1 week agoxX_Earlobe3_XxLearning on how to make a .qc it sucks
1 week agoErtyQC files are just plaintext files with a list of commands for the model compiler to run, and it's actually not that complicated 🙂
1 week agoErtyAt a minimum you'll want to tell the compiler what to name the model ($modelname), what mesh to use for the model ($body) and then at least one sequence ($sequence)
1 week agoErtyThe303 has a great glossary of QC commands (the303.org/tutorials/gold_qc.htm). That page also includes some examples you can look at
1 week agoLappiphat_55Hello everyone, Is anyone know how to code Flame Thrower and incendiary weapon in Half-Life SDK? (sorry for bad english)
1 week agoErtyLappiphat_55, I suggest you make a forum thread about that 🙂
1 week agoGamer Awesomei just made a compile configuration for jack to make bshift compiling a bit more automated, where would i find this in file explorer and would i be able to share it here?
1 week agoGamer Awesomethere was no other choice once i realised you had to run the map through an executable every time you compiled it
1 week agoGamer Awesomeactually its not like i need to share the whole thing its just two lines that are modified
1 week agoGamer Awesomeso where do i find the rules for this site?
2 days agoDiechiebtw half life alyx was fucking awesome
12 hours agoOskar PotatisSome of the competition descriptions have broken images. If it's anything like the old smiley bug, simply making any change to the descriptions should fix the problem. If they link directly to that part can just be replaced