
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-13 02:17:34 UTC in vault item: cs_trepidation Comment #18107
I had a bit of a run-through and found that this map is well-suited to a good game of counter-strike. I thoroughly liked the garage area, where you would find yourself partaking in an intense firefight because of the sometimes awkward angles that you will be shooting the enemy. The only problem I had was that from underneath the vents (in the garage) you could see a player's shadow as they were running through the vents above, making them easy to take out.

Another problem (although purely visual) was that the light above the front desk (with the scotch & coffee sign) had some texture clashing. Also, at the very end of the CT spawn you can see past the edge of the world on the left. I found the outside area a little bit darker then I would have liked but these are all rather minor problems in the map.

Having stated these few points, I really enjoyed this map, particularly the close quarters that you will find yourself in along with the excellent detailing. 5 stars!
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-22 03:42:10 UTC in vault item: Awp_Azteco Comment #10823
Having a quick 1v1 on this map I can see that you have texturing and architectural concepts under control. I would've liked to have seen something a little different (even though it is an aim map) as opposed to hiding behind crates and stone walls. Maybe some added weather effects or some destroyed walls could mix up the currently rather bland feel of the arena.

One gripe I had was that the texture on the top of the small stone wall that runs parallel to your sights needs to be rotated 90 degrees, as it is stark obvious that it has been missed. Overall it is a fun map to test your reflexes, although this is true of most other aim maps.
Commented 15 years ago2010-02-01 21:04:39 UTC in journal: #6364 Comment #52049
Do it!
Commented 15 years ago2010-01-30 21:09:44 UTC in vault item: xmas_icecastle Comment #17926
A great novelty map! The castle is crafted well although I did find it hard to navigate my way around at times. The killer snowmen add an extra challenge and the track makes for fast paced gameplay. 4 stars.
Commented 15 years ago2010-01-30 03:50:07 UTC in vault item: Forage Comment #17925
This map is well done and really fits in nice with the L4D theme. I liked the fact that there are multiple places to hold up with the house, outside and the store.

My biggest gripe would be that it is too open. This allows you to spot tanks a mile away and then everyone can focus to take them down before they even reach you. Counterattacking hordes is also made easier and I easily passed gold on my first play. Maybe a few more cars that tanks can knock around would mix it up and less ammo and supplies nearby (make it so the survivors have to strive to get to the guns if they decide to hold up in the open).

That being said, things can still get very hairy and overall I really liked this map. 4 stars.
Commented 15 years ago2010-01-25 08:54:07 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #17909
Absolutely loved this mod! The ambience makes it feel just like a side-story of the black-mesa epidemic (with a few wacky instances thrown in!).

Only gripes would be some architecture was bland and a few bugs (one door would not open no matter how many times I re-loaded). All in all I give it 5 stars and it is a great, well-paced single player adventure!
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-22 11:08:58 UTC in news: Compo 25: Not Closing Soon Anymore! Comment #98490
Looks like a cool compo, can't wait to see the results.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 03:49:40 UTC in vault item: Grid Comment #11857
Purely because that was an awesome DM map on PD I will download this one...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 04:18:06 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11679
Come on guys give him a break,

He at least had to learn how to make lights in order to not use the properly...
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-23 21:14:34 UTC in vault item: de_dust2_css_beta7 for CS 1.6 Comment #11338
Very nice looking de_dust2 remake.

I can see youv'e used the source details and even added a "3d skybox"!!!
(There is a problem i found with it, near bombsite, you can see through it, im sure youve already found this)

V. Good

(PS I played beta7)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 06:13:29 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11296
One word: Tutorials

They are on your menu bar to the left, it is best to start on the real basics before making a map like this that has many problems.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 02:50:58 UTC in vault item: UrbanWaste Comment #11251
Ok, just had a run through and took some notes...

- Texture alignment needed on many brushes
+/- I see you added trims like Rimrook pointed out but a few brushes still need them
+ Roofs!
+ Neat vents on roof
- Continuous annoying sound
- Argh! Too many blue crates inside
- The underground scrolling water texture just doesnt look right (I realise this is a complicated thing to pull off)
+ Basketball hoop
- Skybox issue
+ Nice entity setup for the lift
- Overused brick texture
- Sky doesnt really suit the lighting/lighting doesnt suit the sky
- Like Rimrook said, you should really rotate the bricks that have 'fallen' from the wall, they wouldnt all fall in a line like that.

Overall: A nice DM map with some sparks of idea but is still too bland.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 02:09:48 UTC in vault item: UrbanWaste Comment #11250
Hmm Couldn't open ty.wad..

Did you forget to add something after the update?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-15 17:14:39 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11241
I loved DM-Tempest so I will definitely test it when I get the chance.
Screenie looks nice btw.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-15 17:02:44 UTC in vault item: dm_breach Comment #11240
Thanks for the comments, keep 'em coming!

Muzzle: Thankyou, Ill come in for a game when I have some spare time.

rowleybob: Most of the inaccessible things you can't get to, and are just to tease you :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-12 06:27:12 UTC in vault item: de_rtblock Comment #11178
Try WinZip then...
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-07 02:37:10 UTC in vault item: Necropolis: Mausoleum Comment #11128
V. Nice map
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-26 05:07:52 UTC in vault item: cs_edifice Comment #11002
+Love the detail (Pictures, paintings, bookshelves, glass, plants, lights)
+Very nice architecture (outside, indoor lights etc)
+Custom Texures = Very nice!
+Nice Curves :)
+I like the little chimneys
+Indoors are excellent
+Loved how its side routes only to get inside. And how you gotta break in :)
+Sweet Layout
+Should have good gameplay

-Railing texture inside doesnt look like it fits in...
-A room of crates!?!? (Got fed up making good rooms ay?)
-How can a car get onto that street and where would it go? (Add dispacements like a street that the player cant get to)
-Urinals very high up and big (Not very realistic)
-Coulda been completely custom textures...

All in all an excellent CS map, 4/5 Stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-22 00:02:34 UTC in vault item: de_pariah Comment #10938
Hey looks nice!

50 spawn points! Recommended for 40 players!?!?

You sure it wouldnt lag? Ill test it when im done compiling this one...
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-02 02:30:42 UTC in vault item: ENIGMA 7 Comment #10772
Awesome DM map
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-01 02:50:49 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #10766
That is some awesome mapping.

heh when you shoot the plants on the walls blood comes out...
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-13 07:29:31 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10451
From the screenie I like the walls... the architecture I mean not the texturing.. or lack of... Ill d/l and review when I get a chance..
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-13 07:39:50 UTC in vault item: cs_assault_christmas Comment #10056
omg Christmas!!!!!!!111oneone

Ill d/l cos i like christmas
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-15 00:15:16 UTC in vault item: tower Comment #8112
"this is a bad map because of all the leaks and stuuf, and its possible that you get some bad fps.(very possible)"

Why post it then? Spesh in completed maps vault
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-01 04:05:15 UTC in vault item: cs_counterstrike Comment #5830
its the definition of counterstrike and its deathmatch?
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-19 08:29:58 UTC in vault item: cs_suburban Comment #5652
mmm yumness for first map
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-19 08:28:44 UTC in vault item: Smash Comment #5651
Start with the tutorial on this site... and a solid block...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-13 09:43:41 UTC in vault item: Nightshift_FsC Comment #5607
Wadinclude... Check the Tuts...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-08 10:03:11 UTC in vault item: TS2Credit Comment #5559
It only easy becuase it is so limited...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-08 01:55:57 UTC in vault item: TS2Credit Comment #5551
Basically it is a prettied up version of "Credit" for TS2 on Gamecube and for anyone who knows about mapmaking for that... IT IS VERY LIMITED!!!! (prebuilt rooms)

I will make it more Half-Lifey...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-08 01:50:09 UTC in vault item: TS2Credit Comment #5550
Basically it is a prettied up version of "Credit" for TS2 on Gamecube and for anyone who knows about mapmaking for that... IT IS VERY LIMITED!!!! (prebuilt rooms)

I will make it more Half-Lifey...
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-06 23:34:34 UTC in vault item: de_full_city (final version) Comment #5525
I have that TMP skin... w00t HL?!
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-02 09:01:36 UTC in vault item: aim_btf-dust Comment #5415
Hmmm, lets see, this map has "aim", "dust" and some nonsensical letters all in the title, and it doesnt have a screenie... i dont think many people are going to download it...
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-29 20:23:37 UTC in vault item: de_JrAztec Comment #5399
Okies ill download later today and have a lil test run!
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-29 09:12:45 UTC in vault item: de_JrAztec Comment #5393
What language do u speak well?
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-28 23:39:35 UTC in vault item: de_JrAztec Comment #5389
OK, so basically you need to learn about the clip brush, thats the biggest fault.
Playing with the bots was quite fun after I stopped sniping them from above cos i could walk along the top of the whole level and after I stopped sneaking up behind the shielded guys using the swimmable sky...
The layout is a bit small but it is fun to play because the layout is just nice...
I wouldnty change it too much just fix the problems and maybe make it a bit bigger, also make 2 bomb spots...
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-28 23:12:10 UTC in vault item: de_JrAztec Comment #5388
+ Good architecture
+ OK Layout (Some things disregarded when I say that)
+ I like what you have done with the walls at the top (even if they are a bit low, make them some percentage higher)

- MAJOR sky prolems (You can walk on top of the level and you dont have to use noclip to get there)
- Sky isnt clipped (basically you can swim the the sky around the level)
- Not many different textures
- Texture aligning problems (also try using a "trim" texture on the walls it would look much beter!)
- Only one bombsite
- Too empty in the flat areas where the grass is (just a few more crates can make it better)

Sorry if there are so many bad points more than good points but I am about to load up bots on this map because im sure the gameplay is fun!
I will post about the gameplay soon...
Commented 20 years ago2004-12-25 21:54:50 UTC in vault item: My first map Comment #5384
Tuky tuky happy tuk!
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-24 22:37:16 UTC in vault item: HL2/CS:S - 3D Skybox Example Comment #5159
The Source SDK has a 3D skybox example map with it already.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-03 01:32:20 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1487
let me rephrase it then... first always has to be a map :P
(lots of firsts are a fy_)
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-03 01:19:15 UTC in vault item: fy_something Comment #1486
something wrong.. cant download it
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-02 07:56:50 UTC in vault item: cs_winter_city Comment #1474
a 2-part cs map? i dont think levelcnages would work lol
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-01 04:11:18 UTC in vault item: aim_pit Comment #1469
yeh nice geometry but then again it is a aim map, but good for an aim map i guess, bit small but
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 06:32:16 UTC in vault item: Hotel_unfinished Comment #1388
ok, here goes...
Good Stuff:
+Lovely Trees, Plants and ladder in elevator
+Nice texturing
+Good layout so far
+Nice SWAT van
+Loved how you built everything by solids and kept the r_speeds low

Bad Stuff:
-Glass too hard to break
-WADINCLUDE the WADS! i got annoyed having to move cs_dust,cs_assault,torntextures,de_aztec and cstrike.wad to my valve folder! (and i dont even think u used all those textures...)
-Some bad lighting
-How are people sposed to get into the counter area without jumping over the desk?

It will be a very fun map when finished if you keep up the high standard of build-everything-by-solids-ness (those trees look real nice and r_speeds are low :)) but bloody wadinclude the textures or use only the wads u use textures from...

Good Job
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-23 05:30:49 UTC in vault item: fy_dustarena Comment #1387
first always has to be a fy_....
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-17 19:45:16 UTC in vault item: Terrorist Escape (for Counter-Life) Comment #1299
im goin to make a whole map series of couter-life missions, im going to make it so in this map it looks like u pick up 1 deagle but u pick up 3, same with m4a1 and other maps
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-17 02:25:39 UTC in vault item: Terrorist Escape (for Counter-Life) Comment #1278
no need for sarcasm
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-14 03:27:22 UTC in vault item: azt_aim! Comment #1239
looks good, use lights! what really stands out to me is how there is now trim on some walls, i know it sounds strange but it makes it look so much better