
Commented 17 years ago2007-06-26 09:10:41 UTC in vault item: ram_dust2_v3 Comment #15225
Why would a truck be parked on a big ledge, where the only ways in are steps...
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-10 10:22:29 UTC in vault item: Scoutzknivez27 Comment #12794
muzzle that's not the floor, look closely.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-02 15:47:13 UTC in vault item: My Train is Black Comment #12720
Add some lights in the map you have not enough light
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-02 15:46:50 UTC in vault item: My First Map - IckyLab Comment #12719
from the screen it looks better than most of the stuff in the vault.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-02 15:44:41 UTC in vault item: The Underhalls Comment #12718
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-26 11:52:05 UTC in vault item: Invisible Bad surface extents Comment #12666
I would delete these brushes and make new ones. That's where the error points to. If that doesn't work, find any semi-complex VMd parts and remake them.
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-22 10:03:49 UTC in vault item: The Great Leap Comment #12626
HL sucks in a zero-g environment because there is no way to move yourself...
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-06 10:04:03 UTC in vault item: cs_skyscraper Comment #12478
what is with lazy people lately? Make your little icons for the CORRECT game
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-03 10:00:00 UTC in vault item: 180-degree spiral pillar Comment #12436
isn't it funny how they are the same name backwards?
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-02 10:00:29 UTC in vault item: Laser Show Comment #12430
should've made it for hl1
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-29 09:08:27 UTC in vault item: Twisted Pillars Comment #12407
yours are probably closest to that guy's cs map. Nice and thick
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-25 17:20:08 UTC in vault item: scoutzknivez_2006 Comment #12377
Jummi what the fuck? you were doing so well, now you have to ruin it all by being a dick again.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-20 16:41:52 UTC in vault item: Freeman's Tomb Comment #12277
great idea, very atmospheric. One of the few maps that actually scared me alot and stuff. Goes to show you that you don't need super nice mapping to make a good mod.
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-18 22:11:24 UTC in vault item: HL2 Buttonpad for HL1! Comment #12271
I disagree with posting of prefabs in any way on this site. Even though your next prefab might be sooo amazing, I still want a new idea I can use in my maps. Example MAPS!
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-14 07:39:29 UTC in vault item: CCTV For Half-Life Comment #12226
hahaha I noclipped into the hallways and I just kept getting dizzy :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-02 12:19:08 UTC in vault item: My_House (CS or HL) Comment #12106
How does a brush's rendering in cs or half-life change?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 22:42:22 UTC in vault item: Deja_Vu_2 Comment #11751
what level was it?
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-06 16:48:00 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11444
Think about a game you have played that had a mansion or chateau or something in it. Return to castle wolfenstein had an excellent chateau. They Hunger had great mansion chunks as well. Also when designing something that might look realistic, it helps to draw it out first, and really think about it. Basically you're designing a freaking house lol :) Imagine if there was an exterior, if the mansion was built on slopes would there be any rooms that dip below others with stairways? What I'm saying is make it architecturally interesting, instead of being symmetric.
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-04 15:48:25 UTC in vault item: PANDEMIC Main Hall Comment #11425
It didn't feel very..hmm..mansionish to me. It sort of felt like i was in like a museum or something. From the looks of it, it seemed like you built the main walls and the ceiling, and then filled the room up with stuff. Try building realistic layouts and rooms, and add off of those. Having a set constraint takes away from the potential of the map. I dunno, if you cut the huge ceiling off, I might of had a different opinion. That ceiling just doesn't say "mansion" to me.

Also, if you are looking to make it scary, you might want to try a different color scheme. The colors of the textures you are using are very..hmm..warm and comfy. Make the lighting darker, even sometimes akward. If you are going to keep the curent lighting, make sure to light the areas under the walkways, I thought I saw doors under there, and make the ceiling not so bright and overpowering. -Just a little idea, have a board squeek when you walk on it every now and then.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-30 19:25:51 UTC in vault item: JungleRiverFalls12 Comment #11395
When you post maps, make sure to make the little icon match your game. This map is obviously for CS, not HL1. Just helps people search more efficient.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-26 09:14:18 UTC in vault item: fy_reomaha Comment #10694
I enjoy finding old work I forgot about too. congrats to you.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-19 23:47:51 UTC in vault item: Renegade: Start Of Mini-Mod Comment #10560
Amazing. Really good work. Very professional looking
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-13 09:31:50 UTC in vault item: bl_twhl Comment #10452
This map proves that twhl is full of spam :)
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-09 21:41:50 UTC in vault item: bl_twhl Comment #10422
:( I'm not in it
Amazing curves though
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-28 06:54:12 UTC in vault item: Xaves Comment #9629
First of all it's not fullbright. Second of all, it does have a xen feeling. Maybe you should download things and not judge from screen shots?

The idea is awesome, I've never seen something like that before. I had the urge to try to jump into the waves as opposed to on them, but the opening was too small. :( Oh well. Maybe try adding some low gravity. It was pretty short, I must admit, but I think if you cleaned it up a bit and made the caves less like a box, then it would fit perfectly into a xen mini-mod. 4 stars for the idea.
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-23 22:51:35 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien Comment #8241
me either lol all of mine have a purpose
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-22 10:34:49 UTC in vault item: Torture that Alien Comment #8206
Yeah usually first maps are like, well, not as good as this. :) You did everything right, fuc_walls where they should be, plus intermediate entity configurations to boot! Except for the fact that the explosion killed me.

However this is only a bsp, so other mappers can't really learn from this, consider uploading .map or rmf?
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-17 22:53:59 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #8144
I just wanted to say to those of you who thought it needed something, I didn't have any room in the map for anything else. Patches were near maxed, and compile time was about 9.5 hours. I was going for pure detail.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-10 22:20:51 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #7217
eh damn no spacing
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-10 22:20:20 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #7216
For the cieling struts- I made three columns the same shape right next to each other the height of the ceiling at its highest point. I then broke them into several columns on top of eachother. Then I wentto the side view and VM-d the top verteces to make a curved look. then I went to the front view and fanned the two side column sets the same length outward.

  |  /
  | /
then i copied and pasted them to equal distance pillars on the walls.
the measurments and fine tuning took quite a while
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-08 13:56:26 UTC in vault item: Cathedral compo13 Comment #7187
I made this map when I had all my HL editing stuff on my computer. I re-installed windows, but the map is still uploaded to the webspace, so I don't have a screen shot. Of course I tested it before I installed windows again. The competition has been closed for a looooong time.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-30 18:00:26 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #7074
A single box is 6 wpolys i believe. Also, the engine won't render any face that is completely covered by another face. if you have 2 boxes the same dimensions right next to eachother, the engine won't "create" the faces that are touching.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-10 10:54:38 UTC in vault item: Broken RMF (fy_spikes) Comment #6720
when you run the map, don't select expert. Then go down to where it says HLVIS and check fast, It won't even do leafthread, which takes the longest of all the stages.

did you make a skybox around the map or make it connected to the bottoms of the ground?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-10 00:43:07 UTC in vault item: Nightmare: A horror map Comment #6706
this map reminded me of american mgees alice, or at least being on some kind of hallucinogen. real good map i liked the feel. screaming woman and flying face got me the most.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 18:28:33 UTC in vault item: Broken RMF (fy_spikes) Comment #6705
thanks! yes i made those with hammer.
open my or your rmf. copy everything. make a new map and paste everything into that map. when you export to a .map file, the crap should be gone. this worked for me. i bet most of your ideas could be made, it's just that there are few mappers who can make their ideas without some loss in appearance/size.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 16:23:03 UTC in vault item: Broken RMF (fy_spikes) Comment #6700
ok here it is. obviously this isnt hardly usable but it gives you the general idea of how to make a map look like yours but still be able to work. make an outline of flat brushes that follow the edges of the "path". once you have the main area mapped out, start adding spikes to the walls. Try to make the spikes cover the walls enough so they look like your map enough, completely cover the walls, and have variences in height. (i didn't do that)

eventually you will have a map that looks sort of like yours, but slightly less visually appealing and it runs. you will also be able to make it 10 times bigger.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-09 15:03:06 UTC in vault item: Broken RMF (fy_spikes) Comment #6699
eeeek! there is more polygons in that small space than half of the entire HL1 game! I don't know what exactly your problem is besides the aaa texture, so I am guessing it is compile time or an error. Trust me on this, the terrain you generated in that map is actually real easy to make, it's just a bunch of spikes around a small path.

Take a look in 3d mode and fly around. You'll notice that the intire map is divided into many small triangles, and the spikes on top of those. The compile has to render each and everyone as a seperate brush, and since they are conncected split them up and the brushes that they split up need to be splitted, then light has to bounce everywhere on the map. It probably doesnt work becuase it's just an insane map. Don't use generators. Period.

Since I am feeling generous, I'll try to make a copy of this map but with realistic properties.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-05 19:14:31 UTC in vault item: Stained Glass Comment #6630
i just use photos of real stained glass windows for textures. it looks so uch better and is easier. make 'em glass, then put a sky behind them and you have nice colrs and light.
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-13 21:06:27 UTC in vault item: target Comment #5989
Is this for HL2 or HL1
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-13 11:41:37 UTC in vault item: Besieged_101 Comment #5983
Those rocks look waaaay better than when I first tried to make realistic rocks.
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-06 01:56:22 UTC in vault item: Trapmap Comment #5908
Well I'm in the room you start in. You get too see real short movies of the different rooms. How do I get to the rooms from the starting point? I also don't get the file cabinet room.
Commented 20 years ago2005-02-05 22:47:39 UTC in vault item: Trapmap Comment #5902
Upload newtextures.wad. Then I will play the map.
Commented 20 years ago2005-01-26 23:52:53 UTC in vault item: TWHLmix Comment #5733
Geez I cant even get by the generator room what do I do?
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-12 13:51:03 UTC in vault item: fy_wartown Comment #3305
Your maps look good, but never post them all at the same time. Nobody is going to DL all of those at once.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-12 11:55:42 UTC in vault item: awp_court Comment #2681
If you made a brush that was 128 untis in the smallest grid, then zoomed out all the way, it would still be 128 units.