
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 03:06:51 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #10625
i dont see ANY map at 120 fps, so you cant dissapoint me! looks bloody good too, downloading.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 02:24:06 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10624
Heh. I was the one who helped Xj2 in making this map available for download at He released it at the Steam CS:S forum a few days ago.

Nice map, by the way. But you already knew that.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 01:19:26 UTC in vault item: Slomo/Filter Example Comment #10623
sweeet...downloading now :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 01:09:14 UTC in vault item: Knife Arena - Sky City Comment #10622
Not sure what you mean by only adjusting the x-coordinates but thanks for input. Now how about some ratings :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 00:49:49 UTC in vault item: Knife Arena - Sky City Comment #10621
Could be the prettiest ka map I've ever seen! I really don't give a crap about the r_speeds, though I suppose alex is right. Nice curves, surrounding buildings, and general concept is pretty cool.

+Excellent Architecture, lighting, texturing--your nicest-looking yet imo.

-perhaps use kaspergs stair method, where you adjust the x-coord only on the rise part of the stairs, so it doesn't look so uniform.

Excellent Work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 00:29:59 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10620
<rowleybob pulls out the halon to attempt extinguishing the flames>

No weapons either. Aren't fy maps supposed to have the weapons laying out for you?

Semi-interesting layout...reminds me of a paintball arena I used to go to, except the center portion.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 18:57:45 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10619
... i can`t work that zombie out...
it`s not AI scripted and none of the flags are ticked...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 18:29:40 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10618
Great map. Perfect for 16 on 16 matches. 5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 16:22:04 UTC in vault item: fy_smb_b4 Comment #10617
Haha cool! I tried to make a 3rd person version for CSS but failed :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 15:04:49 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10616
Moved to unfinished vault, because this map is fullbright. :
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 14:55:43 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #10615
i like that blue lighting on the reddish wall
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 14:46:04 UTC in vault item: Pandemic Start Map Comment #10614
from screenshots, the architeture looks great - might dload later. as you said, lights have no source, and rooms look extremely bare, but some nice brush-work definately.

when you do lighting, watch out for shadows around the beams - look at top right picture - the shadows are sort of lumpy! otherwise, nice. i gather it was deliberate to have same sort of texture?!?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 14:45:08 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10613
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 13:27:54 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10612
wow great map. beautiful. reminds me of that chartres quake3 map by qkennyq.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 12:50:43 UTC in vault item: bl_twhl Comment #10611
Well.. Twasn't bad.
I liked the texturing, and the architecture overall. The dust-like arches were nice.
The mapvault and the 'spam' boxes were a nice touch too.
The layout wasn't too bad, so was the weapon placement.
I won't write a big review, coz this is a pretty small map and because I wasn't included in the MV! :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 12:46:09 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10610
Not bad.
+ Architecture. It was quite simple, although I liked it. The shutle was nice too. I also liked the room with the pools of slime and the force fields.
Although some rooms were too plain, like the room behind the 2 chargers in the slime room.
+ Ambience. Good ambience overall, lots of sounds, it all sounded well.. :)
+ Layout. Really classic, pretty big, not too confusing, although I needed some time to get it all right.
+ Gameplay. Weapon placement was great, enough ammo, enough weapons. I also liked the trap - pretty original. Since the layout is good, the gameplay should be good too.
+ Lighting. Not too plain, some colour changes in the rooms. Twas really good for a spaceship.
+/- Texturing. The custom textures were good, although some of them were just too toon-style..
Overall - great map. Nothing more to add. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 11:55:05 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10609
You call a hollowed box fun?


I deleted the other hollowed box crap you've submitted, because it was exactly the same map.. :
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 11:49:59 UTC in vault item: Blow out light Comment #10607
There is one. See the entity guide..
Anyways - a simple effect.. Nice work. :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 08:39:52 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10604
"Dont look Down" Why? Because it looks like shit - that's why.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 08:32:15 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10603
he's a total n00b...

Released the same map twice, with no changes & his maps are just blocks. no light. shit
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 08:03:57 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10602
is it in bellachau's nature not to compile lighting? Or is he a total noob?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 08:00:43 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10601
oh brilliant. another fullbright map
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 01:47:16 UTC in vault item: summer_house Comment #10599
Excellent changes to the outside! With nice detail in gutters, windows, front door stuff, mailbox--lol! excellent! The broken love seat or swing seat was really nice. I also like how you vary things to make them look real--the planks at front door, on side of the front porch cover is taller than the other. Nice stuff!

What were the big cylinder things in the back lot?

Still that nasty invisible brush up top. If you walk around close to the rockface all around, you'll find it. If you still can't fix it by eliminated the brush/that area and redoing it, try the final compile list at, or hlfix.

HLfix sounds like a pretty cool program that allows you to pull of geometry that plain hammer will butcher, but i've not tried it yet.

I can still see the tops of the tree brushes out front, just make the brushes a little shorter, while NOT rescaling the texture.

Very nice updates. A couple other random things I thought of you might consider:

-water in the toilets
-a shower--you could put it in the middle where the big-ass pillar is
-towel rack and towels, soap, running water ambient etc.
-make the mailbox flag a func_rotating and/or the box opens lol

The bathroom is actually really good as it is, but maybe just little tweaks here and there.

Nice work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-22 01:10:35 UTC in vault item: SH_SummerHome (for Scientist Hunt) Comment #10598
Link no workie :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 21:31:02 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10597
eh, i thought something prevented people submitting in the completed vault without a screenie
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 15:02:45 UTC in vault item: Trirena Comment #10596
I fixed the download, for some reason my host caused trouble with the .zip file, so I uploaded it to TWHL for now.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 13:50:12 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10595
One thing I like about this map was the features. theres lots of detailed entity work that makes the map fun and interesting! I like the layout and the custom health chargers. Lighting is ok, maybe a but generic but what I really didnt like was all the same old textures. the walls looked so bland! more spaceshippy stuff to emphasise the setting would be good. the landing area was nice but more stuff would be good. 4/5.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 13:07:33 UTC in vault item: fy_DONT_look_down! Comment #10594
Add a screenshot.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:46:05 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10593
I saw this on FPSbana and I'll sya what I said there. Excellent work, nothing short.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:45:05 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10592
OHHHHH! This is what submitting a map is about! Brilliant classic-style maps adding true essence to the gaming experience.
Brilliant, 5 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 11:56:44 UTC in vault item: Blow out light Comment #10591
theres a game counter?
I don't think there's one...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 11:42:38 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10590
Well Muzzle had you been online last night it could have been tested sooner and you wouldn't need to say that...

Good map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 11:40:41 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10589
I saw this on interlopers and read all the comments on wow this looks good. It is good so well done.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 10:54:37 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10588


This needs a serious playtest on my server!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 10:17:37 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10587
copper, the map Cathedral is based on York Minster ( which is quite local to me, although I did use A LOT of creative license so beyong the basics its not that accurate. I can also see Ripon Cathedral ( right out my bedroom window, so research was easy :D

Kasperg, the Piranesi paintings are actually the standard textures, the only custom textures are basically the stained glass windows plus a few other bits and pieces round and about (see how many Sega ones you can find :p). Compile was about 9hrs, largely because I maxed out on detail brushes so some detailed brushwork had to be world brushes, and vrad for the lighting took forever.

Thanks for comments :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 08:49:24 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10586
Nice map. It's huge, so we do actually get the feeling of being inside a cathedral. The outside was also nice and the ambience great (it might need more than an invisible clipbrush to block a certain part of the map). I can feel this map would be great for sniper combat due to its size. I liked the paintings of Piranesi's drawings (are these custom textures?) an almost everything else around the map. Some surfaces are too shiny for my taste, but as a whole, the map is great.
How long did it take to compile?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 05:59:06 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10585
all I can say is wow!!!( mouth hits the floor) it took me ten min. to load the damned level in game lol
and let mesay it was well worth it from the sheer size and detail of the cathedral to the crisp thundering eerie drone you get through out the level the rain everything was beautiful there wasnt one thing i did'nt like about this level

oh maybe some better shrubs lol

excellfreakinglent job Xj2
very believable cathedral did you design off a real one in your area or is this strictly fictional
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 04:51:16 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10584
It's just a "for fun map" so don't worry ill make more... lol
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 03:47:26 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10583
well we have it on the server plays good thought you shoukld know have 8 peeps in there right now
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 02:35:28 UTC in vault item: de_spirits Comment #10582
Wow that looks excellent... I have to reinstall Source soon :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 00:43:36 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10581
Usually I go on and on forever picking out every little thing I do and do not like, but all I can say is "WOW!". This map is in my server's map cycle. Five stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 00:39:35 UTC in vault item: cs_castle Comment #10580
This is one of our favorite maps on my server. My friends ask for it by name. The map is perfect for our server size, and the layout is fast, yet tricky. The texturing was good in some places but so-so not so good in others. I think I'll fix it with the .map. The lighting really accented the entire map incredibly. It's a bit lacking on furnishing (torches would have been awesome), and you should not have even thought about using crates. The architecture was amazing in some spots, but so-so in others, but over-all the layout architecture coordination was amazing.

I give it a four. The layout and gameplay was amazing, but a little bit of everything could have been better.

It's in our mapcycle. Very good map. Congrats.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 22:20:02 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10579
i liked this map fun and different
but did you have to put the egon in

i liked the space ship found one of your uber secret spots liked the blue flashing func wall floors looked cool a simple map that i can see being fun with areas to escape or room to run

but what I did'nt like was there were certain rooms that were dead ends. You should always make everything loop and flow or have two escapes from each room i didnt mind the lighting especially in the hall thats starts dark and light up as you get to the pipe room with the deadly reservoirs.
The bubbly sound was a bit cheesy, for a spaceship.I just didnt get the feeling i was on a spaceship felt more of a moon base chemistry room lol

i still am a fan of this and we will e putting up on server as soon as my admin gets home lol s o i rate 4 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:51:27 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10578
thanks ^_^

er, about the lighting.. i dont know how to make my custom textures textlights..
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:33:50 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10577
I like the idea of the map. Entity work is rather nice, as well as very good ambient sound placement throughout the whole ship.
Architecturally speaking, some places are very interesting (especially the pathways with window-walls on both sides) but others are not. A few hallways seemed to long and needed detail. I noclipped to see what was wrong, and think you should have made those corner-halls much shorter, and the map more compact.
The other thing I didnt like was lighting. Dont get me wrong: the colors and brightness levels are very good and suiting, but you should stop using pointlights for lights that are not going to change. Point lights make an unrealistic circle of light in the surrounding walls, ceiling and floor which is more obvious with your custom textures. I really think you should fix that, and other people will probably agree.
Anyway, your maps are now much better than the first ones I saw when I came to this site!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:15:02 UTC in vault item: VertManipProb Comment #10576
Your map is fine. The true problem is that Hammer louses up off-grid vertices when it exports the .map file just before passing it to the compile tools. There is a program called hlfix that can properly export the .map file from the .rmf. I used it on your map and compiled it and it looks fine in-game.

You can get hlfix here:
Please read the documentation before trying it out. My personal recommendation is to use the -na parameter so that it doesn't "fix" anything, and only outputs the .map file.