
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 05:32:10 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98868
They've had a few complaints on their forums about the crowbar, I have no doubts they'll get something people are happy with.

Video is so damn awesome.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 02:52:50 UTC in vault item: de_shadysands Comment #7351
Thanks for the feedback!

Mario: Thanks, but I'm more-or-less aware of invisible wall locations; probably won't bother fixing them in this map and will move on to a bigger project.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 02:02:47 UTC in vault item: de_shadysands Comment #7357
Great job - nice map ;) Goodluck in compo ;)
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 01:07:01 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98867
The Valve guys put a ton of thought into getting the crowbar in half-life 2 to feel perfect and lets face it, it does.

The BMS guys should have just tried to get it as close to the HL2. This one looks too slow and wimpy.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 00:58:59 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98866
That crowbar animation looks bad in my opinion. Needs more power in the swing. But the rest of it was awesome.
Commented 15 years ago2008-12-01 00:10:52 UTC in vault item: de_shadysands Comment #7356
Looks great but the terrain will affect game play with the invisible brushes it creates. On one corner right outside the building the invisible brush completely blocks you and you have to walk around and jump over it. It's not a problem everywhere just certain areas. If you want, I can show you exactly where it happens.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 21:24:56 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7354
Yeah... I guess I should work on that, huh? Fine, I'll make the sequel, I'm having trouble with my Spirit MOD anyway, might as well... You guys keep pulling me back into this project! ;D
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 21:08:05 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7370
Okay, so i played the next chapter. i liked the first chapter and was looking forward to the second one. So I downloaded it, installed it and loaded it up. Now, first up I was like, nice, looks really good. A nice bit of warmup combat then i came to the building, but couldn't get in. Took me a second to figure out i had to duck through the door, i was like, thats ok, i don't mind that mistake. Then i jumped out the window climbed the ladder and finished off the soldier at the top of the cliff. At this point i was like, this is really cool! I'm really enjoying this! Then i entered the airlock, green smoke came out and i went, oh dear, im in trouble now and then i prepared for some gun blazing platform action. Instead, i was faced with a black screen with the words "To be continued...". At this point i was like, "WTF!!!! NOOOOOOOOO! I WAS JUST GETTING INTO IT!!! WHY OH WHY, SOMEONE SHOOT ME!!"

Need i continue? I even waited for a minute just to make sure you weren't having me on...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 20:37:41 UTC in vault item: de_shadysands Comment #7371
Absolutely awesome terrain for HL1. Genuinely superb.
Took me fucking years to find the easter egg.

now quit your bitchin'
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 19:47:39 UTC in journal: #5484 Comment #50285
yes... the small map ice breaker to warm up for a larger map. I did the same :D

at least, in spirit i plan to map again...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 19:20:31 UTC in journal: #5481 Comment #40797
Ah, cable. the satilite TV of urban-dwellers. and flying cats... That's a cool idea.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 19:04:21 UTC in journal: #5481 Comment #40793
they mention that the framework of a modern day skyscraper is strong enough to hold a multiple level habitat as the floors go up. of course after the windows have been blown out. They said along the way, many of the species could evolve differently. They approximated because of the climate, that the domestic cats would seek higher ground from the larger predators in the streets, and prey upon the birds, pidgeons, and rodents that have called the overgrown sky home. But they mentioned that a cat living in high altitude could evolve to be similar to that of a flying squirrel with webbed limbs for gliding. The chances were actually high.

Yeah my pad has no cable. I watch whatever on the intawebs.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 18:52:59 UTC in journal: #5481 Comment #40795
If you're at uni going to school, yeah it's special. Uni students live ultra-low budget :(.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 18:52:13 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98865
.. you mean more mental. <3
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 18:34:30 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7376
Lesse here... The zombies at the begining aren't supposed to be on the same unit, as they would just get in your way, being friendly an all (You're supposed to be a zombie too, remember.) I did'nt really notice unalinged textures, I'll look at that, and the door WAS a bit of a problem... you need to gib the houndeye if it does'nt move... I'll fix what I can find. thanks for the feedback.
Edit: Okay, fixed the houndeye, so it should'nt be close to the door. If it goes there, just hurt it and run away.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 16:51:13 UTC in journal: #5480 Comment #59905
Thanks, yes img 3 looks like de_vertigo, it was one of my ideas to make somethink like de_vertigo places.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 16:47:03 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47100
He's gonna pwn everyone by the time he can talk. XD
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 16:24:44 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7375
as i said, some of the monsters werent on the same unit as me and there were some unaligned textures and the door, that only opened when i jumped on it :\ and closed in a lightning speed lol
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 16:09:15 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7374
Yeah... I kinda rushed it... Could you let me know what the bugs were, I may be able to fix some of them.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 14:32:24 UTC in journal: #5481 Comment #40794
Talk about a Gyradellgasm.
Hah. And I never saw it except for the adverts...Flying...cats?
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 13:11:17 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7373
ok i played it. very short. had some bugs aswell, like some of the monsters werent correctly aligned and some architecture bugs, but it was ok overall. 3.5 stars
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 13:10:44 UTC in journal: #5481 Comment #40796
wow ... is it special to have cable tv? :o
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 12:39:55 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #7464
They work on my computer... Maybe it's because of my connection, the files don't always upload properly or something. It could also be an imcompatibility of versions. do you use steam, or WON?

I'll upload the other version, the one without new models.
Edit: There. Hope it works now.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 12:39:51 UTC in vault item: de_mon Comment #8990

well, I don't really know what this does, but I guess that if you mess with the entityes on the .bsp using some kind of software that enables this, you could try to modify or delete some entityes and see if the issue goes away..


That explosions/sprites after the C4 explosion shouldn't happen. I've played lots of time and never got any problems. Is there anything special that you are doing?
The boat was a veichle until some point, but it's so buggy that I've prefered to leave it as a func_train (Whic is a little buggy too :P). And more, at the very begining of this map, it was planned to be just a buch of rivers and everyone had to drive boats, but ofcurse it din't play so well.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 12:11:08 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47095
baby killer, or killer baby?
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 11:52:54 UTC in journal: #5480 Comment #59904
um, nice map. img 3 looks just like vertigo tho >.>
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 07:05:27 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 2 (for Flat-Life) Comment #9002
ffs. this doesnt work aswell. learn to make maps that dont chuck out errors nonstop
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 02:30:33 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47099
I couldn't make a video because my wife came home, and she took him away from my computer.

"Now, when I left him alone with you for half an hour, look at what you've done!"
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 02:12:05 UTC in journal: #5476 Comment #56260
Nothing to be jealous of, honestly.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-30 02:06:36 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47101
Baby killer. You'll burn in hell along with your child for creating a mindless killing machine. Considering that the average gamer is a borderline sociopathic killer, I can only imagine the horrors that will arise from this little expiriment of yours. Less harm would be done if you'd simply given your son a gun and told him to shoot at everybody he saw. I hope for his sake that he will find the error in his father's ways before it is too late.

Sincerely, Jack.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 21:49:28 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47102
Lets mail that to make poor old jack miserable
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 21:28:33 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47106
Weird tbh.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 21:26:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Soundscapes Comment #100766
The problem is that you don't have to write the map's name. example: "soundscapes_venetia.txt". Just name it "soundscapes" and thats it!... It will apply to all maps compiled...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 21:14:12 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Soundscapes Comment #100765
Still can^'t get it to work... Although i did copy paste ^^
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 21:11:15 UTC in news: Happy Birthday Half-Life! Comment #98864
I'd never spend that much time on something which I myself wouldn't profit anything from. They must really be hardcore fans.
If they stop I'll go mental
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 20:32:08 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47103
... Lets tell him then.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 18:53:54 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47105
jack thompson would kill himself if he found out
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 18:06:07 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47098
jack thompson would cry.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 18:04:46 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47104
Video plz! :D
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 18:02:09 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47097
Ill even make a map to play him on.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 16:49:23 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47096
Ho ho I wouldn't mind playing against him someday. Perhaps a good reason to play HL2DM again...
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-29 16:48:26 UTC in journal: #5479 Comment #47094
You've created a monster.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-28 20:02:32 UTC in vault item: Radiation: Day 1 (for Flat-Life) Comment #9058
Well, if you want, I can upload the other one, I guess. I probably won't finish the series, and if I do, It'll be a while, as I'm working on a new project... But yeah, I'll try to remember to upload day 2.
EDIT: And Daubster, 4 stars is really nice to give me, especially as this was my first official release! Thanks for being kind.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-28 19:12:05 UTC in vault item: DM_BeerFort Comment #9057
I can, Pepper. ^^
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-28 16:50:39 UTC in vault item: kznl_mountainpass Comment #9056
haha fun :D
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-28 16:32:27 UTC in vault item: kznl_mountainpass Comment #9059
i remember playing this. I think it actually had a 24/7 server.

was great fun, albeit pretty nastily blocky :3
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-28 11:42:10 UTC in journal: #5477 Comment #51511
Nice research there, keep us posted. :)
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-27 21:01:39 UTC in vault item: zm_swastika Comment #9060
The site you linked to requires that one registers before being able to see your images.