
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-24 09:32:58 UTC in vault item: Atrium Comment #4713
Great idea.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-24 06:46:47 UTC in vault item: de_nimbus Comment #4712
Quite nice, but a bit of a too-wide-too-low feel in some of the corridors. 3/5.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-24 05:13:26 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4710
Was very fun. Not-at-all-bad architecture on the whole but some dodgy bits. Tht texturing and lighting were a little crude (did you run rad with a very high -chop value?) though.

Not that puzzl-y in my opinion, but four for the fun :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-23 10:23:54 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4708
I must say I loved this map - pure fun.

Pros 'n cons:
+ VG architecture, quite surprisingly
+ Grunt action at its BEST!
+ Monster placement
+ Some puzzling envolved (not much though)

- Confusing puzzles - Ie, you hear Beedonk, but you have no idea what that button just did :
- Texturing - it's quite ugly and can be improved in most of the places.
- just a little too short

A strong 4/5 asterisks for you sir! Keep it up!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 22:35:45 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4707
Some very nice architecture indeed! If it would have been too much bigger the rspeeds would have probably killed it lol.It was great, I thought it was very nicely detailed, but come have some more "museum" touches.
OK, this is going to sound really stupid, but I went around in those 3 rooms forever (start, main, and under the bar things) and couldn't find the exit/fadeout. I even noclipped to find it (to prove how much of an idiot I was) and still didn't find it. Make these things more ovbious!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 22:07:08 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4706
lol u should only put real -'s because when I fist saw that it made it look like a bad map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 21:38:07 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4705
Is this guy some kind of negro? Probably some retard gook with one leg and a small cock.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 21:35:57 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4704
heh ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 16:38:27 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4703
Wow, Peace, you sound like me.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 16:38:21 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4702
+ some nice architecture
+ fun gameplay
+ good use of puzzles :)
+ nice hint with the grunt and the red light
- too short (was fun while it lasted though)
- no victory music at the end :)
- could use more detail imo

good job
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 14:28:15 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4701
hmm... so you're doing what pal said was wrong for me to do. :D

and sorry, idotic childish remarks about penises, gayness, butt holes, balls, mothers, grandfathers, pigs, dogs, etc, will not get me mad... like pal found out.

and also, trapt, i never said anything to you in the past so i dont know why you're acting like i victemized you. looks like you're getting a little big for your breeches lately. :D

and fyi, unless you start acting overtly racist, or start repetedly bullying and flaming helpless noobs, i doubt you will be able to get me to take enough notice of you to tear you a new one too. :D

nice try but... cya :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 12:50:30 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4700
You've reached the end when you exit the musuem, and then everything fades to black.

It's not too long. When I played it, it usually takes me less than five minutes to complete. But of course, I know all the secrets and locations of the grunts.

I would estimate that it should take less than fifteen minutes to go through for a new player.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 10:57:06 UTC in vault item: l1p1 (Level 1 Part 1) Comment #4699
still don`t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 08:16:28 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4698
I am much indebted to Captain P for his generous contribution of ideas and mapping tips. Without his help, this map would be in much poorer quality.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 06:00:20 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4697
It makes perfect sense.

And I chose to get involved here because you were being an idiot, and it was un-needed. In fact, PaLO didn't ask me to help at all.

As I said, There is no need to take out your anger on PaLO, just because you can't get an erect penis. There is medication for that type of thing.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 04:28:30 UTC in vault item: Museum Lockdown Comment #4696
I'll take it for a play tomorrow, I've gotta get to bed.

Looks excellent from the screenshot, a great improvement from the original, from what I can tell. Further comments to follow.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 02:50:55 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4695
me too, look how upset he got when HE gets flamed... too funny :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-22 02:47:06 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4694
"Anonymous, that shows an extreme level of immaturity."

uhh... where have you been? show me where anyone in this argument has acted maturely. this is a very immature argument so why point out one post and say its immature... sorry, doesn't make sense...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 21:45:14 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4693
Anonymous, that shows an extreme level of immaturity.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:54:58 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4691
"no, seriously, I haven't got the time of day for your bullshit anymore"

lol i can see that since you made a long winded argument against me in funz map after you made this one :D lol do you EVER deal in reality... remember your meds now.

"you fucked up when you started to spiral into personal insults and attacks on character"

yeah, i just started acting like you... ironic that you cant take it :D

"you've pissed off alot of people here"

lol sure... no one but one or 2 idiots give a crap about you dude... get real. and i really dont care if i piss off ignorant bullies or racists :D

"Especially now that you've suddenly changed your ways and started trying to be all polite and nice"

huh, what? psst... meds :D

"I on the other hand will continue to "flame" fy maps."

wow i'm proud of you. you should be proud. and don't act like you only flame one kind of map and are justified in doing so. if you want me to, i'll post your uncalled for abusive remarks about PEOPLE you made in several posts... not just about fy maps... idiot :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:42:20 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4690
"I'm glad you've been pre-occupied with me teh last week or two it's good to get the heat off trapt "

lol, thats exactly what i said about you and the noobs... try to be more original... you're pathetic :D

lol and what have i ever said about trapt!?!?

"look at my profile, there's more info on who I am than you;ve had hot meals"

i don't care enough about you to read your profile and see who you pretend to be :D

"I haven't read half thae crap you wrote, so good job on wasting your time, noob."

lol... coppying what i said about you again eh stupid? funz map proves i told you i dont read your excuses for being retarded, and your most recent post there proves you read everything i write about you... ha ha, idiot :D

keep crying for others to help you, i enjoy that everyone can see that you're a coward who cant even fight your own battles... that you started by singling me out first :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:41:59 UTC in vault item: Paper Thin Brushes Comment #4689
(cant help but laugh ;D )
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:32:06 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4688
sorry, dont want to get between you butt buddies :D

lol heeeelp trapt heeeeelp rofl :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 10:11:25 UTC in vault item: as_shelter Comment #4681
GJ slack :)nice architecture, textures and atmosphere, but using those moby's models reminded me of de_civil. 1 thing i dissliked- it's sound when doors opens(closes). besides i noticed that its very popular to create tile floor with few tiles teken off. anyway 5*
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 04:48:38 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4680
"you're scared because you hide behind your p.a.l. guise"

look at my profile, there's more info on who I am than you;ve had hot meals.

the reason you ain't sending private enmails is because I would then have your email address, I owudl much ratehr do this in private, as I won't have to watch my language or reduce teh severity of threats of violence.

You are such a non-memebr it ain't even funny, I'm glad you've been pre-occupied with me teh last week or two, it's good to get the heat off trapt and teh otehrs you were causing shit for.

Also, you're such a boring fucker I haven't read half thae crap you wrote, so good job on wasting your time, noob.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 04:40:09 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4679
no, seriously, I haven't got the time of day for your bullshit anymore, you fucked up when you started to spiral into personal insults and attacks on character (not just me), you've pissed off alot of people here, me being one of them, and I don't bother listening to noobs talk about shit.

Especially now that you've suddenly changed your ways and started trying to be all polite and nice, you stupid fuck lol, if you're so high and mighty, and more importantly if you were right, you wouldn't need to change at all... I on the other hand will continue to "flame" fy maps.

You meanwhile, will stfu and get out of my MV threads.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 04:36:16 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4678
hear hear
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 02:59:41 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4677
Anonymous, If you didn't realise, PaLO was actually taking your comments seriously, until he realised that you let your personal feelings get in the way of the way you saw his map.

There is no need to take out your anger on PaLO, just because you can't get an erect penis.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 02:06:00 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4676
"I didn't even read it"

lol sure... thats like when you get kicked in the nuts and say "that didn't hurt!"

you were PWNED!!!! :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 01:59:55 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4675
"lose what?"

well, you started a fight with me, then i made you quit... pretty open and shut loss dude... :D

oh and just incase you try another one of your unfounded arguments and say i started this, take a look at funz map again and see who singled who out 1st... thats right :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 01:56:45 UTC in vault item: My first map Comment #4674
kool! The cannons were pretty boss. Nice!
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-21 01:56:28 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4673
"I'm not the child on the internet trying to do a mods job, because you're desperately searching for attention, in any way you can get it"

lol yeah... i'm trying to get attention, that's why i said for us to fight in here instead of out in the forums... what a genius you are :D

"No-one talks to you because you're full of shit.. "

lol no one talks to me? sorry, but i don't come here because i'm lonely for someone to talk to... and i try to be involved in SO many conversations :D

"hiding behind an Anonymous guise"

uh... that's my nick. lol you're scared because you hide behind your p.a.l. guise :D

"If you really wanted to change things you'd do it in teh open liek a man"

what do i want to change? i saw you behaving like an a-hole so i started treating you like one. and i still don't get this "in the open" thing. i'm not sending you private emails... anyone can read this.

you really make VERY little sense...
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:30:47 UTC in vault item: r_speed problem & bad surface error (Esp) Comment #4669
I havent donwloaded this but if you are using a light_environment you can lower r_speeds and get rid of the possibility of max patches error by using light_spots. As for bad surface error, ok in your map where you might have shrunken textures below 0.1 or stretched above 10.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:26:54 UTC in vault item: as_shelter Comment #4668
Its good to see an AS_ map every once in a while.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 17:33:29 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4667
"you're hiding behind a mask"

lol who's hiding? i'm right here :D

"hurl allegations of insanity at people"

if the shoe fits... :D
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 06:20:12 UTC in vault item: Hacking Comment #4666
Cool map! Nicely done
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:15:31 UTC in vault item: Aim Map example (plus goodies) Comment #4665
hahaha, I'm not the child on the internet trying to do a mods job, because you're desperately searching for attention, in any way you can get it.

The attention I get is limited to the people I choose to talk to..

No-one talks to you because you're full of shit..

"lol i'm so scared of an internet bully :D"
-well you obviously are seeing as you're hiding behind an Anonymous guise...

If you really wanted to change things you'd do it in teh open liek a man, but alas you are a child.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:12:37 UTC in vault item: cs_jungle_assault Comment #4664
yeah you were, you spent ages writing thsi bullshit and I didn't even read it. Ride my pwny.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:11:25 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4662
lose what? sorry have I missed something?
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-20 05:10:51 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4661
children huh
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 17:58:33 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4660
that's right... surrender :D

pwned biach
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 17:57:32 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4659
queer song and... u lose :D
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 15:20:57 UTC in vault item: cs_1337siege Comment #4657
ooh very nice map. i like it a lot better then the original. i really liked the sewers, small and cramped.....creepy. the t spawn is a bit confusing, and the hosties should be moved around a bit. but its ur map and i say that IMO. i liked the windows too with the glass breaking.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 14:04:07 UTC in vault item: Multiple Triggers Cause Event Comment #4656
point blank? you're hiding behind a mask, what part of point blank allows you to hide in the shadows and hurl allegations of insanity at people.

I have a solution:

So at 6:30am on January 14th, I woke up to the doorbell buzzing. Not a short lived buzz. Someone had their thumb pressing the button and holding it there. "Fucking drunkard" I thought, and rolled over, intent on ignoring it. It then started a rythmic buzz buzz buzz buzz, over and over again. After about 5 minutes battling to get back to sleep, I gave up and got up. Put my pants on, grabbed my sweatshirt, and stumbled off toward the door.

As I walked down the steps I heard them talking to the nextdoor neighbor, asking him where the landlord lived. I reach the door just as the neighbor's door closes. I compose myself to deal with whatever is behind the door, and open it.

Immediately there's a flashlight in my eyes. "Are you Chris Toshok?" "Uh, yes" "Mr. Toshok, we're with the FBI. We have a warrant to search the premises." I looked down out of the glare of the flashlight and saw the FBI badge of the long haired blonde woman standing in front of me. I also saw two people behind her, bodies turned sideways so as to present less of a target. Guns drawn? It was too hard to tell really with the glare of the flashlight, but I'm assuming yes.

I mumbled something about turning on the light so I could see the warrant (pages 1 2 3 4 5)they'd thrust into my hands and turned and groped on the wall for the switch. They all tensed. The light came on, and I looked over the warrant for a second.

"Please come out here Mr. Toshok," and a hand on my arm pulling me onto the porch. Once I was out on the porch several agents started up the stairs. I said that my roommate was still asleep in bed. They asked his name, I said "Peter". They continued up the steps, yelling his name. "Peter, this is the FBI." "PETER" "PETER, are you awake? this is the FBI"

I didn't watch it happen but apparently Peter awoke, naked, to a doorway full of FBI agents with guns out, yelling at him to get up. He asked if he could get some clothes on. They said yes. He asked if they could turn on the light so he could see. So Peter got to get dressed under the watchful gaze of government employees. Must have been fun.

They took Peter to the back of the house, and took me back upstairs to the front of the house, and proceeded to start going through everything in my room and the office.

I was questioned by the FBI agent in charge and a Secret Service agent at length about the Hungry Programmers, people I used to live with, whether particular people had the capacity/knowledge to do what they were investigating, etc. During the questioning she says "Now we're going to take all your computers." She sees the look on my face and says "Yeah, this is going to be hard for you." I said "uh, when will I get them back?" She said it depends, that they'd try to have them all back as soon as possible, but it depends on if they find anything suspicious on them. If they found contraband (kiddie porn, talk of drugs, or stuff they were actually looking for), that particular computer would never be coming home.

After the questioning I basically sat in the front room on a folded futon mattress, with at least one agent with me at all times. Sometimes two. At one point I said I really needed to brush my teeth and the SS agent assigned to me at the time walked with me back to the bathroom and stood behind me watching me in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. On my way back down the hall I looked into my room and saw 3 FBI agents rifling through my belongings. One looking at the condoms and stickers in my nightstand, one going through my underwear/sock drawer, and one looking through my books.

After a lot more sitting in silence in that room, interspersed with tidbits of conversation (an fbi agent asking me about the guitars, talking about the piano lessons in his youth, and how he was kicked in the chest by a horse.) I must say, the SS agents were a lot nicer than the FBI agents. One in particular was pretty cool - we joked a lot about just how absurd the whole thing was.. He asked how I was doing, I said I'd had better mornings, to which he responded "well you'll definitely have one unique experience more than most people." I definitely have to agree. I know of very few others that have been through something like this. The blonde FBI agent was nice (and annoying) enough to tell me repeatedly that the judge would go easier on me (and they could all go home earlier) if I would just tell them where the stuff was. If I had it, of course. But if I denied having it, they'd really throw the book at me when they found it.

After more waiting, the FBI agent in charge comes into the room and explains that they aren't actually pressing charges against me, so I'm not being detained. I can leave if I want, or walk around the house, etc. This is a relief. I go grab my shoes and socks (my feet were freezing by this time). After a few more minutes of listening to the bumbling idiots in the next room arguing over how to turn off my machines, I decide a walk might be nice. I say I'm leaving to go walk around, that I'll be back to look over the list of equipment they're seizing. I ask if they'll let me take my cell phone so they can call me if I need to be back, etc.. They said no. I wasn't to take any property off the premises. Luckily, I still had my car keys. I walked over to my car and drove off.

Drove around for a while, then decided I'd stop by Seth's house and tell him what was going on. Davel answered the door, bleary-eyed. I apologized for waking him up.. I said "I would have called, but the FBI wouldn't let me use my cell phone." He said "what???".. I handed him the search warrant. He said "ohhh, god, come in." and walked me up the stairs.

I broke the news to Seth and he looked as shocked as I felt when I opened the door at 6:30. Got on ICB and spread the word that the wolves were circling, and everyone pretty well freaked out.

I hung out with them for a while, then figured I'd better be getting back so I got back in the car and returned home. It was probably around 10am at this point. 3.5 hours into the raid. I got there as agents were walking laps up and down the outside steps, carrying full boxes of my possessions into their van. I was too late to go over the actual stuff they were confiscating. suck. I walked upstairs, and found the long haired blonde agent and the (admittedly very cute) asian evidence photographer still there, finishing up. Taking photos of the rooms in their condition post-raid, writing down which exposures corresponded to which room.

The blonde agent handed me the seizure receipt to look over and sign. It looked ok to me, but I really had no idea at the time that some items they'd taken weren't on the list.

We joked with the agents some before they left. Asked them for their business cards, which they declined to give us, saying they would likely be plastered all over the web. Wise women. We asked if we could get a picture of them or their badges, which they also denied us. Too bad. Peter walked them to the steps, and I walked into the office to assess the emptiness.

There were a few times in college when the computer labs would be closed during the day, due to a bomb threat or a gas leak or whatever. When this happened all the geeks would wander around outside, eyes squinting in the unaccustomed glare of the mid-day sun, looking like zombies. You could always spot a geek on such a day by the way they walked with a certain slowness in their step. Not a leisure slowness, a dead slowness.

Today was like that for me. I'd lost upwards of 9 machines, and lots of misc equipment besides. Machines that, according to most people familiar with this stuff, I may as well write off as gone regardless of whether or not they ever find anything on them. Thankfully there were many people around that were willing and able to find the humor in such a preposterous day. I've been running on laughter all day, unwilling to think about the fact that this all might end with me in court, or even in jail. I mean, I did nothing illegal, how can I end up in jail? Leila forced me to at least acknowledge the gravity of what was going on, but thankfully didn't force me to dwell on it. I'm hoping I can keep myself laughing about it all until I pass out. The drinking might start rather early tomorrow.

I don't think the word "surreal" ever described a day better for me.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 13:56:08 UTC in vault item: hi_tribes_test Comment #4653
All right
Oh no
This one, this one, this one

Heads of state who ride and wrangle
Who look at your face for more than one angle
Can cut you from their bloated budgets
Like sharpened knives through chicken mcnuggets

Now, heads of state who ride and wrangle
Who look at your face for more than one angle
Can cut you from their bloated budgets
Like sharpened knives through chicken mcnuggets

(Shut the fuck) up
Yo, shut the fuck up
(Shut the fuck)
Right, right, learn to buck up
(Shut the fuck)
Right, shut the fuck up, hey, ho
(Shut the fuck)
Now, now learn to buck up

(1, 2, a-1, 2, 3, 4!)

Now, nimble fingers that dance hall numbers
Will eat your children and steal your thunder
While heavy torsos that heave and hurl
Will crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels

Now, nimble fingers that dance hall numbers
Will eat your children and steal your thunder
While heavy torsos that heave and hurl
Will crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels

(Shut the fuck) up
Yo, shut the fuck up
(Shut the fuck)
Right now learn to buck up
(Shut the fuck)
Right, shut the fuck up yeah, ho! Yow!
(Shut the fuck) Yow! Yow! Yow!
Learn to buck up

Now, simple feet that flicker like fire
And burn like candles in smokey's fires
Do more to turn my joy to sadness
Than somber thoughts of burning planets

Now, clever feet that flicker like fire
And burn like candles in smokey's fires
Do more to turn my joy to sadness
Than somber thoughts of burning planets

(Shut the fuck)
All right
I don't(Shut the fuck) wanna
I don't wanna hear it that's right
(Shut the fuck)
Oh no, ok, I don't wanna
(Shut the fuck)
I don't wanna
(Shut the fuck)
Yeeaahh, ho, yow!
(Shut the fuck)
I don't wanna...I don't wanna...

Ooooh ooh oooooooh ooh ooooooohhh ooh
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-19 13:51:09 UTC in vault item: aim_va_deagle_usp Comment #4652