No - it's a mod, but I can't personally see the point of at, as few people other than other mappers actually have it! It is incorporated into other popular mods though, according to Andy (DoD and another one :))
For all those people who didn't know, Half-Life Two is soon to be released. It's an official sequel. For more information, I recommend
Yeah - it said the shadows were crap, just wanted to see how far they'd progressed with Hl2 w00t for t3h d3lay - more time to save up and UPGRADE D00D LOL
What I wanted to do was select, say, twenty panes, and tie them all to individual entities - so they don't all smash when you break one, which is what normally happens. I don't want to have to do what I did for the competition all the time (select them all individually)
All you need to do is get a LIGHTS.RAD and put it in the same folder as your compile tools. I had real problems trying to find out how to use texlighting too. I can also give you my FGD (I followed those very same instructions)
I'll write a little tutorial on it next week if I remember.
I know what that difficulty setting does (well, one part, there may be others) - stops specified entities being created (eg monsters) - dunno how you tell HL which to ignore at which levesl, though.
Aw, pleeease atom, get some more organised forums (constructive criticism). If someone replies to an old thread, it doesn't come to the top. You can only (by default) view one post at a time. Pleeeeease
There's a tutorial coming soon on LEAK finding, courteousy of Mister Crichton, it was very very helpful (we spent an hour and a half trying to follow a damn pointfile - then he came up with another idea: wait for the tutorial...
I'll have a stab at recreating it - we've moved on now, to scripted_sequences, but path_corners would be better - the gman pauses for 3/4 sec before he turns and moves to the next one, which looks a bit odd...
I've done it, just Andy's sorting out formatting and stuff so it can go on the site. Should be up in the next few days (I hope) - but it's been a bit quiet from Andy for the last week, maybe his PC/net's screwed. I'll e-mail you it if you particularly want, just the base stuff.