I don't believe IEMC is a member either.
I'm wagering it's down since Nightwatch's site gives me the same error, and ModDB as well, and they're all hosted by Oktagone, which has an er...interesting... server downtime record.
"$basetexture" "shadertest/LightmappedTexture"
"$envmap" "shadertest/LightmappedTexture_envmap"
// If the shader falls back to shader "LightmappedGeneric_DX7",
// then the environment map defined in this block will be used instead of the
// one defined above. Since $basetexture isn't defined in this block,
// the original one will be used.
"$envmap" "shadertest/OverrideEnvMap"
// If the shader falls back to shader "LightmappedGeneric_DX6",
// then the base texture defined in this block will be used instead of the
// one defined above. Since $envmap isn't defined in this block, the original
// one will be used.
"$basetexture" "shadertest/OverrideTexture"