Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 05:01:53 UTC
in direct3d, openGL, software.. wtf Post #160005
HL? uses D3D. Only!
I assume your RAM is too small - I got 512mb too and it lags like hell.
Make sure to end all processes that eat up lots of ram, before you start HL?.
Also your graphiccard might be too slow. Get the latest drivers - switch off anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing and in general set everything to 'low' or 'fast'.
You might have to update your hardware.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 11:34:47 UTC
in Random Hl stuff Post #155140
There are ~100 levels or .bsp in hl1.
Every basic texteditor can read them and can search for a certain string. Most of them tell how often the string was found.
Just search all .bsps for the entity names of enemy monsters.
Same for barnies, scientists and soldiers.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 16:08:11 UTC
in So, what do you GIVE for christmas? Post #154627
Omg t3h obituary!

@ZL: lol! You must love your family.

Kawl wrote:
Heh - I'm giving my x-mas presents over email. Its a download link. Hahah!

Not really a present - just more work for you Haz Man!

Crap.. Compile...
Whoopwhoopwhoop! :nuts:
I like that kind of work.


Used-to-be-a-satanist wrote:
religion is for pussies
No offence to religious people I know. Just to all the others. Bwahaha!
Seriously. I just loved that statement.
Everybody do as you like, unless you hinder others, by doing so.

@CP: Is it simply uncommon in the netherlands to celebrate christmas, seeing that you and pepper replied similarly?
And what's Sinterklaas?

Anyway. Christmas be almost over now, so shredder your christmas-trees, crush all christmas vinyls and kick the red guy in his butt. :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 13:19:50 UTC
in So, what do you GIVE for christmas? Post #154316
@alexb911: You don't really give your sister alcohol for christmas, do you? o_0

@7th: Wow! You really got some expensive presents for your family! And now I know why that strange kitten is up there. :)

@pepper: I'm planning to boykott christmas, too - at least once in my life. It's a religious thing and it's abused by capitalism, two reasons for me.
Anyway, it's not too bad. I love christmas gingerbread and there always are some nice presents for me, too. :)
Why don't you celebrate it?

@rest: A chrunchy christmas-eve to you!

I'm off for dinner now. Yum! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-24 09:17:02 UTC
in So, what do you GIVE for christmas? Post #154289
Hohoho! to you all.

There's been alot talk about what people will get for christmas, but I didn't find anything about what presents you make to others.

Probably it's a bit late for this, but if I'm not mistaken, men start buying christmas-presents as late as possible. :D And since we have only 3 women here (afaik)...
So, I just wrapped my pesents, though their were lying around for over a week.

There you go:
User posted image
An optical mouse and some chocolate for my parents. (They still have a ball mouse.)
User posted image
A bundle with only the most essential stuff, for my brother. :P Read: lots of unhealthy, but yummy crap, wrapped up in a towel, bound to a stick. Wasn't easy to get that stick clean and free of twigs.

Well, that's it.

So what do you give for christmas?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-22 01:25:01 UTC
in Animals? Post #153845
Y'all're so boring!

My pet is so much more 1337 than yours!
Insanity Prawn Boy!
User posted image
He's got no fur, thus no hairs fly around everywhere and all he needs is a testicle to be content.
What the?
Du hast mein testicle gestohlen!
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 23:45:51 UTC
in Morning Everyone! Post #153829

I hope you can revive your former omg-t3h-1337z0r-skillz and create a bunch of great hl1 maps.
Otherwise I will strike you down, with my mate, the local arsehole, trapt. (Right, m8?)
Or something like that.

God, why am I writing so much crap tonight?

Anyway, welcome!
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 23:31:00 UTC
in Can't Run Away From Your Past! Post #153822
I recently rediscovered TWHL-mix. Back then everything was sooooooo nice.

Anyway. I'm on UD now. Bwahaha! I R 1337!
But where's my entry. It's not there. Nooooooo! :(

Seriously. Past times always appear better than present times, don't they?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 23:10:52 UTC
in Now Playing Post #153817
(and lots of bad stuff too, like ZL's music lol)
:D lol
Hey ZL, don't worry. You're still kewl! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 22:48:42 UTC
in Now Playing Post #153815
My current playlist contains:
  • All System of a Down albums.
  • Soundtracks of: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown
  • Hefty Fine, album by The Bloodhoundgang
  • Some random Daft Punk tracks (Harder Better Faster Stronger, Aerodynamic etc.)
  • Mafia (gr8 game) Soundtrack
  • Trinity, album by Sean Paul
  • Jets'n'Guns soundrack
  • HL? soundtrack
  • 'Last Christmas' :D no! of course not.
I'm listen to these songs all day, so there'S no real 'now playing' for me.

Seriously, who cares about what music I listen to?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-21 00:03:51 UTC
in how to make non chopy elevators? Post #153629
Yay! Been so tired that I thought we were talking about HL1. Sorry for this one. But I never ever noticed 'choppy' elevators in HL2. o_0

Unless you're willing to code or use SOHL, it's not possible.

Depending on what you want to do, you can make the elevator move very slowly, to reduce the effect. But this would cause unecessary delays.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 19:40:48 UTC
in Web-site update! (Photography 'n shi Post #152914
Ok, it's me again.

If you find the secret, click it!
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-17 18:35:46 UTC
in Web-site update! (Photography 'n shi Post #152895
Everybody sing: 'Heyaa! Christmas-update! Heyaa!' :D

It's a 360-degree-panorama-picture. As my java-script-skills have died from not being used, it's not as 360? as I wanted it to be. There'll be an infinitely repeating panorama, soon.
Not as large as the last one, but there's a secret! ;) Who can find it?

Check it out!

(Who put that laser-eye-kitten up there? :o )
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-16 11:14:01 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #152623
Coil: Source?
Nah! I want more low-poly games 'n' mods. :D

@Rabideh: You're just too sexy for the women to resist. ;)

@Dark Angel: Wow! You're the first female mapper I ever met. Do me a favour and keep doing it a long time!
More female game-developers! Raise you hands, if you agree!
(And don't your brother's crazy because he's wanking while playing CS. It proves he's got a very lively phantasy :)

About BM:S: I'm really sorry that I've been so useless the past weeks. But I promiss betterment. Don't want santa to have no present for me, after all. :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-15 22:36:06 UTC
in dll error persists, no way around Post #152533
Do you have a compile log handy?

This might be caused be several things. HL and hammer being on different drives. A compile error produced map-data that is unusable by the other tools...

CS usually is a mod of HL, meaning that you still run the hl.exe, but with the '-game cs' command.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-15 22:23:33 UTC
in Crazy clip brush Post #152531
Edit: Just read KasperG's post.
He's right. The player will 'float' over obstacles below a certain height, while pushables will be stopped even by 1 unit high borders.
This should work.

HL has three different clipping hulls:
1. Player sized hull. This hull is extruded from the actually visible stuff. This way the player can be treated as a point for collsion-determining, instead of a box. The old extrusion algos were quite buggy - maybe you remeber those 'sticky edges'.
2. Player ducked sized hull. Same like above, but for the player when he's crouched.
3. Point hull. This hull is as large as the stuff you see. It's used for point-sized object to determine collision. Bullets, snarks, beams etc.
(hull no. 0 is the visible hull)

For any pushable object, you can decide which of these 3 hulls it will use.

Here comes the tricky part:
The clip brush affect both player hulls, but leaves the point hull unchanged. Normal walls affect all hulls.
So you could do exactly the opposite.

One possibility:
Make the slopes obstruct nothing, by either using translucent textures (start with @), or use func_illusionaries.
Then use clip brushes to model the sloped hull for the player.
Make the func_pushable use the point hull. BUT this will cause the crate to partially intersect with walls.
This will only work if the walls for the crate are covered by the walls for the player.

Other possibility:
I'm not sure if this works.
You can define a certain hull-file to be used instead of letting the compile tools create it.
Make a map with the hull for the crate and one with the hull for the player. Then find the hull files and see if you can mix them. If you can define one hull file for each hull, you can skip the mixing step.

It's very tricky, but maybe it works.

If not you'll have to find a different way to do it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-14 20:56:43 UTC
in Web-site update! (Photography 'n shi Post #152326
AAAAAAAAAARGH! Something is terribly wrong with TWHL. Whenever I take the time to write a long reply, I get logged out and my reply is lost. T_T
Well, I hope I can remember everything I wrote...

I really didn't expect so many to like my photos. Good to see. :)
This makes me wanna shoot more 'real' photos.

Well, on to the replies:

Mephsoz wrote:
I love this kind of stuff!! For some reason I find broken down machinery and smashed up things (fairly lifeless) things look brilliant in photos.
I love those scenes too and I was really surprized to find something like this in my hometown.

CP wrote:
Some nice photographs. Where in Berlin do you live? I remember having seen some abandoned buildings but that was more towards the outer regions of town, the centre had some totally different architecture...

How about a texture page on your site, bytheway? I think you could create a nice portfolio with what you're doing for BM:S now...
Actually I live about one hour (public traffic) away from the heart of Berlin. If you wanna visit those places yourself, the borough is called 'Marzahn'. :)
About BM:S - did I tell you already? I was to about to send you a 'Surprise! I started HL2-modding.'-email, but hey. :D

TMA wrote:
Nice photo's indeed. Now make something with it! Gogo!
Check out my former splash image. The building to very right is inspired by and textured with photos of an old train-repair-bay. Actually most stuff in the scene is made from photos. :)

Rabideh wrote:
How much'd that camera run ya? I'm looking around for a decent digital lately, since my Pentax SLR is about to give up on me
Got it for 250 euros from amazon, but if you want a DSLR, get the EOS 350D! I'd die for this one. :heart:

Pepp0r wrote:
Nice pics there haz, have you been modeling lately? I'm quiet curious to see what your up to since your last scene on Psi's website!
The last 3d thing I started will become a photorealistic BM:S fun thingy. Don't wanna give away anything before it's done. But that was over a month ago and since my real life keeps me quite busy at the moment, it'll take a while till it's done. Also there might be some small prop models by me in BM:S ... maybe ... if the real modellers let me. :P

Geeeee_kid wrote:
Those are awesome man.
I love:
The one where you are standing on a chimney.
The Urban Art
The Stair way to the sun pic
Wow! Somebody really likes the stairway to the sun shot. It was a struggle to find a title that satisfied me. Anyway, thanks! :)

ZL wrote:
The tram railway shot is awesome. The people around you must've deemed you insane.

Very nice photos. What they taken with?
Infact I feel observed very often, when I'm trying to shoot strange things from strange angles, but I guess these are used to much more weird things than just a nerd with a cam. :D
What're they taken with? Were those few introductory line so much that you skipped 'em? :P A Canon Powershot A95.

About the quiz:
1st one is a large tire, probably from a tractor. (Too easy, I guess)
2nd one is a tram rail embedded into the ground.
All those who were right, may eat some christmas cookies now. :D

Also thanks for those 'Welcome back dewd.' - makes me feel like I was old. :P

All in all, thanks for all your replies. I really needed this, as my real life is very disillusionating at the moment.

If I find the time, I might get together another very small update. Something christmas-ish, as everybody is putting santa-hats on their avatars now.

Thanks again.

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-13 20:08:09 UTC
in Web-site update! (Photography 'n shi Post #152196
Hello TWHLers!

I haven't been to this for a while. It's been a long time since my last contact with hammer. :

Anyways, since I'm not only making textures out of my photos, I uploaded a bunch of them to my website.

Here're some samples:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
All pictures available in the gallery. (~1.86mb)

Enjoy! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 07:35:33 UTC
in Know a good Camera? Post #148315
Indeed analog cameras are much cheaper - you can get a decent SLR for < 150 EUR, but it's really not easy to digitalize the images and you lose much flexibility, due to smaller photo-capacity and the inability to immediately check the shot, you just made.
The money you save for the cam, will fall apart for films, developing the negatives and the scanner, you need to digitalize them.
Still analog cams are much more romantic :) and you also got more things to experiment with (like film ISO numbers affecting the saturation :o ).

Of course that's just my opinion. Since I mostly use photos for creating textures, an analog cam is useless for me.
I just never belive that you get a good picture from such squashed up lenses
That's why I detest 'style'- and mobile-phone-cameras. Why take a photo, when the result will certainly look terrible?
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 16:16:20 UTC
in Know a good Camera? Post #148123
ARGH!!! I was composing a post for almost half an hour and the forums logged me out for some reason, discarding everything I wrote. :x

Well, here's the short version:

I strongly advise investing a little more money, especially when you want to use the cam professionally (earning money, using it).

If the Powershot A95 is too expensive for you, here are some things that I'd pay attention to when looking for a cam:
> 4 batteries - this is a must for anything beyond occasional snapshots
> resolution > 5mp, or very little noise - ( tests cameras for this)
> little chromatic aberation and lens distortion artifacs - ( tests cameras for this)
> no ultra-compact/style cameras - those have small sensors, strong lens-distortion and aren't at all versatile
> a large shutter speed range - at least 5s - 1/1000s
> manual shooting mode and focus
> make sure it's not too old - if it's from 2004 or even earlier, it's quite certainly using antiquated technique and you'll have to fight with problems that newer cams don't have anymore.
> optionally a flip&twist display, to protect it from damage while not using the cam
> test the cam before you buy it! - maybe you can rent the model, you wish to buy, for a day and test it

Things that shouldn't be crucial for the purchase decision:
> digital zoom - never ever use it! it just scales your image up - you can do that afterwards
> optical zoom - 3x zoom is enough, as you won't be using it too often - if you really need zoom, get a superzoom cam with > 10x zoom. Before I got my cam, I thought zoom was important, too, but now I know better.
> built-in-flash - those are weak and consume much battery-power - you might want to buy an additional flash with an own battery

Well, I hope this get's you a little closer to your own cam. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 09:38:57 UTC
in Know a good Camera? Post #148075
The best compact-camera for beginners: Canon Powershot A95 - ~EUR 250 - Indepth review. I bought this one and I can say that it's perfect for people who wanna do quick snapshots and those who want full control about all parameters.

The DSLR I really wanna have: Canon EOS 350D - ~EUR 850 - Indepth review.

Best online digital camera review site:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-19 08:13:03 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #147970
Diablo II
Half-Life 2
Slapping photos together, while hoping, the result will make a HL? texture. :D

"Now playing." meaning "Playing it atleast once a month.". :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 06:10:31 UTC
in Use WALLY to edit Model skins Post #147348
Alright, I just had to say something about this.

The only features that make APS superior to GIMP are those, related to working towards print and the brush-engine. On all other domains GIMP is equally powerfull or even better. Many APS features, like the automated image-area-removal (dunno how the call it), may appear amazing at first, but they're just gimmicks, to catch nubs.
Wally is really not made for serious texture/skin creation.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-17 18:20:52 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #142078
Garg: There's this nifty little entity that causes the game to be saved automatically (WHOOOT! I'M A LINK. CLICK ME!), once the player enters it. Simply put one before and one after your sequence and the problem is solved.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-14 21:05:55 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #141557

I looked a-at some sc-screenshots and I'd w-want to playtest it, if you n-need some test-testers.
However be p-prepared for my ho-honest oppinion about the s-smallest pebble in the wrong p-place.
W-well garg h-has my mail address - tell me i-if you want m-me.

You c-can take the g-gun down now, garg. Please. I did as I was commanded to.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-04 17:17:06 UTC
in vanishing water Post #125958
I assume that the water-surface did disappear in the ceiling of the room.
Increase the Lip value of the func_water entity, to make it some units below the celing.

PS: Wow! This place has changed alot since my last visit. Good work! Praise to all Moderators. ... I love the award icons. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-11 18:54:25 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #113813
Now I understand why you're into Eels so much.

I'm gonna get me some more of this nice music. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 13:03:44 UTC
in Op For Mapping Post #113433
If you want mor stuff, go for spirit!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-08 16:05:18 UTC
in Architecture Post #113296
Tamm! Tamm!

It's tutorial time! and then click on 'Articles'
Kol is the man when it comes to architecture, believe me.

And of course snarkpit:

What about the VERC?:

Of course there are other sites out there.

I think it's better to read articles on this topic as they usually summarize a great bandwidth of knowledge rather than just one single oppinion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 14:10:14 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #113126

can anyone please send me listening-example of those ominous Eels?

At the moment I'm listening to:
"Rusasca De La Buzdug" by "Fanfare Ciocarlia".

I can tell you, this band is crazy. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 17:37:31 UTC
in Bevel Texture Post #112438

There are some more:

HINT and SKIP: Hint faces cut a leaf and add a portal where they are. Read articles about visibility-determination in HL, to understand what they do. Basically you use them to improve your map's r_speed-values. Skip has no function, besides a bug, and is used to cover faces of a Hint-brush, that should not cut the leaf.

Animated textures: All those beginning with a '+'. May have up to ten frames (+0 till +9) and can be toggled off (+a).

Random tiling textures: (They suck.) Begin with a '-'. Also up to ten versions. During the compiling process, the face with a random-tiling texture will get a random texture from the series applied.

Water textures: Begin with a '!'. Causes face to be cut into small pieces and distorted like waves ingame.

Scroll textures: Begin with 'SCROLL'. Scroll textures will move horizontally, when the brush is part of a func_conveyor entity.

Did I forget any?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 17:26:58 UTC
in Custom Textures Post #112437
There we have it again: The typical TWHL-thread.
A rather uninteresting topic, followed by a load of quite useless replies and some sporadic attempts at calming the situation down.

I might sound like a whining crabber, but maybe some of you understand what I mean.

You can't teach everybody to only post topics and replies of public utility, but you can force yourself not to reply in an equally mediocre manner. If you think that a post is useless, simply ignore it, or try to explain in detail and as comprehensible as possible, why you think it useless.
That way, we might be able to avoid those riots of asininity, ignorance and insularity.

Just be nice to each other!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 16:25:46 UTC
in Bevel Texture Post #112428
BEVEL: Ever notice those 'Sticky Edges'? Those appear, because of a crappy algorithm for the clipping-hull-generation. XP-Cagey, the quy who also fixed it, wrote an article about the problem and added the Texture, so you can get rid of those edges yourself.

AAA: Has something to do with RAD, afaik. It seems to be lit with random colours.

Those hurt/push etc. textures from opfor.wad.: They have no real function. The mappers used them to cover the according brush entities with them, to make distinguishing the entity-type easier. On a trigger_hurt entity, for example, you'd put the 'HURT' texture, so you'll immediately see that it's a trigger_hurt entity.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 16:17:53 UTC
in Resetting Textures After A Texture Lock Post #112425
Simply 'Lift' the texture-coordinates from one face and 'Apply' it to the other one, with the Texture Application Tool.

I sometimes have this problem too. To avoid it, you can either switch Texture-lock off, before you move the brush, or activate the Vertex-Manipulation-Tool, select all Vertices and move them as desired. The latter is how I do it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-13 18:52:24 UTC
in Never do this [closed] Post #109267
Never ever try to block Z-lot's ball with your disk! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-28 18:37:14 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #99767
I know, I said I would take part again and I also started working already, but I think I can't make it.

I want to build a small continuation to my TWHLmix1 part and it requires a lot of work, which I just cannot finish quickly enough.
Plus: I don't feel like mapping at the moment. I am mainly training my texturing and modelling skills at the moment, so there's not much time for mapping.
When I have finished the models, that I need for the continuation, I will go on building the map. But I strongly doubt that I am done till the end of TWHLmix2.

I just wanted to let you know, now.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 05:58:47 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #94096
Erm, one little thing:
I'll probably need my own map. I don't know how much of the BSP limits my part will exhaust, so it's still to be decided. And I also want to compile my map. It's not that I don't trust you, kol ;) - but ... err ... I just want to do it myself, you know.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 05:51:23 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #92766
I would probably like Half-Life? better than Half-Life, but the verification issue makes it lose all of its glory. I'm very concerned about such things ...
... Half-Life is the better.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 05:45:14 UTC
in Story Post #92765
, he unfortunately dropped the soap, had to bend over and ...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-16 05:56:16 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #90990

Why do we have two IEMCs now?
Can someone bring me up to date?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 05:50:18 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #90672
Use Jed's HLMV to un-/compile your models. Milkshape can convert many 3d-prog formats into .smd.

Don't be so fast - I still have a lot to do. :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 05:45:38 UTC
in Can anyone do this(near impossible) Post #90667
Anthony is right - all you need to is model some sunglasses, create a new submodel that contains them and create the 'put them on' animation. Then you can use the aiscripted_sequence entity to make the model perform the action.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 07:58:36 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #90376
Yes - it's back ... and totally screwed. :
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-09 05:54:48 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89202
Ich spreche Deutsch - und zwar ne ganze Menge.
But my vocabulary isn't as large as I wish it was, in both english anbd german.

Some people here do have amazing speaking abilities.
I am able to say the same thing in many different ways, but when it comes to synonyms in general, I'm poooooor.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 07:37:13 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #88094
Still there's a bad thing about !-textures: no matter how large your water texture is scaled, you always get 64*64 splits, so it really is a bad idea to have large pools with 'real' water in it. If the player cannot access the water, use a normal texture without any prefixes, that looks like water.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 07:26:28 UTC
in dumb questions Post #88091
You can also build cylinders with 32 sides, but that'll give about as much fun a switching off 'snap to grid'.
Never do that, as points that are not on the grid will be put onto it by the compiler, which will result in very strange objects.
Find your optimal grid size to work on - 4 is alright - and stick to that grid. For small detail go down to a gridsize of 1, but never have any vertices not on the smallest grid.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 08:36:41 UTC
in Good ol' levelchanges. Post #87691
Slaps himself :zonked:

The lord may forgive me.

The trigger_transition is an additional ent. Of course you need to have an info_landmark and a trigger_levelchange.

Well ... it's time to get back to VHE training.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 08:20:02 UTC
in Coming soon. Post #87686
Well - go for spirit.
It's far more flexible than normal HL1, but still it's not source engine. I found it really nice if there still were good HL1 mods after HL?'s release.
You also wanted to have some supernatural/psycho abilities? What about a beam of mental energy (egon with a different model), a laser beam shot out of the eyes (gauss with different sprites/model), rockets that you control with telekinesis (cough), remotely detonated packets with explosions of black energy ... yada yada yada. You certainly could produce something useful without coding, but the basics would still be tha same.

Good luck!
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 07:53:42 UTC
in Who has the best display pic? Post #87685
Best quality: kol
Most creative one: anthony
Best fit: atom ;)
most hazardous! one: mine :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 05:51:35 UTC
in Good ol' levelchanges. Post #87428
Three ents?
I need four, two in each level. Two trigger_transitions and two landmarks.
I always find myself writing up coordinates in TOP and SIDE view to varify where my landmark needs to go in the second map.
Err... That's why there are landmarks. You can put them wherever you want. They define the same point in both levels - their exact coords don't matter. You put them in the same place, relative to the level, not to their coords. Let's say it'sdirectly under a monster in level one, then it must be directly under that monster in level two, but their coordinates on the grid can be different. What you should never do, is more or less landmarks than trigger_transitions. This would crash HL.

Phew! Feels good to be back after almost two weeks without internat and mapping. :)