Post your screenshots! WIP thread Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 17 years ago2007-12-16 00:58:58 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 5 years ago2019-11-17 06:06:08 UTC Post #343361
Tabori WIP 1Tabori WIP 1
Randomly started this one a few days ago, just for fun. After the main house is finished, I'll move on to the surrounding gardens.
Sheepy Sheepydon't touch me
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-27 20:05:25 UTC Post #343411
Awkward platforming section, will reduce jumps distance to make it easy to jump on them
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-27 21:33:17 UTC Post #343412
It reminds me the Hazardous Course mod; there's a section with rotating and moving tubes to get to the other side.
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-01 15:47:52 UTC Post #343419
True, it does look like it. was trying to come up with ideas for a platforming section and ended up with this lol.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-17 22:28:13 UTC Post #343473
Although Spirit of Half-Life has skyboxes, they don't always work so I'm using a lot of forced perspective to convey large objects in the distance. Here's something familiar.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-28 05:10:17 UTC Post #343515
I finally got around to updating Sandpit. Can now go frame by frame on sprites and set other properties as well.
Expanded pose menuExpanded pose menu
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 00:20:21 UTC Post #343534
Basically is a city that is on an asteroid. Will be a future kz/bhop map although I haven't yet designed the block jumps
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with a different skyboxwith a different skybox
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 00:45:17 UTC Post #343535
oh my fucking god.

First thing I thought is borderlands for some reason, good stuff.

Oh and the second skybox looks better imo
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 01:23:48 UTC Post #343536
Is that Time's End 57 I see there @KingDaniel. Looking forward to that one. Not a bad little trick with the perspective either :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 10:25:02 UTC Post #343537
It is and thank you :)
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-30 14:47:00 UTC Post #343538
The Robotropolis Project, Stealth in Action
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-16 15:24:49 UTC Post #343628
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-18 05:24:29 UTC Post #343635
What modelling program are you using?
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-19 22:33:38 UTC Post #343647
That´s right!, MS3D. And that´s speed modelling. The model tooks me only one hour to finish it. :crowbar:
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-20 14:24:42 UTC Post #343655
What I do is do the model using barney´s mesh as a rule for the size. For the mod I use a single scale of 37 for mesh and bones (in HLMV) once compiled , this way the models take the size they need for Zion Warcry.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-20 17:38:39 UTC Post #343656
Speaking of speed modelling:
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8 days of work total. SMG took 2 days (mesh and texture), Beretta took 2 days (mesh and texture), and roughly each mesh takes about a single day. Considering that a low-poly car used to take me a frickin' week to make, which was of way inferior quality compared to this stuff, wow. :3
I've definitely improved since 2016.

I also made some changes to my old hands model:
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It's less blocky now. ^w^

Also, a rather not-so-nice character model:
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But it's my first. And considering it was made in a damn rush, yeah, not too bad. :P
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-20 20:04:39 UTC Post #343659
Wow!!! :gak: I like the grenade and the Beretta M92
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-20 21:30:12 UTC Post #343660
Thanks. <3
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-21 16:52:14 UTC Post #343667
Nice models! Granted, the final character needs some work, as does the texture work on the MP5. It looks like it was forged by a blacksmith in the iron age. :P
Mmmm, lumpyMmmm, lumpy
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-21 21:51:12 UTC Post #343668
Nah, it looks more like wet rubber than anything.
But, it still looks like an MP5, so the judges won't complain. (talking about the local gamedev competition)

Had I not been doing this so hastily, it would've looked much better. I gotta spend most of my time on things I'm not good at to get an acceptable result, which will mostly be the character models for the demo. Then the animations. That will probably take me a month total.

To get an acceptable result with something like an MP5, 2 days is enough for me. Maybe even one day if I do it from morning to midnight. Otherwise, if I hadn't had a tight time constraint (due to the competition), I would've worked enough to go from "acceptable" to "up to my standards", which would've been 4 to 5 days.

Now that I think about it, don't you rather mean the Beretta than the MP5? That thing looks like it was forged, LOL.

So, if anything looks like it needs some work, don't point it out. I'm not actually satisfied with any of the results, but they look acceptable and not like total garbage I once used to do. Once the demo is over though, I'm either going to rework a bunch of assets or move on to another project.

Also, someone might ask me "Why are you doing everything, even the stuff you're not good at?"
Quite simply, to get better at it. It'll take way more time than focusing on one skill, but it's sure worth it.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 14:17:23 UTC Post #343669
Oh, I agree. I'm not trying to shoot you down. Everything you've posted is a Hell of a lot better than anything I've ever attempted. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 14:59:28 UTC Post #343670
Also, someone might ask me "Why are you doing everything, even the stuff you're not good at?"
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 16:11:00 UTC Post #343671
"Oh, I agree. I'm not trying to shoot you down."
I understand, I was just letting you know that this isn't stuff I'd usually produce, since I gotta do this stuff SUPER FAST to get everything done in time. But of course, it leads to abominations at certain times.

This is the last level of my previous game (the game that took me about 45 days to get all the assets made):
Minigame: find everything that looks wrong hereMinigame: find everything that looks wrong here
I got no plans to rush with Utopia at Stake, so don't worry about that one.
Thanks for pointing it out either way though. I do appreciate feedback. ;)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 22:49:55 UTC Post #343677
I think your work is right. Far better than many assets of other mods and indie games around there.

And... in the other hand...Done!!
It´s time to do some trick with the animation!! :crowbar: Remember, it is not so much detailed except in the ass because it could only be seen from the distance as it lands on the pier number 12. ;)
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 23:37:35 UTC Post #343678
"Remember, it is not so much detailed except in the ass"
So that's how the rear end of a ship is called. :D
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-22 23:51:58 UTC Post #343679
Haha!, yes Niobe said that about the rear end of the Mjolnir: "this hip has a fat ass!!!" :nya:
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-23 10:45:34 UTC Post #343684
Never used Milkshape myself (probably should try it out - never done much with modelling).

@cindor what game/mod is that for? Looks very much like Gunman Chronicles.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-23 15:33:41 UTC Post #343687
Milkshape is good for modelling, but a disaster for animating unless it is for non very complex sequences.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-26 12:23:49 UTC Post #343696
Nebuchadnezzar in map, flying and landingNebuchadnezzar in map, flying and landing
Now for the Caduceus...
Lego in Matrix...Lego in Matrix...
And, also, I have taken back the RADAR...
It looks better now, bigger and the dots are more like in the movie.
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-27 12:29:25 UTC Post #343701
The scale of this project is inspiring, abbadon
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-27 14:39:34 UTC Post #343702
Haha, thans!!, it´s like "if a newbie like me can, you can!!" :crowbar:
Well, maybe it is not the best model ever, but it is seen from the distance, so 4K detail is not 100% needed.
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And (believe it or not) this is the Gnosis :walter:
LEGO forever...LEGO forever...
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-29 09:45:36 UTC Post #343703
But the real question is:
What ships will go KABOOM when damaged enough? :o
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-29 15:48:45 UTC Post #343704
Oh, those are only for the menu background map!, yes, it´ll sound crazy to do 10 models just for seeing there standing still, but...well, I want things well done :)
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-29 16:47:26 UTC Post #343705
That's dedication. :walter:

You still didn't answer my question though. >w<
Will there be explosive sequences etc.?
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-01-29 18:58:13 UTC Post #343706
Oh yes!!, if you watch the movie, the gameplay depicts the whole sequence, some changes because of engine limitations are done, but, basically, the scene is the same: Aascari drills fall from the ceiling, the Hand of God destroys the tower, another Ascari drill breaks through one of the bridges, the Mjolnir enters the zion dock breaking the gates and then fires the EMP... :crowbar:

Oh: I have finished the Gnosis, the Shiva is WIP actually.
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Posted 5 years ago2020-01-31 17:02:40 UTC Post #343707
Yay. ^^
Meanwhile I made another character model. Started last night, and this is how the mesh looks at the moment:
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The topology is now much better compared to my first one, so this means it won't look like a weird abomination when the bones get twisted enough.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 13:55:14 UTC Post #343711
:gak: I love that!!!, looks very proffesional, Admer. :crowbar: BTW, you are using Blender, right?
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 15:43:59 UTC Post #343712
"BTW, you are using Blender, right?"
Yeah, I'm using Blender.
Also, I've been working on my 2nd car model:
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Its mesh is missing some details like door handles (likely will be in the texture), the paddles, the speedometer, rear view mirrors etc. Mostly indoor stuff. Either way, it's getting there.
Cookies for anyone who guesses the car. :3
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 19:08:46 UTC Post #343713
Looks like an old 80´s Skoda... :/
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 20:18:55 UTC Post #343714
It is an 80s car, however, it's not a Škoda. Go a bit more to the south. :)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 09:21:58 UTC Post #343715
Looks like a Golf mk1, either that or some Fiat.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 10:50:13 UTC Post #343716
"some Fiat"
Close, now take Fiat's home and go approximately 10° to the east. Maybe a degree or two to the south as well.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 13:34:31 UTC Post #343717
You're all high. It's clearly an Admermobile
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 16:07:12 UTC Post #343718
Lancia Delta , what's the prize?
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 18:52:48 UTC Post #343719
Bro. I said about 10° to the east and a bit to the south from Turin, not the same place. :v
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 22:00:55 UTC Post #343720
Turin?, Fíat ritmo, if it has rounded frontal lights.
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-03 05:27:53 UTC Post #343721
No no no, I said 10° to the east of Turin. Keep in mind we're in the 80s, so don't forget which country was there at the time. The name of the car will be very clear then. ;)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-03 19:02:33 UTC Post #343722
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A portion of a large recurring topside area in a mod that I'm currently working on, the warehouse is probably the worst set piece at the moment.

I was planning to have the roof angled up until I realised I had no experience with aligning textures using angles.
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-05 22:49:06 UTC Post #343727
Looks promising. I like the towers :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-08 16:11:32 UTC Post #343731
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Enemy model in progress. :3 (intentionally a bit more reflective, from the heat and sweat)

As for the car, nobody has guessed it yet. I'm letting anyone guess 'til I finish the model, so maybe by the end of March.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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