
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-07 17:43:31 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106043
I have no idea what about, but a new poll would be great.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 22:35:15 UTC in journal: Pathos Engine public release Comment #106042
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 18:58:31 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106041
Do instruments of torture count?
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 18:47:45 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106040
Since there had been talks about it in the Discord lately, how about a poll about if we play any instruments? 🙂
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 10:30:36 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106039
Who's your favourite fictional duck?
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 07:21:00 UTC in journal: Pathos Opensourcing Project Comment #106038
The logic itself is mostly the same, but I did refine the graph generation code as much as possible.

I use the MIT license for Pathos. The headers for the model format are available, along with the actual render code. I personally am not thrilled at the idea of adding support for another model format, but who knows? Maybe future forks will do that.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-06 03:37:03 UTC in wiki page: Tools and Resources Comment #106037
I edited in the note panel on Wally, after seeing one too many cries for help on textures being wrong in game due to the use of Wally. I hope it's not too patronizing.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 21:21:46 UTC in vault item: The Stupendous Quest of the Annoying Microwave Comment #106036
Peaceful adventure
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 21:12:12 UTC in vault item: Gordon Freeman Slav Holiday Comment #106035
Nice screensaver
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 19:38:09 UTC in vault item: 2024 Exercise #6: Combat Comment #106034
Thanks! Yeah, I couldn't come up with any reasonable objects to put in the centre of the plaza and by that I was too far along to change the theme (that's why you dev texture first, past me!) so the cover is a little lacking, I admit.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 18:42:53 UTC in vault item: Find the way out Comment #106033
Very good nicely detailed small map. Has some surprises. As others mentioned, the ending should contained fade to black effect, it was sudden.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 17:51:01 UTC in journal: Pathos Opensourcing Project Comment #106032
How much progress did you do with the A Star pathfinding in the engine? Kinda curious.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-05 17:18:57 UTC in journal: Pathos Opensourcing Project Comment #106031
I'm def. looking forward to playing around with it when it gets released, doing some experiments and whatnot. Maybe I'd even port my real-time moss mod to it. My only hope is that Pathos will be licenced under something permissive like Apache-2.0, BSD3 or MIT.

Honestly the model format isn't a huge deal. If we get the headers for it, someone else can fork TrenchBroom and add support. An alternative is to add GLTF support to the engine, something I'd probably be willing to do, and TrenchBroom would then automatically be supported. J.A.C.K. isn't exactly a custom Hammer binary BTW, it's a Qt project likely built from the ground up.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 16:55:44 UTC in wiki page: func_hostage_rescue (Counter-Strike) Comment #106030
-func_hostage_rescue cannot be toggled on/off
-hostages need to be both used by players (+use) and be in rescue zone to be actually rescued
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 15:56:20 UTC in vault item: Find the way out Comment #106029
Yes there is only one rat, I forgot about it
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 15:56:19 UTC in vault item: Find the way out Comment #106028
Yes there is only one rat, I forgot about it
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 06:47:47 UTC in vault item: Find the way out Comment #106027
I liked the map, but yeah, if that was the ending, next time at least give it a fade to black. Is there only one rat?
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 03:40:25 UTC in vault item: Find the way out Comment #106026
Cool map, I like it. I wish it was a little longer - I was thinking that I was moving towards the big action, but the map suddenly ended.
I lost a bit of health when I jumped in the pipe, the height of the drop is too big. It's better to either place some water at the bottom or make a slide to break the fall. Unavoidable damage sucks.
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-04 00:39:33 UTC in vault item: 2024 Exercise #6: Combat Comment #106025
Just gave the level a try and it was a cool experience. I liked the various enemy types, the different entry points for them, as well as the friendly AI that came in. The environmental hazards added a nice challenge when navigating the map. One thing to maybe make the map a little more interesting to play in is having some sort of structure in the middle. Something to block off enemies from directly jumping/shooting at you. Maybe you can climb up it? A few more cover pieces for the combine soldiers to hide behind (or me) would have been nice too! Good job, keep it up! :)
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-02 13:53:29 UTC in vault item: 2024 Exercise #6: Combat Comment #106024
Thank you!
Commented 2 months ago2024-03-02 08:22:42 UTC in wiki page: Vlatitude: Multi_manager Tutorial Comment #106023


To trigger the same target multiple times, subsequent keys should be suffixed with #N where N is a number. This is simply because key names need to be unique to be exported to .map properly. The game code drops the suffixes when reading the entity keyvalues.
Key Value
boop 0.01
boop#1 0.5
boop#2 0.9
boop#3 1.2
boop#4 1.4
boop#5 1.5
All of these target boop.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-29 23:52:12 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Making textures with WadMaker Comment #106022
By setting your canvas to multiples of 16 when you start.
If you're already past that then resize to multiples of 16.
Protip: use a calculator. ;)
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-29 11:29:00 UTC in vault item: Xen and Military Invasion Update! - The Rimpository v1.06 Comment #106021
these prefabs will be so useful, thanks!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-29 02:12:05 UTC in vault item: Map By Blues Comment #106020
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-29 00:09:02 UTC in wiki page: path_corner Comment #106019
Fun fact: the logic of picking movement waypoints of a func_train is entirely within func_train itself. It is therefore possible to make a valid path with other entities mixed in. I've successfully mixed path_corners with momentary_doors like this:
  1. path_corner (p1)
    • target = m1
    • wait = 0
    • spawnflags = Teleport (2)
  2. momentary_door (m1)
    • target = p2
    • wait = 0
  3. path_corner (p2)
    • target = m2
    • wait = 0
    • spawnflags = Teleport (2)
  4. momentary_door (m2)
    • target = p1
    • wait = 0
I can then use momentary_rot_button to move the momentary_doors around and vary the distance the func_train has to travel.

It is a setup for an experiment where I can vary the time a func_train spends on one part of the map vs the other because it's being used to occlude LOS between me and a monster to test its AI schedule but that's off topic.

But you can likewise use it to have dynamically timed sequence with the mom_doors and func_trains off the playable areas.
My theory is that func_trains check the keyvalues of the entities it uses as paths (usually path_corners) without checking that their classname is actually path_corner. You can therefore use any entity as long as it has keyvalues that concur with that of path_corners: a target, optionally a wait, message (fire on pass) or speed, and spawnflags that don't conflict with that of a path_corner (therefore flag 1 will stop the func_train, flag 2 will teleport, etc.)
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-28 11:07:14 UTC in vault item: 2024 Exercise #6: Combat Comment #106018
Continue mapping!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-28 11:06:49 UTC in vault item: 2024 Exercise #6: Combat Comment #106017
Your exercises are very well designed:
They look very good!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-27 22:03:58 UTC in vault item: Point Entity Sprite Pack for GoldSrc v1.1 Comment #106016

Not that I know of. You could propably script it with replace but since they all have different names and also different characteristics (size and so on) it propably isn't worth the hustle.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-27 20:14:27 UTC in vault item: Point Entity Sprite Pack for GoldSrc v1.1 Comment #106015
Ooh, they do look very clean. Is there an easier way to replace all sprites than the manual one-by-one you described?
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-26 09:31:06 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106014
That's really exciting to hear! Looking forward to seeing it! 😁
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-25 22:43:08 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106013
Awesome. This is now being used for some of the more complex brushwork in The Core. No complaints so far. You have been added to the credits. :)
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-25 10:42:53 UTC in journal: /bɜːθdeɪ/ Comment #106012
Happy birthday!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-24 20:13:14 UTC in journal: /bɜːθdeɪ/ Comment #106011
Happy Birthday!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-24 16:40:58 UTC in journal: Map2Prop supports MAP format now, what's next? Comment #106010
I could just implement an parent_model key, where the value is another func_map2prop that becomes a template so to speak.
Perhaps add a spawnflag "Is submodel" that makes the mesh of this entity become a submodel of the template's model (or the worldspawn model, if no parent_model is set).

I have some ideas for skeletal stuff, but I'm saving that for post-release.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-24 14:04:39 UTC in journal: Map2Prop supports MAP format now, what's next? Comment #106009
Suggestions (might be a repeat from the vault):
  1. A way to place/reuse the model multiple places in the map. Maybe a point entity that targets the main func_ entity, inheriting the func_'s convert_to.
    • Technically you can do this with MESS that runs after map2prop, but why use 2 tools when 1 tool do job.
    • Using brush entities that inherit others is actually mighty useful actually, to get the right sizing and positioning in the map. Maybe something like zhlt_usemodel approach is more ideal. Maybe do both.
  2. More bones 🦴, a way to assign different parts of meshes to different bones, and a way to set bone hierarchy (easy enough using target keyvalue)
  3. A way to create separate meshes (i.e. separate bodygroup parts) that is later combined into a single model. Probably separate entities that has a shared keyvalue (like MESS). Probably needs a way to set the main entity from the group too (also like MESS).
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-24 00:10:08 UTC in journal: Map2Prop supports MAP format now, what's next? Comment #106008
Thank you! I had already started working on a FGD, currently it looks like this:
@SolidClass = func_map2prop : "Brushes for Map2Prop to turn into a model"
    spawnflags(flags) =
        1 : "Disable" : 0

    outname(string) : "Exported model's name"
    outdir(string) : "Exported model subfolder"
    gamma(string) : "Gamma (default 1.8)" : "1.8"
    smoothing(string) : "Smoothing threshold (0 disables)" : "60.0"
    scale(string) : "Scale" : "1.0"
    rotate(string) : "Rotate" : "0.0"
    convert_to(choices) : "Classname after conversion" : 0 =
        0: "cycler"
        1: "cycler_sprite"
        2: "env_sprite"
        3: "item_generic"
        4: "monster_furniture"
        5: "monster_generic"
So your mock-up was not far off, just missing some of the QC options.
Also instead of an offset key the mapper should just use an ORIGIN brush to set the model origin. It's a practice most mappers should be familiar with already. 🙂

The source code repo is still private, waiting until v1 to open that one.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-23 20:01:11 UTC in journal: Map2Prop supports MAP format now, what's next? Comment #106007
Thanks for the updates, this tool is very useful.
Have you already opened the repo?

I like that smart idea of using 'contentwater' for mirror faces

What entities (and keyvalues) do you have in mind for the fgd?. I made a small mock-up in case you haven't thought of one yet, maybe this can help:
// Map2Prop FGD

@BaseClass = Map2Prop
    m2p_version(string) : "Map2Prop Version": "1"
    m2p_doc(string) : "Map2Prop Documentation" : ""

@SolidClass base(Map2Prop) = entity_name : "Convert brush into a model"
    // Model file name
    name(string) : "Model Name"

    // Add the generated model as a point entity
    entity(choices) : "Append model as entity" : 0 =
        0 : "item_generic"
        1 : "cycler_sprite"
        2 : "cycler"
        3 : "env_sprite"

    // Where generated .mdl is saved
    path(string) : "output model directory"

    offset(choices) : "Adjust model origin" : 0 =
        0 : "no"
        1 : "center bottom"

    smoothing(string) : "Smooth shading" : "0"

Commented 3 months ago2024-02-23 10:56:45 UTC in wiki page: game_text Comment #106006
There should be more information about character sets: what the game supports, how to get the best results on displaying most languages in whatever charset env is necessary (like VNs requiring shift-jis system charset).
Decided to test for myself.

Vanilla Half-Life's text engine seem to be broken for anything that's not ASCII. It consumes single-byte character sets (presumably ANSI/Windows-1252/system locale) but the text rendering is consuming UTF-8. This results in the broken text consistent with the table in this page:

Haven't looked at the other SDKs or engines (candidates include Updated/Unified/Featureful/Xash-fwgs/Pathos) on how they handle text. Hopefully better than the unrecoverable mess vanilla is in right now.

ALSO, JACK will purposefully mangle non-ASCII texts. You'd need to edit the .map directly and feed it to the compilers yourself.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-23 00:41:19 UTC in journal: /bɜːθdeɪ/ Comment #106005
Happy Birthday!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 23:57:18 UTC in journal: /bɜːθdeɪ/ Comment #106004
Happy birthday mate!
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 21:06:05 UTC in journal: Simpler Times Comment #106003
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 17:40:43 UTC in journal: What is your opinion of melee combat in Op4? Comment #106002
They have the option to flee, and also plenty of ways to avoid confrontation as they figure out how to flee. Also, two to 4 direct hits to the sack gibs the thing and I've loaded them up on armor and health is available.

I guess I won't know if it's too difficult until I get it playtested.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 17:00:53 UTC in journal: What is your opinion of melee combat in Op4? Comment #106001
As long as you make it clear they have to flee from the Gonarch and not engage in combat with it, it should be fine 🙂
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 15:40:03 UTC in journal: What is your opinion of melee combat in Op4? Comment #106000
That's all good advice, thank you. Unfortunately I start them out with a gonarch (that they can run from). But I suppose I will not proceed with my plan to put them up against a voltigore shortly afterwards :-/
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-22 15:10:39 UTC in journal: What is your opinion of melee combat in Op4? Comment #105999
If you give the players no other options, they will eventually get used to using only melee.

Just be careful about the difficulty ramp. Warm them up with some headcrabs and breakables first and slowly increase the encounter difficulty instead of dropping the player directly into an arena with several gonomes and bullsquids. Let them become comfortable with it before challenging them, so to speak.

If the enemies have ranged attacks, give the player plenty of cover so they don't end up feeling defenceless (which in turn is experienced as unfair and difficult by the player).
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-21 21:45:54 UTC in journal: 🅱 Comment #105998
Douglas B-23 Dragon
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-21 14:47:54 UTC in journal: 🅱 Comment #105997
Gonna be tricky to crack this riddle.
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-21 09:43:17 UTC in wiki page: monster_turret Comment #105996
why did it send twice
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-21 09:42:22 UTC in wiki page: monster_turret Comment #105995
This says hecu have taken over black mesa, but don't these appear in office complex?
Commented 3 months ago2024-02-21 09:42:20 UTC in wiki page: monster_turret Comment #105994
This says hecu have taken over black mesa, but don't these appear in office complex?