
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 16:54:32 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2967
pipe end bit..

or a pussy :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 16:10:44 UTC in vault item: Scientist factory Comment #2966
Yay! Nice lights!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 16:10:35 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2965
Yes. Read the tutorial on it. In the Beginners section ;)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 16:09:48 UTC in vault item: fy_icewar Comment #2964
A decent map. Not good, not bad, well-made but boring. Keep mapping :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 15:37:11 UTC in vault item: mls_darkarena Comment #2963
A part of the map is outside the grid, move it to within the grid limitations.
Some buildings are a bit rotated, this may cause some anomalies (since vertices are set to the nearest grid point, while after rotating the nearly never match up exactly, giving slightly different faces than in the editor. Sometimes this causes leaks too. So, best to keep everything 90 or 45 degree angled, or use the Translate tool instead of the Rotate tool).
The map has no sky brushes around it, rather a black textured box. A sky might be better for the mood... :)
Also, the fences around could better be made func_walls, with Render Mode: Solid, and Render Amount: 255, so the bleu parts become invisible.
The overall layout is quite open, this may give high r_speeds, thus lower performance. 800-900 should be considered a good maximum for multiplayer levels, so lower-end systems can also handle the map.

As for the Texture Lump problem, I don't know. Since I don't have all the .wad files you used (and I don't know what files you used), I can't compile. However, I felt it might be helpfull to give you some tips. They might not solve the problems but it can be helpfull later on... :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 15:24:14 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2962
texture lightning... hmmm. can i do this with this version of hammer?
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 15:10:56 UTC in vault item: The Playtest Comment #2961
EXTREMELY NICE, This is a extremely nice map, 2 weeks you say!! GOOD JOB!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 15:03:20 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2960
nice work so far, whats a flange?
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 13:56:46 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2959
Peronally, I'm not too concerned about your opinion BL. But since you chose to address me in an open forum, I'll respond.

(1) I never complained once about gman, let alone "posted over and over complaining about him". As anyone who can read will clearly understand, I said nothing harsh or untrue to/about the mapper.

The map DOES take place in a closet a closet. The closet IS full of prefabs. Have YOU looked at it? Rating a small closet with some prefabs in it a nearly perfect 4/5 stars IS rediculous no matter how well done the closet is. Look at the map, then read what I said, then go away.

I told the mapper it was a good start and went on to tell him its far from a complete map and should be put in the unfinished section. I suggested silent gunz was acting rediculously, not the mapper.

You, like silent gunz and whoever else doesn't understand the simple English I'm using, should go back to elementary school and pay closer attention this time. You seem to think that by telling someone they've made a good start, but they should move their map because it's far from completed and its in the wrong wault, I'm insulting them and trying to tear them down. Not true.

If i wanted to insult the mapper I would have said something like: "This MAP is rediculous. Take this garbage out of here and you with it." Do you see the difference? Probably not.

And silent gunz, if I really was a noob hater like you said, why did I compliment your monoliths map I looked at you fool?

I know it helps some people to feel important by jumping on the bandwagon and attacking people who others are not likely to defend. Why dont you 2 find more productive ways to feel important? Especially since I've proven you both to be rediculous with your accusations.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 12:37:00 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2958
atom is back, and as I said, the makeover he gives the site will hopefully stop voters from voting a million times.

We need a moderator over here now to delete these posts. its not very nice to Gman, or prickly, although I do agree with Anthony.

How are we suppose to beilieve you prickly? you posted over and over again complaining about gman.

"but rating this map 4 stars is rediculous."
does this help your case prickly?
"Is this really a 4 star completed map? No. Is it the size of a closet? Yes. Did he fill the closet with prefabs? Yes."
or even this?

who else would do it if you are the one who decided it shouldn't be rated 4 stars.

you are fighting alone on the wrong side.

last time I checked, it was
22 ratings,
and still 9 downloads.

no one else downloaded it. hmmm....

P.S. can a Moderator delete posts in the map vault? delete all of this from the first post. just keep the first post.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 12:32:50 UTC in vault item: AWP Street Comment #2957
i only posted this so i could get sum comments not to get ppl upset with me
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 12:32:19 UTC in vault item: AWP Street Comment #2956
havent yet and wont b
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:48:59 UTC in vault item: AWP Street Comment #2955
Don't rate your own maps.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:48:13 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2954
Good, but a few glitches and a bit pointless and small. Ok architecture, but you could do better. You have extreme potential to do better if you make a story and maybe a minimod out of this.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:22:08 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2953
I'n not using hd but I expeirenced it, its that sci that walks into it right on the screenie. Well, I liked it had good aritecture, the scientists looked good 4 some people. Maybe you should add some fans or something. I dont know if this was meant to be just a cool little detailed map, but maybe you could somehow work in a little fighting? Maybe in that empty room the light blows and u wake up in a destroyed lab and need to escape to the surface!?!?!??! :P
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:08:34 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2952
Meh, I'm using hd but I don't experience any walking-to-rails at all.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 10:39:01 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2951
The big with the sci walking right into the rails for ppl using High Definition pack now fixed.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 10:28:01 UTC in vault item: mls_darkarena Comment #2950
TFC can be free can't it, just a update to half-life? i'll try that...thanks
but i don't think thats the problem
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 10:11:22 UTC in vault item: mls_darkarena Comment #2949
Don't have TFC, but have you tried recompiling after restart Hammer?
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 09:03:36 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2948
Clear the way, an actual comment from someone who's played the map ;)

+ Good texturing
+ Some nice architecture like the open-topped arches
+ Good layout
- Very odd inside lighting. Use texture lighting, and why are there blue fluorescent fittings in some kinda dusty place?
- The buildings are very square on the outside
- Some odd texture scaling

3/5. Spend another week working on the detail and it could be a very good map.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 07:21:12 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2947
:) i notice it also... but i never rate my map... so far... 7 downloads so far...
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:10:33 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2946
A nice detailed (little) map.
shame about the scientist walking into the railings.
possibly think about making your pipes with a couple more sides, and try and give them flanges on each end that the connect to a wall. just adds realism.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 05:53:40 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2945
Rating: * (41)
Downloads: 9

OK this is insane. Utterly insane, and totally pointless. Frankly, whoever is rating this map so many times is incredibly stupid and cruel. Shouldn't we be encouraging people to produce better work rather than bagging them out continually? Sure, some people don't release good work, but this is not cause for members of the community to weild torches and pitchforks and go out on a massive hunt!

This has gone far enough. I've been here for long enough to see this occur and I'm really fed up with it. Please stop, whoever is doing this. You are not creating a good image for yourself or the site. Secondly, you are discouraging the members who actually want to become better at mapping.

At the end of the day, this is about Half-Life Mapping. Nothing else. This is how it should stay.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 05:52:58 UTC in vault item: LaB101 - Update 1.4 Comment #2944
Uploaded Twice...
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 05:45:13 UTC in vault item: AWP Street Comment #2943
If you can, please post a screeshot so we can get a taster of what kinda map it is :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:53:16 UTC in vault item: Sandyfalls Comment #2942
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:53:14 UTC in vault item: Deep Comment #2941
right on... nice :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:52:38 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2940
am i missing something?
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:51:56 UTC in vault item: Terrain Test Comment #2939
...dont tell me, I compiled with OpFor, custom, and OpForCTF.wad? Was not intentional and shows laziness on my part. I know to include non-HL wads when distributing a map, or better yet, wadinclude I just forgot the custom wads in my wadlist altogether. If I can be bothered to fix this I'll change it.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:51:41 UTC in vault item: Sandyfalls Comment #2938
ooo! i like :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 04:12:43 UTC in vault item: cs_2fort Comment #2937
another sucky map map from coolfat55378008
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 02:32:24 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2936
Prickly is a noob-hater! He should just leave this site!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 01:20:50 UTC in vault item: High High Comment #2935
lol you commented your own map with "nice map man"!!!!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-27 01:07:08 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2934
Gmans_agent: Man I didn't even rate this map. So many people so quick to accuse. I defy anyone to point out something I said in these comments that's false or unfair. If you actually read what I say, instead of just reading what someone else says about me, you will look like much less of an ass with your posts.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:34:29 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2933
delete them all. This is all outrage against prickly_pimple. I think that things like this won't happen when atom gives the site a makeover.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:30:00 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2932
Crap 7th plz delet all these last posts ive made
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:28:46 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2931
Well I dont know if it was you, so I am going to take that back until further thinking, it might just be gmans_agent doing that.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:28:01 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2930
Wow prickly u area an ass for doing that.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:26:56 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2929
It doesnt matter if a newb posts his new stuff... Just tell him how to make it better...
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:26:53 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2928
prickly, how dare you rate it one star a bunch!

This is an outrage!

something has to be done!

I see that something is being done, in that todo thread, but for now, people like you prick ly_pimple should be quiet!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 21:23:50 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2927
All this arguing every time a new person posts a map as his first!

I'm new, have some respect!

give us another vault to put our new stuff in, because no one looks at the unfinished stuff bin.

I guess I am an Agent of you g-man. what shall I do?
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 19:20:55 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2926
lol 6 comments 2 raitings and 1d/d. Pointless.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 19:13:35 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2925
WOW... im very impressed by the screeny... wish i could play it. infact i might download CS just so i can take a look. nice work keep it up
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:55:40 UTC in vault item: Terrain Test Comment #2924
Please include any non-halflife wads you used before posting a map. Or at least say in the description which wads we need.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:45:40 UTC in vault item: fy_icewar Comment #2923
Why does every FY_ map have ice in it, just wondering....
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:45:01 UTC in vault item: New to mapping? Try this... Comment #2922
Silent Gunz: I never claimed I said: "encouraging a noob is ok". What I asked was: "Didn't I SUGGEST that encouraging noobs is ok?" And in my opinion, the quote you used DOES suggest that I have no problem with encouraging noobs.

So I say it again. Please try and read more carefully, and quit putting words in my mouth.
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:41:36 UTC in vault item: Starshiptroopers Comment #2921
Maybe a little more attention to detail would have help this map dramaticly, maybe make an actual path for the player to follow while shooting Arachnides. Also, "Starship Troopers" is set on a desert planet, not one with grass. ;)
Good models though, are they yours? If not, credit that who made them as ministeve has already said. Keep the maps comming!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:14:35 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2920
i had some upload errors, but i fixed multiple downloads links. hope you like it. c'mon give me some info what you like and what u dont...
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:12:43 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2919
nice work m8
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-26 18:09:56 UTC in vault item: de_smalltown Comment #2918
Damnet u posted it 3 times!