
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-30 05:27:59 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102607
@Striker Dont' worry about gym progress, that can all be replaced. Life is too short to worry about short term body progress. You're smater than that! I'm sure this will all come to pass soon. I lknow, it sucks as a used to be gym rat because the progress doesn't come easy. But don't worry. Just because you lose "some" progress. The trainging doesn't yield "nothing". You're body will be stronger naturally.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-29 02:26:01 UTC in news: Half-Life: Alyx is out - No spoilers! Comment #102606
I haven't played it I just wanted to try out the spoiler tag.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-28 09:08:09 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102605
I've been in quarantine for 2 weeks now. Where I live, we need a "statement on your own responsibility" that the thing you go out of your house for is justified. Ex: groceries, a short phyisical activity around your home etc. Initially this was imposed by our government only between 10PM-6AM, but people just didn't realize the gravity of the situation and gov realized it had to impose stricter rules and enforce them with the police and military.

I'm doing fine myself, I just fear for my parents who are more vulnerable than me. I'm working from home. Otherwise, I just feel like taking a break from all this imaginary rat race. It's really nice for a change. Eh, maybe I'm a little sad for all the gym progress I've had these months that's going to be lost. I'm trying to compensate with the little I can do in-house.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-26 15:29:58 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102604
I agree to not visit my parents Satchmo.

In my city, the industry I work in was designated "essential" so I still have to go into work as normal. Traffic is nice...
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-23 12:21:28 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102603
Most of us are young enough to not become seriously ill from COVID-19, but our parents won't do so well if they're hit.

Unless you're living with your parents, you should NOT visit them. Check in on them via video chats instead.

We had multiple Zoom meetings with friends yesterday, and we played charades over the video with another family. It was quite fun!

The groceries shortage was amusing at first, but now it's just annoying.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-22 21:36:15 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102602
Lol TJB, my wife made a comment too that they are now "promoting" my life style I already lived.

That's cool Admer, glad you're getting some exercise during this crap.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-21 09:56:11 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102601
Doing pretty well over here.
I'm having "online" classes (where teachers just send us PDFs and Word documents of lessons), and washing my hands slightly more frequently.

Since I'm in a village and pretty much nobody is visiting us, the chance of getting infected is a bit lower here, but despite that, I'm still a worried for my grandma and my parents. Especially my grandma.

And since I get to stay at home more, I decided to use the bike a bit more often. :P
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-21 00:28:55 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102600
I'm staying isolated and indoors, obsessively washing my hands and only eating food that I've prepared.
So the same as it's always been. :P

Seriously though, I'm remaining cautious. My brother has asthma, and my mum wouldn't fare well with any sort of infection, so I am being vigilant about hygiene on the rare occasions when I need to go out.
Luckily my job can be done from home, so I haven't left the house since Monday. I'm nearly through my backlog of records to listen to.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-20 22:40:52 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102599
That's the spirit Stojke :) Face this thing with no fear!

Good luck finding groceries Urban for you and your family. Potatoes last forever and are cheap. I was able to nab a huge bag along with a few other things.

Bruce, you will most certainly die.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-20 18:03:41 UTC in vault item: Underlab Comment #102598
This might work for a quick 1-on-1, but the fact is that it is simply far too linear for a multiplayer map. It's really just a series of empty hallways that lead to dead ends. This might work for a quick (very quick in this case) singleplayer romp, but not for multiplayer. Take a look at the official maps, or some of the ones uploaded here. Multiplayer maps should contain loops and branching paths. Players need to be unpredictable in deathmatch in order to have the edge, and as such the map needs to give them options. Alternate paths to the same locations, choke points and larger open arenas.

I understand that this is only a practice map, but you should also learn from the criticism that goes with it. :D
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-20 17:45:46 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102597
drinking corona extra
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-20 12:57:18 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102593
Working from home for the foreseeable future, with the office closed and everyone else doing the same. Jude had his last day at nursery yesterday and Ivory-Rose is at school until 3pm (2 hours from time of writing), then she's out.

The figure floating around is 12 weeks, which didn't seem so bad at first until I checked the calendar and realised that takes us to the middle of June!

Scoffed at all the people panic buying/stockpiling early on, but now of course there is nothing left for sensible people. Wife has had to run out to the supermarket first thing while I setup my desk for work each morning. The only way we can get what we need is to be the first in and head straight for the item in question.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-20 05:23:59 UTC in journal: Coronavirus Comment #102592
Not giving a shit , welcoming death like an old friend , checking up on my parrents more often than usual , rubbing asepsol 5% onto hard surfaces in the addmitance area at job and so on.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-19 23:01:50 UTC in vault item: A Dozen Map Sources Comment #102591
Your contents are very helpful.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-17 22:33:25 UTC in vault item: A Dozen Map Sources Comment #102590
Finish yer maps ya gaylord.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-17 22:15:48 UTC in vault item: A Dozen Map Sources Comment #102589
I guess it can serve 2 purposes: as example maps and copy-paste material, hahah! :walter:
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-17 21:17:32 UTC in vault item: A Dozen Map Sources Comment #102588
Thank you for sharing Admer, I am sure some of us will make good use of these when in need of examples.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-16 21:07:11 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102587
Es ist OK, lol.

I remember when TJB once surprised me for my birthday, roughly a month after said birthday. So better late than never!
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-16 20:58:58 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102586
User posted image
Sorry that I'm late on this, not really online these days.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-14 01:37:06 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Vision Comment #102581
Architecture — 8
Texturing — 9.5
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 7
Gameplay — 8.8

Played this one recently (as well as all the other maps in this comp) and I must say this one was a big wow! I can't even begin to imagine at how you managed to make all these 7 maps and still manage to polish the vast majority of them on time! What else can I say, it's a really solid map-pack. Some areas could've used better detailing and especially lighting (most notably the areas that mimic office complex and the first 1-2 maps), and the outside enviroments could've used more ambient sounds, as well as giving more ammo to the player at some points, but I can totally understand that you didn't have any time left to polish everything on time, which is fine! I can imagine this probably already took you around a month as it is! Can't wait to see what else you will create in the future!
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Commented 4 years ago2020-03-12 23:29:59 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Custom Skyboxes for Goldsource Comment #102579
I doubt I'll receive an answer on a tutorial posted 10 years ago, but I've received an error message, while executing the script.

(Terragen error)
: Unable to open file!
: Possible causes: folder doesn't exist or disk full.
: Check output settings for the script.

(Terragen error)
:Unknown image format or error writing file.

:Animation render aborted.

:End of script
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User posted image
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-12 19:35:05 UTC in vault item: Razorback Comment #102578
I need to play this again but sober.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-10 20:48:30 UTC in vault item: Razorback Comment #102577
@Dimbeak, @Admer456, @Bruce: Thank you for the words and ratings. I may be dependent on people's attention a bit too much but receiving it always is very motivating!
Bruce said:I still wish the lower interiors had a bit more contrasty lighting.
Yes, the lighting stays one of the major problems of this map. However, I think that the brightness levels are fine enough, and the real problem is the bland color scheme (unless you meant color contrast there :) ). But either way, I've failed to come up with a more original color combination than pink + gray.
Dimbeak said:Weapon placement could use some tweaking, though, I feel like it's hard to get my hands on a decent arsenal.
I came to agree with that while we were playing it on Quakeroach. Putting an MP5 instead of the revolver at one of the obelisks, as well as replacing the MP5 at the lower level with a shotgun, would certainly help. There have been trolls claiming that the map is terrible due to an excessively high amount of weapons but I don't think I can do anything about it: if it had little weaponry scattered around instead then someone else would surely complain about that, too. Besides, there are 16 spawnpoints, come on! There must be enough guns for everyone.
Bruce said:even though it lags
Man I know, honestly I'm even contradicting myself with this map. I have used some optimisation techniques, though, like using VHLT's CONTENTWATER tool texture to make the lamp holders one-plane instead of four. The same trick has been used on small chains. I have also tried to control the splits with setting proper detail levels on func_details but I didn't inspect the results a lot, so there may still be mistakes and unnecessary splits.

There are two main problems, though. The former is that the BEVEL texture is applied in-between many of the triangular prisms which compose the island's terrain. Simply put, BEVEL helps to improve collisions in certain cases like this one. But at the same time the splits on the terrain must be terrible, partly due to the compilers' fault, but also partly because I didn't use SOLIDHINT. This tool texture lacks the advantages provided by BEVEL and mostly works like NULL but helps the compilers split the geometry better in some cases. To be honest, I'm the one to blame here - some terrain pieces still have NULL in-between the triangles.

And the latter problem is the openness of the map. It's a "void map" (or so they refer to that kind of maps in one of Quake 1 mapping communities), which means that you can barely block visibility for players, therefore a lot of geometry is considered potentially visible and gets rendered.
I wish I had the willpower and the skill to optimise it further, but for now 3500 wpolies on average it is.

I plan on maybe rolling out a patch (which will be pretty useless because it's too late, the map has already been downloaded many times), and even then I doubt that I'll alter anything crucial about the map. As someone said in some thread on this website: "Fix your mistakes in your future works". You may take it as laziness but I certainly want to finally be done with this map and move on.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-10 16:40:11 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102576
Thank you. uwu
BTW a small update on the situation: I've been forgiven and I am happier than ever.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-09 21:27:40 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102575
Happy birth... wait this isn't a birthday jour... ah wait, it is.

Happy birtday Admer!
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Commented 4 years ago2020-03-08 15:23:47 UTC in vault item: Razorback Comment #102572
Super cleanly mapped and original. worldspawn also has a chance to be at the top of the scoreboard in this map. Gameplay is good even though it lags on my crappy computer, makes me want to get a proper PC... Love the chains too. I still wish the lower interiors had a bit more contrasty lighting.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-08 10:08:25 UTC in vault item: Razorback Comment #102571
Neat colour palette, calm and cozy atmosphere, a couple of cool little things like crystals and some steam that harms you, and pretty fun to play. O.o

So good that it crashed my game when ribcage whacked me with a crowbar. Amazing.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-05 03:07:11 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #102570
its like the Duke Nukem Forever 2001 E3 trailer:
You can never play, you can only imagine
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-04 20:57:43 UTC in vault item: Razorback Comment #102569
Had alot of fun playing this map.

Architecture was really great. Map was very vertical with lots of places for jumping around. Weapon placement could use some tweaking, though, I feel like it's hard to get my hands on a decent arsenal.

It had a lot of really cool little touches like the crystals doing a color correction effect and the chains swinging in the breeze. Definitely a map I'd like to see in circulation whenever we do HLDM.
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-02 19:59:29 UTC in vault item: de_bunk Comment #102567
Thanks Stojke. Hm, those screens of cs_deliverance look cool. I'll have to dl it.

My original intention was to do a modern architectural map in a jungle and then I realized I didn't want to make a bunch of textures for it so I just made a bunker. :lol:
Commented 4 years ago2020-03-01 21:29:47 UTC in vault item: de_bunk Comment #102566
5 stars for fiddling with DE_ maps :)
Reminds me of some of some older maps like cs_deliverance.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-29 19:25:46 UTC in vault item: Lambda_Bunker_Extended Comment #102565
If it's HLDM you should change the game to Half-Life: Deathmatch for this page.
Thanks. I updated.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-29 14:46:36 UTC in vault item: Yet Another Half-Life Adventure 2 Comment #102562
Thanks for your comment! I'm using Vluzacn's ZHLT v34 compiling tools, I didn't know how to fix the missing faces because I couldn't find guides about it, I'll do as you said and see if it fixes it.

I'll also try to fix the other points you mentioned.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-29 14:16:53 UTC in vault item: Yet Another Half-Life Adventure 2 Comment #102561
Pretty solid map and quite lengthy for a single map. I played on hard and wasn't particularly struggling for health or ammo, so the challenge was fair. There were some really cool ideas and for the most part I'd say that the maps looked fine. Maybe lacking finer details to help create a sense of a lived in place/work environment, but nothing that looked terrible either! :D

I've made some notes below on things I spotted throughout, to either watch for in future or to patch in this release if you feel like it. :P
User posted image
This glass is FAR too opaque. You want to use texture for the rendermode and a really low renderFX value like 50 or 75.
User posted image
Missing faces on this armchair. I'm not sure which editor/compile tools you used, but I'm guessing they're not up to date. This can also be avoided by making the item into a func_rot_button and have them rotate as soon as the level loads, rather than rotating them in the editor.
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This bin is made of glass... :P
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This just looks a little off. There are better ways of doing this kind of sloped hallway by skewing the textures, rather than trying to rotate the texture to fit. Also, the scientist could do with being tilted ever so slightly, his left leg is floating off the ground here.
User posted image
Not sure why this appears the way it does. Again, I have to assume you're using outdated compile tools as this should not have any issues compiling these days. :P
User posted image
More complex brushwork that has been rotated. Update your tools or use a func_rot_button entity to rotate this. There is also a very obvious invisible wall here. Try to avoid that.
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This would be a great oppurtunity for the player to see the valve that would shut off the steam blocking their path, but again, the glass is WAY too opaque to see into the dark room beyond.
User posted image
Grrr. I know this is only a headcrab, but its waiting right at the bottom of a vent drop, causing unavoidable damage to the player. If a player on hard only had 5 hitpoints here, the map would be unwinnable from this point. Give the player a chance to react, move the crab further away. :)
User posted image
Why exactly does this open the door? I could understand blowing the door open, but it's a sliding door... Just a little odd.
User posted image
Now this I actually REALLY like. The room itself doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's common in Valve's own maps. I don't think I've seen this kind of challenge in a map before and it was a really nice addition.
User posted image
At last but not least, these controllers don't move... at all. They need info_node_air entities in order to move around this space. Without them moving around, there is very little challenge here.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-29 10:04:00 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102558
It's all OK, friend. Thank you. :)
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-28 01:05:32 UTC in vault item: dm_perthowned Comment #102556
This is nuts. Amazing work.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-25 07:06:35 UTC in vault item: Materials Sounds Comment #102555
Guides like this are great, ty.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-25 01:39:53 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102554
Happy Birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-24 22:12:49 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Volumetric Lighting Comment #102553
The whole thing could use more explaining and less telling.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-24 22:10:13 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Volumetric Lighting Comment #102552
this could probably stand a little more info on exactly what contentwater is. I'm looking at these images and I can't really tell which is which.
Commented 4 years ago2020-02-24 17:15:13 UTC in journal: 0x0012 Comment #102550
Happy Birthday!