
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:44:29 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #10262
I forgot to add to the gameplay that this map has doors. Doors slow the flow of the game. Since this is sepposed to be a realistic map of a villige then I think that it wouldn't look nice and realistic without the doors. They're ok in this case, as long they don't reclose... I hate non electrical doors that reclose. What makes them move? Spirits? :P
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 19:28:04 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10261
lol you're right
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 15:53:26 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10255
Hunter make it easier and with a bigger ledgh. Look on what they did in crossfire. It's quite fun and easy to jump from window to window.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 15:41:51 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #10253
+ Artitecture was great, I liked it very much. The room with the water falls had neat artitecture, also the room with the rings and that button that explodes something was cool, a bit weird though.

+ Texturing was great too. I liked the costum textures and they were well aglained.

+ Lighting was good. Not too bright and not too dark, there is contrast too, between darkness and bright mostly but also a bit between colors.

+ Terrain work a bit strange but I liked it, it fits well with the theme of the map.

+ Layout is great. Easy to learn, although it's complex, lots of vertical fights which is great. A bit big so it's a bit hard to find enemies, but it's not so bad.

+ Gameplay is great. It's was so fun to play it. Lots of space, but few cover... It's also great cause of the great layout.

+ Not too many ambience!(can get annoying sometimes in deathmatch) You used it only when it's truly needed

+/- Weapon placement was ok. The ammo isn't too close to the weapons ,but do you think you should place a long jump model right on the brige thats in the middle of the way?

- Why did you add the glows to the water below that brige? They are complitly useless and out of place. And the glows below the water fall are too bright, they destroy the whole atmosphire of that room. I liked that room, but those glows ruin it. Try the ballsmoke.spr instead.

Over all it's a great map. I really like rimrooks maps. I think your modification is great.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 12:03:27 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #10243
Nice map!

+ Artitecture was fine. Nice houses, gives a feeling of a quite little villige.
+ Texturing was neat. It adds lots to the atmosphire of the villige. Really great costum textures.
+ Good weapon placment. The weaponry and the ammo aren't too close to each other. And it's not to easy to get to the strong weaponry.
+ Gameplay was fine, mostly because of the layout. There is enough room but there is also very little cover.
+ Lighting is sometimes bland but mostly interesting. Try adding more colored lights, change the light from the sky to orange.(since it's in the dusk) Or atlist change the sky.

+/- Neat layout, easy to learn. To bad about the dead end.

- Add some more detail. This map is empty.
- It lacks of ambience.

Don't use breakables in HLDM. For the windows I advice you to use illuosnaries and over them place a clip brush, so the player can't pass them but can shoot through.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-24 09:20:06 UTC in vault item: Empty HEV Comment #10237
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-23 13:33:03 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10227
"No folders in zip file, meaning one has to extract each file seperately. Bad you, you fail."

Blame winzip which sucks not me!! It ignores all the folders. Winace is better.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-23 13:28:33 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10226
I never said it's perfect. I think quite the oppisite! I hate this map.

About the realistic bit, I know but in the house it shouldn't have dim or colorfull lighting. This isn't a club and he's sepposed to be rich.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-23 07:35:15 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10218
"No, a regular house might not have all pretty lighting. But a game should. Fewl."

Kasperg said I should be coherent as possible. This is sepposed to be realistic.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-22 17:05:38 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10210
"Was it possible to unlock the door with the retinal scanner?" One of the scientists unlocks it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-22 16:23:06 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10209
"Pretty shit. I had no idea where to go. After looking around for like 5 mins in the same area, I find tiny steps that're supposed to be climb. The climb itself was quite painful, seeing as I kept flying off when jumping under a cliff. Some ladders would've been better."
"- Climbing Course"
Read the description. That thing was created by a leaf saw into portal, and I couldn't run full vis for it already took 4 hours to compile.
I agree I should have used some kind of rope or something... and to climb on the small first ledgh, is quite annoying I admit. Did you try walking to the other piller there is a secret in there.

As for the lighting I agree, I didn't work so hard on that. But does your house has cool lighting kinds and colors. I don't think so easpesially in a rich man's house.

Artitecture sucks I know. I mostly worked on the props.

"+ Gameplay, I really liked the 007 style."

lol I just placed a few grunts! haha, didn't even think of that like that.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-21 12:23:50 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10195
Hmm... how many versions does this map has, satchmo? I think you should map something else.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-21 03:44:57 UTC in vault item: Ruled By Insanity Comment #10185
Yes it is satchmo, read the description.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 16:57:32 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10178
Oh please! Can't you take some critsisim? Add some ambience, it will give the map better atmosphire.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 16:55:09 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10177
Oh and add some more ambience, it will give the map more atomsphire. I like the cricket sounds, gives the map a good feeling of night time.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 15:55:39 UTC in vault item: Apprehension Comment #10174
Great map! Robo grags?!? lolololol

+ Layout it was easy to learn it. Because the map is cercular, you managed to make it long. Dispite of it's leangth you can easily and quickly travel from the start to the last point you were in.

+ The Gameplay was mostly good. There was lots of space to menouver, exept for the room with the grags which was incredebly small for two grags. And there are lots of stuff to take cover behind.

+ Overall the lighting was good. There is lots of contrast between the colors,darkness and lighted areas. You didn't over use colors like red. The most annoying bit was in the outside area where there aren't any lights. It is pitch black...too dark. At list make a really dim blue light but this is too much!

+ Weapon placment I great. The weapon spots aren't too far from each other and aren't too close. There isn't too much weaponry/health in those spots. I rearly had a lack of ammo, which is good, I hate being stuck in combat with only a crowbar.

+ The details were great! I liked the cars and trucks. Really adds alot to the map. In some places.

+ The terrain work wasn't bad. What you did is great and it doesn't need to be improved.

+/- Monster placement was sometimes and good sometimes not! There was enough room to fight against the X-races. And you didn't place too much of them. The voltigore chased me through all the corridoes till the starting point where I killed it. Most of the grunts were killed by the X-races, didn't have a chance to fight against them! Some of the monsters were placed on platforms(like th robo grunts) and I could have stand below them and shoot them with out getting hit! That room was too small for two grags and I could run to the place with the RPG and kill them from far away.

+/- The artitecture was really great in some places and in some abit blocky. Try adding exutions to walls and make them look better. Also detail makes bad artitecture less noticible. Also avoidi using too long/big blocks, repitiveness makes maps look bland and boring.

+/- The texturing was really good in some places and in some other places ok.

It's a good map. It's a shame that in someplaces you didn't work hard as on others.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 12:34:34 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Revenge Comment #10161
I understand you didn't really care for the lightnings so I'm just going to comment on the mechines!

+ Nice traps I liked how you made these props.

+ Nice texturing on the props.

+ Entitywork was good too! I liked the hammer that it's two parts are well aglained.

First trap: Nothing special, just another explosion...

Second trap: A turret. Wasn't intresting!

Third trap: Poisnios blood shooter! W00t. Really strange. You probebly used a trigger_hurt.

Forth trap: Just another lazer beam. Nothing to see.

Fifth trap: Trap doors below the headcrab! I liked it. Watch them fall.

Sixth trap: I liked smashing them too! Probebly a func_door.

Seventh trap: A hammer. Cool one! How did you make the upper part folow the lower part of the hammer? Nice entitywork.

Eighth trap: Big spikes from the sides... stab it to death, or to gibs!

I was really fun and the traps are good. I'll give it three since the rest isn't that good:

+/- Texturing was ok. No misaglainments but the textures on the walls are streched!

+/- Lightning was ok. It doesn't need complex lightning so white bright light is good.

- Blocky artitcecture. Only two blocks connected together!
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 11:45:43 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10159
You forgot the last room rowleybob... the leap of death!
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-20 08:12:28 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10158
+ Lightning was good! You didn't over use some lights times, it's not too bright and there is contrast between the white light from the buildings, the sun's yellow light and darkness.

+ The layout was nice. Easily to learn and not too big. I advice you too make those two windows that face each other bigger so you can jump between them... will make it even more intresting.

+ Weapon placement was really good. The ammo wasn't too close to the guns. It wasn't too easy to get to the stronger weapons. The long jump model is right next to the spawn point? Thats really bad, its really useful.

+ Gameplay is good. The layout alows a good game flow, no dead end too!

+/- The terrain was Ok. The cliffs looked quite good and realistic in some places but in other places flat and boring. As for the ground, it was mostly flat and in someplaces you added little hills.

+/- Detail was good in someplaces. That pipe on the top added a bit and without those boxes that room would have been complitly blank and boring.

- Texturing was ok. Nothing special. There was a hill that was misaglained but it's nothing. You also sometimes scale the textures too much. You should try and use those trim textures more.

- Artitecture was bad. Most of the rooms are blocky. Simple corridors nothing special. There was one rooms with pillers but still the walls around them were bland. Also that little bit of ruined wall in the oute side looks terrebly unrealistic! You cliped it too much and in the wrong places.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-19 17:35:12 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10146
Over all I died only two times in this map. The first time in the first trap and then in the trap with the grunts.(where I just wanted to fight against them)...I'll be more specific later. I'm tired and want to map...
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-19 16:46:18 UTC in vault item: Five More Ways to Die Comment #10145
Will rate soon...
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-19 16:44:04 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10144
Oh rating! Since this map isn't about the artitecture and all these thing so I'll rate it MOSTLY on the gameplay! 1 nice,1 really good room and one with better artitecture against 4 boring rooms and with quite bad artitecture gives you:
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-19 16:39:21 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10143
- Artitecture was bad! The room is a bit blocky. Try adding detail, using smaller walls and textures to the walls to break that feeling. In the second room it was better for the walls weren't so big and the hammer's beam broke that feeling too.

- Texturing was bland...really bland. You only used few textures and you usally used only texture one per wall.

- Lightning was boring. You only used one kind of lightning all the way

Room 1:

+ Gameplay was quite fun. I liked jumping from each crate to crate while avoiding the water that makes you sufficate if you touch them.(at list change that damage type :P)

Room 2:

- Gameplay was horrible!!! I thought I needed to run and stop at some suffisticated times. But there is a time when all the hammer raise then you can run through it all.(if you jump at the end)

Room 3:

+ The game play was neat! I really liked trying to slide in a way the barrnicles wont eat me and then I'll bump in the rail and slide backwards. Reminds me of poll.

Room 4:

- It made me dizzy. couldn't concitrate...WHICH WASN'T FUN!!!

Room 5:

- The gameplay was boring! The lazers didn't hurt me so I just passed it.

Room 6:

- It was also boring. I just jumped forward two times and thats all!
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-19 13:48:29 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10134
Fine! :x Still I think it's stupid...
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-18 14:11:20 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10117
Arrgh, I refuse to play this level till you'll add autosaves between each part! :x It's really annoying when you have to do it all over when you die at one of the stages.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-18 13:52:53 UTC in vault item: The Arena - Room 1 Comment #10116
I'm going to test it soon...
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-17 08:55:04 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #10087
I finally managed to finish my flip sign in my tecnic and it pwns. :P
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-16 09:57:32 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #10076
Jolly good, now I can see what you ment. Add a screeni though.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-23 15:19:45 UTC in vault item: fk_glasspit_2 Comment #9953
I don't have CS:S (change the map tag) but I can still comment on stuff from the screeni. This map needs to be lit up. I don't know how you do it in source but you can always ask in the forums, seeing that our source tutorial section is rather poor.(this is a hint: someone make a source tutorial on lightning,lightmaps(or how that you call it) and cubemaps) Also check the texture application tutorial.(it's in the Hl intermediate section) It will teach you how to aglain textures. Also check the basic Hl tutorials(the "in the biggining" tutorials) the basic in source is the same as in Hl1.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 15:04:13 UTC in vault item: Problem with Lights Comment #9880
Ohh...damn he deleted it...

Sorry I can't help you I'm a Hl1 mapper. :S Ask an expirienced Hl2 mapper like rebidmonkey(a mod),captian P,(another mod),kasperg(won an award) or trapt.(a great Hl2 mapper, he ran the first source compotition)
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-13 10:39:00 UTC in vault item: Problem with Lights Comment #9875
I remember somebody posted a problem map on this a few month ago... search the vault for 'dripping light' of something like that
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-11 14:02:24 UTC in vault item: RimResortHLDMvDD Comment #9825
Cool map, will rate soon.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-09 13:59:17 UTC in vault item: hldm_milivolt Comment #9809
I'm going to check this one. Your maps always look so neat.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-07 19:05:10 UTC in vault item: trigger_changetarget Comment #9787
There is no limit of targets. Just make the trigger_changetarget that changes the button's target back to the first one change the button's target to a theard multimanager. That multimanager will target also two trigger_changetargets, one will change the teleport's destenation and the second will change the button's target to the first or a forth one(If you want to). And so on.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-07 14:17:53 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #9775
Cool,very cool,I like it. 4 stars. ;)
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-07 12:41:57 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9764
Tosse this site isn't only about gameplay but also on how stuff look. And I understand that they look great from the other posts! You just can't rate only on the gameplay it's very annoying when someone works hard on something then people don't notice it. cry
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-06 17:47:12 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9745
Where should I put the Res file then?
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-06 16:45:06 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9742
Res file? Can I still test it not in a network game?
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-05 17:42:02 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #9731
Thanks rowleybob. Looks great rend0us but I'm tired now so I wont check it right now.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-05 17:23:24 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #9730
Ohh...I thought you made it from a realy ladder, nice anyway.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-05 16:16:30 UTC in vault item: Example Moving Ladder V.4 Comment #9729
Woot you made it! :o It looks cool I'll try it soon.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-02 15:18:14 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9714
Of course it does!! lol But it sucks... You can't set the angle of the monsters/players.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-01 17:34:26 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9705
I know that but that fgd suck, it's for worldcraft 2.1. I asked if he uses that one or a better one...
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-31 13:57:06 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9697
Those are gunman's textures! lol What about the fgd file you use??
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-31 13:21:16 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Destiny Comment #9695
Yeah about timecops it's almost the same as there.(atlist thats exactly as what my brother told me) Anyway we both thought on the same ideas. I thought on a train that travles through a teleporter(almost as yours) into xen and bring people to there. I know decided it deserves a full mod for opfor.
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-31 13:17:44 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Destiny Comment #9694
Timecops is a movie! :P And in timefall ,before you enter a room that in it a scientist brifes you through a computer there was a simler scanner only not red.(the big block thingy that moves)
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-30 16:43:28 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9679
Thats exactly what I said the idea is awsome and also the setup but the other stuff were very poor and made it lose in the compotition.
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-30 16:38:41 UTC in vault item: Data (for Gunman Chronicles) Comment #9678
Cool!! I thought that nobody actually maps for gunman. you use the fgd file that comes with gunman(it's for worldcraft 2.1) or that you downloaded/created a better one? I just can't stand that I can't set the direction the monster/player will look at.
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-29 05:19:51 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9651
I liked the idea but the artitecture was bad and the lightning was bad. As I said before great handling of those func_rotating entities.
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-28 17:08:48 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #9647
How did you check it if the wad isn't included?