
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-04 17:40:22 UTC in vault item: Dam outside Beta Comment #11654
So that means give it one star right?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-02 20:13:03 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11631
The top of the wall brushes tells me you didnt use the NULL texture correct? Sigh....Pitch black map............what an idea
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-01 11:15:12 UTC in vault item: CS:S Arena (remake) Comment #11620
Rednik: Why did you give this a 5? Your an idiot

esmajor: Looks like you build a hollow cube, textured the top with sky, then the rest with brick. Then you threw in random stacks of washer/dryer prop boxes with ONE barrier you made then copied about 10 times.

What can I give this other than a one star? You are not new to mapping Ive looked at your profile. Is this a joke or is this actually a map you seriously made?

If its serious and you need suggestions here they are:

Get creative, Make it in a real life place maybe closed off by fence, hills, or buildings. Put some sounds in there with actual brushwork. AS cover maybe have overturned trucks, cars, crates, etc.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-25 22:34:06 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #11587
I was playing through this map again for fun and noticed some of the fade in fade out values of some of the desks on the courtroom are too low. You can see it fade out.

BTW great map (Again) :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-25 21:52:19 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #11586
I looked at the screen and said: THis is crap, a one out of 5! But then I noticed it was HL1 and crapped myself! Holy shit its an amazing map! Top notch mapping!
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 12:24:15 UTC in vault item: aim_ag_texture_towers Comment #11574
(insert sad emoticon here)
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-24 10:24:26 UTC in vault item: The Sydney Harbour Bridge Comment #11572
Very cool. Hard to pull off that detail and scale in HL1. 5 stars all the way :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 20:32:19 UTC in vault item: aim_ag_texture_towers Comment #11568
Dont mean to be too harsh, just pointing out the problems. It actually wouldnt look half-bad if you textured it. Sorry for Rating the 1. Meant for a 2.

I see that it did have some original points, and with more mapping you can become much better.

Hope I didnt turn you off to mapping :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:56:14 UTC in vault item: aim_ag_texture_towers Comment #11566
Just played it....

Maps arnt judged by gameplay alone. Looks like a crap ripoff from Halo's wizard.....

People in CSS are dumb anyway. They play any new map thats online no matter what it looks like. You throw anything in a server and people will join it....

I wont rate because it might be your first map. If it is, your mistakes are excuseable, but its nowhere near good.

Its a bad map, not well made, and not innovative.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-23 18:03:21 UTC in vault item: aim_ag_texture_towers Comment #11564
You used Valve's example textures for maps for your map? Its brushwork looks worse than HL1. Too blocky, and plain.

I wont rate it because I didnt play it. I suggest not releasing maps like these. Use real textures, and take some time with it. Anyone here could make that in less than a half-hour....
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-21 10:35:57 UTC in vault item: Dam outside Beta Comment #11551
I actually stopped working on this map awhile ago. :( I did however finish cs_miami in finished maps.

I dont think I will come back to this. Alot of brushes are off the grid, There are so many little mistakes that I hate correcting. Thanks for the review though :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-31 19:45:54 UTC in vault item: glass_war Comment #11401
When I first was in your map, I was ready to give it a bad review. After furher investigation I have come to the conclusion it is a sufficient multiplayer map. I enjoyed the valve raising the water, and the map layout for gameplay.

Pro/Con table:

Gameplay and originality: Pro
Clean brushwork: Pro
lack of detail: Con
Repititive enviornment and texture choice: Con

I suggest adding more architextural structure to the walls. More source elements would be a nice touch too.

Instead of using func_breakable for the glass, make them func_breakable surf.

I would give this map a 2 and a half overall.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-31 00:01:42 UTC in vault item: cs_miami Comment #11398
Of course. I dont overlook things like that. I think the shiny quality looks very good. Its due to the lighting above.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-29 09:08:02 UTC in vault item: cs_miami Comment #11389
Yes there is a nav file, and its edited so the bots dont do their little stupid things. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-29 00:32:34 UTC in vault item: cs_miami Comment #11385
Try using this link if the above wont download

I wish map vault had edit button
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-29 00:19:40 UTC in vault item: cs_miami Comment #11384
OK Rabid. What do you mean that it wont dl? Well, Ill email it to the email you have in your profile
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-28 23:52:31 UTC in vault item: cs_miami Comment #11382
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-26 20:42:24 UTC in vault item: de_sustenance Comment #11360
I agree with satchmo. The average framerate was 30. I dont see any reason why it would be like that. Also, buildcubemaps, and add more cubemaps. Its good, but you really need to optimize! Hint brushes, area portals, snapping verticies to grid, Func_details, lower lightmap scales, etc. I give it a 4 out of 5, but if its meant for multiplayer and not for looks, then it gets a 3.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-26 18:04:02 UTC in vault item: fy_evilpyramid Comment #11358
Nice by the screen. I dont want to judge cuz i didnt dl it, but I like the custom texture of the eye.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 10:54:26 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11314
Very cool. Feels like Unreal. NICE!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 21:16:33 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11309
Argh, dont comment on your own map please. Please read tutorials before making a map. Its very cubic. :( I could make it in 3 minutes. It gets what it deserves. One star. But, if you practice and READ you can become a great mapper. I look foward to your next map when you learn abit more :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-13 14:17:55 UTC in vault item: sk_bombplanting Comment #11193
I hate to see people map like this. :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-11 20:46:24 UTC in vault item: de_sidewalk Comment #11172
YOur BSP file you have linked does not have cubemaps built. I did it myself after loading the map. Also, adjust your HDR because its not set correctly. It doesnt adjust to the Iris and stays bloomed for too long. Other than that its nice. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-09 12:58:53 UTC in vault item: de_rtblock Comment #11151
Your link to download is broke. Fix please
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-08 20:43:04 UTC in vault item: de_sidewalk Comment #11150
NO wait, you must of forgot to build cubemaps.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-08 16:10:00 UTC in vault item: de_sidewalk Comment #11147
It looks great, but The whole entire level was EXTREMLY BRIGHT! Almost all white. Looks like an HDR glitch, or Lightmap values too high maybe?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-01 21:02:39 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #11074
Dats ok Playbus. I do understand where you are coming from, and understand. There are people out there who do that though. (Those people should BURN IN HELL)

Kasperg PM me when you make the lite version, cuz that map is just amazing! Cant wait to battle in the water below :) Favorite part of that map! All the little details and texture choices! IT RIVALS professional maps from any fps game!!!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-01 17:34:29 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #11069
Decompiling is only bad when you steal someones work. I would NEVER EVER do that in any situation! I am not telling him how to map. Just suggesting that he optimizes. I know he said that its only for show. I was mearly asking if he could fix it for play. I do this because his map is my FAVORITE custom map made that ive ever seen! I only wish I could play it online thats all. (BTW i deleted the VMF after lookin inside :) )
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-01 15:41:25 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #11067
I decompiled your map and took a look at your layout. You know proper use of Area portals, hint brushes, and occulders (ESPICALLY INSIDE THE HOUSE) could fix some of those bad FPS. It is quite possibly one of the best maps I ever seen (even compared to the CSS originals) but improper optimization really hurts it :( PLEASE can you use hints and area portals! I would like to play this map with my friends but cant :( Still without the optimization its incredible!
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 14:57:30 UTC in vault item: N.S.E.W. - Version 1 Comment #10911
UM, the final version better look alot better cuz this is HL1 looking, bet worse. NO detail, architexture (Im assuming you will add them) No decals, overlays, no proper lighting, OMG, and buildcubemaps please.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-20 14:22:13 UTC in vault item: aim_scouts-aj Comment #10910
Whats with the light emitting on the wall from nowhere? I agree with everything JC said, but Ill give you some constructive criticism:
Um, well Usually good mappers show promise even in their first map. You however really have nothing unique or talented to show here. I would try to be original for one and independent in creating a map. Study architexture, and Vertex manipulation for terrain (Or look up Nems terrain generator) Add originality to a map, and detail!
Finally, lights dont produce light from themselves. You need a bulb, or sun..............
Dont post another map until you learn these things. Look at the maps that the top mappers made on this site, and learn from them....
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 17:49:08 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10899
Its ok for a first map. Work more on lighting and architexture..
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-17 14:09:49 UTC in vault item: ak-colt_onglass Comment #10863
Map that takes a day with almost no detail and architexture=ONE STAR
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-17 14:07:20 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10862
Wow its losers like you who make crap maps and release them online spamming all the good ones out. The "killbox" map is a stupid idea. This is why source mapping is more noobish. Anyone can hit "configure, then go in and start mapping". Fuckin loser, stick to playing not making.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-15 21:07:00 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10859
I like the rooms inside too, they look very authentic :) BTW, which sky did you use? I really like the lighting in that level outside :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-15 16:12:09 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10857
Very nice architecture, and lighting. I found some problems though. Take a look here:

Also, I would use displacement on the skybox mountains to get them to look more real, and maybe not see as much empty space outside the map. Also, align the window textures with the window. Most of them are misaligned looking bad. Other then those small things, its a 4 star map dawg!!! :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-07 18:58:57 UTC in vault item: Snipe Comment #10824
Try going to view, then view items. If it is still there disable shadows in the objects settings.
Commented 19 years ago2006-02-04 23:42:21 UTC in vault item: fy_smb_b4 Comment #10802
I WANT TO PLAY IT! DO I just extract the whole file to the CS maps section, or just the BSP? I cant get It to work! I WUNNA PLAY LOOKS UBER PRO!
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-28 21:24:38 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #10722
Very good vertex manipulation. I dont see why it chugs, you should of used a 3d skybox for all the trees in the map, maybe put brushes end to end? I only say this cuz it looks like a cool map to play in, but it will never run anything more than 1v1
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.