Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 00:40:09 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #91406
Snark Pit works now.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 00:15:35 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91390
Thanks RabidMonkey777
It does work, I tried.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:53:17 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91377
So basically, the gameinfo.txt should appear after playing the game?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:49:32 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91375
So can you tell me how I can put the gameinfo.txt where they go and which things I change for Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Death Match, and Counter Strike Source?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:28:31 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91373
I don't know what GCF is...
Did you get the new update that was release about one hour ago?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:27:17 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91370
I did not blame Valve that it is thier fault.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:26:39 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91367
I did.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 22:22:34 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91364
Now I can't map until they fix it...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 21:54:20 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91352
The updates that were released about 45 minutes ago. It updated Half-Life 2 Death Match, SDK, and Steam. Then I went into play games, clicked Source SDK, then it copied new files automatically, and when I clicked on Hammer it said it could not find a file and it said it is the gameinfo.txt. I searched for gameinfo.txt in all of the games, but the only ones that I could locate were in the SDK folded. There are none in the accual game folders.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 21:43:41 UTC
in Update Problem? Post #91341
The update that was released today seems to have taken out the gameinfo.txt from every where except the SDK. What do I do?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-11 00:33:22 UTC
in New Competition Post #89595
I mean, I don't want to make that decision.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-11 00:32:56 UTC
in New Competition Post #89594
If you want, it is up to every one else.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:45:16 UTC
in What Kind Of Maps Are You Making? Post #89582
I might even possibly post my map as my first posted map ever! I don't know how it will compare to other maps, though.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:45:04 UTC
in New Competition Post #89581
Sorry, wrong thread.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:44:27 UTC
in New Competition Post #89580
I might even possibly post my map as my first posted map ever! I don't know how it will compare to other maps, though.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:41:06 UTC
in Hammer To Half-Life 2 Post #89579
In hammer it is shinny, but in the game it can not even be seen through.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:10:12 UTC
in What Kind Of Maps Are You Making? Post #89574
What kind of maps are you making right now? Half-Life 2? Counter Strike Source? Half-Life 2 Deathamtch? What is in the map?

My response to the question:

I am currently making the best map I have made for Counter Strike Source Yet! It is only deathmatch, though, but it is fun so far. What is in it is: two seperate rooms that have spawns points that connects to a hallway that goes into two directions, one is a sniper spot and the other is the main arena. That part is for both Ts and CTs, but on thier own side of the map. In the arena, there are a few cargo containers, some other sutff for detail, a ledge on the T side that has a ladder leading up with boxes and junk to snipe from, on the CT side there is a two story bunker to snipe from as well. In the middle of the arena is a small bunker that is not very safe to stand in. Not much else is in the map yet, but I am still working on it.

What about you?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 20:59:11 UTC
in Hammer To Half-Life 2 Post #89573
Back to the question with the shiny glass. I did put env_cubmap in on both sides, and it still is not shiny. My texture settings are set to high in Half-Life 2.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 20:56:08 UTC
in New Competition Post #89572
Well, in any case, we get bored when there is nothing to make maps for. But while people get bored they think about what to map, then thier creativity comes out when they think of something to map. But the reason I made this thread is because it has been a while since the last compotetion.

*We could make two compotitions at a time with a set of judges for each one, and the compotitions are connected in no way what so ever. That way, who ever edites and changes this site won't have to be a judge and only needs to change the site when the judges decide who wins. The compotitions can be one Half-Life and one Half-Life 2 Counter Strike Source half-Life Deathmatch. Now, with this system everyone has their own jobrole, and the community gets more involved this way. Comments?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 20:47:25 UTC
in about cs:source elevator Post #89569
I can't.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 01:14:56 UTC
in New Competition Post #89404
Yah, but they only need to choose once. Or the member on this site can start the one and only vote, just to decide what it should be. Once we could surpass the first step, then it is all easy from there. Did you inderstand what I said in my last post?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 01:10:41 UTC
in Hammer questions Post #89403
There are more models within folders that are within the /ROOT folder, you know.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 01:07:52 UTC
in Tribute to the Gman Post #89401
How large is the file?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 01:06:33 UTC
in New Competition Post #89400
How about this.

Next compotition, the administrators of this site decide the compotition. Then, while they judge that compotition, the person who won last time chooses the next compotition that will take place as soon as the current one ends. That way, there will always be at least one compotition at a time and no struggle for a new compotition.

Recap: The person who won this time waits until the next one is over to choose the compotition theme (which will take place while the maps are being judged). Then the process repeats, the next person who wins waits until the current one ends and then chooses the next compotition theme.

In other words, the person who wins waits until after the next compotition to end before choosing the compotition theme.

I hope this makes sense.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 00:56:15 UTC
in about cs:source elevator Post #89399
But here it is anyway (without the useful color coded stuff). It is meant for Half-Life 2, but it should work anyway. BTW, I copied it the way it was written on Snarkpit, but I could not post the picture here. Sorry for the tripple post. Here you go.

We're going to make an elevator with two props and have it close the door once you press the button inside and go to the next level. Once at the next level the door will open and wait for you press the button again.

First you want make a prop_dynamic with the models/props_lab/freightelevator.mdl model. Give it a Name of prop_elevator and make the Parent elevator (we will be getting to that in a moment). Now make another prop_dynamic with the model models/props_lab/elevatordoor.mdl. Give it the Name prop_door and Parent it to elevator. If you look at the front of the elevator model you will see a dark beam on both sides of the door and wouldn't you know it the elevatordoor.mdl fits right in there.

Now we come to the parent I was talking about. Get the NODRAW texture and make a brush the size of your elevator from the top. Here is the important part. Make sure the top of the brush is level with the floor in the elevator. If not, wherever the top of the brush is where the player will walk. So it?s better to have even with the elevator floor.

Now make the brush you just make a func_tracktrain (Ctrl+T) with the name elevator and change the Max Speed to 50 (the default of 100 is a little fast). Also change the Height above track to 0 and for First Stop Target put path_track_01. Go to the flags tab and check only No Pitch and No User Control.

To make it clear what we have done so far is get our elevator and door and tied them to the func_tracktrain. So wherever the func_tracktrain goes so will the elevator and the door. Now we just need to tell it where to go.

To do that you need 2 path_track entities. Name the first one path_track_01 and for the Next Stop Target put path_track_02. Go to the Outputs tab and add these 2 outputs.

My outputs named: OnPass
Target entities named: elevator
Via this input: Stop
With a parameter override of: <none>

My outputs named: OnPass
Target entities named: prop_door
Via this input: SetAnimation
With a parameter override of: open

Since we changed the Height above track to 0 for our func_tracktrain we can set the floor of the elevator right where we need to. In the x/y (top) view put the X in the middle of the path_track entities right where the X for the func_tracktrain is at. In the y/z (front) or the x/z (side) view put the X for the path_track even with the top of the floor you want it to start on.

Do the same as above for the other path_track but name it path_track_02 and set the Next Stop Target to path_track_01. Of course put this one above or below depending on what way you want it to go.

Now we need to trigger all this. To do that we get our NODRAW texture again and make a small brush that covers the button inside the elevator.

Make this brush a func_button (Ctrl+T), give it the Name of elevator_button and made the Parent elevator. Go to the Flags tab and check only Don't move and Use Activates. Now go the Outputs tab and add the following two outputs.

My outputs named: OnPressed
Target entities named: prop_door
Via this input: SetAnimation
With a parameter override of: close

My outputs named: OnPressed
Target entities named: elevator
Via this input: StartForward
With a parameter override of: <none>

And there you have it. The door will start open, you get inside and press the button, the door will close and the elevator will move. But theres one more thing. If you try it now you can just walk out the sides and back. To stop this get the Player Clip texture and made a brush for the sides and back. Select all of them and make it a func_brush (Ctrl+T). Make the Parent elevator and you're set.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 00:53:39 UTC
in about cs:source elevator Post #89398
I would post the tutorial I had for the elevator here, but certain words needed to be certain colors to understand what they meant. Sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 00:51:37 UTC
in about cs:source elevator Post #89397
Is the elevator a model? Because the button on a model does nothing but look good. You must put an invinsible texture that is parented to the buttonmodel and where you want it. And the invisible texture should be a Func_Button. If this sounds right but is confusing, then refer back to the tutorials, because I learned how to make a Half-Life 2 elevator at snarkpit (which is not currently working). And the elevator that they had should be the same in Conter Strike Source as it is in Half-Life 2.

*But I was smart enough to copy all of the tutorials that were usefull into Microsoft word so I could reference them later without going online. That is what everyone should do, you should copy a tutorial you found usefull onto your computer for later reference in case the website crashes or you can't find it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 21:03:40 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #89137
There should be a tutorial on so many things with Half-Life 2 And it's mods. This one should be a tutorial.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 21:00:46 UTC
in New Competition Post #89134
Even with time zones, it should not take so long.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 19:59:42 UTC
in mp5 map Post #89123
To lose everything but the mp5, all you do is put in a player_unequip (or whatever it is), put in a game_player_equip, and a trigger thing to trigger it at games start. Then tell the thing to trigger unequip .01 seconds before the player_equip. Try it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 19:51:23 UTC
in New Competition Post #89121
It os not hard to start a compotetion. But it is hard to finish one, right? To start one all you must do is add it to the competetions section, right?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 00:43:31 UTC
in New Competition Post #88875
Isn't three months a bit long to wait for a new compotition? The results came out a while ago and it is taking forever for a new one to start.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 22:08:30 UTC
in Pictures And Comments Post #88849
I don't, and that is beside the point, they should post a picture at least in the other sections of the map vault. because they REALLY should be pictres if they are finished, examples, or unfinished stuff. The unfinished should have them so we know what the part that is complete looks like.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 19:50:34 UTC
in Pictures And Comments Post #88827
But then they should try and post a picture of the problem.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 19:49:30 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88826
But then again, you must realize that if they did not put those warnings, then people could sue because they were not warned of the hazards (even if the warning is pointless).
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 19:48:21 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88825
...or with your teeth...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 19:45:53 UTC
in Shout Box Post #88824
Do you speak english?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 19:44:41 UTC
in Door question Post #88823
I think the lip property is what you need. From what I understand, it's value is taken off of the tidth that the door is going to open. An Example:


Door width: 20
Current Width including when open: 40
Make Lip Value To: 10
Current Width including when open: 30

So it takes off whatever the value is in the lip property. I think this is right and hopefully it helps.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 23:04:31 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88627
But if you only delete the .nav file then it does not matter when.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 22:59:27 UTC
in WAA!! stupid light_dynamics Post #88626
Ligh dynamincs are not good, in my opinion. I just use lights, and light_enviroment.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 18:26:23 UTC
in A graphics card Post #88380
Isn't the newest DirectX 9.0?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 18:23:39 UTC
in Xen Post #88378
Sprite explorer, if you want to find where it is, and then you can modify it. But I think they just tweaked the properties so it did that, somehow.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 18:16:18 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88372
Yes, I deleted the .nav file and when I played my map it made a new one and my map works now! Yippee! Thank you.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 18:07:50 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88370
I think the extension for the navigation files for the bots is '*.nav'.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 17:51:57 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88366
Wow! Thanks, I will go try it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 17:48:52 UTC
in Surprise. Post #88363
Which would be the day after tommarow.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 17:46:34 UTC
in Shout Box Post #88361
You know, It was working for a week or so, and then stopped again so that is why I posted here again.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 19:50:17 UTC
in Shout Box Post #88192
It is not working again.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 19:45:07 UTC
in HL2 - Mappin Post #88190
To Kol:
But before everyone was compaining that Half-Life could only hold so much detail, and now mappers can make maps look nicer and put more stuff that can do more things.

And I never said that mappers would be better, they are just able to do more with the source engine.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 20:02:52 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88034
But they move, just theny only move a few steps one way then come back, then some more the other way and come back, and so on and so forth. And they only look in one direction unless they turn to shoot, in which when they can't see thier target any more they turn bback around. And I am not sure if you are right about that waypoint thing, because if it was true then there would be a special entitie or something.

If you click the link in my first post there is a map that works with bots, but the person who made it won't tell me or does not know how he did it.