Forum posts

Posted 8 months ago2023-09-12 11:21:27 UTC
in Hammer Face Alignment in Blender Post #347855
Blender doesn't exactly have a world UV coordinate system (far as I know), at least not like Hammer does. So the problem there is what to transform the face's UV from, since Blender doesn't give you a reliable starting place.

What I tried, and which does something similar I believe, is to move the camera in to a location that directly aims at the face, rather than staying in the world origin. That way it more closely replicates this behaviour. But it still isn't accurate...
User posted image
...since even face projection still takes into account the world location. Maybe what you're suggesting is using this texture projection and offsetting from that based on the world location of the face?
User posted image
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-12 10:04:16 UTC
in Hammer Face Alignment in Blender Post #347854
Have you tried, instead of projecting, to transform the face's world UV coordinates by the face's normal vector?
Essentially you want the UV coordinate plane to become aligned to the face's plane.
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-11 23:08:04 UTC
in Hammer Face Alignment in Blender Post #347853
I've been trying to replicate Hammer's automatic face alignment in Blender using Python. I'm looking to get it 1 to 1.

I know from Valve that Face Alignment works by projecting on to the face depending on its angle.

I've written some code that goes over every face in my object in Blender, and aligns a camera (which is at the world originof (0 0, 0,) to rotate towards it and then uv project on to it. To put it another way, I'm replicating Face Alignment by getting the angle of the face, using that angle to rotate a camera (so the camera's view is parallel to the surface) and then projects a uv from the camera view on to the surface.

This actually works perfectly... for objects that are flat on the grid. But all other angles don't work quite right.

My issue is not that the process doesn't work, just that there isn't information I can find on how Hammer handles these arbitrary angles.
User posted image
Left is Blender, right is Hammer. The textures are aligned 1 to 1. All the mesh is "flatly" on the grid.
User posted image
These objects are at an angle and aren't matched up.

The following is how my script works:

The camera stays in the same location (the world origin) and rotates to match the angle of the face. It then projects the uv from the camera view. It does this for every face.
User posted image
thats actually cool to know bout it is helpful
Captain Λlpha Captain ΛlphaHalf of my life has been hard
I don't know if this is helpful, but the vest and helmet are just modified battery entities...
CaptainQuirk26 CaptainQuirk26Lord Fruglmeister, El Dorito, etc.
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-10 18:03:34 UTC
in Search for a team that I could join. Post #347850
Hi. I think it would be better if you show your previous works (maps and projects you worked on before), so people could estimate your experience.
Also tell us what you would prefer to work on. Traditional Black Mesa setting or something else?

I have plenty of ideas for HL1 mods and my team can't work on all projects at the same time (we already work on 3). But if I had more people, I could lead the development of the new project based on one of my own ideas.
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-10 06:34:59 UTC
in Search for a team that I could join. Post #347849
Somebody on Lambda Generation was looking for mappers, here. I don't know anything about the project though, I just saw this today :]
I was thinking of trying to use func_button, it can be given a path to move along. However, I don't know if it is possible to change its path with func_trackautochange (or with func_trackchange). If you can, that would be best for me
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-08 23:37:07 UTC
in Draw numbers in HUD Post #347847
Hey, i was really interested in adding things to the HUD, and tried to create a new ammo counter for a specific weapon.
I take a look at the code and see the DrawHudNumber that some parts of the HUD like the ammo, health and battery have, so i was triyng to get this thing to work but it doesnt seems to have a result.

I tried to take a look at the Internet to see a way on getting my HUD to work, but surprisingly, i didn't find any, and the ones on this site seems to just show things like adding sprites similar to the flash light or the CS radar.

So i wanted to ask if someone haves a better idea on how these things work or if someone has a guide that can help me.
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-08 14:45:33 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347846
New release

  • New parameter Gravity Setting for pickups (items, weapons and ammo)
  • Customizable models for ammo entities.
  • Add Master parameter for scripted_sequence. If the script has a master, then it won't possess the monster until the master is enabled.
  • Sound Radius parameter for func_tracktrain
  • Add HG_HOSTILE sentence group for human grunts to use against non-player non-alien enemies (in Half-Life they use HG_ALERT only against player and HG_MONSTER against alien monsters).
  • Add Speech Group parameter for talk monsters. It's a custom prefix used by a monster. E.g. you can make Barney talk like scientists by specifying the SC Speech group. Note that the monster will still use its original pain and death sounds in this case.
  • Add bigmomma_wait_fix configurable feature in featureful_server.cfg. When enabled info_bigmomma entities actually use the provided Wait value (bugged in original Half-Life).
  • Fix the upper rope segment sometimes incorrectly aligned.
  • env_warpball can create AI sounds now (e.g. combat sounds).
  • New flags Relative Teleport and Random Destination for trigger_teleport.
  • Allow +use, flashlight and other impulse commands during weapon reload (those commands are locked during reload in original Half-Life).
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-08 11:47:06 UTC
in Search for a team that I could join. Post #347845
Hello everybody! I want to join whatever team is actively engaged in mods for GoldSource.
I am a mapper, if you have your own team or know who would need a mapper, I would be grateful.
func_guntarget can't be moved again after it is stopped. You can create identical looking func_train and func_guntarget's, trigger them at the starting position at the same time. func_train will be non-solid so the player can shoot the func_guntarget. Once func_guntarget is activated and stops, killtarget it and use a trigger_changetarget to change the func_train's target to the starting position.
damn thats real sad
Captain Λlpha Captain ΛlphaHalf of my life has been hard
func_guntarget might do it. idk if you can reactivate it after it's shot, firstly to reenable it and secondly to move it out of the way. you can test this with a func_guntarget that targets a trigger_relay, that after some delay targets the same func_guntarget. if this works and the guntarget reactivates, then you can start thinking about making the rest work with multiple sets of path_corners (front and back of the wall) and trigger_changetargets to change the paths the func_guntarget takes.
I'm not familiar with MMOD, but it looks like it doesn't support Opposing Force and Blue Shift-specific entities.

The only effect of adding these entity definitions to your .fgd file is that your level editor now lets you place these entities in a map. But that is of no use if the game or mod that you're mapping for doesn't support these entities - it will just ignore them, or maybe throw an error.
I cant find the helmet or the vest!!! , i even added a code in the HL1MMod.fgd that says:

//Half-Life: Blue Shift Special Entities

@PointClass iconsprite("sprites/env_warpball.spr") base(Targetname, Target) size(-32 -32 -32, 32 32 32) color(0 255 0) = env_warpball : "Warp In Ball"
spawnflags(flags) =
1: "Remove On fire" : 0
2: "Kill Center" : 0
radius(string) : "Beam Radius" : "256"
warp_target(string) : "Warp Target" : ""

@PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = item_helmet : "Barney Helmet"
sequence(choices) : "Orientation" : 0 =
0 : "Vertical"
1 : "Horizontal"
2 : "Horizontal (Upside Down)"

@PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = item_armorvest : "Barney Vest"
sequence(choices) : "Orientation" : 0 =
0 : "Upright"
1 : "Laying On Back"
2 : "Laying On Front"
3: "Upright Leaning"

@PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_rosenberg : "Dr. Rosenberg"
body(Choices) : "Body" : 3 =
-1 : "Random"
0 : "Glasses"
1 : "Einstein"
2 : "Luther"
3 : "Dr. Rosenberg"

Any ideas how i can fix this and add the vest and the helmet and these other things to ???
Captain Λlpha Captain ΛlphaHalf of my life has been hard
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-07 07:09:59 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347839
Im done working on the mod so its fine now sorry
Lost Tapes Lost TapesIntro Labs Collective Co-Owner
Maybe a func_train? You may want to try and decompile the target range from the HL´s training room, or the CS map, and see how the moving targets were done.
hi, bit of an odd first post, but I was wondering about something involving the default UI icons for the main menu and pause menu
is it possible to change the "steam" icon in the top left of these menus? example below:
User posted image
as you can see, it stands out a bit from the rest of my menu, understandably being a bit irritating
the 'resource' folder in my mod's directory has every other menu element's icon, be it the microphone volume display, or the logo that always shows in the bottom left of the main menu

EDIT: discovered a way to replace it, one of the .res files mentions a certain, "resource/icon_steam" and "resource/icon_steam_disabled"
adding these to the resource folder seems to work
User posted image
sorry for the, admittedly, quite easy-to-answer question, but i suppose that's how life is :P
tMtMtL114 tMtMtL114Idiot by trade
Is it possible to make a moving button, after activation of which - it would NOT stop, but move to a certain point?
Imagine a wall, and behind it a button, which is not visible to the player, after a conditional trigger, the button would appear in front of the wall and start moving from side to side, after a shot at it - it would disappear behind the wall, waiting for the next call. Could you please advise how this can be done, if at all possible?

Something similar was used on "cs_training" for CS 1.6, there were buttons in the form of targets, but after the player shot at them they just stopped, I need the button to return to the original position.
Im interested, i could "mildy" fill in as a mapper and modeller, perhaps editing some textures, but i cant do coding right now, sorry. Do you have a Discord or something?
The mod is inspired by Resident Evil and POSTAL 1, while having deviation to make something independent. It's kind of like Cry of fear. For more information you could check out the mod page on Moddb!
Sorry for the extreme delay:

1. Preferably use J.A.C.K. You might also want to try Trenchbroom if you are more familiar with Quake mapping.
2. You´ll probably want to look up some tutorials, i cant help you with that. Blender has its own documentation and tutorials, they can be found here. If Blender proves difficult to use, try simpler programs like MS3D or FragMotion.
3. You are trying to export the model as a Source model rather than a GoldSrc model. Check this and this.
4. I haven´t used MetaMod, but they have a guide for this. Keep in mind, you do need a little bit of C++ knowledge to use it. You might want to check out some tutorials on C++. I recomend this (1, 2, 3) pages for learning.
I could join, however im kinda busy on some other mods, but i could make some time. Could you elaborate further on your mod? (Concept, lore, ideas, etc.)

I'd like to ask for some help!

I can't develop a Half-Life 1 mod by myself, I've tried to do some coding but it always ends up as a total mess. The only roles I will cover are "Texture artist" and "Sound/Music designer" So I'd like to ask YOU for some help, I need some roles. Also this is my first time using TWHL to post something, so I don't quite understand how messages and etc. work. NOTE: I can't pay you...
The roles we require are:

Level Designer
Most current levels end up having no where to go or what to do next, so this role would be necessary for most levels, especially the Hospital one.

I have little to no knowledge on how to make a model for Half-Life 1, the most I know is how to retexture models.

Weapon Programmer
This is the one we need the most currently, I always fail at coding weapon into Runamok, and there is a ton of weapons featured in Runamok.

NPC Programmer
This is the least currently needed role, but it is necessary since at some point Police Cops and perhaps other hostiles will need to have AI Implemented. For the time being the only hostiles in the first release will be Zombies which will be a HL1 Zombie remodel.

Game Mechanics Programmer
Runamok has a lot of game mechanics like a inventory and much more, and I don't know how to add them

Voice Actor
Runamok presents a lot of characters and hostiles, mostly men and women voices, including zombies.

If you'd like to fill any of these roles and help with the mod, send a message to my Moddb account and add me as a friend. Then I'll make a group!
Posted 8 months ago2023-09-03 18:56:50 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347827
It could be the .$ext in the path, or that you have short filenames (8.3 filename) disabled.
I would copy the compilers and folders over to somewhere that has no spaces or weird characters in the path or filenames like this.


Then setup hammer or jack again.
Glad it helped, scripted_sequence isn't the most intuitive entity to work with. It's Entity Guide entry can be very helpful, especially the Notes section. 🙂
Thank you so much!!!!

I misundertood.

I thought the idle animation was what the guy would do after the action animation. xD
When you give a scripted_sequence an Idle Animation it changes how it behaves. Walk and Run Move to Position types won't work anymore, and it will perform the Idle Animation until triggered.

In your scenario you want to use two scripted_sequences: One with the Idle Animation ("studycart") and Move to Position type set to Instantaneous (let's name it ss_idle), and second one with no animations set but with a Move to Position set to Walk (name this one ss_walk).

The ss_idle needs to be triggered before the scientist will react to ss_walk being activated (the scientist needs to be "released" from it).
So in ss_idle's Target key we can put ss_walk and lastly in the trigger_once's Target we can put ss_idle.
Now ss_idle should activate ss_walk on its own when activated.
Weird, I tried in a new map and it worked.

On the prevous one I also had some leak for whatever reason, despite being 100% encolsed simple brushes room?
So I'm finally trying to learn "scripted sequences" and this drives me nuts, I have double and triple checked everything I wrote in the scripted_sequence entity, trigger_once brush and the scientist.

Its a very simple thing.

He's just supposed to walk over and "open" the laptop.


But the sequence starts even if I just stands still.

Why? =/

Second problem is that the idle animation does not continue. I want it to look like hes fiddling with the computer... "studycart" looked good enough.
But he just goes back to normal!

TRIGGER_ONCE (brush, aaatrigger)
Target: scientistlaptop

Name: scientistlaptop
Targetmonster: benny
Action animation: studycart
Idle animation: studycart
Walk to position: Walk
(x) Leave Corpse
(x) Oerrides AI
(x) No Script Movement (makes no difference...)

Name: benny

(x) Wait For Script (makes no difference...)
caption textcaption text
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-01 18:45:40 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347821
Firstly, Base Game Directory should be ...\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve

Not important but Source Map Directory shouldn't be the game/mod's maps folder but instead a project folder holding the RMF/JMF project files (keeping it separate from your game data will help making things more tidy, for example in a folder like C:\hl_modding\28daysdemo\maps).

Secondly, I asked you if you compiled using Expert Mode, and if so what does the compile setup look like.
I'm asking since the paths in the log implies incorrect/incorrect parameter use in the compile tool arguments.
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-01 17:11:53 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347820
caption textcaption text
caption textcaption text
caption textcaption text
caption textcaption text
Lost Tapes Lost TapesIntro Labs Collective Co-Owner
Posted 9 months ago2023-09-01 06:04:05 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347819
This looks like a strange mess. Are you compiling in Expert Mode?
If so, could you post a screenshot of how your compile setup looks like?

Oh and double-check your Directories in game config as well. It should look something like
[Game Executable]

[Base Game Directory]

[Mod Directory]
(Assuming your mod is called "8daysdemo")
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 22:06:23 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347818
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\London.$ext8daysdemo\maps\
** Destination: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\London.map8daysdemo\maps\
  • Could not copy the file:
Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\London.$ext8daysdemo\maps\
Destination: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\London.map8daysdemo\maps\
  • Windows gave the error message:
"The system cannot find the path specified."

If im correct this means my config is all messed up but I don't know what it is that's messed up
Lost Tapes Lost TapesIntro Labs Collective Co-Owner
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 20:44:46 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347817

Half-Life Updated release candidates released

Half-Life Updated, Half-Life: Opposing Force Updated and Half-Life: Blue Shift Updated release candidates have been released:
Half-Life Updated:
Half-Life: Opposing Force Updated:
Half-Life: Blue Shift Updated:

Notable changes for all games:
  • Fixed hand grenade model not animating
  • Added cvar sv_allowbunnyhopping to control whether the bunny hopping limiter is enabled
  • Fixed mouse cursor being invisible in VGUI1 menus when raw input is enabled
  • Fixed RPG being flagged as unusable while a rocket is loaded
  • Copy delta.lst when building client or server to ensure mods have correct delta.lst file (defines networking properties for data types)
  • Fixed item history HUD not resetting the vertical position used for new items added to the list when loading save games
  • Fixed Gauss gun dealing full damage when saving and loading right after starting a charged shot
  • Prevent breakables from spawning multiple items when destroyed by gunfire and explosives at the same time
  • Properly fixed mouse movement in main menu affecting in-game angles
Notable changes for Opposing Force:
  • Fixed electrified wire damage being frametime-dependent causing players to die almost instantly at high framerates
  • Fixed func_tank_of and other OF tank entities firing many attacks at the same time at players if they hide behind obstacles for a few seconds
  • Fixed Geneworm not lighting up its eyes

Progress on the Unified SDK

Release candidate 2 is now available:

SDK Changes

  • Fixed incorrect attribute order on a couple functions
  • Optimized debug & project info huds to avoid unnecessary memory allocations
  • Fixed third person view not using correct camera offset
  • Set Drill Sergeant accessories bodygroup to blank
  • Added Natvis types for Schedule_t, CBaseMonster & CCineMonster to make it easier to debug NPCs and scripts using the Visual Studio debugger
  • Move mouth when playing regular sounds as well as when playing sentences
  • Fixed not being able to select weapons if they do not have sequential positions in the weapon bucket
  • Hardened HUD code against missing configuration data
  • Added check to prevent out of range access in entity classification code
  • Fixed func_tank entities not respecting persistence and not being able to switch targets properly if target is behind cover
  • Fixed func_tank and other tank entities firing many attacks at the same time at players if they hide behind obstacles for a few seconds (same fix as in Opposing Force, applies to regular tank entities here)
  • Make sure loader NPC stops playing looping sounds on death
  • Fixed rats having alien gibs instead of human gibs
  • Fixed turrets and tanks continuing to target players after enabling notarget
  • Fixed baby voltigores using adult sized gibs
  • Fixed Baby Voltigores playing attack sounds at wrong pitch
  • Fixed Hornet gun not playing attack animation when firing after recharging the only available ammo
  • Implemented cvar change callbacks to simplify syncing cvar changes with other systems
  • Added cvars sv_infinite_ammo & sv_bottomless_magazines to override skill variables
  • Made crosshair color separately configurable

C# Changes

  • Removed classname validation on map load to allow TFC's flagrun map to load (contains an entity with an empty classname)
  • Missing game content is now logged as a warning instead of an error
  • A missing Half-Life Uplink installation is no longer logged as an error or a warning
  • Fixed Osprey falling through the ground and reverting to the flying animation in ofboot1 after loading a save game
  • Fixed Op4 func_tank entities using persistence keyvalue (func_tank_of entities do not use this keyvalue and act as though it is set to 0)
  • Added missing wav extension to sound in of6a5 (portal sound when Geneworm arrives)
  • Removed redundant chaptertitle key from ba_power2
  • Fixed bullsquids in of5a2 not playing eat scripts (Xen area reached via Displacer)
  • Fixed grunts in ba_outro having wrong body groups

Asset Changes

  • Reverted the LD Opposing Force Crowbar model to the original model
  • Fixed Snark viewmodel fidgetnip animation leaving the left hand in an awkward position at the end of the animation
  • Use correct hud sprite for Opposing Force scanline digits
  • Fixed scientist portal animation cutting off dialogue due to sounds played on voice channel (affects c3a2d, final Lambda Core level)
  • Fixed deadhaz.mdl helmet submodel including Gordon's head causing his glasses and ponytail to clip through the helmet
  • Added crosshair color setting to cfgs, added player_setcrosshaircolor to fgd, updated test_sethudcolor with tests for crosshair color

Remaining work to be done

  • Update changelog to include all changes (done)
  • MIT license all community-written Updated & Unified SDK code
Thanks to everybody for testing these out and giving feedback, this has allowed a lot of issues to be fixed and improvements to be made.

The documentation has also been updated to include new additions.

These releases are mainly bug fixes but in the Unified SDK a few new features were added based on feedback:
  • The infinite ammo and bottomless magazines skill variables now have associated cvars to override the skill settings
  • Crosshair color is now independent of hud color and Blue Shift's crosshair color now matches the original game's color (blue was harder to see as well)
All projects are feature complete so no new features will be added. These were added because they are simple enough and somewhat required for the existing features to work well.

Do remember to follow the installation instructions to ensure that all game assets are installed and upgraded properly so as to avoid glitches and bugs!

There are some more changes that will be made for a third release candidate but nothing involving bug fixes at this time.

Try out the new release candidates and let me know what you think!
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 20:08:54 UTC
in Portals and gels in special surfaces Post #347816
as we all know, in both games portals can only be placed on basalt surfaces. but... using the classic sv_chetas 1, we become able with a command, to place portals anywhere. so, since i play portal on nintendo switch i cannot access the command tab (i don't wanna download stuff to my switch) besides there's no information in how to activate cheats in nintendo switch, SO I'm asking for some testing in some surfaces: (both games portal gun)
inside a pool (water physics test)
toxic goo (HL2 style)
toxic goo (Portal 2 style)
NPC's or players
glass surfaces or transparent.
in the transparent surfaces or just a non collision transparent part, the back part of a portal, how does it looks??? and how does it behave when you enter it from behind? that's what i ask since i've seen no information of someone doing it
I also ask about gels in water and toxic goo's
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 12:13:59 UTC
in Something Terrifying! Post #347815
Seems like somebody joined the server and then dipped out without you noticing.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 12:12:01 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347814
It sounds like your map is not compiling. Post the compile log and we can take a look.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 11:05:13 UTC
in HL1 MMod - Adding Weapons / Monsters - SDK Post #347813
Oh, thank MrFloyd for that, I was just doing some programming there x)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 08:58:40 UTC
in Tracking +1/-1 Counter Post #347812
Damn, how'd I mess that? Thank you Mad Carrot, I'll give it a look.
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 08:57:54 UTC
in HL1 MMod - Adding Weapons / Monsters - SDK Post #347811
Thank you for the input, Admer. Your Decay stuff is part of what's got me intrested in learing Hammer!
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-31 06:22:32 UTC
in My map is not updating Post #347810
Iv Been working on a map for a mod I'm working on and the map saves in jack but In the mod when I play it its still the old version anyone know why this is happening.
Lost Tapes Lost TapesIntro Labs Collective Co-Owner
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-30 22:02:31 UTC
in HL1 MMod - Adding Weapons / Monsters - SDK Post #347809
If you want to add new weapons & monsters, you absolutely need code access. If HL1 MMod isn't source-available, you are out of luck. Base HL SDK / HL Updated SDK doesn't have any of the additions MMod has.

BTW Half-Life SDK, not exactly Source SDK~
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-30 15:08:27 UTC
in Tracking +1/-1 Counter Post #347808
On the wiki page of the game_counter entity, it says that you can decrement its value by triggering it with a trigger_relay with Trigger State set to 'off'. I've never used this entity so I'm not sure if this will work, best to try and see for yourself.
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-30 14:35:53 UTC
in HL1 MMod - Adding Weapons / Monsters - SDK Post #347807
I'm basing a mod off HL1 MMod and I'd like to add custom weapons, creatures and stuff to it. In my reserach about adding new weapons and creatures, I'm coming across needing to compile my own version of Source SDK.

I'm pretty sure MMod has its own fork of the SDK, which I don't think we have access to. Does that mean adding new content like that is impossible? Or can I still do it using the updated HL1 SDK and then run it through MMod reguardless?

This is my first attempt at a real mod of complexity so pardon if I don't know about even some basic principles. I'd just rather not spend my time figuring out getting it working if it's not possible with MMod because of not having the right SDK.
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-29 13:37:48 UTC
in Tracking +1/-1 Counter Post #347804
I’m looking to add one (+1) or remove one (-1) from a counter.

I have a gameplay idea where players need batteries to open doors and power things. Batteries are scarce, but there are lots of places they can be used. So, when a player gets a battery, the counter goes up by one. When they use a battery, the counter goes down by one (so long as they have any).

I've read about the 'game_counter' but what I’ve read is it only works for exact matches (=) and can only count up. Conventional "key"s arn’t suitable here as batteries are not tied to specific doors, and their quantity across the map is arbitrary.

I thought about having two game_counters, one for "found" and one for "used", but I don't know of a way to check the state of found > used.
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-29 11:37:42 UTC
in Post Your Desktops Post #347803
You mean:
Use le img tagUse le img tag
Also yeah that is quite unusual.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 9 months ago2023-08-29 09:54:35 UTC
in Something Terrifying! Post #347802
Sooo i was playing in half life opposing force multiplayer, and i was alone no online players no admins no bots no one, soo i was in room i was setting a bombs in that room then i hear some footsteps and i hear someone shoot with m16 he ruined my plan, then i started recording a demo i did everything same but nothing happened idk what was that but that's scary :nervous: