is 4, so I'd say go with that, been using this for glass windows/panes.zhlt_embedlightmapresolution
. It's probably better to leave empty.! exclamation mark at start of line marks a line comment
! similarly you can comment out entries below by prefixing with !
! 26/12/2023 https://twhl.info
! these 2 lines remove the background for a better Dark Reader result
twhl.info##body:style(background-image:none !important)
! this makes textareas use monospaced font
! trust me, you're going to need this!
twhl.info##textarea:style(font-family:monospace !important)
! this compresses entity guide's attribute value lists into 3 columns
twhl.info##[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)
twhl.info##[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li > ul:style(columns:3)
! this compresses Render FX list into 6 columns
twhl.info##[id^="Attributes"] + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)
twhl.info##[id^="Attributes"] + .card + ul > li:has-text(/^Render FX/) > ul:style(columns:6 !important)
! this hides the bloated TFC entity guide panels below most entity guide pages
twhl.info##[id^="Team_Fortress_Classic_only"]:upward(1):style(display:none !important)
! 2024-05-23 resize game icons in articles down from 32px
twhl.info##.inline img[src^="https://twhl.info/images/games/"]:style(width:20px)
! 2024-06-22 make overflowing card scrollable
! 2024-02-14 https://twhl.info
! === wiki edit pages ===
! makes edit page fullwidth
twhl.info##form[action="https://twhl.info/wiki/edit"]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)
twhl.info##form[action="https://twhl.info/wiki/create"]:upward(1):style(max-width:100vw !important)
! reset original width for preview
twhl.info##.wikicode-input>:last-child:style(max-width:1140px; margin:auto)
! 2024-05-08 added fira code for code blocks
twhl.info##code, kbd, pre, samp:style(font-family:Fira Code,SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,monospace !important)
! 2024-06-10 side-by-side editor-preview adjust size of preview card
twhl.info##.full-screen-wikicode-editor .form-group:last-child .card:style(max-height: calc(100vh - 60px))
// ==UserScript==
// @name TWHL+
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const searchMap = {
all: {action: "/search/index", method: "GET"},
vault: {action: "/vault/index", method: "GET"},
wikitext: {action: "/wiki-special/query-search", method: "GET"}
const doCustomSearch = (targetForm, action, method) => {
targetForm.action = action;
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for (const searchForm of [document.querySelector(".header-desktop form.navbar-search-inline")]) {
<div class="input-group-append">
<button type="button" class="btn dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="sr-only">Search options</span>
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
<h6 class="dropdown-header">Search in:</h6>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-searchin="all">All of TWHL</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#" data-searchin="vault">Vault</a>
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for (const item in searchMap) {
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searchMap[item].method) )
// wiki pages
if (location.pathname.match(/\/wiki\//)) {
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// Adds a button that shows what links to/from it
const title = document.querySelector("h1").innerText
.replace(/^\s?(?:Edit\:|History of|(Upload:)?\s+)/i,"$1")
document.querySelector(".wiki-navigation .btn-group:first-child")
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<a class="btn btn-light" href="https://twhl.info/wiki-special/query-links?title=${encodeURIComponent(title)}">
<span class="fa fa-link"></span> Links
// checkbox to narrow the page
document.querySelector(".breadcrumb .no-breadcrumb")
.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `
<label class="mr-2">Narrow page <input type="checkbox" id="twhlx-narrowpage"></label>
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root.style.setProperty('--page-pad', "0rem")
document.querySelector(".wiki").style.padding = "0 var(--page-pad)"
@BaseClass = ZHLT_usemodel
zhlt_usemodel(string) : "ZHLT Template Model Target"
@BaseClass = ZHLT_customshadow
zhlt_customshadow(string) : "Custom Shadow (when opaque)"
@BaseClass = ZHLT_embedlightmap
zhlt_embedlightmap(choices) : "Embed Light Map (when translucent)" : 0 =
0: "No"
1: "Yes"
zhlt_embedlightmapresolution(integer) : "ZHLT Embed Light Map Resolution" : 4
@BaseClass = ZHLT_noclip
zhlt_noclip(choices) : "ZHLT Noclip" : 0 =
0 : "Clip"
1 : "Noclip"
@BaseClass = ZHLT_invisible
zhlt_invisible(integer) : "Apply NULL texture in Game" : 0 : "Removes faces and NULLs them."
Not sure if ZHLT_usemodel is of any use since you already have model trains and sprite trains, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you want to include this.<number>_textscheme.txt
files at the root of the game/mod folder.