
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-12 23:36:20 UTC in vault item: The Flow of Time's Source map files Comment #104995
pretty incredible geometry
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-12 12:54:08 UTC in vault item: Landmine example Comment #104994
Hi double M. Still want to talk to someone? I'm afraid I've found out something about that. It's not because of hate, it's because no one trusts one another. You can't trust them unless you can see their eyes.

I could have said this in a fitting place but I couldn't find one in my mind.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-11 16:45:38 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104993
  1. working and hopefully finishing my hl mod "The World Machine"
  2. continuing learning japanese
  3. reading books about religion, history, computer technology and whatever interests me
  4. getting back into drawing and painting
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-11 01:05:08 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104990
-Make an actual comment for this journal
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-07 16:54:29 UTC in vault item: Outbreak Comment #104989
I can't judge the map too harshly as you said yourself that it is unfinished. However, what is there is pretty nicely detailed and textured. The major issue is the gameplay. Fighting zombies with a crowbar, especially on Hard is not really entertaining. On top of that, when I eventually found the pistol, I was forced into an unskippable cutscene and was killed by zombies. I assume this was the end of the map.

One small note, the plants in the park area block player movement... That's annoying. :P
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-07 04:33:50 UTC in vault item: Injured Barney for c2a1 (Power Up) Comment #104988
You should mod this so it shows up under models, too.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-07 04:06:02 UTC in vault item: Authentic First-Person Weapons Comment #104987
I like everything except the shotgun. The rack on top gives it a massive difference between the V model and the p model. I also don't really like the reload animation, the way Gordon is holding the shells looks weird. You can't even see the shells. I do really like that we now have a detailed tip of the crowbar, though, I've been looking for that. The new sound for pulling the pin out of the grenade is really satisfying, and so is the new draw animation. Reminds me of the way he bounces it in Black Mesa. I also like how you have three different clips for the pistol, depending on if it's a partial or a full reload. Super good. My only suggestion would be to alter the shotgun model. Otherwise, good job.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-07 03:58:04 UTC in vault item: Opposing Force grunts for Half-Life and Blue Shift Comment #104986
Used this pack in my large valve_addons folder I'm working on, and it really helps the feel of the game. Good work.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-07 03:44:29 UTC in vault item: Memes.WAD Comment #104985
The original plan was to put together a massive wad containing random images AND memes, but as you said, I don't get a lot of free time.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-06 19:22:42 UTC in journal: Spamming Journals Comment #104984
Mellia Turns Happi! And bothers Xejir.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-06 07:54:50 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104983
Oskar, yes pr0n poisons your heart and is actually really bad for your psyche - a good thing to try and leave behind!

For me, I just want to get a new job, maybe travel overseas and decide if its time to move back home
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-05 14:57:16 UTC in wiki page: trigger_push Comment #104982
looks like the target never gets triggered on this entity
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-04 16:08:24 UTC in vault item: Reflection Comment #104978
meh too
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-04 16:08:10 UTC in vault item: Haphazard Comment #104977
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-03 23:17:50 UTC in vault item: A bunch of old and unfinished maps. Comment #104976
Some of them arent unfinished, i think they are meant to be played in Blue Shift or other mods/expansions, like the map "danger"
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-03 19:43:21 UTC in vault item: Memes.WAD Comment #104975
7 random images really, rather than memes. I assume you don't get a lot of free time.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-03 19:01:37 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104974
Im so happy to hear everyone here. Happy new 2023.
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-02 19:22:28 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104973
It's TWHL's equivalent of the academic quarter
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-02 19:16:38 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104972
it's TWHL tradition to extend competition deadlines at the last minute :P
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-01 22:16:32 UTC in vault item: A bunch of old and unfinished maps. Comment #104971
Checked them all out. It reminds of the various test maps I made when I first started mapping. Back then I never had access to the Internet and TWHL certainly didn't exist, but a part of me wishes I had held on to some of my earlier test maps.

Though these maps are largely unfinished and in some cases a little pointless, it is fun to explore your early mapping days. Thanks for the upload. :D
Commented 1 year ago2023-01-01 02:24:19 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104970

My goals for 2023

1.Practice playing the guitar and keyboard
2.Finish my HL1 mod
3.Improve my music and release my 2nd album
4.Improve my art and animation and also upload animations more often
5.Improve the quality of my maps
6.Become more social
7.Improve on my video editing
8.Practice 3d modeling
9.Practice coding in different languages

Guaranteed I'm not going to do half of these things
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-31 14:34:23 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104969
  • Release new Counter-Strike maps
  • Organize some unfinished works and projects on another hobbies, like vintage hi-fi and art, for example
  • Study a lot
  • Buy more old Sony and Aiwa audio equipments for my collection
  • Check some unfinished Half-Life mod projects
  • Move to another home
  • Take care of my mental and physical health and keeping them okay
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-31 13:31:01 UTC in vault item: dm_cardboard Comment #104968
I didn't know that the glue here was international.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-31 13:30:36 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #104967
Ending 2022 and yet this map wasn't find
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-30 23:48:03 UTC in vault item: Abandoned School of Monsters Comment #104966
Having now played the map with the missing models now included in the download, I have to say it still seems a little broken in places. The skybox in the screenshots doesn't appear to have been included either which means the map is dimly lit while occurring in broad daylight.
User posted image
The first map simply consists of an exterior with a loading screen once you approach the front door. What's inside is fairly basic. Almost entirely pitch black rooms some of which have a few headcrabs or headcrab zombies inside between very chunky furniture. You can find a magnum on the second floor, along with a crowbar which I never used. It's also possible to climb back outside via the window in the magnum room.
User posted image
There are a number of custom textures used, but a lot of them are fairly blurry, like the lockers in the entrance and what I think are medicine cabinets in the nurses office?
User posted image
There does appear to be a secret passage up to the roof where you can find a radio, but otherwise this map doesn't appear to have an ending.

Certainly not a bad map for a first attempt, but there's a lot of mistakes with the upload and there isn't a whole lot of challenge on offer.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-30 19:59:37 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104965
  • Try relaxing more instead of breaking my back with constant development tasks
  • Improve my work performance
  • Finish the current chapter of my game, as far as level design is concerned
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-30 03:04:20 UTC in vault item: Plucked from Reality Comment #104964
Thank you Sjaak-atijd-raak! I hope you guys had fun playing. :)
Apologies for the late reply.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-29 22:21:06 UTC in vault item: Abandoned School of Monsters Comment #104963
Your map will not run, it is missing essential model files:
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-29 22:17:06 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104962
Out of my control
  • Get official diagnosis of ADHD
  • Get medication for the above (if applicable)
Possibly within my control
  • Improve my commitment and focus to all of my various responsibilities based on the above (ADHD meds or therapy)
  • Decide whether to stick with and dedicate myself to Web SysAdmin or seek employment in Game Dev which I would prefer but have no background in
Definitely within my control
  • Ship my first commercial game. (Phantom Fury, baby!)
  • Put a considerable dent in Half-Life: The Core. Hopefully release the damn thing but who knows
  • Actually do some hiking, which I enjoy
Not important but would be nice
  • Play Starfield
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-29 20:34:38 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104961
My goal is:
  • I don't know
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-29 18:56:15 UTC in journal: Atmo Prototype Demo Comment #104960
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-29 14:05:07 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104959
My goal for 2023:
  • Survive.
But for real, here's the list:
  • Exercise more, try reaching 80kg. (84kg at the moment, was 91kg in 2020)
  • Get a job and move out. Away from my parents for sure.
  • Finish at least one project. I'd started many.
  • Meet at least one online friend IRL and hang out with them. I only have a few friends IRL, who I only see during exams.
  • Make some more music. An album or mixtape would be neat.
  • Get some more sleep. And drink water consistently.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 22:24:03 UTC in journal: What are your goals for this 2023 Comment #104958
  • Get a girlfriend. It's great to be single in many ways but sometimes I miss having someone special.
  • Get a driver's license.
  • Learn to play the piano.
  • Don't watch any pron. It messes with my head and kind of ruins the real thing.
  • Move abroad. I have always wanted to, it has just never been a good time.
I won't do all of these things, but I think I will be very happy if I achieve just a couple of them

Also, I promise that I will:
  • Be a better friend and brother. In the past I have usually been pretty passive, rarely been the one to take the initiative to get together with my friends or siblings or even just calling them on my phone, due to social anxiety. I am lucky to have them. This year I have started to move out of my comfort zone, and even reconnected with my childhood best friend, and I will continue in that direction.
  • Improve my physical and mental health and sleep by getting more exercise and being less attached to my phone and computer. Good night.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 21:12:18 UTC in journal: Atmo Prototype Demo Comment #104957
Haven't planned about that yet but I think I will.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 20:32:39 UTC in journal: Atmo Prototype Demo Comment #104956
Looks really good. Are you gonna to release a demo or something like that?
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 15:52:17 UTC in journal: Atmo Prototype Demo Comment #104955
Nah not really. I just want to make an Xbox game and nothing else.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 15:25:55 UTC in journal: Atmo Prototype Demo Comment #104954
Cool looking prototype. Congratulations.

Are you intending to keep working on this and release it to some extent down the line? Somewhere like Steam or
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-28 13:28:43 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104953
What I really disliked about the previous competition is that it was extended on the last moment. That was really not nice. Some participants might have been getting out of their way to finish it in time, and then suddenly all their effort turned out to be unnecessary. I understand why it was done that way, to encourage mappers to work faster, but it's inconsiderate, if it's extended, it should be done at least a week before the original end date.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-27 17:18:33 UTC in vault item: Bloody Christmas Comment #104952
Yes I didn't think about that ! Maybe with a v2 next year ! Who knows :)

Thanks for playing !
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-27 00:00:26 UTC in wiki page: func_button Comment #104951
Never mind
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-26 09:15:59 UTC in vault item: Cirkuz 33 Textures Comment #104950
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-25 21:29:34 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104949
Thanks but I don't think so. Too close to your "get the HEV suit - slime becomes passable" example. I was trying to understand the goal better, don't want it to seem like I'm fishing for free ideas.

I'll think of something else, the point is being creative like you guys said.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-25 19:00:20 UTC in vault item: Cirkuz 33 Textures Comment #104948
That looks great!
I'd be happy to test it out. Thanks for sharing.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-25 10:37:26 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104947
That sounds neat. I see no reason to back out on that idea. Go for it I say.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-24 18:49:40 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #104946
302 gahahahaha
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-23 03:15:05 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104944
Dang, one of the first ideas I had was grabbing parts of some sorf of device for the suit and combining it into an upgrade to get past the slime, I guess that goes out the window :biggrin:
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-22 22:20:06 UTC in news: Competition - The Whole Goop Life Comment #104943
Yup, as it says in the full brief: "Create a map or a series of maps in which the luminescent sludge plays a prominent role. An obstacle to be overcome or a deadly environmental weapon to be used."

Perhaps it could start out as a massive hindrance to the player until they grab an HEV suit and then it's harmless and they can get past a lake of the stuff to exit the level. Maybe the player has no weapons but they can deal with grunts or headcrabs by flushing toxic waste into an area to attract bullsquids. It can be used for decorative purposes as well, but I would say definitely try to factor it into the gameplay.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-22 20:45:41 UTC in vault item: Bloody Christmas Comment #104942
Quite surprising to see a release that looks this good pop up out of nowhere. Nice job. Playing on hard as you suggest definitely IS a challenge. In fact, starting you off against shotgun grunts and grenadiers I would say is downright evil. :P

However, I would say that you have missed a couple of tricks in regards to the Christmas theming for this mini-mod. You've got the plates of cookies lying around, yeah? I would have made these the health kits. Likewise there are gift-wrapped boxes everywhere which you cannot bust open to get much needed items, especially at the start.

Otherwise, a fairly challenging gruntfest and a nice little surprise release just before Christmas.
Commented 1 year ago2022-12-21 22:42:25 UTC in vault item: DM_Oklahoma - Tornado deathmatch map Comment #104941
nice, you don't need to credit me for the sky though. i didn't make it, only ported it from another game lol