
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-13 02:35:57 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98887
Good. ;o
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-13 02:29:34 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98886
Strideh I've been following this since the Christmas '07 media release. I feel warm inside watching this.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-13 01:45:09 UTC in journal: #5506 Comment #33257
And now to get the other old regulars back. Life would be perfect.

Okay, maybe not. Hello, thar.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-13 01:14:41 UTC in journal: #5506 Comment #33263
Hello. This is satchmo. Remember me?

I may be the only member who is older than Andy (age-wise).
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-13 01:14:37 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55582
Note at Kathy Bates only being good at playing someone evil and psychotic. First person that comes up to par meeting the exact same description is Amy McGee. Some of those female actors really suck at playing good people roles. I mean, in The Mist, Amy McGee was so good at being evil, I actually felt inclined to jump into the store with a shotgun and shoot her. She truly pissed me off in that movie, which is a good thing.

And of course your comments on Keanu Reeves also ring true. I TRIED to watch Street Kings having no clue what it was about. I made it to the 20 minute mark... other than that.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 23:30:10 UTC in journal: #5506 Comment #33272
Whoa!....The legends were true!
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 22:44:08 UTC in journal: #5506 Comment #33261


the stuff of legends!
Truly it's a christmas miracle!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 21:40:27 UTC in journal: #5502 Comment #52161
Isn't Ice cream for tonsilitis?
And good to hear you're okay.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 19:21:40 UTC in journal: #5502 Comment #52159
I didn't when my were pulled. But you'll feel too out of it after the surgery to eat anything for hours, anyway. They give you some really heavy stuff, and it stays with you for the rest of the day.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 18:38:41 UTC in journal: #5503 Comment #48623
Looks great, and very Quake-3-Arenaish.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 14:28:49 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55579
That's a shame to hear. I was looking forward to this movie, but yours isn't the only review I've seen lately saying that its god awful.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 14:12:18 UTC in vault item: compo26_darktree Comment #17181
I dunno i get this error:

Nobody else mentioned it so maybe it's my macchine?

EDIT: Oh LOL it's for source! I'll play it and rerate... (i really want to destroy some barrels)
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 13:26:23 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55584
Yeah, for the ones in parenthesis, notice i said "besides". i liked it too, Plus The Matrix are in my top 5 movies of all time, well at least the first one.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 13:18:10 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55587
constantine was actualy worth watching it :P
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 12:37:24 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55583
But really, don't see it, even if you got free passes or your girlfriend promises to buy you popcorn. Go to the dentist, have some work done on your car, clean the bathroom... Anything else but this!
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 12:33:48 UTC in journal: #5503 Comment #48622
It looks .... wow
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 12:09:18 UTC in journal: #5502 Comment #52160
fuck i need my wisdom teeth pulled too...

is it true you get ice cream?
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 12:06:49 UTC in journal: #5504 Comment #55581
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 06:14:00 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35332
I didn't like Episode 1 at all. I played through it just to keep up with the story.
When I played Episode 2 I thought it was going to be like Episode 1, but I was completely wrong, I loved it.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-12 00:26:31 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35326
"It's really short."

Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 21:32:03 UTC in vault item: No Shelter HDR Comment #17180
The overall map was very nice and gameplay was consistent, yet short. You should have made it a bit more interesting with some more infantry combat

+ Good map work
+ Well placed health and ammo

- Helicopter just stopped and sat in one place most of the time
- Rebel guy was useless
- The treescape was too close and looked fake because
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 15:47:43 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35333
Episode 1 was solid
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 15:19:18 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35324
It's really short.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 12:53:18 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35329
Loved the ending of Ep 1.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 08:30:38 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35331
I'd have to agree with Strider, about the atmosphere.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 05:24:49 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35325
Episode One actually drew me in a LOT more than Half-Life 2. I thought the atmosphere was just much more evolved. But then of course, Episode Two blew it out of the water.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 05:11:51 UTC in journal: #5498 Comment #52337
It is.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 04:58:06 UTC in journal: #5427 Comment #54987
Striker is on to something. Seriously, what a douche. Bragging about how much better he is at mapping than you and then asking what texture lock is.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 04:52:28 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35330
It was kinda disappointing after HL2. And it has nothing on EP2 for sure.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-11 03:12:25 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98885
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 22:33:48 UTC in vault item: Lab11: LavaLab Comment #17179
Well thanks for that... :-)

It did turn out a little too big/complex even for my tastes -- and typically there's only two of us in it when I get to play -- but once you learn your way around it works pretty well.

The glass in the outlier buildings ... yeah. The texture works pretty well on a semi-transparent entity, but is a bit blah on the non-transparent world brushes. If I had a few more leaves to play with I'd probably build an empty room behind the windows and make them properly semi-transparent. (I will do that with the "Erupt" version anyway, so I guess there will be the potential for comparison... I may even give it a shot with LavaLab, but I'm pretty sure it will break the compile -- which, for the record, is about 16.5 hours on a 3Ghz machine with 3Gb of RAM...)

Edit: I tried several different ways to get transparent glass with a space behind in the windows around the edge -- and every single attempt broke the compile. The level really is that tight... :-)
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 21:16:33 UTC in journal: #5498 Comment #52338
Please tell me that site is some sort of joke.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 20:33:56 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35327
it's ok. Nothing compared to HL2 or Ep2, though.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 19:51:16 UTC in journal: #5498 Comment #52335
Tetris (available everywhere)
12.10.2008: Tetris is an action puzzle game where the player rotates falling block shapes to make them fit together in a pile. When a row is filled, it disappears, keeping the height of the pile of blocks from increasing. As the game progresses, it continually speeds up until the player starts making mistakes that allow the blocks to reach the top of the game area, ending the game. Tetris is unwinable, you can only put off your inevitable defeat. This fatalistic aspect of the game should come as no surprise since it was originally created in 1985 in the Soviet Union, where the Atheist government taught everyone that there is nothing but a bleak, pointless existence followed by death with no chance for Salvation. It is claimed that the word "tetris" comes from the game pieces all being made of four blocks. In reality, the game was named in mockery of the Trinity by adding a forth hypostasis, the Communist State, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Because it is simple to program, versions of Tetris can be found on every game, computer, and operating system. There have even been implementations of Tetris done using computer controlled lights in office buildings, turning the lighted windows into the falling blocks. The ubiquity of Tetris is also because it is highly addictive. Its repetitive gameplay and use of repetitive classical music themes causes players to slip into a hypnagogic state, making them receptive to the Communistic themes inherent in the game imagery (everyone is an unindividualistic block that must be made to fit together in Soviet conformity, and sometimes whole lines of people are made to disappear without any explanation). This is intentional, since, like all work done by the Soviet Academy of Science where Tetris was developed, it was part of secret military research, in this case having to do with mind control. (The US military also researched mind control video games in the 1980s, including one called "Polybius", but we never used them during the Cold War, unlike the Soviets who unleashed Tetris into the general public where it's still affecting people to this day.) Because of its fatalistic worldview and the danger it poses to people's God-given Free Will, all implementations of Tetris get ZERO CROSSES.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 19:46:47 UTC in journal: #5498 Comment #52334
Haha, what?
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 19:26:10 UTC in journal: #5501 Comment #35328
Next stop, EP2.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 19:06:08 UTC in journal: #571 Comment #35321
coordinate how, exactly? I may be able to help for INSPIRATION, not so much for SCHEDULING.
EDIT: oops. guess I should've checked the date first... my offer for inspirtation still stands, though.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 18:23:56 UTC in journal: #5500 Comment #55577
Lol did you even think about those a light fixtures ? haha, I didn't =))
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 17:26:45 UTC in journal: #5500 Comment #55572
Those lightfixtures are the most ugly lightfixtures i've ever seen! I hope for you their just placeholders. :P
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 15:15:50 UTC in journal: #5500 Comment #55576
wow it does look great
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 13:51:12 UTC in journal: #5497 Comment #51677
I have a virus too. It seems to only make .tmp files in C/:, but when my anti-virus found and deleted part of it's replication chain, it gave me constant error messages, 'cause it kept trying to reboot itself. I can sometimes get the errors to stop and keep using the computer, though.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 13:48:46 UTC in journal: #5499 Comment #59901
My nightmares are usually about consoles and computers not turning off, even when I unplug them... And they can keep me off the games they were running for as long as a year sometimes... And don't get me started on the nightmares I have when I'm sick.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 13:43:27 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 1 (for Flat-Life) Comment #17178
WHAT? How do you know it's a nice map if you can't play it???
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 12:32:49 UTC in vault item: Semi-looped sounds Comment #17177
I just put that there because the map itself is just a small box with a button in it... not much to show off, and it's just an example of how to make a SOUND work a certain way. I can't upload a screenshot of the map right now, I'll do it later.
EDIT: there.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 10:37:41 UTC in journal: #5500 Comment #55573
very, very badly textured & pretty blocky. You can do better than that :3

i want to see improvement or i intercept your cake supply
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-10 10:06:54 UTC in journal: #5500 Comment #55574
yeah i was thinking that too potatis.
Looking good nonetheless!