As an American, I don't know a lot about the other cultures of this world. But what I do know, is that during the weekend of Saint Patrick's Day, in the United States, everybody is Irish.
This holiday might not make sense to a lot of people, but in the United States, the idea is to get drunk with Irish whiskey and beer, eat Irish food, and have a lot of fun.
Quite frankly, it's my favorite holiday.
Everybody wears green, everybody gets together and Cooks good food, brings good beer, and we all have a lot of fun drinking for no reason, other than some silly holiday that says hey... We should all drink and have fun.
Anyway, TWHL, all of you have been great to me, and I wish you a happy Saint Patrick's day, and I hope you all have enjoyed some delicious beverages, enjoyed some delicious food, and I have had a fantastic night/ weekend.