
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 00:43:36 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10581
Usually I go on and on forever picking out every little thing I do and do not like, but all I can say is "WOW!". This map is in my server's map cycle. Five stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-21 00:39:35 UTC in vault item: cs_castle Comment #10580
This is one of our favorite maps on my server. My friends ask for it by name. The map is perfect for our server size, and the layout is fast, yet tricky. The texturing was good in some places but so-so not so good in others. I think I'll fix it with the .map. The lighting really accented the entire map incredibly. It's a bit lacking on furnishing (torches would have been awesome), and you should not have even thought about using crates. The architecture was amazing in some spots, but so-so in others, but over-all the layout architecture coordination was amazing.

I give it a four. The layout and gameplay was amazing, but a little bit of everything could have been better.

It's in our mapcycle. Very good map. Congrats.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 22:20:02 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10579
i liked this map fun and different
but did you have to put the egon in

i liked the space ship found one of your uber secret spots liked the blue flashing func wall floors looked cool a simple map that i can see being fun with areas to escape or room to run

but what I did'nt like was there were certain rooms that were dead ends. You should always make everything loop and flow or have two escapes from each room i didnt mind the lighting especially in the hall thats starts dark and light up as you get to the pipe room with the deadly reservoirs.
The bubbly sound was a bit cheesy, for a spaceship.I just didnt get the feeling i was on a spaceship felt more of a moon base chemistry room lol

i still am a fan of this and we will e putting up on server as soon as my admin gets home lol s o i rate 4 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:51:27 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10578
thanks ^_^

er, about the lighting.. i dont know how to make my custom textures textlights..
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:33:50 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10577
I like the idea of the map. Entity work is rather nice, as well as very good ambient sound placement throughout the whole ship.
Architecturally speaking, some places are very interesting (especially the pathways with window-walls on both sides) but others are not. A few hallways seemed to long and needed detail. I noclipped to see what was wrong, and think you should have made those corner-halls much shorter, and the map more compact.
The other thing I didnt like was lighting. Dont get me wrong: the colors and brightness levels are very good and suiting, but you should stop using pointlights for lights that are not going to change. Point lights make an unrealistic circle of light in the surrounding walls, ceiling and floor which is more obvious with your custom textures. I really think you should fix that, and other people will probably agree.
Anyway, your maps are now much better than the first ones I saw when I came to this site!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 21:15:02 UTC in vault item: VertManipProb Comment #10576
Your map is fine. The true problem is that Hammer louses up off-grid vertices when it exports the .map file just before passing it to the compile tools. There is a program called hlfix that can properly export the .map file from the .rmf. I used it on your map and compiled it and it looks fine in-game.

You can get hlfix here:
Please read the documentation before trying it out. My personal recommendation is to use the -na parameter so that it doesn't "fix" anything, and only outputs the .map file.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 20:58:52 UTC in vault item: DM_Stranded V2 Comment #10575
oh also, look out for the three (3) secret areas
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 20:26:31 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10574
I would'nt call this finished.

- Moved to unfinished.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 19:52:37 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #10573
Thanks. I have considered porting this to CS:Source as a cs_ map. But I don't have a lot of free mapping time at the moment.

Remember, this was the first map I have ever released. So I had not figured out all the mapping tricks yet at the time. Notice the bad vertex manipulation?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 19:31:36 UTC in vault item: Escape from Black Mesa Comment #10569
Fun map, although the player gets caught easily on trimwork by the doors, which is unecessarily annoying imo. Perhaps make some of the trim "not solid".
Ladders don't extend right to the top of things, so unless your careful, you fall easily, which may have been done intentionally?

Great gameplay and fun, I completed the course with a couple of trys and without the stupidly big walkthrough--I shouldn't make fun, I'm longwinded a lot as well--, but it shows you're thoughtful.

Nice clean layout, which might make a nice cs/de/fy map or part of one. Nice detail and pretty much everything else.

Great Job!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 19:09:41 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10568
this doesnt even deserve one star... it deserves a minus number
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 18:22:45 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10567
With only one texture, a one room map can be fun if it's a complicated room, with multiple levels, platforms...ect
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 18:17:07 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10566
Looks... um... like a box with player starts...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 18:14:35 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10565
No. Just... no.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 09:58:20 UTC in vault item: op_airfeild Comment #10564
read up there...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 08:06:09 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10563
Dude, you created spam accounts to rate your own map?


Deleted the spam account posts... :

"Nice map" - hahahaha

"very colorful, i like it" - bhahahaha

"not so bad... good as lan party map and should be played on fun servers ;)" - hahahahaha (inhale) bhahahahaha

"already in my server's mapcycle (TeamFUN)" - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (inhale) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA teehee :P

Moving it to unfinished because it IS unfinished if it's fullbright.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 04:25:56 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10562
Just tested and Its better than the older version :)

I dident get the scientist stuck in me, But I think that zombie is ai scripted or hes on scripts with the non interuptable thing on.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-20 02:29:10 UTC in vault item: Ominous Reality Part1 Comment #10561
+Excellent brushwork and detailing!

I loved the many-sided pipes along the walls, and of ones in the floor with the blue lighting. Nice, original detail work on doors and just about every thing else in this one. The puddle(s) coming from the barrel is one of the most realistic I've encountered--actually round-shaped--, and nice live wires!

+Nice Triggers, ambients and sprites!
+Nice easter egg behind the rubbish--which was also nice :)
+Nice lighing and nice use of HL textures.
+Good monsters and weapon placement.

-could do with a better story or premise, as I wasn't sure what was going on.
-gameplay was fine, but could be improved, and maybe a little harder
-I'm noticing a trend in your maps--lots of breakable boxes with nothing in them. Give us some MRE gibs or something :)

Beautiful detailing, Excellent work!

5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 23:47:51 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10560
Amazing. Really good work. Very professional looking
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 21:58:42 UTC in vault item: op_airfeild Comment #10559
Sorry, Correction......
Make the scale Bigger on the textures, not smaller... Sorry.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 21:56:51 UTC in vault item: op_airfeild Comment #10558
Well Hell I do like this concept. Isnt that bad of a first map. Couple things I noticed...

Change Skybox
Scale (I know, you like it that way)

Just a question... How the hell did you get max patches with this map? Anyways, you didnt have to lower the scale on the textures to fix it. If you use Batch Compiler you can change the chop value, default is 64 so if you increase the limit to say.. 84, it most likely would work. I had to do this with cargohold and it worked. Hardly any difference with the way the lighting is patched.

Nice work...
3 Stars

I would like to see some improvement though.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 16:03:41 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10557
@gamerQ-already in my server's mapcycle (TeamFUN)-
hahahhahaaha,omg I fell from my computer chair...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 14:14:00 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10556
Here goes the flaming..

1) Fullbright sucks, if you're to lazy to give the map some lights then why even bother mapping?

2)Funny to see that you created accounts (or asked friends) to rate your map 4 stars. Nub.

3)This map is not release worthy in mappers view, it's blocky and boxed out, fullybright and badly textured.

It is release worthy in the default fy nub view. Good job! (not)

4) What's the point of the cl_shadows 0 command?
I mean, playing a map fullbright makes the map ugly and it's kinda lame.

Fucking cs players........ camping is a part of the game!
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 13:23:56 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10555
any of you get it that when you "use" the scientist he gets stuck inside you?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 12:23:36 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10554
Well it makes the map fullbright so that you could see campers in dark areas. Used by lots of CS players.. :)

NOT considered as cheating.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 10:28:21 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10553
yep thats it barney explodes and the gate doesnt open as a result, i'll fix that up when i submit the next update, could be a while but.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 06:19:33 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10552
An update, Ill dl and try
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 06:13:24 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10551
He expoleds or a scientist does I don't remeber
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 04:43:57 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10550
arg! the bloody gate thing, the dead barney to the right of it manages to block it somehow, ive moved him, deleted him and put a new one in but the damn gate gets snagged on him stupidly - i dont get it. If hes gone it works but i want him there, hmm... 'tis a mystery.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 03:02:07 UTC in vault item: cs_napal Comment #10549
oh...try seach on (for wad)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 02:58:52 UTC in vault item: cs_napal Comment #10548
try to search on another website (i forgot) ..or ask to another member on twhl forum. volare.wad it's to big size, sori
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-19 02:00:55 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10547
Very nice, The first map was excelent and the second one was well un finished like you said :P

+Good architecture

+Nice texturing

+Nice placement of stuff

-The door thingo dident fall down which I think it was suppost to

-Could have done al little bit more to just finish the room of the second map

Yeah when I shot the thing on top of the door I died and dident know what happend then I thought it might have been it was suppost to fall.

But very nice. I won't rate it yet because its unfinished

Oh and I dident get that kind of lighting in the area in the pic, might hae just been bacause I was playing in HL:visitors
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 19:14:32 UTC in vault item: VertManipProb Comment #10546
If you eliminate the center section of the 2nd and 4th pars of the capsule, it makes for a much cleaner looking shape, albeit you have to compromise the design a bit. So instead you'd have 3 main shapes insead of 5.

Modeling isn't so impossible, but it's definitely harder than Hammer--at least at first. Plus there's lots of people who are good at it here that can answer your modeling questions :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 18:10:47 UTC in vault item: VertManipProb Comment #10545
I've considered b4 using a modelling program but I can find an easy to use one that's free.

Thanx for the help thou guys.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 17:40:54 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10544
yes. but scripted not AIscripted so attacking it "should" kill it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:31:43 UTC in vault item: de_twilight Comment #10543
I'd have to agree with most people who commented.

This is becoming a server favorite. The map is very good in almost every aspect. THe only thing I have wrong is, like said before, no ambience, and the crates/barrels.

Why crates? DON'T USE CRATES UNLESS YOU HAVE A REASON!!! And why barrels? It doesn't make any since... really. And many of them are too big. The rooms and things however were very nice.

The doors were a no no. My friends played this for about 30 minutes, and the entire time I constantly heard "please tell me this door is breakable".

Add a plot. It makes the scene seem so much more realistic.

I recomend making a a version for any of the other map types. AS, ES, and CS. This map is perfect for ALL types. In fact, MAKE ONE OF EACH! RIGHT NOW! :P

If you fix this version, and/or make other game type versions of it, PLEASE contact me. We love this map.

4 stars, because it could be better.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:22:13 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10542
forgot to mention that the custom sounds should be put in just the sound folder not under ambience. Put the models in models AS IS, same for the sprites in the sprites folder. That should be everything - now get playing - need feedback :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:19:51 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10539
Oh, don't put guns in the map, but props for making it something other than AIM or FY
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:19:17 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10538
My thoughts, it's FAR too repetitive and pointless. Where is this place?

Secondly, people on my server played this for about 20 minutes, and they were dying to play CT. It was an unfair map.

We never found the bombsites. CT Spawn? Only one?! Ct sided map.

Water was a decent glitch, but the very first time I jumped from the top floor, I was killed instantly upon impact with an oblivious CT's head.

Lights switches were nice, but ultimately ineffective.

Too many prefabs.

You couldn't walk down the tunnels, which wasn't believable. Use chain-link fence or maybe a blocking APC so I know why I can't go down them.

The stairs were too steep, and the entire map was just... it wasn't very good...

The outside was very nice, however.

I give it 2 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:12:45 UTC in vault item: de_syrinx Comment #10536
Ok, now for my bitching...

One: Crates. Why? Oh, why? Crates are the most over-used thing of ALL maps. To make a long lecture short, only use crates if they have a reason to be there. In this case, make sure we know they hold crystals.

Two: Lighting. It got boring... fast. This goes into number

Three: Texturing. Very bland and boring. Between that and the light, it was impossible to tell where you were in the map. Everything looked the same.

Four: Architecture. The stairs were far too steep. I always tumbled down the stairs rather than walked. There were some spots that just didn't make any since, and most of the map was very linear.

Five: Layout. What building in the world is constructed like that? Why would someone make stairs leading into all these places? Where am I? Make me believe I'm in a crystal mine or factory, where these things are actual produced.

Six: Gameplay. I think you already understand, but I give you major props for making it a functional defusion map rather than an AIM of FY, which are close to worthless.

Seven: Plot. Major props for having one. Most people don't care, but I enjoy knowing what my setting is. It makes me believe where I am. The only thing I have against it is... why would you wanna blows those up? I'd steal them. Maybe you should make it an ES map where the terrorists are mining illegal crystals and they're being arrested and taken by force.

Overall, I give it a 2... I'm sorry I couldn't say much more. Work on this again.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 16:04:18 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10535
I love the details like the wires on the laptop and where the missing panel is, but the grey crete rooms around the steel cart thing are too bare and seem like youve tried to hide them in darkness. Monster placement is good, not boring as they spawn in. The zombie was weird but i shot it like 20 time in the head then use my crowbar on until it just exploded on the spot (was it scripted to do something?).
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 15:19:23 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10534
1) does that not count as cheating

2) what?! what the HELL is the point of that?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 09:46:02 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10533
i always write this into my console, no matters if i play dd2 or this map or any other map

cl_shadows 0
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 07:41:43 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10532
fullbright means not finished. Move it to unfinished stuff.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 06:11:56 UTC in vault item: fy_deathrows2fx Comment #10531
this should get moved to the unfinished vault.. fullbright maps are NOT complete... if you wanted 'a lot' of light, add bright lights. Nothing should make people have to play on a map without shadow...
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 05:27:50 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10530

And it has a shot of the dead barney facing the wall at the start on there
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 04:57:48 UTC in vault item: Escape Comment #10529
I have an update on the way adding some stuff to the large rooms as people said there a little empty.
There will be when it works a script for the scientist when you find him but the AI is going against it :(
I have never got stuck in the window so i`m not sure what you did to do that.
mayby after school i`ll update.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 02:22:42 UTC in vault item: LavaLab: Erupt Comment #10528
3 stars? you guys are on some serious crack if you rate this 3 stars. If I had a top 5 for favourite maps, this would probably be in it.

Superb architecture, texturing. and lighting make this map a pleasure to walk through. Even though this uses original HL textures throughout, they're applied so well, you truly don't notice it. Excellent transitions from light to dark areas and to the lava area where you can almost feel the heat :)

I loved the glass observation structure above, the helipad area, and the detailed holes/damage in the computers looked superb.

Superb work! I must have spent 20 minutes, just walking around with my mouth open :P

5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 02:04:18 UTC in vault item: Carbaseus Comment #18239
Simply amazing work!

The level of detail, fluidity, sounds, textuing, layout and of course, architecture, are simply superb! This map gets "superb" for every area of mapping I'm aware of, except the sky! You did all this work only to use the old desert sky--yuck :(

It doesn't really matter though, I suppose, becuase this is easily one of the best maps I've ever seen for the half-life engine. This map makes me want to learn more about architectue and art, so I can properly appreciate/classify it!

Gameplay might be sketchy 'cause of the 2000 level wpolys, but considering the level of detail in this map, that's not really that bad imo.

I loved the ramps that take you through every area of this exquisite work, as weel the beautiful water in the courtyard, pillars, and tons of other structures I can't even identify!

Superb work.

5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-18 01:49:09 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #10524
Excellent, Excellent work! I spent 5 minutes just in awe of the outside, and probably 20 minutes indoors. The only thing I was disappointed by the lack of an ending, which by reading the comments I seem to have missed.

+Nice Architecture
+Excellent texturing
++Superbe ambience, lighinting and sprite use.
+Excellent detail! The ghostly chair really freaked me out for some reason!

The scale was a little off, and some minor things could have been detailed better, but for the vast majority of this, I love your concepts, attention to detail, and creativity!

Excellent work!

5 Stars