
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 10:44:43 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4820
I hate jaardsi tech. It sucks.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 08:41:07 UTC in vault item: as_sewage Comment #4819
Your map is in serious need of architecture.

Go here: , it will help you find ways to make your map more interesting.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 08:18:01 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #4818
My map has made it into Svencoop's Best of map showcase that means it has a good chance of getting into the next version :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 07:31:16 UTC in vault item: hi_training (for Hostile Intent) Comment #4817
It's far too open...barracks rooms should be more cramped. And I think the bed covers would be green, not brown. Use some opfor textures, and check out opfor's boot camp.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 06:52:51 UTC in vault item: as_sewage Comment #4816
Please, this map is sooo badly textured. Although architecture is awsome... NOT! It's teh ugly! :P

Please, go buy some tutorials from the local Tutorials Shop and go home, put it in your DVD/VCR player and start practicing those mapping skills.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 06:44:18 UTC in vault item: aim_teamwave Comment #4815
too normal
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 06:22:45 UTC in vault item: l1p1a Comment #4814
(Allow uploads:) and you can have help from me I have do some work on your map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 05:08:19 UTC in vault item: he_waterway Comment #4813
pretty rubbish
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 05:01:50 UTC in vault item: Can You Live? Comment #4812
This things Not a map
just a box, i can make it < 1 min
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 04:55:08 UTC in vault item: cs_uber_militia Comment #4811
oh copier i hate!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-30 04:06:34 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4810
Jaardsi's tech. is low poly, this is a poly munching method, for various uses.

You know nothing. Retard.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 22:53:11 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #4808
Agreed :( incy cries
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 22:30:36 UTC in vault item: dpb_bootcamp (for Digital Paintball) Comment #4807
I don't play DPB, otherwise I'd test this.

Looks good from the screenshot.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 20:03:16 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4806
SORRY WCD!!!!! Send me the map to my e-mail ( I suppose the file is corrupted!!!!!
I get a 220 kb file!!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 19:56:27 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4805
This map is real hot stuff! It would never cross my mind to make anything like this! Well, I'm new in this bullshit of mapping and modding, and I've got some experience in this, so I can't really qualificate a map as good or bad... but for me is really good. Contine WCD!!!!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 18:39:57 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4804
aww, poor dumb angry assclown needs attention cause in "real life" he gets pissed on. how funny :D

i'll give you attention you little puppet-o-mine. lol what's the matter? what happened to your awesome band that you are in where you are always playing gigs, going out, and getting laid?? rofl you sure spend a WHOLE lot of time at this site talking crap and posting gay porn pics, to be so involved in a band... or to have ANY life other than the make believe you talk about here.

just another nobody outed in a forum for being a fat little bald headed old man pretending to be some cool ladies man in a band. lol, yeah, cause so many chicks are into fat, smelly nerds who spend every waking moment trying to impress geeks at a half-life forum with pics of man arse.

lol i love watching you self-destruct like that... and i'll be here to see this site flourish after you're gone with no one remembering anything about the pathetic little speck of shit known as peace of shit... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 18:26:58 UTC in vault item: Subcompo entry Comment #4803
uhh pretty bad... a few blocks, a couple cylinders... texture definition between the monitor, keyboard and speakers is way off. face splitting on the floor, gay PRE-half-life looking lights... in a word total noobishness.

you should have gotten LAST place in this compo... oh wait, you did! ROFL NOOB :D

glad you got the recognition you deserve haha
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 18:15:27 UTC in vault item: hi_training (for Hostile Intent) Comment #4802
looks pretty bad with no detail. those lights look awefull too. copying and pasting the same cot and locker into a box with cheesy lights hanging down is nothing great... sorry.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 18:11:44 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4801
nothing new here... just copying other peoples ideas. go figure :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 16:28:18 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #4800
I played this map and loved it. I really liked the theme with the neon and black, very different. The head crab made me jump and the dont go outside the walls was freaky. Sure its not perfect but what is? 5/5
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 15:35:52 UTC in vault item: Office Complex Comment #4799
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 13:39:04 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4798
To reduce the lag, simply lower that sky brush, no need for it to be so high. Lower it so it is just touching the tallest part of those towers.

and no, those brick barricades aren't lagging the map, teh fact that it is very open is lagging the map.

Listen to 7th, and don't keep updating this, try making some singleplayer maps using entities and trying to get the scale right.
You seem to have a good grasp of the "basics" finally, so just refine those skills.

And to Anonymous: Fuck you, I flamed him in the Forums, I'm done here.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 13:33:52 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4797
Triangles, it really is all about triangles.

Experiment, it's hard at first, but try tweaking vertex points and see what you can acheive.

Here's a tip:

Select multiple brushes, all around the single vertex point you want to manipulate.
Select the Vertex Tool, and 'drag' a box around the vertex point, now drag that box around the vertex in a side/top/front view, so a box is surrounding the point, now hit enter, it will select all vertex points within that dragged-box (on brushes that have been highlighted)
You can now cut down the time it takes you to vertex large areas.

To ZL:
Yes, they are high poly, but they can be used in a lot of scenarios, good thing about them is that you can use them as hills/cliff walkways, just retexture the top with a grassy tex and it works a treat.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys rip them apart seeing as a guy on the HI forums wanted 'em.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 13:23:13 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #4796
10 downloads and 22 ratings?

This is better than 2 stars...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 11:25:08 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4795
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 08:01:46 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4794
need help with architecture.How can I make better?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 08:00:19 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4793
I have upgraded this.I have done some work on the lifts.I will not be around to upgrade this for a few days but I might log in from another pc.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 07:37:00 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4792
did you like the damged building?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 07:17:08 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4791
I can fix most of those.not the lag cause it don`t lag with me.By shallow do you mean that building in the left of the pic.If so that is not finished.MY next upgrade will have windows and a damsged light on that building.Mayby if I have time to read the tut there will be some turrets on the fort.The only way the lag might be stoped is to remove the birck barrecade which took time to make
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 07:08:55 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4790
+ Runs
+ Really nice brick barricade thing by the doors
- Lags like hell
- Really boring architecture
- Unrealistic: doors too shallow, floating elevator.

Not all bad though, I can see you're starting to get the hang of entitywork. I'd definitely recommend practising with all the Intermediate tutorials now in single-player maps, just for your own practise. Have a look at the Example Maps in the Map Vault, too.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 06:55:02 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4789
No, 1024KB = 1MB.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 06:23:03 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4788
1000KB = 1MB doesn`t it?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 06:19:14 UTC in vault item: Fort Comment #4787
Ok since i was bored and have had no feedback I have upgraded this map to inclued more objects.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-29 04:33:28 UTC in vault item: l1p1a Comment #4786
How am I surposed to know?If they worked this map would not be here would it?Download it and tell me what i have done wrong.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 21:31:58 UTC in vault item: Detailing HL Textures 2 Comment #4785
Couldn't you just make your detailed walls into func_walls? I mean, that would really do good for wpoly.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 15:59:27 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4784
it looks cool but can you tell me how to make jagged cliffs i know theres a tutorial hear butt it didnt make sense please tell me how
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 15:31:41 UTC in vault item: Poly-munching "cliffs" Comment #4783
looks decent, EATS polies though. I recommend the Jaardsi techniqe for "wall" cliffs.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 12:37:27 UTC in vault item: l1p1a Comment #4782
you set up the entities right?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 10:36:41 UTC in vault item: Office Comment #4780
hello i making a bot for ssh but i need the source code
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 10:17:11 UTC in vault item: l1p1a Comment #4779
When I said no track I meant no track for the train.Theres no train yet
There is a track for the sicentist.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 06:11:52 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #4778

I don't think anyone was truly happy with their pieces, btu we can only get better at making things under pressure and in a short space of time.. so it's gotta be a good thing :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 05:43:15 UTC in vault item: l1p2 to l1p3 Comment #4777
pls could someone tell me what I have done wrong.And send me I artacth a fixed copy.I have spent so much time trying and I need to know how to do it propley soon for another map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 05:20:48 UTC in vault item: Can You Live? Comment #4776
The monster makers are set to like 9999
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 05:20:18 UTC in vault item: Can You Live? Comment #4775
You were surposed to see how long you lived.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 04:43:37 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #4774
yeah, the mouse and the monitor were weakpoints for sure. I wanted to rotate them both to make them look more real. Prolly should have left them straight on. The monitor scale was awful tool. I can't believe I submited it that way, but it was the last part I worked on and was tired of the whole project. Thanks for the compliments and pointers!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-28 03:45:57 UTC in vault item: SubCompo entry Comment #4773
Good solid stuff.
Could do with grouped texlights when you use the switch?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-27 17:07:54 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #4772
It's actually really cool man, I think you shlda won tbh, there was some really cool detail, but a bit of sloppy mapping like that mouse (which was a great idea) had a few misalgined briushed.

On the whole, awesome man :D

Commented 19 years ago2004-10-27 10:16:37 UTC in vault item: Splat_attack_WA Comment #4771
Whut 's thay't?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-27 06:20:46 UTC in vault item: cs_uber_militia Comment #4770
Did you make this?

I saw this map on Countermap over a year ago =/