
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-20 03:17:18 UTC in vault item: tp_xeria (for Flat-Life) Comment #17049
:o does it give you an error
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 21:39:43 UTC in vault item: tp_xeria (for Flat-Life) Comment #17047
I can't play it, every time i walk off the start ledge, it crashes out
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 12:13:12 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58769
Aha like you can talk Axel. Scratching peoples cars.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 11:21:10 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17044
I actually really like this!
It's got a lot of charm considering how simple the design is. Very nice.
It is of course not without its flaws, though.

First and foremost - health and batteries. I never saw any during my admitedly short test. Very important in deathmatch.

Second, there is a real lack of cover. Maybe make the tops of the platforms more defendable around the sides and throw the crossbow in to get some fun sniping battles.

Next, your wise decision to put the more powerful guns at the rarer sites is made null by the fact that there are spawn points on those platforms. I don't really see a way of solving this.

Also, you could really make the teleporters a more impressive endeavour since they add so much to the gameplay mechanics. Get some loud teleporting noises, and maybe a laser show at the recieving end so that a player can see where his nemesis has teleported to in a 1v1 situation.

The worst aspect of the map was texturing. I mean it was awful.
The good lighting did well to make up for it, but it's just not enough. Get some variation in there and make each platform a clearly seperate location.

Lastly, i agree with the idea to make the fall considerably larger. There's no chance for Gauss-jumpers to save themselves if they fall off the side at the moment since they die almost instantly.

Definately on the right track. I won't rate until you finish your new version =]
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 11:10:40 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17043

This map has one major issue that should be taken care of: r_speeds.
R_speeds in this map r_crap, peeking over 2500. Thats too high for a DM map.

To fix, try texturing unseen faces with the BEVEL texture. The BEVEL texture acts like NULL, but it doesn't generate clipnodes. I know it sounds technical, but it may lower r_speeds.

Another way to lower r_speeds is to increase the texture scale of the concrete-ish texturee. This may look ugly at first but since most of the map makes use of a plain texture, it doesn't really matter.

I'd say try to get the r_speeds below 1500.

Now for the things i like:

Great entity work and architecture.
I found out that the teleporter teleported me to the red part most of the time, allowing me to get the gauss and gaussjump over the entire map.

So, overall its a good map, but the high r_speed make it kinda unplayable. Work on that and you got yourself a fun, fast-paced deathmatch map.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 10:36:01 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58784
Some people...
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 09:00:02 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17042
Ok, give me an hour or two. I got things to do first.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 07:43:35 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17041
Hey, I liked your suggestions. Especially the one from you Skals. I upload a new map with the updates done. And i'll keep the old one here.

By the way, What Should be the name of the map instead of Dm_Combo??
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 07:03:09 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17040
im an expierienced guy, and what i said is right.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 06:23:26 UTC in vault item: samurai_jack_mini_map_ultimate Comment #17039
109 downloads LOL ! ANd it's such a crap map !
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 06:18:14 UTC in vault item: fy_speedweapon Comment #17038
495.7KB - BSP
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 06:14:52 UTC in vault item: De_Dome Comment #17037
Heh , de Dome has survived !
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 05:51:00 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17036
I think HLGenius is expecting a review from experienced guys like : Muzzleflash , TheHunter , Ant , PinguinBoy , Blitzkrieg ,aaron_da_killa know these guys .

"tell you what, if you fix most of these isues i listed, ill give you 4 stars!"

OH , with that I'm on the floor .

Enough with my spam , I'll download the map .

[EDIT] Downloaded and played . The map has some fantastic feeling I can't describe . You shouldn't have put that ambience sound . It's not a xenish map . Add that sky texture and you can say it's surely not a xenish map .
One thing I loved is that you can shoot from distance in other places :
What does "dm_combo" has to do with the map . I don't understand :D
I'm not going to argue nothing about the arhitecture , but the map is quite empty if you understand me . Try adding some platforms or something in that free space you have .
So this is what I don't like : -the xen ambience
-empty space
-empty platforms
From a mediocre mapper , 4 stars
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 04:42:04 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17035
whats with the huge planet that looks like an eye?
well anyways short review:
Architecture 9/10
Texturing 4/10
Ambience 4/10
EntitySetup 8/10
Alot of copy+paste -5 points
In other words, you could of done better.
20/40 (2.5 stars)

You could add some different texturing to each one of the flying platforms to make it look a little better and not so much copy+pasty... maybe even add different prefabs to some of the platforms? :)

also lowering the floor by another 512 units would hurt, i was on the lowest of the platforms and when i fell i died within the first 128 units and it didnt look right.

What you could also add is a little fade that is triggered right before the trigger_hurt and applys only to the triggerer player to give it more realism.

...Also, the thing you said about most probably platforms being
-Green (the most probable)
-Red ( the least )
is wrong. this is what i got (i spawned and teleported around 100 times total)

-Red... in otherwords i got the gauss alot... and with the gauss i can gauss jump anywhere in the map giving me an rpg :)

**EDIT: this doesnt mean the map is bad, your progressing looking at the fact that your last one was 2 stars. tell you what, if you fix most of these isues i listed, ill give you 4 stars!
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 19:14:08 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58778
Well if you knew it wasn't, then why'd you say it? ;)
Anyway, back on topic.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 19:00:11 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58795
I knew it, but obviously I was not talking about water physics which everybody know it doesn't exist on Source
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 18:40:58 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58777
Because 'volumetric' is a real term used in computer graphics. You didn't say "real water", that would be silly, but you said "volumetric water", which many game engine programmers would absolutely love to have, it's just not a realistic option. Strider already explained the difference between the two.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 18:36:52 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58794
I said Volumetric Water, isn't it volumetric water? It's a water wave...

So if I make model of a tree I do have to say "it's a MODEL of a tree" because there're people who would it's a REAL tree? Or I managed to take all the tree propieties, and I codded them so the tree grows, makes the photosynthesis, etc etc
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 17:55:29 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58776
Sigh, get over yourself, Spike.

You said: "Look, I somehow recoded the Source engine to use something that no other game engine has ever done before.", when you really meant: "I made a model of a wave.".

Words are a powerful thing, so stop trying to see a personal attack in a simple terminology correction. I never said anything about the quality of the work.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 17:43:13 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58781
It looks kinda good, but it is not in fact what he said it was, and could indeed use work.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 16:55:32 UTC in vault item: Rubble Comment #17032
raver why would you give it 1 star in theory? You don't like TFC?
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 16:48:33 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58767
I say it needs a scrolling texture of somekind and some splashy particles and you have yourself a pretty nice source-wave!

You guys suck, I think it is good.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 14:46:56 UTC in vault item: The Sydney Harbour Bridge Comment #17031
Wow this thing is ultra cool . It looks very realistic , but uh ... I guess those cars are just damaging the "real" image of that bridge .
Spectacular arhitecture . I even had some popcorn while watching it :D

Can you post the rmf to this creation ? Thanks . ( I think I asked too much :D :D :P )
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 13:41:33 UTC in vault item: Rubble Comment #17030
tfc People still play that, i was under the impression that bots had taken over tfc
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 12:39:38 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58765
He wasn't denying your mapping, he was denying your terminology. It simply isn't volumetric. Now, moving on?
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 12:17:13 UTC in vault item: pl-bugscanyon_final2 Comment #17029
It looks great, but yeah, definitely use tf2 textures.

For your benefit I'll hold off my rate until retexture ;)
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:56:14 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58793
1)I meant mapping? + talking to PB not you.

2)?????? You mean the place of a mapper who shows his work and gets FAIL as an answer when the person who says it hasn't even tried to make something like it?

And I'm not talking just about me, I'm talking about all the mappers who really map.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:48:20 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58772
"Your last work is from 2006, and is Goldsource."
um. TWHL3?

"why can't I say it when everybody is bothering me?"
Because there's no need to be an ass when you've been put in your place.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:16:05 UTC in vault item: pl-bugscanyon_final2 Comment #17020
your map is nice. just retexture it and upload it again to make it look nicer!
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:08:59 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58792
"You're not, you're seeing REFRACTION. Unless of course you somehow snagged a super-deluxe copy of the Source Engine that even Valve don't have."

Ok I understand that, but I'm saying Source engine is doing a bad refraction, because things in front of the surface shouldn't refract.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:04:28 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58764
"even if I'm seeing reflections on it"
You're not, you're seeing REFRACTION. Unless of course you somehow snagged a super-deluxe copy of the Source Engine that even Valve don't have.

"Why sin't the model shadowing itself? You can't see the real shape from far distances."

Refractive textures don't shadow the same way as a VertexLitGeneric, I'm fairly sure it won't shadow itself - it will just go off the world lighting of what's rendered behind it, all it does is distort the world and tint it. There might be a way to get around this when compiling the model, but I wouldn't know about that.

EDIT: If you tell someone else to go fuck themselves again because you simply got corrected, then I will lose my patience and give you another strike.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 10:25:35 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58791
well if you say it I should have to belive it even if I'm seeing reflections on it :\

Why sin't the model shadowing itself? You can't see the real shape from far distances.

Livewire: Not my problem if you take things that serious. And why can't I say it when everybody is bothering me?

PB: yeah at least I do something constructive instead of criticize everyone. Your last work is from 2006, and is Goldsource. Maybe look at yourself?
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 10:25:09 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58783
Spike, stop telling people to go fuck themselves.

"Of course it's not volumetric, you all fail for thinking I was talking about real physics."

You said it was volumetric, we knew it wasnt. You're the one that fails here.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:35:16 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58763
That old thing? Haha. I've done a lot more.. much improved things since then.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:29:14 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58768
Strider knows his texture stuff. Believe me. That switch texture he made years back convinced me so.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:19:32 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58762
It's refraction. The model is close to the surface and his hence being refracted. It's just the way Source renders refraction outside of the water shader.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:18:39 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58790
Then why I'm seeing scout reflected on it?
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:16:14 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58761
"And yes it's realtime reflection because scout isn't touching the wave, and you can see it reflected on the surface."

That's the way the Source engine renders certain refractions. Realtime relfection is IMPOSSIBLE on something that shape without coding. Ever wonder why Valve didn't use the 3D wavey water from HL in conjunction with their new water shaders? Because it's impossible. The surface is required to be flat, and reflection can only occur on one level in the map, try creating several water sources at different height levels, or at angles, and see what happens.

Valve only recently introduced reflections on the verticle plane with the OB update, previously it was limited to water shaders and water shaders only.

It is NOT relfection, it is refraction, which is pretty much standard affair in the Source engine. Heck, I created this: months ago with displacements, took about 10 minutes.

Now, volumetrics. For something to be volumetric, it must have VOLUME. Models do not have volume. The closest thing most game engines (at least ones getting on in age, like Source) can do regarding volumetric objects is physical particles. What you have there is, plain and simple, a 3D wave with a shader texture.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 08:08:27 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58789
Go fuck yourself PB.

Of course it's not volumetric, you all fail for thinking I was talking about real physics.

And yes it's realtime reflection because scout isn't touching the wave, and you can see it reflected on the surface.

I don't know why it doesn't cast shadow, that's why the tube is transparent.

So I've changed the description of it, then the babies won't cry saying it's not volumetric water.

Madcow, the use of it is decorative or "to surf it". I can make it move like a real wave and If I add a collision model similar to a surf_ map ramp yyou will be able to do it.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 06:35:50 UTC in journal: #5418 Comment #50533
I was bored and felt like ranting a bit, hence the long post. @ Habboi - I haven't tried that, but I saw screenshots and videos of the mod. Pretty much seems like a Metroid Prime ripoff tbh.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 06:27:18 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58775
Textured model != volumetric water.

Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 06:16:06 UTC in news: It's a bird!.. It's a plane!.. Comment #98782
I never found it that bad. Those stuttering voices with no emotion somehow sounded right for Aperture - as if employees were ordered to be completely emotionless when talking with a test subject.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 05:58:00 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58779
Still hard to tell its a wave, especially from the tube. Make it less transparent, add white caps, etc.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 05:36:05 UTC in journal: #5418 Comment #50532
NineT has obviously never seen an Orpheus post.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 05:21:24 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58774
well I wondered what the purpose of it was and what it could do and why it outpwns regular water (you didn't say that but I guess if it doesn't then there is no real use for it now is there? ;O)
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 03:33:14 UTC in journal: #5418 Comment #50534
this is probably the most anyone has said in one go on this site
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 00:59:48 UTC in news: It's a bird!.. It's a plane!.. Comment #98781
Someone who I can agree with! Finally!