Forum posts

Posted 9 months ago2024-05-09 11:01:46 UTC
in Sven Co-op Repair men Post #348785
By "repair men", do you mean Gus?
Gus (forklift.mdl)Gus (forklift.mdl)
If so the model name is forklift.mdl and it's one of Half-Life standard assets (so this version from Half-Life/valve/models can be used in your mod).

On the other hand, if you mean some player model then there's /models/player/HL_Construction/HL_Construction.mdl and /models/player/HL_Gus/HL_Gus.mdl from Sven Co-op and these are specific to SC, which means that you should ask for permission to use these in your mod, and possibly need to do some conversion as the player skeleton and/or sequences are different between HL and SC.
As for using assets from the main games (such as Half-Life, Blue Shift and Opposing Force), it's generally fine to do so for a HL/BS/Op4 mod. So re-using a main game texture in your mod's WAD is all good.

It's only a problem if you lift these assets out of these games and put them in another non-Valve game.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-08 21:00:11 UTC
in Car™️ Post #348784
Remember: the more stuff you make, the faster you'll get at it, and it will be less of a chore to make it in the future
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-08 20:22:33 UTC
in Car™️ Post #348783
Yes, mapping requires occasionally actually mapping :^_^:

You can build the main shape in under 10 minutes, it's not all that much work
10 mins
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-08 18:39:20 UTC
in MESS 1.2 has been released! Post #348782
I don't feel like this qualifies for a Vault entry, so here it is instead, a menagerie of miscellaneous MESSy stuffs I made on MESS 1.2.2.
Item Description File type(s)
zhlt_strip strips stray zhlt keyvalues that might produce unintended results in your map .ted
speedfactor multiplies any speed keyvalue in entity by a factor. useful to quickly multiply values for a range of entities with finely-calibrated speed values. .ted
mtlx_decal_text translates to a bunch of infodecals representing stenciled text. besides letters and numbers, also transforms some text symbols to a bunch of other decals. .ted, .map
mtlx_multi_manager translates to a multi_manager. this entity facilitates easy selection of targets using JACK's dropdown textbox. Also shows the arrow connections. .ted
mtlx_trigger_sequential translates to a relay that fires specified targets in order, and can loop back at the end of the list e.g. this → t1, this → t2, this → t3, this → t1... .ted, .map
texture_scrollspeed_handler BUGFIX for the one included in MESS 1.2.2 .ted
note: mtlx stands for MESS template library extras, to compliment MESS' included mtl entities.
  • MESS 1.2.2 or above
  1. Dump contents of gist/zip file to <mess 1.2.2+ install path>/template_entities/custom/
  2. Run MESS once to update mess.fgd
  3. Restart JACK/Hammer to load the updated mess.fgd
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-08 15:40:35 UTC
in Car™️ Post #348781
Yeah I mean the Black Mesa cars.

also man i do have to do it manually 😔
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-08 13:30:06 UTC
in Sven Co-op Repair men Post #348780
Does anyone know what the model's name for the repair men is? I could not find them for the life of me. also does anyone know if Svens models can be used in a normal hl mod or is it rights reserved?

I also had a question about Opposing forces. Is it illegal for me to take one of the textures from their wad and put it in mine?

Thank you
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-07 21:11:47 UTC
in Making a mod folder Post #348779
Required viewing
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-07 21:08:47 UTC
in Car™️ Post #348778
Clipping and vertex manipulation. Do one half, copy it, flip it and you've got a whole car.

For reference, the Black Mesa SUVs in HL1's Surface Tension chapter are texture-scaled to 1 with TRK2_SIDE
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-07 20:42:09 UTC
in Car™️ Post #348776
How do you make a car? Not an actual functioning one, I just want some brushes. Thing is there doesn't seem to be a magic remove all white pixels button so it looks like you have to clip it all manually.

i am not doing that

Also what size car is good? 0.7 seems right.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-07 13:21:55 UTC
in Making a mod folder Post #348774
I want to make some maps but Gordon's already had his journey, so for human npcs to make sense, I'll need to modify the sentences file. For that, I'll probably need a mod folder like valve, gearbox or bshift. But, how exactly do I set this up? Is it like an hd folder where it'll grab missing stuff from another folder? I'm not sure about copying over that much stuff (worlds first accidental piracy)

There's probably something about this on the wiki but I've got no clue where I'd look for it..

dont worry names are for losers i found it for you because i am very smart to look at the very top of the goldsource modding wiki page i swear i went to a different goldsource modding page list and it wasn't in that one how

...There's an edit button. You're allowed to use it. - Urby

forgot sorry
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-06 16:48:42 UTC
in Help me with trinity renders Post #348773
First we'd need to see what error you're getting exactly to be able to help. At least provide a screencap.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-05 20:57:53 UTC
in Making a Model Compiler for HL Alpha? Post #348771
UPDATE: So a few Hours Ago, I was viewing the "utils/studiomdl" Subfolder under the "Source Code" Folder of the Half-Life ProSDK (Which was the Full SDK when it was under NDA Prior to Mid 2000 when Valve made it available for Public Download) that surfaced in Early 2017 (The Folders are located under both the "Single Player Source" and "Multiplayer Source" Folders in the Later Versions of the SDK) and I founded that the "studiomdl.h" file has the STUDIO_VERSION Specified on Line 17, So I'm starting to think that if someone changes the version from "10" to "06" and then recompiles Studiomdl.exe, Then it maybe Possible to make a Version of studiomdl that's compatible with the Half-Life Alpha without needing to Backtrack to Quake's Source Code. (Assuming it would hopefully work) I'm now considering that I'm gonna try attempting to Compile studiomdl for Version 06 Models myself over the Next Few Days.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-05 20:39:12 UTC
in issue with creating a power plug Post #348770
so i was working on some hl2 mod, it isnt anything too serious as its just me sillying around and seeing what i can do with the engine, but then i had some weird issue. i tried to create a section where the player would need to put a plug in its place for the elevator button to work, but when i load the map, the plug teleports to fuckwhere under the map, and the cable starts ascending weirdly as this error gets printed out in the console
Ignoring unreasonable position (1096.000000,-4296.000000,-16392.626953) from vphysics! (entity plug_box)

im not really sure what to do to fix it, as it seems like i have done everything correctly (unless if i somehow missed a step which happens alot lol)

im not really sure what else to show so im just gonna drop screenshots that i think would help a bit

(yes i did set the physbox to be solid to world)
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
if i need to provide more information if needed then i will gladly do so when i can

EDIT: getting rid of the physbox and making the plug model a prop_physics_override worked, yay 💗
justyn_sly justyn_slyits called chicken burger
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-05 14:02:19 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348769
New version


Per-monster sound replacement

Now monsters have a Sound Replacement File parameter. These files define sound replacements for the monster entity. See example in sound/female_pain.txt.

This feature is quite experimental and needs more testing.

The demo map update

The demo map was extended a bit to include demonstration of more entities and features.

Captions changes

  • Number of captions is virtually unlimited now (as opposed to maximum 256 in the previous releases). Note that you're still limited by the number of sentences depending on the engine (2048 on the modern GoldSource).
  • The length of the caption is virtually unlimited (as opposed to maximum 599 characters in the previous releases).
  • Added support for the forced caption duration (the hold time). See example in sound/captions.txt.
  • Added more HL sentences to the sample sound/captions.txt.

New features in featureful_server.cfg

  • gauss_fidget - allows to enable/disable the Tau-cannon fidget idle animation.
  • medic_drop_healthkit - whether medic grunts drop healthkits upon dying.


  • New monster monster_civilian - generic friendly npc with scientist-like behavior. Doesn't have the healing ability. Suitable for making civilian npcs like construction workers or unarmed npcs from Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.
  • Commented out monster_gus and monster_gus_dead in the fgd. This monster was from Cleaner's Adventures and wasn't enabled in the game code anyway.
  • Customizable Fly Speed, Turn Rate and Check Distance for monster_flyer_flock.
  • Added Alert friends and Friends can alert me parameters for talk monsters.
  • Monsters with Tolerance level set to Absolute are now not alerted by friends death by default (it still can be forced via Friends can alert me parameter).


  • New entity player_hasweapon - check if player has a specific weapon. Can be used as Master.
  • New entity player_hasitem - check if player has a specified item (suit, flashlight or longjump). Can be used as Master.
  • New entity trigger_skill_test - fire a trigger depending on the current difficulty.
  • New flag Fade sprite for env_smoker to automatically fade smoke sprites (by default the entity relies on fading in the sprite animation).
  • New parameter Scale unit type for env_smoker (historically the entity used tenths of the scale, i.e. 10 meant scale 1).
  • New entity player_calc_ratio - calculate the absolute or fractional value of player's health, armor or ammo amount.
  • trigger_compare has a new way to fire a target depending on the condition. Now you can define test type and triggers for pass and fail. The old triggers work independently from the new ones, but it's not recommended to use both approaches at the same time.
  • trigger_compare now can be used as a master. The state depends on the evaluation of the chosen condition.
  • The parameter Fire On Equal To of trigger_compare now uses a different internal key name. The old key is still supported, but considered deprecated.
  • New entity env_extinguisher to produce a fire extintinguisher effect. Ported from Field Intensity.
  • New parameter Starting frame for env_model. The negative value allows randomizing the starting frame.
  • momentary_door now has an associted Calc Ratio value (like in Spirit of Half-Life).


  • Fixed player being able to pick up the same ammo item multiple times when the pickup policy allows picking up by pressing +use button. Thanks b0rdie for reporting.
  • Fixed not being able to set custom model and custom model scale for monster_flyer_flock. Thanks 23-down for reporting.
  • Fixed setting Gun State parameter with some custom Barney models. Thanks 23-down for reporting.
  • Now if sk_rgrunt_explode skill is not defined, the hand grenade damage is used as a fallback.

Client input changes

  • Windows version now uses SDL2 to handle mouse and joystick input when running on the engine version post 2013 update (when SDL2 was added to the engine). The old non-SDL2 input handling is still supported when running on the older versions.

Codebase changes:

  • ARRAYSIZE is now a template constexpr function instead of the macro.
  • The virtual function IsTriggered now returns bool instead of BOOL.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-05 11:50:24 UTC
in Making a Model Compiler for HL Alpha? Post #348768
I'm wondering seeing how the Half-Life Alpha (v0.52) has a Similar .bsp format to Quake, Can it be possible to create a program similar to studiomdl.exe that could compile models for the Alpha? (especially since it doesn't come with a model compiler and only has the Worldcraft Editor for creating Maps), i can only guess at this point that one would have to figure out what Quake formats in either Quake, QuakeWorld Or Quake 2 (Since i read Goldsrc uses bits of the Latter 2 but was still mostly based off Q1) are similar to Half-Life's .smd (Studio Model Data) format is based on from and work from that.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-03 23:08:53 UTC
in Help me with trinity renders Post #348767
So when i compiling cl_dll it gives error about vector.h BUT vector.h works good in dll.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-03 16:35:34 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348766
If your elevator is part of a single level, I'd recommend looking into the example map below.
Note that this particular setup is meant to go to multiple levels; if your elevator only goes from A to B it won't have to be nearly as complex, and the part about changing path_corner targets can be ignored.
Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6717
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-03 04:53:24 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348765
I wrote a tutorial for this, but haven't published it because there's no screenshot yet. If you can work with text alone, here's a snippet:
Suppose two maps building_base and building_top. To setup the elevator, we first need two doors and two buttons. The buttons target the doors. Now, one of the doors will fire our changelevel upon closing but the other will target a multisource which we'll place near the button inside the elevator. Don't worry, we will put the list of entity specs in a bit.

Then we setup the functional level change setup. As with previous, we put our trigger_changelevel way up in the ceiling (or even hidden in a nook nearby, as long as the players can't reach it), an info_landmark in the middle of the elevator floor, and a trigger_transition covering the whole elevator interior. Note that the trigger_changelevel's change target will target a multi_manager that manages the elevator ride effect.

Finally we'll be placing a few atmospheric entities to create the sensation of riding an elevator. One ambient_generic for the starting and stopping sound, another for the travelling sound, and a third for the chime. An env_shake for the jolt. Lastly a multi_manager to manage them all.

The entity specs for the setup is as follows:
Door and button setup
  • Outside func_button:
    • Target: elev_door
    • Delay before reset: 4
  • Inside func_button:
    • Target: elev_door
    • Master: elev_lock
    • Delay before reset: 4
  • One of the func_door:
    • Name: elev_door
    • Fire on close: changelevel_elev_relay
    • Flags: ☑Toggle
  • The other func_door:
    • Name: elev_door
    • Target: elev_lock
    • Flags: ☑Toggle
  • The multisource:
    • Name: elev_lock
Changelevel setup
  • trigger_relay (to delay changelevel)
    • Name: changelevel_elev_relay
    • Target: changelevel_elev
    • Delay before trigger: 1
  • trigger_changelevel
    • Name: changelevel_elev
    • New map name: building_top
    • Landmark name: lm_elev
    • Change target: elev_ride_mm
    • Delay before change target: 1
    • Flag: ☑ USE only (2)
  • info_landmark
    • Name: lm_elev
  • trigger_transition
    • Name: lm_elev
Elevator ride setup
  • ambient_generic (the jolt sound)
    • Name: elev_jolt
    • WAV name: plats/talkstop1.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☑Not toggled
  • ambient_generic (the moving sound)
    • Name: elev_move
    • WAV name: plats/elevmove2.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☐Not toggled
  • ambient_generic (the chime sound)
    • Name: elev_chime
    • WAV name: plats/elevbell1.wav
    • Flags: ☑Start silent, ☑Not toggled
Elevator ride setup (continued)
  • env_shake (elevator jolt)
    • Name: elev_jolt
    • Amplitude: 2
    • Effect radius: 500
    • Duration: 1
    • 0.1=Jerk, 255.0=rumble: 1
  • multi_manager
    • Name: elev_ride_mm
    • elev_jolt = 1
    • elev_move = 1.5
    • elev_jolt#1 = 6
    • elev_move#1 = 6
    • elev_chime = 7
    • elev_door = 8
    • (Adjust delay as needed)
On the other map, the entire setup can be copy-pasted wholesale, with only the new map name of trigger_changelevel set to the first map (e.g. building_base) and everything should just work.
Posted 9 months ago2024-05-02 02:40:39 UTC
in How to change hand texture throughout maps Post #348764
Thanks! The unified SDK does have a little bit of setup required, but once it's installed, you'll be able to use different weapon models per map.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-30 14:48:44 UTC
in How to change hand texture throughout maps Post #348763
ok, i will try this when i get home. also thanks VHETUTOR, i love your tutorial videos.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-30 01:44:54 UTC
in How to change hand texture throughout maps Post #348762
You can use Solokiller's Unified SDK to do this very easily actually.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-29 18:10:07 UTC
in How to change hand texture throughout maps Post #348761
I remember seeing this being done in some mod, could it have been Azure Sheep?

If I recall correctly, there was basically a duplicated set of weapons, one that used the uniform-clothed hands and another with the hands wearing the HEV suit. Then at some point in the campaign you would be stripped of your weapons and find yourself a HEV suit before being given the HEV-variants of the weapons.

This is of course a game code change, not something that can be done purely through mapping.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-29 15:33:08 UTC
in How to change hand texture throughout maps Post #348760
Im trying to make it so before you get the hev suit your hand looks like a scientist, but after then it looks like hev. is this even possible?

Posted 9 months ago2024-04-29 05:29:58 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348759
If this is a singleplayer campaign, you can fake the elevator just like how it's done in the HL1 campaign (e.g. the transition from c1ac1 to c1a2, the end of Unforeseen Consequences and start of Office Complex). This is probably the easiest solution.

Basically there's no moving elevator whatsoever. Just a room that looks like an elevator, a set of doors, and a button inside to trigger a trigger_changelevel.
After the level transition you're taken to an identical "elevator" room. An env_shake creates a rumbling and various ambient_generics creates noise, together creating the illusion of movement. Do this for a few seconds, then trigger a ambient_generic with a "ding!" sound and trigger the doors to open.
Add other details/effects to taste.
If it has to be within one level, then as Urby says a trigger_teleport has no relative offset in vanilla GoldSrc which would be very obvious and immersion-breaking. Additionally, to "toggle" a trigger_teleport you need to use a multisource master as trigger_teleport cannot be triggered on/off directly.

Another solution, which is a lot more complex than the others, is instead of using func_door for the doors you use func_train. Essentially 3 trains moving together to create the elevator.
This sort of setup needs careful timing and path_corner's Fire on Pass key can be of great help with that.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-28 05:26:10 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348758
The reason why it won't be a normal elevator is because it has doors.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-27 21:00:54 UTC
in How to get portal gun as a weapon in HL2? Post #348757
Triedbit and it works well. Thank you very much.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-27 15:43:47 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348756
Take a look at the trigger_teleport entity guide here:

Note that it will be obvious to the player they they have been teleported, as a trigger_teleport can cover a wide area, but will only sent the player to a single spot, so they will appear to warp to a certain point inside the elevator.

I'm curious as to why you cannot simply use a regular elevator?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-27 09:06:34 UTC
in How to make fake elevator? Post #348755
I'm working on my Half-Life mod and i need to make elevator teleport you to the other one using multi_manager, how can i do it?
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-27 04:48:59 UTC
in How to close door? Post #348754
Enable Toggle spawnflag and keep Delay before close -1, if you want to close it with the multi_manager.
Of course. You can do anything with programming. But eating corpses could be done even with the level editor alone, you just put an invisible button next to a corpse, which removes the corpse or makes it invisible, with an entity like func_changetarget or env_render, and plays an eating sound with ambient_generic, and gives you health with game_player_equip or a trigger_hurt with a negative damage value. But this would only work for corpses that already exist when the map loads.
ditto to the title
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-26 21:57:16 UTC
in How to close door? Post #348751
The Delay before close (wait) value of -1 makes it never close.

What you likely want in this situation is a Delay before close value greater than zero, but with the Toggle (32) spawnflag set instead.
That way, the door will open the first time it's triggered, and then close on the next trigger.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-26 20:53:24 UTC
in How to close door? Post #348750
I'm making a mod for Half-Life and i need to make door close using multi_manager. The door was opened before and delay before close value is -1.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-26 00:06:52 UTC
in How to get portal gun as a weapon in HL2? Post #348747
Portal gun is only available in Portal. But since it's essentially a HL2 mod you can run HL2 maps in Portal.
  1. Launch Portal
  2. Enable the console
  3. Open console
  4. Type in these commands:
    • sv_cheats 1
    • map d1_trainstation_01
    • give weapon_portalgun
25/04/2024 UPDATE: (Was meant to have been done 2 weeks ago as mentioned but other things happened) So i've done the above steps - but i couldn't launch 3ds Max 1.2 inside the WinXP SP2 Virtual Machine due to Low Memory.

But in the meantime, i eventually founded a Link for Versions 7-9 of 3Ds Max via a Reddit Post - and i had chose to use Version 8 which i've been using for 27 Days (Currently have 3 Days Remaining) but i've Managed to Converted some of the .max files to Reference .SMDs (Including a Couple of files from the recent Half Life Max File Leak - such as the scientist_template_pose1.max and different Barney Models plus the Zombie files and cinematics that show geometry for Early Versions of Specific Levels [but have not done the Female Scientist as the model lacks textures but i could export it Just incase) and have toyed around with some of the .max files and removed the Last 21 modifier's stacks from mp5sd.max (After reading on the Valve Cut Content That the Red HEV Hand MP5 can be found in the modifier's stack - http:s// Please the Whole Wiki is down as i type this Post ) before using Cannonfodder's Max 6/7 Exporter to export it to .smd to have a More Accurate Re-creation of how the MP5 Actually looked in the E3 1998 Build (Seen in the September 1998 Issue of Gamer's Republic along with the Gruntfight Video Clip).
User posted image
NOTE: The Model seen here in XSI Mod Tool v4.2 is a seperate Export from i did with Stacks 26-27 Deleted (Stack 25 is the Oldest stack that contains the HEV Hands while stacks 1-13 seem to be what appears to be the 0.52 Alpha Model while stack 14 Redid the Hand on the Back but the other Hand's Mesh was left unchanged until Stack 25)

Anyways, i tried another Attempt using Crowbar for compiling (The Studiomdl.exe is from the Absolute Zero Developer Drive's Old Compilers Directory [There's a file saying it's the Seven Co-Op Game's version which seems to be what everyone uses]) using the Directions mentioned here: - but i still keep getting errors when i tried to compile.
User posted image
And here's the .qc file i've modified for the File (Note: The Origin is from the mp5_center.qc file from Absolute Zero's Recreation while everything else are either left unchanged or my edits for the Mod i'm doing.
User posted image
i hope The Latter 2 Screenshots can better help anyone identify a mistake i may had done to help me out in regards to the problem i'm having when trying to compile Models.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-24 20:23:29 UTC
in Half-Life Asset Manager Post #348745

Half-Life Asset Manager V3 Released

Half-Life Asset Manager V3 has been released:

This is the final update, the program is no longer in development and the repository has been archived.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-24 11:53:58 UTC
in How to get portal gun as a weapon in HL2? Post #348744

I am trying to figure out how to get the portal gun as a weapon that can get picked up, and put in the inventory HEV arsenal thing when you scroll.

Posted 9 months ago2024-04-21 20:27:37 UTC
in Make NPCs hostile to whatever hurt them Post #348743
I'm making a Half-Life 2 Episode 1 mod, and I want to figure out how to make NPCs change their relationship to hate whatever hurts them, and then reset it after losing an enemy.

I know it's possible to do this in Hammer with the ai_relationship entity, and make the NPC activate it when it's damaged by the player (OnDamagedByPlayer in the I/O system), but how can I do this for every NPC?
For example, if a player attacks a npc_citizen, how can I make that citizen attack the player when it's shot by the player?

Or another example, there's 2 citizens and one metrocop in one room.
How do I make it so that, if the first citizen attacks the other citizen for whatever reason, the cop attacks the first attacker?
I have access to source code.
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-21 17:20:34 UTC
in Houndeye Guarding Post #348742
That will definitely be it. NPCs cannot navigate the map without nodes, so they may have been aware of the player but unable to reach them.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-21 06:41:40 UTC
in Houndeye Guarding Post #348741
I was gonna say odd but then I remembered I didn't place info_nodes yet, that might have been it. Thanks!
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-21 01:37:46 UTC
in Houndeye Guarding Post #348740
So long as they are all in the same squad, the SquadLeader should cause them all to wake at the same time. I've just tested this and can confirm that all three houndeyes in my test map were immediately hostile, no waiting for the first attack:
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
I'm using the jumpwindow houndeye sequence for an ambush but despite it turning in the animation, it goes back to facing where it was before after. It still moves to the end of the jump though.
Also, I tried using another scripted sequence after to turn it but that didn't work for some reason...

until i get an answer i guess ill just have it run instead
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 19:42:51 UTC
in Houndeye Guarding Post #348738
So the idea for the fight has completely changed so uhh guess I don't really need an answer anymore

would be cool to know though i guess
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 16:47:11 UTC
in Houndeye Guarding Post #348737
I have a houndeye squad leader that I want to alert the other squad members which are around the corner when it sees the player for an ambush. They have the same squad name but it seems like they wait until the squad leader does it's first attack. Is this actually possible or will I have to do some scripted sequence stuff?
Yeah that seems like it'll help, thanks
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 11:03:48 UTC
in Searching leads to wiki page with name if it exists Post #348735
the default search sucks so I tend to use this to specifically search the wiki
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 10:57:34 UTC
in How can you make alien portals? Post #348734
Yeah sorry somehow I didn't think to try that... Thanks!
For Half-Life 1/Goldsource mapping, it's actually recommended that you use JACK now, rather than Hammer. JACK is still being updated with the free version (linky link) getting a big stability fix recently. There's also a version available to purchase on Steam, but I can't say anything about that as I don't use it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 months ago2024-04-20 10:30:01 UTC
in How can you make alien portals? Post #348732
Additive is the correct Render Mode for portal sprites. This makes the sprite glow, while making the darker parts of the sprite (such as the black border) transparent. You need to make sure when using Additive that the Render Amount is quite high, with 255 being the maximum. A low or empty Render Amount will make the sprite invisible.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Not much to say, really. Would be extremely helpful when looking up entities while mapping.