
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-19 22:40:28 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101915
Thanks SSB. I'm sure I'll find my special person one day. :) (unless she finds me, lol)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-19 17:50:07 UTC in journal: Me as me. Comment #101912
your birthdate is same with mine :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-18 01:18:52 UTC in journal: My Kickstarter Comment #101911
Thanks. Future models will be built with a button you push to stop the spool but for meanse of simplicity in design I went with basic thumb drag on this model.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-17 11:50:02 UTC in journal: My Kickstarter Comment #101910
It looks great. You should come up with a better way to stop the pulley, it looks like you could cut your finger this way.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-16 16:26:24 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101909
I have to suffer four hours at Europe's worst airport in Paris, so I feel that my vote should count twice. Everyone's okay with that, right?
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-16 13:52:00 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101908
Croissant or Brioche? Ugh hard decision :(
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-16 13:28:10 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101907
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-16 12:29:58 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101906
look like
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-14 01:13:29 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101904
Imagine being a neutral
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-14 00:38:05 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101903
"Of course I regularly devour a baguette with some tuna and sweetcorn or a bowl of hot soup." Urby raises a fist to the sky, "However, croissants are the ultimate breakfast nom and as we all well know, that's the most important nom of the day! Hyaah!"

With a kick of his spurs, Urby glides away on his giant sentient croissant and explodes.

...Time for bed I reckon.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 23:43:19 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101902
@Bruce Haha

"@Admer But yeah. Finish school, get a girlfriend.
All of this internet stuff is fake anyway.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 20:32:00 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101901
"dude your 10 years old and youre bi? come on. tl;dr"
"He's 16, [...]"
17, friend. :D
10 in the mind, 17 in age, 24 in the looks (according to some).
Also, I include a TL;DR with some journals. I simply didn't write one for this one. It happens. :P
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 18:39:17 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101900
He's 16, an age at which most teenagers have since long felt sexual attraction towards others, for some towards both boys and girls.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 17:45:07 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101899
dude your 10 years old and youre bi? come on. tl;dr
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 17:40:03 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101898
In my experience, being afraid of disappointing people just causes so much more disappointment for everyone. Best to ignore that fear.
See, I was the one who kinda got disappointed each time... :s
It's always important to save some love for yourself.
Oh well. Gotta love myself first, so then I can love others. :3
You're acting like a smarter version of me. It happens that the younger ones are better then the 24 old me.
Age should not mean too much in this regard, IMO. What do you mean by that statement?
Just to cheer you up. You're a great guy.
Thanks, and likewise. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 13:10:37 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101897
You're acting like a smarter version of me. It happens that the younger ones are better then the 24 old me.

Just to cheer you up. You're a great guy.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 00:30:52 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101896
In my experience, being afraid of disappointing people just causes so much more disappointment for everyone. Best to ignore that fear.

Good to hear that you're comfortable with your situation. It's always important to save some love for yourself.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-12 13:58:17 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101895
Of course. How we didn't thought of that. It's really like some kind of war. BTW who read this, join the croissant crew. It's really yummy. Forget about 7days croissant. We are talking for the real french croissant. Ulalah. ☕🍞🍫
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-12 10:27:56 UTC in vault item: cs_stadtruinen Comment #101894
Imagine ak's are Sturmgewehr44 :v
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-12 07:45:39 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101893
Croissant crew's about to get into a gang war with baguette battalion.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-12 06:10:57 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101892
I'm surprised to hear you haven't tried baguette. I thought it was the one bread that was popular the world over (except east Asia and other places where they just eat toast bread... hellholes). You really should try it! A fresh baguette, a good cheese, some veggies = 😋
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-12 01:21:56 UTC in vault item: cs_stadtruinen Comment #101891
man dont remember em havin gotdamn AK-47 in 1945
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 19:31:00 UTC in vault item: E-Lab-orate Comment #101890
Architecture — 10
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 10
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 8

That was great. I downloaded the map and played it trough. The architecture is lovely. Details, but still simple and not hard for the eyes. Easily to navigate trough. Texturing is perfect, no complaints. While walking trough, even if not much shooting barneys or talking to you scientists or not sounds of machines, you still see something has happened. So ambience is alright. The lightning is the same like my thought for the textures. The gameplay was perfect till the end.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 18:57:02 UTC in vault item: the_trenches Comment #101889
Architecture — 7
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 10
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 8

Hi. I downloaded the map, and it's great one. The architecture is so basic, but it's all about the gameplay and lights in this map. The light could be better, but it's simple. I like that. The gameplay online will be 100/100% great. For bots: it's crap. And how the fu*k I am supposed to navigate trough the mines? The hilarious thing is to see flying bots everywhere. Dead (from mines) bodies flying from one to another corner of map. Oh...also to mention about the starts of the rounds. You could have used a game_player_equip instead of armouries. It wasn't going to be that much time consuming, just to get s smoke and a scout. OK. That was my comment. See ya. 🎮
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 17:48:49 UTC in journal: Mushroom House map, 3D Printed Comment #101888
Look into cheaper printers. I've seen them go for like 300 bucks and their supposed micron layer resolutions aren't too bad.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 17:47:06 UTC in vault item: knife_mushroom Comment #101887
Thanks. To make the terrain I used a new technique to quickly make it by overlapping different brushes as entities so they wouldn't collide with each other's geometries. And the architecture was made with a technique that uses all triangular shapes to make organic geometry. Glad you had fun on the map. m3 servers have been playing it some and it's a lot of fun with 32 players running around.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 14:31:43 UTC in vault item: Colony 42 Comment #101886
Delicious labour fruits...
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-11 10:03:43 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101885
Croissant Crew 4 lyf
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-10 16:32:53 UTC in vault item: E-Lab-orate Comment #101884
Thanks for the playthrough 2much. I see you skipped most of the ammo pickups. I made the map pretty sadistic for people who didn't explore the areas fully. :P
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-10 13:07:02 UTC in vault item: gg_perfect Comment #101882
There is no great angle for pic. And it doesn't really need one. But if the pic is needed I will put one. You can also find pics by typing awp_perfect in Google and see images. It's all the same.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-10 11:39:42 UTC in vault item: gg_perfect Comment #101881
No pic, no click. :)
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-10 10:33:57 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101879
I am voting for croissant for sure. Man, almost everyday I eat one 7days with a bottle of fruit milk. It's so great. Also I am not sure if I have ever touched the others...

Now I googled trough for a pictures of the others. Well definitely a croissant for me.
Eat your breakfast kids. 😆🍪🍰🍩🍮
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-10 02:37:15 UTC in vault item: knife_mushroom Comment #101878
Man, I download this today, and played it like 6-8 times with BOTS. It's really funn experience. Also the sound and the graphis is good for this kind of map. Really great one. Prepare to FIGHT.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-09 21:13:48 UTC in journal: Me as me. Comment #101877
This reads like a journal from TWHL's way back when.
Anyway. Why?
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-09 14:45:55 UTC in journal: Me as me. Comment #101876
I see. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-09 14:22:17 UTC in journal: New Streaming Schedule Comment #101875
Good thing 11pm is my usual "start feeling somewhat awake" time xD
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-09 10:03:08 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101874
I voted for croissant only because I'm not entirely sure I've ever had the others. I blame living in Australia.
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-08 23:58:57 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101872
This is like Scylla vs Charybdis, but in a good way... my heart breaks.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-08 16:18:19 UTC in vault item: E-Lab-orate Comment #101869
Took me a while to figure out the puzzle, and theres some sadistic enemy placement, but it was fairly decent experience. Heres the stream.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-08 13:47:47 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101868
How can anyone resist a good brioche?
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-08 11:12:08 UTC in journal: Mushroom House map, 3D Printed Comment #101867
Nice! I'm always envious/jealous of people with 3D Printers. There's so much to do with them like R/C servo mounts, control horns, motor firewalls, custom gears (experimental), prototyping designs, R/C Car rims, etc.

It's on the bucket list for one day.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-07 22:37:08 UTC in journal: I suck at friendship Comment #101866
You are doing everything the same again. You start something, not finish it, and give up. If you are going to be a piece of shit to some one be to the very end. Dont give up and ask for some pity. I say the same for you regretting your actions and apologizing only half assedly instead of thoroughly and completely to everyone, you deliberately targeted, in person.
Just for how long will you repeat the same exact thing of being a bad boy and than regretting getting rejected just to do the same thing all over again. Stop that, take a good look at your self.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-07 20:02:10 UTC in journal: Mushroom House map, 3D Printed Comment #101865
Sorry Ghost129er they work for me. Dang Photobucket.

Ha yea Bruce, it does look like a little UFO perched up on the column.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-07 15:07:00 UTC in journal: Mushroom House map, 3D Printed Comment #101864
if you build it youre gonna have hordes of flatearthers with tinfoil hats setting up tents around the house, waiting for it to take off and for you to finally reveal why you came to this planet