
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 16:20:14 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11939
  1. To fail to keep up a pace; straggle.
  2. To proceed or develop with comparative slowness: "The electric current lags behind the voltage."
Lag doesn't just mean "Internet Connectivity Latency" That is a common misconception. I can't stand it when people try to outsmart others for no reason. (Im guilty =D)

You know Gunter, Just for you, I will look at this when I get a chance.. I love spooky stuff.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 15:08:06 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11938
Wish I could look at it...someday I'll have source installed :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 14:36:32 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11937
This mod is.. Astonishing.
One of the best one-developer mods I've seen yet. From the simple, but fun gameplay to the quite good architecture and care for detail - it was all great. The review:

+ Architecture. Now there were flaws - I won't deny that, although overall - it looked very good. I especially liked the real half-life-ish feeling throughout the mod. The areas and themes changed rapidly, although they were all logical and imaginative (lab teleport to xen, halucinations, timetravel, etc.. XD). I suppose, that it's one of the things, that I liked the most in this mod. The corridors and open areas had enough detail and architecture and didin't look too blocky to me. There were some uglier parts, like the large open outside areas, that had the most boring and plain walls you've ever seen. Some detail / windows, other stuff would have been very good there.

+ Texturing. Again - there were flaws. Some textures were a bit too stretched/badly aligned (Mostly the outside areas, that had the repeating wall textures on high walls. You could have scaled them up a bit and perhaps added an extra trim to hide the ugly pattern). Some lab gadgets and other minor objects had scaling/alignment problems too, although that's only minor. As for the rest of the areas - well done. Most of the corridors and other areas were textured in an interesting and non-boring way. The patterns changed in a realistic way (not too slow to make it repetative), so again - I must say, that it was very impressive.

+ Gameplay. The biggest pro of this mod. The monsters were placed in an interesting way, while not making it too easy (I played on medium and it was moderately hard at some areas). There were some minor flaws with info_node placement (in some areas with stairs - the monsters wouldn't go up them, that's a bit unrealistic), although the rapid teleporting in, horizontal and vertical, duct and open area combat and tension made it really feel like Black Mesa. There was a little backtracking and keycard collecting, although it didin't spoil anything. One thing I didin't like was the battery collecting. Now the whole idea was good and I bet, that it took a lot of multisources and entity work to get it right, although the batteries themselves.. Well they looked way too Duracel to me. I understand, that there is a lot of humour in this mod and I understood the AA batteries in the halucinations, although when you power up a inter-dimensional teleportel in Black Mesa with Duracell.. That just doesn't look right.
I also liked the small details throughout the mod, that made it feel even more like Black Mesa. Stuff like the readable alien info, scientist journals, charts, posters, etc. made it much more fun to play.
And of course - one of the most imaginative things in the mod were the gas-induced halucinations. That was a very original and creative way to make things more interesting. Time travelling was also nice. It was really cool to see the past & future, that was very originally made.
I also liked the Mad Maze (I couldn't finish it, so I noclipped ;D). The gameplay was truly one of the mod's strong parts. And to think, that you've succeeded that without any new monsters or weapons is amazing.

+ Ambience, lighting, atmosphere. Again - the atmosphere was really Black Mesa-ish. Thanks to great lighting and creative ambience. I don't recall seeing a lab with no computer drone sounds or a pipeline without steam sounds. The lighting was also quite good and not too boring.

Overall - this mod was one of the most creative mods I've seen. 35 quality maps, made by one developer is something very impressive.
5 stars, no doubt with that.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 12:36:54 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11936
Thats what I meant by "Fixed it up" I read a few articles on optimizing and then the frame rate was fine.

Trust me, if it was like it was before you wouldn't be playing it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 12:08:17 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11935
First off a map can't be "laggy" what you think is lag is actually low frames per second, or FPS. I can't stand when people think that is lag. Anyway you need to learn how to optimize when you map. Optimizing makes the FPS better and makes the map run smoother. Don't intersect brushes, don't makes things go off the grid. (vertex manipulation) Make func_details. Before creating your next map I suggest you read some articles on optimization. There is nothing sadder when you create a good map and can't play it because of the low FPS. Okay enough of that, on to the review.

The architecture was way to square and didn't really make sense.

The interior didn't make sense either, there was just 1 linear path to go. Put some doors on the wall to make it look like there are multiple rooms.

The ground was to flat. Add some "displacements" to make the ground more realistic.

Read some tutorials on how to 3D skybox so you can make the scenery outside the map look realistic.

For a first map it is pretty good, but make sure to read on optimization!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 10:44:44 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11934
great mapping and ideas for sure. I had no problem for a long while, then a level change came, after which I couldnt move and I was.. in a brush. dunno how did I get there.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 07:56:08 UTC in vault item: Scientist Firing a Shotgun Comment #11933
This looks good, I always wondered how to do this. Nice!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 03:12:55 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11932
great work, congratulation :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 00:23:14 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11931
Well I cant really say that that last one counts...being on the old version...but my score stands :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 23:28:13 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11930
Wow what a fast download ;)

Anyways..suppose Ill review what I played

+Atmosphere -- Seemed dark and night time and spookey
+AI was decent, made me conserv ammo and such
+Its simple yet fun
-Got to the pit and died in a buggy'ish way (B&W and slow)

+/- Arcitecture seemed square in parts yet good in others

Overall I liked it though :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 19:58:39 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11929
I remember posting a link to this mod in the forum several months ago, but nobody looked at it. Still an awesome mod through and through.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 17:33:54 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11928
I played this mod last year some time, really nice.I found a few faults in the mapping like some grates and stuff wern't set up properly so they still had that blue on them, but still 5 stars from me. And I'm going to re-dl and try again.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 15:02:19 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11927
it was a grunt fest because the maps are too small, if reduce the number of grunts the player will win the game too faster.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 14:00:00 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11926
Oh man, I loved this mod when I played it a while back. I can't remember many details about it, just that I liked it a lot! There's a lot of humor and just overall strange stuff going on. I don't want to spoil it for anybody though, so I'll just stop there.

I did notice though that there were some areas with plain/boring architecture in them, and a couple of gameplay issues... So I'll have to downrate it a bit for that.

Still, great mod.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 13:42:04 UTC in vault item: Scientist Firing a Shotgun Comment #11925
looks interesting.. is it for spirit? or if it's not, do you mind if I use it in my SP project?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 12:02:42 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11924
gonna download now. I like SP releases so I might add a comment on it later
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 11:18:16 UTC in vault item: Scientist Firing a Shotgun Comment #11923
Heh nice one...Had I mapped for HL1 I'd have used this.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 11:08:29 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11922
True and classic Half-life style. I haven't played through the whole mod, but I'll rate what I've seen. Gameplay is fun, even if there's some keycard/ backtracking involved. There's plenty of action and funny details scattered across the maps, which I won't spoil.
My only complain would be the architecture, which includes too many "empty hallways" and is usually blocky or plain. However, it isn't enough to deprive it of a 5 star rating for the effort put into this mod. Some areas are quite good, and the pace of the game feels right.
I'll finish it later today and I might add another comment.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 10:41:57 UTC in vault item: Life's End Comment #11921
Looks interesting.. Gonna play it tonight.. :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 10:15:27 UTC in vault item: Ropes Comment #11919
I think strider is right..
The only case a rope would move, is if you tie a physbox or similar to it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 09:04:27 UTC in vault item: de_simc Comment #11918
There is a basket and a ball :/
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 08:32:43 UTC in vault item: dm_breach Comment #11917
Yea, I remember having the samething when I played it in Muzz's server.
There was an invisible wall some sort of.But as Muzz said there is a bugglitch near the gauss gun.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-17 20:04:39 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #11916
Now this is what I call "unique". Nicely done!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-17 16:48:50 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11914
I left the rating off because all the other maps in the vault just get spammed with ratings, either high or low. And to be perfectly honest, I expected you to low rating spam it.

Anyway, what exactly was wrong with it?
How can I improve?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-17 02:29:58 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Penguinboy Comment #11912
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 19:39:34 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11911
I know that my inexperience in this site is the issue but I cannot seem to rate this map. I cannot imagine why someone would not want their map rated so it has got to be my own stupidity.

I do not believe in 1's unless the map was total shit. I do not believe in 5's because no one makes maps that good. Tis why I opted to promote a 10/10 rating system it leaves a lot of room between a 9/10 map and a 10/10 one.

Anyways, this is not a 1 map.

I score it a 2.

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 19:32:48 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11910
I downloaded and looked. I have nothing new to add.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 18:25:12 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11909
Thanks everybody for the comments by the way, I am taking them all into consideration, not just saying 'uh huh' and discarding them. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 18:24:21 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11908
Personally I thought the lighting was fine. But when you have made something you rarely see all the faults. :)

I made the map quite dark because I wanted to emphasise the texture lighting, which I was quite impressed with at the time, since I only learnt to do it on this map.
And I tried to put the lights in key places to lighten the map up in certain areas, but also leave it quite dark.

Since every one seems to be against the dark, I guess next map will be brighter, now you all have to wait another 903 days for the next one ;D
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 18:19:51 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11907
i thought it was too dark. especially for the number of lights you have.

If you want dark maps, try leaving it dark, but add in bright points of light around key areas. This also adds drama, and even tension if the light is flickering.

it was fun, i thought there was a secret above the room with the houndeyes and the crates, but i guess not. I tried jumping up there. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 15:05:14 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11906
grunts got very boring after try to use npcs wisely next time.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 15:04:44 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11905
The batch file works for everyone. Atleast it should. Try double-clicking it.

The Hunter:
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 15:02:11 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11904
Not bad, great stuff.The invisible headcrab was kinda hard.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 14:46:55 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11903
Hehe, cheers pepper ;D

And good man, tell all your friends. ^_^
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 14:34:09 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Locked In Comment #11902
Thanks for the good comments :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 13:10:36 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11901
Impressive map rate G-kid ^_^.

i'l download it later on when im back.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 12:51:42 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Penguinboy Comment #11900
holy shit! g4rfield is the real-life version of the guy you invented, penguin
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 09:00:59 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #11897
Its a good thing you find my alien teleportation prefab usefull. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 08:28:13 UTC in vault item: Orb (Compo 20) Comment #11896
That's the most insane thing i've ever seen from the Half-Life engine. Very nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 08:05:21 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11895
Aww come on, who deleted that comment? :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 07:48:00 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11894
Oh god, I'm making a CS:S map for someone like this? WHERE R CYANIDE PILL LOLZ@!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 07:43:24 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11893


wipes tear of laughter away


g4rfield, do the world a favour and NEVER use the internet again. Ever.

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 06:01:03 UTC in vault item: HLywood Comment #11892
I played this a year ago but never had the chance to comment on it.Very creative and it must have took much effort to find those voice files.Its been up on some mod sites, as far as I know.I remember seeing it somewhere.Anyway, a very creative and great work.(nice UFO)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 21:51:49 UTC in vault item: Undertime Comment #11891
OK, well, I just cheated my way through, and actually found the end to be good.

I loved the nearly-invisible headcrab boss, and it really made up for all the repetetive grunt fights, but not quite enough for me to want to re-rate it. Nice text, too.

Still, it was fun, and showed signs of innovation. God job.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 18:57:52 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11890
One thing to change: At the top of the level you can jump and see over. I dont mean into the level, you can see the NULL texture used on top of the brushes. It makes them look like paper walls. I would just texture the tops with the wall so it looks like it has depth.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 17:29:21 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11889
I just experimented with different colours and different uses of them for a while until I was satisfied with each room :)