock the corners of brushes. This creates "fractures" in the vis compile. Lap the corners as if they were actual 2"x4" boards. Picture a square made with four boards... two opposing sides are longer than the two other sides.

6. You are able to view across 6391 units, if you run from an upper corner to a lower, opposite corner. WAY too much. Try to block your large area off in such ways that you cannot see straight across. Even leaving a 1 unit space between the ground and an object makes the game engine calculate the entire distance across. And VIS does not see entities... For you, that means that func_ANYTHING doesn't stop the engine.

Instead of running around the entire building, you could have four separate "rooms" for each side of the building. The roof could be included in one of those sides.z

7. The large textures on the border "walls" are set 1:1 ratio, meaning they are not scaled different than the original size. You can bump them up to 2:1 with the texture application tool (shift+A). This takes some of the burden off the game engine because it doesn't need to draw that texture as much. If it takes 8 napkins to cover a picnic table (2 x 4), and you get napkins twice as big, it only takes TWO (!!!) to cover it the same amount. Since it's twice as big BOTH directions.

In the example map I've uploaded, notice how I made the ladder, notice how I blocked the veiw "Up" from above the ladder, and notice the texture on the floor. Inside the green border, the texture is 1:1. Outside, the same texture is 2:1. It doesn't look much different, but it's much easier on the engine.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-03 02:11:18 UTC in vault item: Graveyard v0.2 Comment #4899
Ta Jahzel. You know I respect you quite a bit, so your opinion of the map can influence the map quite a bit.

I was going to put in some models, but it would look weird for WON users because of the transparency dlls.

Unless there is tree models which don't need transparency :D

I'll see what I can do, I'll make a decision some time soon about whether to use tree models.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 19:30:05 UTC in vault item: Warehouse Firefight Comment #4898
Thanks for playin it and for the comments you guys :). Anyone else?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 18:37:18 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4897
Ok I got rid of 80 percent of the skyboxes, i put in some REALLY generic storefronts/buildings and i extended the road so that it looks its off the street (you cant get in there) Lag is down a lot but its still is noticble. Maybe its my computer , i dont know.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 17:56:13 UTC in vault item: Warehouse Firefight Comment #4896
Kool Map! Nice Playability and details. Fun too.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 17:47:05 UTC in vault item: 2kill Comment #4895
well you seem to have not included a custom wad de_aztec3. It gives an error. Re-upload your file.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 16:44:36 UTC in vault item: Tower Comment #4894
lets have sex.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 13:12:57 UTC in vault item: 2kill Comment #4893
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 13:00:19 UTC in vault item: l1p1a Comment #4892
damm the tut then.the in the beginning tuts tell you to use path_corners and they don`t work for me.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 11:50:44 UTC in vault item: Graveyard v0.2 Comment #4891
Whoops I forgot, you cant quote in the MV, oh well, I hope he got the message.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 11:50:14 UTC in vault item: Graveyard v0.2 Comment #4890
sorry buddy, that was my honest review
Yeah, shows what a fabulous personality you got there..
instead of getting upset, maybe you should only let your friends see it.
What you mean all the rest of the TWHL members apart from you Anonymous? Get out of here, ass ape.
you've been following me around and insulting me. now that's no way to behave...
No, it's more like you constantly following others and harassing them - no wonder you're getting insulted. Learn a lesson, goober.
Anyway, enough of the bullshit, I thought your map is an excellent start. I like the atmosphere, great textures too.

Maybe you should extend the graveyard and add lots of trees. I for a fact you can get tree models in the Snarkpit (instead of mapping them). The blacked-out areas should go in deeper perhaps, or lead to other regions.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 11:41:12 UTC in vault item: FY_Snow2_CZ Comment #4889
Heh looks like that hous from Father Ted
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 11:00:07 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4888
:-P my mistake. that previous map was the smaller, sucky one. The one i am currently having problems with is up now.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 05:04:30 UTC in vault item: FY_Snow2_CZ Comment #4887
really nice. Did'nt had any problems. But a little more increase in overall lighting would help a lot. Anyways good work.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 03:10:16 UTC in vault item: Warehouse Firefight Comment #4886
Very enjoyable map to play. Well done.

4.5 stars. (I'll rate it 5 once and 4 once, so it's 9/10)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 02:56:01 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4885
I've touched it up a bit so you could see about boxing things in... the layout isn't really great for what you're trying. I added skyboxes, though it's still quite a bit much. The long road area is too long for vis to function correctly. I placed a BIG block, but it would take more than that to effectively block vis. Gotta block it from top to bottom as well as side to side. I changed a door from a func_door back to a solid, just for compiling purposes. I also added some details to help close a player off to the areas you want them. And I added a few lights, since there weren't any. They are just so you'll be able to see your way around. I chose "night" for a sky, as I needed to put a light_environment in it for the sky textures to work.

Good luck!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-02 02:54:44 UTC in vault item: hlnewend Comment #4884
The xen part isn't bad, the lab parts are very boxy and square in terms of architecture. had a nice style guide on the 'lab' levels, maybe that will give you some ideas on how to improve your architecture?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 22:33:33 UTC in vault item: cs_skool Comment #4883
Well, pretty easy to find the problem. Take away that massive crete-textured skybox, and only enclose where you need to.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 21:46:35 UTC in vault item: Graveyard v0.2 Comment #4882
Well.... My point was that you'd say negative comments, and they wouldn't explain whats wrong with them.

Also, most others said the things you put as negatives were great. For example, most people like the basement. Another example: People saying that killing the zombies was great fun, not "old".

How can wreckage look generic? And undetailed? Its a fucking flat roof, the wreckage is going to be fucking flat as well.

Too contrived? Wtf else do you see in a pub basement? Columns, pipes, vents, and those wine holder things.

Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 20:48:38 UTC in vault item: Warehouse Firefight Comment #4881
Thanks for the good review and score. I need to get my scripts working better to improve gameplay I think. And I have more entities to add still. How did you try to get out of computer room in warehouse?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 20:20:57 UTC in vault item: Warehouse Firefight Comment #4880
It's not bad, you have a good eye for detail, like the entry gate, and the computers.

However, gameplay was ok, though your path out of the building didn't work for me and I had to noclip. Maybe make it so you have to go out the window instead?
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 18:25:23 UTC in vault item: hlnewend Comment #4879
Well, I think now it's all arranged. Yes, I've messed up everything, but now it would work, you only have to put the fucking WAD's in your hlvalve directory and now yes, THAT'S IT!!!!!!!! And the screenshot is not from the game, Rabid...!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 15:18:46 UTC in vault item: jxmap Comment #4878
davido its really sad u drop on other ppl's maps. tis his first map so of course it aint the best :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 13:41:54 UTC in vault item: hi_training (for Hostile Intent) Comment #4877
That's a Hammer screenshot btw.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 13:41:21 UTC in vault item: hi_training (for Hostile Intent) Comment #4876
I mean, it looks open*
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 13:39:31 UTC in vault item: r_speed problem & bad surface error (Esp) Comment #4875
Press Alt+P to look for bad textures etc.

And you just have one big detailed open map, with windows.

Look at soem tutorials about how HL works.
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-01 13:34:49 UTC in vault item: Magurele Comment #4874
Holy shit.

A tip:

Texturing walls, floors, ceilings, doors, carpets, furniture, all with the same texture leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, and a gap in my brain thnx to the 7iq points I lost after looking at this map.

A tip:

Try and give your maps 32 spawn points. You never know who will run them on their server...