
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-07 22:04:48 UTC in journal: #7667 Comment #42005
Congrats sir! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-07 03:29:29 UTC in journal: #7665 Comment #45535

Arhcine: when you said "hostage situation" i thought you meant HL:HS :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-07 00:05:52 UTC in journal: #7665 Comment #45534
none of the staff had been told it was happening.
zomg so you mean they thought they were being helf hostage for real?!
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-06 02:37:45 UTC in journal: #7660 Comment #66527
what are you going to do with all the components? Or are you just collecting and canablaizing for your nuke in the garage? =)

Wow i wish i had a military junkyard by my house! One thing we got in abundance is the old Nike Hercules missle silos. Some still have the underground "silos" intact(really just a big garage underground), and some of the tracking stations still have all their outbuidlngs standing, but all the hardware is gone besides big stuff like old generators.. no radars or anyting cool. ='(
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-06 00:19:18 UTC in journal: #7662 Comment #43375
inb4 collapse sees what you did there
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-05 16:02:19 UTC in journal: #7658 Comment #53666
absolutely yes! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-04 01:31:26 UTC in news: Map of the Month: December 2011 Comment #100105
yoohoo congrats Taylor and doggybag! :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-02 17:22:23 UTC in journal: #7654 Comment #43360
journal entry in cripple...
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-01 23:42:41 UTC in journal: #7654 Comment #43359
It all in the ball! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-01 22:53:25 UTC in journal: #7653 Comment #62360
ya, i can't even imagine how disgusting mine is on the inside... i'll just keep air-dustering it through the fan vents and hope for the best =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-29 14:21:00 UTC in vault item: Parason Comment #19841
Ha i really like it! Nice little fun layout and pretty well done. The only real distraction for me for the whole map was that 3-part bridge thing, which resembles nothing you'd see in RL, so it's a bit distracting. Also, get that func_tank gun did not work for me fsr.

Much improved from your previous map, me likey. 3.5 rounds up to 4 in my book.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-29 11:39:08 UTC in journal: #7649 Comment #66853
that Lindsey Stirling is pretty cute(especially in the link costume LOL), but it's just a bit strange watching some one play violin and interpretive dance at the same time...
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-27 14:35:23 UTC in vault item: My Room *For HammerTime* Comment #19822
It's a very good start! =P

I love to see people map their homes or rooms, because there is always an intimate detailing about something your are very familiar with.

-Clip out the area for the disk drive or extend it out 1 unit so you're not seeing the ugly brush intersection. (same goes for that door by the desk)

-I would not use old fifties textures(your tv) in a contemporary room setting, as it's never going to match.

-Scale seems fine in the room except your ceilings are twice the normal height.

Love the old-skool ninetendo and the bunk beads! Now add some more to make the room more stuff and sounds to make the room more complete =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-26 11:47:35 UTC in vault item: de_torn (compo 32) Comment #19816
Oh ok! i never noticed the clouds! =P

yeah i like the originals better than these krinkle ones. Maybe a re-texture would make them prettier to me?
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-26 08:49:27 UTC in vault item: My Room *For HammerTime* Comment #19814
"could not open valve/opfor.wad" Please wadinclude textures!
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-26 08:39:52 UTC in vault item: de_torn (compo 32) Comment #19813
Haha yes you got your entry in! :P

I really feel bad for the judges, as all the entries I've played seem just really well done (as they should be for a competition) and it's going to be tough on them! =)

After doing a really quick run-throug, really liked the layout and your construction is solid, PLUS thoughtful detailing throughout the entire map. And to think you were not going to submit this?! BLASPHEMY. =)

A few small visual distractions i noticed:

-Some of your vm is a little weird imo and doesn't match the quality of the rest of the map, like those weird square cone-shaped pillars by the religious cross monuments; they just don't fit imo. (if this is some legacy item from the original map then i apologize.

-I get a weird lighting glitch when i walk up one of the broken ramps and one other place, where the brightness changes quite noticeably. Is this from intentional dynamic lighting?

Otherwise everything seems really good to me sir. A really good c32 entry. Don't forget to include your mapname.txt file for the server!

Commented 12 years ago2012-02-25 20:51:20 UTC in journal: #7641 Comment #43348
It all in the ball the mod is in cripple...
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-25 19:38:37 UTC in journal: #7641 Comment #43347
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-25 11:56:00 UTC in journal: #7638 Comment #62352
AVAST Grandpa grab may I grab your shawl?

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Commented 12 years ago2012-02-24 08:51:00 UTC in vault item: de_lotus Comment #19803
Ha finally played through really quick sir!

A very pretty remake that a actually reminds me of zeeba's remake in that you both have a canal and both maps are very much prettier than the originals ;0

Everything looks spot-on and the detail is rich and consistent thought the map, which is always so rare to see.

There were only a few small visual distractions for me, the first is you seem to be having the same "seam" in your water at different points where it turns, just like zeeba was having, though it's only slightly noticable. (your water btw is VERY PRETTY. my water never looks that good in css, it reminds me of ep2 water!)

The second thing is just those grey plaster/brick arches in the tunnel, i would personally make them a little fatter and chamfer the edges. (i have a very easy brushwork method to get a even chamfer if you want, or you might probably alreday know ;))

Third thing is the 3dskybox, she is on the right track but she needs some more love. (as does mine from my remake!)

This map is another strong contender, i shudder to think how good the rest of the maps will be and that it will be pretty hard on the judges. I will try to play through more of the map when i get a chance!

5 stars
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-21 04:23:07 UTC in journal: #7629 Comment #39625
Mappers are talented decorators by default, so it's normal to get excited about a new porp that completes the room =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-17 01:07:04 UTC in vault item: cs_laundry Comment #19794
Finally got to play through this warlock!

This is probably one of the most detailed maps i've ever seen, coupled with The most technical/varied/errorless lighting and just everything else is fluid and spot on.

The layout seems a bit intricate to me, but i'm sure that is a good thing once the player gets the hang of the map. (I would have to run through like 20 more times to get the layout in my head =})

The theme is also very depressing with what looks like a very ghetto part of town. You pull off that theme so well it really has me swiveling my head like a banshee, waiting for someone to come out and jump me ;). Seriously though, the map is fantastic and seems like you could port it to any number of different games and gametypes and it would work well with all of them.

Superb stuff sir. Good luck in the Competition!
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-14 17:32:38 UTC in journal: #7618 Comment #54387
Red velvet cake pwns all! :P
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Commented 12 years ago2012-02-11 21:01:17 UTC in journal: #7612 Comment #43336
want to see the urbanebula map!
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Commented 12 years ago2012-02-11 16:22:59 UTC in journal: #7612 Comment #43335
i used to take urby quizzes, but den...
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-11 07:34:45 UTC in journal: #7611 Comment #57841
screens screens screens!
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-07 12:30:45 UTC in journal: #7608 Comment #67061
Love your work keep it coming sir! :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-07 12:25:41 UTC in journal: #7606 Comment #55888
yer mum did. no you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-07 00:00:39 UTC in journal: #7606 Comment #55887
Ya grim, perhaps my hate towards the genre doesn't let me appreciate the film fairly. I just hated Blair witch and every movie that has copied the format since, with the exception of cloverfield i didn't mind it fsr.

I think if this movie was shot like an ordinary film it could have been leagues better.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-03 08:08:51 UTC in journal: #7600 Comment #52627
oh hai!!1 =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-02 16:14:10 UTC in journal: #7598 Comment #63274
Sounds pretty interesing, do you get to halp the scientists go up to haeven?
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-02 16:12:08 UTC in journal: #7599 Comment #52692
It would be interesting to see how many countless hours i spent playing starcraft I.. Probably better i don't know. =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-02 07:51:00 UTC in news: MotM: November 2011 Comment #100100
Congrats again to noSICK! Well deserved MOTM, and looking forward to watching the reviews. =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-01 05:14:43 UTC in vault item: Streetlevel Remake 1.01 Comment #19781
Yay the updated download package worked flawless for me, thank you ;)

My biggest overall impression for this map is, it is probably the most well done, biggest, most detailed city/town i've seen done in half-life, period. Great work sir! That is however, not all i have to say..

You spent a lot of time making the city look pretty. If you are looking for constructive criticism, one thing i would say is focus more on consistency. For example the train station is beautifully detailed inside and out, but the the arcade, while pretty great on the outside, is dismally textured/detailed on the inside. In a nutshell i would try to limit access to the areas that are under detailed, or go back and fix them up.

Texturing: Along with the 2d sky which is really bad btw, you could boost the awesomeness of your map very easily by using some fresh textures, or tweaking what you have. The nice thing about a really good texture is that you can place it on a flat wall and it will look great, without any detail brushes in many cases.

I did not check wpoly since it ran pretty good for me, but i'm sure there is room for optimization in this map. one possible thing would be keep certain interiors of building isolated from the rest of the map to improve performance, by making a maze of visblocking walls at the entrance to say, the strip club(If it were accessible), so the wpoly from inside would be independent of outside, thereby increasing your performance inside and out.

You can also use trancelucent brushes to achieve this effect, as vis can not penetrate them, but the problem arises when you walk through, you get the hom effect. If you could find a trick to hide this, could help you.

Pm me if you are interested in more optimizaton ideas for this.

Really great map sir, though i was a bit disappointed to not be aloud inside the strip club! Great work as always from you.

EDIT: going through again, i feel the wpoly are VERY LOW for the size and level of detail of the map. It does top out at 4000 in the worst places, but is under 1800 in many, which is pretty astonishing. Good work.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-31 11:13:20 UTC in journal: #7595 Comment #54378

wow that is extremely cheap, though it's been a while since i bought my 300gb. Time for me to upgrade too i think =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-31 08:02:39 UTC in journal: #7594 Comment #49338
I didn't think the scares were cheap in this at all and thought it was very well done. (you do drop through the floor quite a few times tho!)

Custom monsters and guns are great, and the sound is done very well too.

i played up till the room where you have to get the key to continue, and you start hearing all the screams.. i will finish it later =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-31 07:40:17 UTC in journal: #7595 Comment #54377

does it come in 2.5"? =P
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Commented 12 years ago2012-01-29 06:09:16 UTC in journal: #7594 Comment #49337

Tet if you like horror maps, definitely check out DM_nightmare_church, that was just submitted in the vault. It's more campy than scary, but you still jump a few times, and it's really well done. :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-28 13:51:59 UTC in journal: #7593 Comment #57834
And finally, i know this printer cartridge is a piece of shit, because it's a printer cartridge and it has this logo on it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-28 07:00:40 UTC in journal: #7592 Comment #45519
Is "Krikey" Australian or Engrish?
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-26 23:04:40 UTC in journal: #7592 Comment #45518
Pump your breaks kid, that man's a national treasure =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-26 22:12:57 UTC in journal: #7591 Comment #55883
quite right sir. Fsr, i thought they were decompiled, because i get the message on some maps saying, "fyi, xx solids were not loaded," but you are right, it wouldn't make sense for them to include decompiled maps. (changed header)
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-26 02:21:06 UTC in journal: #7590 Comment #66803
An-y-bod-yeee!... Find me-ee-ee-eee.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-26 00:49:37 UTC in journal: #7589 Comment #55316
Argrees with stojkens, a not-bad first go.

I think the only distraction for me were that the text seemed really low res and generic font, when you could have used a much nicer one, and also you can barely see it when it turns red, i.e., turn up the congrast a little.

I also think the first scene could be a shot of the whole city and way more detailed/polished/contrasty, since it is the first thing viewers see.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-25 02:07:48 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66165
stop it with the popcorn i am already hungeess.....