Forum posts

Posted 10 months ago2024-03-29 04:37:54 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348673
Thanks for letting me know about that. I just tinkered around with your various config files and also read your github guide. This project is truly stunning. I've finally switched from Fi 1.6 to featureful.

Still missing all the fancy Field Intensity monsters though, but all in the good time, eh? :)

The fact that you won't re-add your story, thought and radio features saddens me immensely. Besides your mod and Todesangst2, Point of View I can't recall any other SP mod that ever did something similar. Would be a massive boost to any story driven mod to get that included in featureful even if it was just experimental.
Any chance on getting the Squad disband and recruitment feature into Featureful? Might be useful for all sorts of Npcs later on.

Bug report: monster_flyer_flock won't accept my custom models. It launches by default with the Boid model. But what I'd like for my XEN map is the real flock.mdl model. The model animations are present and accounted for.

So far I'm very happy and very grateful to you and your ambitious project..
For you:
Even better - here is ver 1.1 (hybrid) running perfectly in Virtualbox 5 on Win XP SP3 x86 :
proofproof works fine for me in Win 98 SE virtual machine (Virtualbox 5 and Microsoft Virtual PC 2009).
In Win 98 first install SENTINEL/WIN_95/SENTW95.EXE, then install the 3D S Max with keys, and then apply CRACK/3DSCRACK.COM to the main installed dir and run it, inside it press space.
Other possible reason for not working is maybe what you used: Windows NT 4.0...
Getting a D3D or OpenGL accel. in Virtualbox 5 or Microsoft Virtual PC 2009 for Win 98 however is a long talk... Very long...
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-27 09:14:08 UTC
in Sky textures not downloading to client. Post #348670
Only .bsp and .wav are automatically downloaded, other files need to be specified in a .res file. Sky .tga files should be downloaded just fine, make sure you specified them correctly. Enable developer mode by entering developer 1 into console and see what is happening when you try to connect to the server in question. If you are using a dedicated server, enable developer mode in it's console as well, or use the command line argument -dev when starting it, forgot which one it is.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-27 01:53:35 UTC
in Sky textures not downloading to client. Post #348669
So I had assumed files in gfx/env/skyname.tga were automatic downloads and that's why they weren't generated by resGen.
But then I found out clients were only seeing default skys.
So I added them to the res file. But they still weren't getting them.
I had to gather the files and send them directly to client.
Only then could they see the sky intended for the map.
So what am I doing wrong?
23/03/2024 UPDATE: Alright, So i decided to try another go at using Virtualbox 5 (The Last Version to support Windows 7) for Installing an Old Version of 3Ds Max but instead of Windows XP 32 Bit I opted to use Windows 98 so I set it up, Mounted Windows 98 but after i set up, I founded one can't use Virtualbox's Guest Additions in it so I decided to Try Windows NT 4.0. This Time Virtualbox seems to be working alright and afterward I tried installing this version of 3ds Max (I hope it's okay to link stuff like this) - But I had issues with the Instructions so I uninstalled it then tried 3DsMax 2.5 using the Instructions by fgv112 listed here. - This Time it nearly went Alright but I got "Hardware lock drivers are not installed: Application will terminate" when Attempting to Launch it, Then i founded i had to install the Sentinel Driver so I installed it But I still got the same Problem regardless.

As for compiling Models, I remember once managing to compile the Early Gravity Gun for the HL2 Leak and it managed to compile but It replaced the Gravity Gun in the Leak so I had to move it into another Folder and return to the 100 .rar Parts for the Leak to Re-add the Leak's Default Gravity Gun so I wonder Would anything have to be compiled within the "valve" Directory instead of the other mod Directories for HL1 Related Stuff?
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-20 15:18:16 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #348667
Unified SDK wont be able to use WON Versions of Half Life as far as I know, so you wont get a version probably. as for the Models and stuff, just ask your stuff in the GoldSrc Forums
Tarek TarekTrenchbroom is hard to learn......Someone shouldve told me that.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-20 09:07:12 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #348666
Hi there Solokiller, I know the Steam Versions of Half-Life is the Updated SDK's Priority but I wonder do you know if anyone on the Forums (Or other Half-Life Forums) have done Something Similar to the Unified SDK for the WON Versions of Half-Life? (I'm specifcally using V1.0.0.9 Which has this CD Case - for 2 Mods I'm working on even though most WON Compatible Mods i've seen online seem to Target the Last Update [V1.1.1.0])

I'm also wondering can I ask Questions in regards to Models on Here or if any of the Other Members that help out with HL:Updated Could point me in the Right Direction in regards to Coding or other Stuff?
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-20 08:11:11 UTC
in Looping sounds doesn't work (EP2) Post #348665
It appears Source just ignores the ending cue point. At the end of the file, it correctly loops back to the start cue, so I suppose that's something.

No idea how to make any sort of "wind down" now though, if it's impossible to loop the middle and later play the end...
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-19 22:20:56 UTC
in Looping sounds doesn't work (EP2) Post #348664
This is for music, btw; I've tried a different solution where I rendered intro and looping part of a song separately and played them by repeatedly triggering the PlaySound input of the ambient_generic, but even with precise timings, there was a noticable gap in there, so that didn't work either.
Posted 10 months ago2024-03-19 22:19:55 UTC
in Looping sounds doesn't work (EP2) Post #348663
I've consulted the VDC article on this (Looping a sound) and tried two of the programs there, LoopAuditioneer and Goldwave.

LoopAuditioneer lets me create loop points, for which I can input precise sample numbers, but which Source just straight up doesn't pick up on. The entire file loops. It also lets me create cue points, which I can only create by vaguely clicking into the waveform with the mouse without any sort of sample precision.

Goldwave lets me create cue points by inputting specific timecodes, so that's what I did. I used their online version, since I didn't want to bother with the trialware. I named them as the wiki shows (start_cue and end_cue) and saved the file.

The entire file just loops from start to finish as well.

My files are 44.1 kHz 16-bit PCM WAV files, which is within the specifications the VDC wiki outlines ("Source supports uncompressed 8-bit and 16-bit PCM"). I used a hex editor to verify the appropriate "cue" chunk has been written into the file by Goldwave.

I'm a little out of my depth here and at my wits' end; I've followed the tutorials letter for letter and it still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-18 13:42:00 UTC
in help with bug Post #348662
That's not a bug but instead a common level design error known as a Leak. It means that the level isn't properly sealed (all entities must be contained within world geometry).

This guide can help you fixing those leaks.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-18 01:27:22 UTC
in Problem with music Post #348661
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-17 15:09:01 UTC
in help with bug Post #348660
hello, I am making a hl1 mod and I've got a problem, the lights aren't working, and everything seems fike in fullbright, can someone help?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-17 12:00:24 UTC
in Interrupt Monster's schedule by monsterstate_prone Post #348659
Ok I found the issue, was connected to another part pf the code and not the Reload itself. Also I used the bits_COND_SPECIAL function that is also used in the HGRUNT to connect to my weapon to trigger the prone.
Now it is fine.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-17 03:03:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #348658
Dr. T i like the style of your maps so far :-)

Any updates in the last 9 months about the map?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-16 15:08:11 UTC
in Problem with music Post #348657
unfortunately this is a bug that affects all goldsrc mods (even including the expansions) and there's no real workaround. the most you can do is play it thought an ambient_generic but that would require a lot of compression of the audio file
breadloaf breadloafrespectable individual
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-16 01:11:51 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348656
There's some documentation on wiki, e.g.
The wiki just lists changes comparing to Half-Life. For (re)implemented SoHL or Sven Co-op entities you'll need to refer to the corresponding tutorials. The FGD itself serves as documentation since most of the new entities and property names has descriptions you can read in J.A.C.K.

While Field Intensity uses the same codebase it has some adjustments that are currently not available in Half-Life Featureful SDK.
I'm not sure what you mean by test maps. There's only one demo map included in the Half-Life Featureful archive.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-15 18:08:30 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348655
Sounds lovely... I will have a check on it. At the moment I'm working only with your Field Intensity Build v1.6 so I haven't even started yet to check out featureful.

Are there some documentation files you published somewhere explaining what each new entitiy does? I did go through your test maps on the Field Intensity SDK. Some maps didn't work as they should've as far as I could've determined.

Anyway stay on it. You're doing a wonderful job as always. :)
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-15 14:29:34 UTC
in Problem with music Post #348654
So, I am making a mod and it has custom music. When I play a mod and load a save file when music is playing it stops, which is not happening in original game. How do I fix it? (I am using pre-25 version)
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-15 08:28:44 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348653
23-down, some of the things you mentioned are already implemented.
E.g. robogrunt, heavy weapons grunt (he probably needs a bit of improvement though), Richard Keller and female security guards. Some of them are not enabled by default in the sample mod but can be configured. Look at the features/featureful_monsters.cfg file.

As for females scientists and HEV scientists (similar to ones from Sweet HL) it would be ideal to come up with a system that allows a mapper to replace NPC's sounds for specific instances. Currently only the sentence prefix replacement is already supported, but one will need to replace pain/death sounds as well. Once it's implemented mappers can make female scientists based on monster_scientist and HEV scientists based on monster_human_grunt or monster_barney.
-Solokillers random trigger spawning possibility. Making each play through unique and different.
You can emulate random spawn via trigger_random.
-Solokillers triggers that only activate based upon the set difficulty.
This is something I want to add later along with some other utilitary entities.
-Solokillers Audio library & entity maximum extension.
It basically requires to rewrite the whole Audio Engine. While it's technically possible (Sam used OpenAL, but there're other alternatives like miniaudio), it's a lot of work, I'm not sure when I'm gonna do it.

Cut HL monsters is something I will be implementing when I need them in my own mods. Basically I do most of the stuff because my own projects may need it.
I know almost nothing about modeling, wait until someone knowledgeable helps you. My directory structure was inside a random named folder in a random location. I can just drag box.qc over studiomdl.exe or use cmd.exe to change into that folder and enter studiomdl.exe box.qc

I must warn that running Windows 98SE in QEMU is very problematic. It would be easier to buy an old PC, and you don't really need something from the 90s, any clunker from early 2000s should run Windows 98 and have drivers for it. Although plain 3D Studio Max 1.2 is missing a lot of features which are present in later 3D Studio Max versions. Valve used lots of plugins for 1.2 to get all those features, and you would have to dig through ancient warez archives to find those plugins. Read through the documents within all the SDK releases of Half-Life, they contain much information.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-14 21:29:42 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348651
I love you guys for doing this. Your todo list also looks very impressive. It will contain everything I always dreamed of.

Additional wishes or recommendations if not added yet:

-Solokillers random trigger spawning possibility. Making each play through unique and different.
-Solokillers triggers that only activate based upon the set difficulty.
-Solokillers Audio library & entity maximum extension. (I believe that was already included within Field Intensity, am I right?) So that the game allows for more maximum npc sentences written within the sentences.txt and an increased number of entity usage within any given map.
-Fix on Field Intensity Code and probably here as well to give Hecu_Ally_Grunts a rifle. When I spawned em per entity or per console they still spawn without a rifle just like in the original Op4 SDK.

As far as Monsters go possibly this:

-Hecu Minigunner, seeing how you're gonna add the minigun at some point.
-rpg hecu and blackop rpg variant- also being able to take on choppers.
-Robo Grunt of the censored German Version?
-Decay: npc Keller. Rosenberg is already in it if I remember correctly.
-Eventually a port of the Sweet Half-Life Hev Suit npcs & the Grey Aliens? :D
-Would be cool to get the Todesangst 2 Loader Enemies in as well. That was a one timer. Haven't seen anything like it any other Half-Life mod since. :)
-Eventually female Scientists (I've got a full sound set ready, based upon their male counterparts.)
But it's not yet released. Let me know if you're interested in obtaining that.
-Female Azure Sheep Security Guards.
While these can get added in by the mapper themselves it might save time and would serve as full package for any upcoming mappers to have everything available from start.

Last but not least a minor and more fun like request:
-If permission given add the brown shocktrooper variant of this SDK project onto your project: It uses the former Alpha model but enhanced to the default op4 standards and uses the spore launcher instead the shock roach. Of course it's just a simple weapon and model swap within the entities in the editor but still kinda cool to have. Maybe eventually as 2nd skin within the model itself? Might be even cool to have for Field Intensity. That combined with a slight different pitch within the monster entities and you get a female version of said Alien. ;)
As far as the Archer is concerned: I love how it got handled back in Azure Sheep, game play wise.
Although an additional distance attack might not be wrong especially if the player is hiding behind something in the water.

It could have 3 attacks.
1. When it comes under close range attack from the player with a crowbar it will release a minor electrical charge which stuns the player and their vision, swims off before charging or long range attacking the player again. Similar like you did with the Alien Slaves.
2. the regular bite animation that azure sheep portrayed
3. and your suggested pit drone like attack.

I'd love to get the sounds from the Azure Sheep version for it. It had the best sounds for the Archer and the most memorable.

Stukabat - Hl: Point of View - hanging as ammo or idling around in the air and attacking any humans once it sees them.
Panthereye - Hl: Invasion, yes.
Charger - Hl: Invasion, yes.
Alienflyer aka Aflock - Love to see a dynamic flight script like you did for the boid.
chumtoad - Idle walking and hopping logic like for the boids. If approached to closely they explode on you.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-14 16:29:16 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348650
New release


Ammo changes

  • The max ammo carry per each ammo type can be configured via features/maxammo.cfg file (example included).
  • Increased the max ammo the player can potentially carry - now it supports showing up to 4 digits in HUD.

ParticleMan implementation

ParticleMan is an additional library made by Valve that is used to spawn particle effects in Counter Strike and Day of Defeat. While Valve's ParticleMan is a separate closed-source library, it can be reimplemented in the client.
  • The ParticleMan reimplementation by SamVanheer added to the SDK.
  • Added a new client command test_particles to spawn test particles with ParticleMan.
  • Note: particles produced by ParticleMan won't work in Software render mode.


  • New entity particle_shooter - create particles with ParticleMan. Designed after the entity from Day of Defeat.
  • Buttons are now allowed to play scripted_sentences.
  • New parameter Delay Before Reset for trigger_relay which allows to ignore consequent calls to trigger_relay until the specified time has passed since the last call.
  • New suffixes for multi_manager delay values: forward and reverse to forward or forward-reverse the use type the multi_manager has been called with to its targets. E.g. if multi_manager was triggered with On use type, all targets which have #forward suffix in the delay value will be triggered with On. All targets which have #reverse suffix in the delay will be triggered with Off in this case.

Cvar changes

  • The client cvar cl_satchelcontrol has been renamed to _satctrl and set to 0 by default (classic satchel control behavior).
  • New client cvar _grenphys added to let user control whether they want the new hand grenade anniversary or not.
  • Note: weird cvar names is the result of user info buffer being limited to 256 bytes.

Other changes

  • Added previously missing func_vehicle to fgd.

Codebase changes

  • The minimum required C++ version now is C++11, instead of C++98.
  • Ammo types registration is now separated from weapon precaching.
Alright Then Bruce, I also previously considered buying an Actual Windows 98 Desktop (Which would require needing to copy both the SDK and 3Ds Max over via a USB Stick) but preheaps I'll instead look into QEMU for Installing 3Ds Max 1.2 for opening the .Max Files.

As for the Compile Method, I'll try your Method for compiling Models. I wonder should the Directory Structure be in a modelsrc Directory or if it should be put directly into the Models Directory.

Anyways, I'll let you know if your method will work for me. - NSWThomasFan.

UPDATE: So as a test before attempting to Try compiling the MP5 Again, I decided to try instead compiling the Early 1998 Python - (Which I founded in the Leaked Repository for Half-Life: Source that was leaked Last Year [The Textures for the E3 1998 Shotgun plus Early RPG [Which we Only had the untextured rpg_launcher.max/.smd in the SDK for the viewmodel along with the Completed Worldmodel] were also founded in there]) and I've tried Compiling it directly inside the Models folder (Having the "bmp", "mdl" and "smd" Structure in it) But I still have the problem of "insertname.smd doesn't exist" (In this case python_gun.smd) when trying to Compile it.

If this Helps, Here's what I've modified in python.qc incase it helps in figuring out what's preventing it from compiling.

$modelname "v_357.mdl"
$creature "models\v_python\bmp\barehanded"
$scale 1

/ / whole body

$body gun "python_gun"
$body bullets "python_bullets"
$body speedload "python_speedload"
$body hands "python_hands"

$origin Q -8 65

/ / $attachment 0 "python_master" 0 -14 6 Y -1
$attachment 0 "python_master" 0 -14 6

$sequence idle1 "python_idle1(simple)" loop fps 30 activity ACT_VM_IDLE 1
$sequence fire1 "python_fire1" fps 30 { event 5001 0 "31" } snap activity ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1
$sequence reload "python_reload" fps 36 { event 5004 72 "Weapon_357.Reload" } activity ACT_VM_RELOAD 1
$sequence holster "python_putaway" fps 30 activity ACT_VM_HOLSTER 1
$sequence draw "python_bringup" fps 30 activity ACT_VM_DRAW 1
$sequence idle2 "python_idle2(hammer)" loop fps 30 activity ACT_VM_IDLE 2
$sequence idle3 "python_idle3(beauty)" loop fps activity ACT_VM_IDLE 3
$sequence idle4 "python_idle4(startled)" loop fps activity ACT_VM_IDLE 4
I once compiled a model this way. Consider a directory structure like below. I probably had similar problems to the ones you describe.

studiomdl.exe (forgot which version, 173.056 bytes, date 1998.10.20)

Contents of box.qc:

$modelname mdl/box.mdl
$cd smd
$cdtexture bmp

$body studio "box"

$scale 1.0
$origin 0 0 0

As for the original .max files, I could open it in 3D Studio Max 1.2 on Windows 98SE in QEMU. Read the documents in the old Half-Life SDKs.
Hi there,

I have multiple Questions regarding Half-Life Modding from having been reading multiple Threads regarding making Mods for it, But I'm start with 2 Modelling Related Questions.

So for No.1 - I wonder how does one exactly Models for the Pre Steam Versions of Half-Life (Aka The WON Versions)? I'm asking as I'm working on a mod for it (I'm using Version that was released in Late 1999 as the Game of the Year Edition which has this Cover Art - even though Most Modern Day WON-Based mods seem to target the Last Version [V1.1.1.0]) That recreates how Half-Life looked when It was shown at the 1998 E3 Convention but I'm having a Problem when trying to Compile models for it.

As an Example, I'm trying to Compile the early MP5 model (forcedperspective.smd) that's in the SDK with the Textures from the 0.52 Alpha Model (But using the righthandtop/lefthandtop and right_thumb textures in the SDK that are dated 11/06/1997 to 01/07/1998 [According to the Mini SDK's file Dates whereas the Standard/Full Versions overwrite the date]), but when I try to Compile it, The Command Prompt says the .smd dosen't Exist. I tried the studiomdl.exe from both the Mini SDK (From November 25th 1998 only a few days after the Game's Release) and the Final Version (From October 2002 before the SDK was added to Steam around August 2013) and the same Error occurs Regardless of Which Compiler I attempt to use.

No.2 - Another Problem I have is that It's been known in recent Years since around 2016 that one can find Early Versions of some of the Models hidden within the .max Files in 3Ds Max (Here's where the Defunct Thread where I discovered it. - ). This has gotten me interested in wanting to use them for the Mod I'm working on But I'm unable to open the .max Files. I've tried installing 3Ds Max 4 (Which I founded here - via ) but the Program wouldn't work (And I later read that Older Versions of 3ds Max are not Compatible with Newer Windows Versions) So recently I tried installing both a Windows XP 32 bit Virtual Machine as well a Version of 3Ds Max from 2009 that I founded with a Crack but those didn't work either.

So I wonder How exactly do i get Models to Compile in the Mod Directory or if anyone has the .max Files converted to .smd? (Given how most of the .smd files in the SDK that aren't "template_biped" or "_reference" only contain the Animation Skeletons) If So, Would Anyone also have a List of which textures that aren't in the SDK But are mentioned as Missing Files for Specific Models in 3Ds Max.

I aplogise for making what could be a Long First Post, But Any Help for these 2 Model related Questions (in terms of compiling as well as Early Meshes in .max Files) I have would be appreciated.

  • NSWThomasFan.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-11 19:49:08 UTC
in HL Like Node Graph Needed Post #348644
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-11 10:09:19 UTC
in HL Like Node Graph Needed Post #348643
pretty sure the ai nodes in half-life is like that. when the LOS to target is broken, it tries get a LOS to a node where the mesh connects to another node that has LOS to the target. then it follows the mesh to get from the start node to the end node, and thence to the target.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-11 09:09:20 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348642
"model 0" is the worldspawn model, i.e. all world brushes (including func_detail).
The coordinates you get is the lower bounds (-X, -Y, -Z) and upper bounds (X, Y, Z) and the problem brush is within that box.
If it's hard to visualise this bounding box, you could make a box brush with those bounds, or use the Cordon Tool to limit the map to those bounds, and look if there's any misshapen brushes in there (either world brush or func_detail).
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-11 02:17:26 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348641
might be a bug in dod (or even in all first party titles) where taking damage from trigger_hurt resets gravity?
I made a test map with only spawn ponits a couple of flags and a hurt buttom that could be shot and one that could had to be pressed to activate.
And the .25 gravity and the reset to 1.
It worked fine.

In my log file for the map causing problems I have 4 errors in hull 1 hull 2 and two in hull 3 like this:

SolidBSP [hull 1] 500...1000...1500...2000...Warning: Ambiguous leafnode content ( EMPTY and SOLID ) at (3099,936,409)-(3110,1009,424) in hull 1 of model 0 (entity: classname "worldspawn", origin "", targetname "")

The coordinates don't seem to bring me to any thing obvious and they are all model 0 so that doesn't help.
I did a GoTo on func_detail, func_wall to see if there were any empty referances but didn't see any.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-09 22:55:34 UTC
in Interrupt Monster's schedule by monsterstate_prone Post #348640
I gave monster_barney a reload-task and this is working well. However if Barney is reloading and gets to the monsterstate_prone (normally it means to be grabbed by a Barnacle, I am using this bit for a new weapon to 'freeze' the monster_barney), the reloading sequence is still finished although it should be interrupted (like when the monster is killed in that moment).

It works when I enter the 'bits cond damage' so it is kind of the right way I think. However I dont want to interrupt the reloding when damaged, only if the 'barnacle grab' happens:

Schedule_t slBARNEYReload[] =



There seems to be no bits_COND regarding the monsterstate_prone, entering the schedule does not work. I tried to put the 'stopnanimations' at the barnacle-grab, but it did not help either.

Little help please? :-)
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-07 10:48:39 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348639
might be a bug in dod (or even in all first party titles) where taking damage from trigger_hurt resets gravity?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-07 09:36:52 UTC
in HL Like Node Graph Needed Post #348638
Hi. How to make the pathfinding system in Half-Life for my own engine where less nodes is good? There's already an A-Star system in there but it's not too good for my needs currently. Does HL use line/ray casting for specific location detection in navigation calculations? I'm curious.

Meerjel01 Meerjel01I want to be a Meerjel
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-06 18:37:46 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348637
Hm, at a first glace it looks fine to me. Nothing that seems out of place and it doesn't seem like there's any direct contact, geometric or trigger-wise, between the trigger_hurt and the trigger_gravity volumes.

I ended up working longer than I expected today and so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to set up a DoD config and compile and test this myself, sorry.
If you want to, you could compile it yourself with -chart argument on the compile tools and check for warnings and any limits being reached, and run the map with developer 2 and check for any console messages when the trigger_hurt is triggered.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-06 15:41:08 UTC
in Custom textures in greyscale Post #348636
Yeah my bad I just noticed I must have chosen quake1 wad. Thanks for the help!
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-06 04:56:20 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348635
added jmf file (jack editor) is that ok?

Oh! hadn't saved with error so made this version to show you.
played map and it is when shooting and triggering the hurt is when the trigger_gravity stops working.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-06 03:10:18 UTC
in Custom textures in greyscale Post #348634
When using Wally, make sure you're creating the correct type of WAD. It should be the one called "Half-Life WAD" or "WAD3"

For this reason Wadmaker is now the preferred option for making GoldSrc WADs.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-05 23:12:13 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348633
If you want, you could upload your map in the vault and link it here and I can take a look at it after work tomorrow.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-05 22:37:23 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348632
Sorry the area I was speaking of was set by walking through a trigger_gravity set to .25 and surrounded by trigger_gravitys set to 1
so you would walk through trigger_gravity set to 1 which would have no change then hit trigger_gravity set to .25 letting you jump higher. then when you get to any of the triggers surrounding it gravity would be reset to 1.
and all places I have these triggers in all versions of the map work fine. but when I add the func_button (shootable) target the trigger_hurt.
all func_gravitys stop working and gravity remains at 1. but they do work when the map is first started. once it fails all func_gravitys set to .25 do nothing.
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-05 17:46:26 UTC
in Custom textures in greyscale Post #348631
For some reason, after creating .jpeg textures and putting them in wally, they turn greyscale in the editor and pitch black in game?
User posted image
User posted image
screenshots as it looks in the editor and wally
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-05 07:30:34 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348630
I don't think any of your other triggers are affecting the trigger_gravity entities, as trigger_gravity cannot be toggled.

trigger_gravity doesn't define a volume of a certain gravity but instead defines a volume where a new gravity is set, and stays at this new gravity value until a different trigger_gravity is entered.
Is it possible you didn't take this behaviour into account in your map?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-05 04:42:51 UTC
in Hurt trigger in map changes gravity!!! Post #348629
I was wondering if anyone has ever had an issue like this:
I have a day of defeat map I'm working on were in different areas of the map I have low gravity.
I've been working on the map all year different versions and the gravity at these locations always stay as I set them.
On this version I decided that a character in the map will cause you harm if you shoot it.
So I put a hurt over the room, put a func_button around the character set to trigger the hurt.
All looked good play tested and seems to work fine but after a time suddenly all the low gravity spots are back to normal levels.
Rebuilt all in this version I had worked on a few times but still after a while playing the low gravity areas would revert back to normal gravity.
So I left all changes this time but removed the hurt and button triggers and every things ok again.
How in the world is one related to the other and how would it only over some time effect the other?
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-01 11:01:33 UTC
in How do I get VCD files out of scenes.image? Post #348628
Oh sweet! Thanks!
Posted 11 months ago2024-03-01 00:00:58 UTC
in How do I get VCD files out of scenes.image? Post #348627
Posted 11 months ago2024-02-29 14:17:55 UTC
in How can I convert Source displacements to brushwork? Post #348626
It seems that Twister support that

An alternative is import vmf in Blender with Plumber ( ) and then export to .map with io_export_qmap ( )
Posted 11 months ago2024-02-28 09:11:51 UTC
in How can I convert Source displacements to brushwork? Post #348625
Hello TWHL,

How I could convert a displacement from Source into quad brushes that match the surface?
Or convert it to brushwork entirely?
Is there a script or program that can do this?

Posted 11 months ago2024-02-27 10:57:31 UTC
in Singleplayer map in DM list Post #348624
I was about to say that seems like a little bit extreme before I remembered that every singleplayer map I download goes into my custommaps mini mod already, and any I work on are always mini mods as well.

Then again, it's not often I play HLDM so I wasn't really aware of this problem.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 months ago2024-02-26 20:38:03 UTC
in Singleplayer map in DM list Post #348623
You could create a folder alongside folder "valve", name it valve2 or something, copy liblist.gam, then do hl.exe -game valve2. You could then put all your singleplayer maps there and use the original folder only for multiplayer. Then your map selection would be free of singleplayer maps. Looks like they hardcoded the original maps like c1a0 not to show up in the list.
Posted 11 months ago2024-02-26 19:51:45 UTC
in Singleplayer map in DM list Post #348622
Is there really no way around it on steam then? What about people using random map selection?