if you look at day 15 by Playbus, you'll note that a zombie there is attracted to a certain place after you achieve a certain goal.
PM him
Their family and friends nutured and loved thembest. typo. ever.
You stupid fucking pro-gun toting Americans. How fucking retarded are you? Never mind the fact that your death toll as a result of a firearm is absolutely, mind-blowingly high. Never mind the fact that every other country who has outlawed the right to own and bear arms has considerably lower gun-related deaths than you.Q.F.T.
You took too long to change your archaic, and now you're stuck. Retarded Government, retarded people. Here's to many more shootings, because you've all gotta be ready when the Queen of England marches in.
My apologies to those Americans who aren't asswipes.
C:DOCUME~1Philip'sMINADO~1CsbanorZHGet rid of any special characters, including apostrophes in file paths.