
Commented 23 hours ago2024-07-26 11:34:21 UTC in vault item: storagex3 Comment #106270


The hornet trap is novel to me; an uncommon puzzle in Half-Life and mods in general, let alone in multiplayer HLDM. The upstairs area is also very comfy.

And the gantry crane makes another appearance :D


The elevator however is clunky in that you need to bump onto the button twice, once to call the elevator and once more to move up. There should've been buttons inside. It does feel like overall you couldn't figure out how to make func_train elevators with doors etc.

There are a lot of ledges with trigger_push on top. this could've been simplified with clip brushes shaped like wedges, tied to func_detail and made to use info_hullshapes that are pointed at the bottom. see the following vault for example:
Loading embedded content: Vault Item #6735
Commented 1 day ago2024-07-25 13:18:35 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: The Complete Guide to Lighting Comment #106269
Added undocumentend features: _diffuse_light2 and info_chopscale.
Commented 1 day ago2024-07-25 11:04:05 UTC in vault item: sewagex3 Comment #106268
Thanks guys!
To sookj:
Thanks that comment means a lot to me. 👍
Commented 2 days ago2024-07-25 11:01:18 UTC in vault item: verticalx3 Comment #106267
To X-Ray:
A 4? It could be 4.5, but not a 4 sorry dude. 😂
Commented 2 days ago2024-07-24 19:50:42 UTC in vault item: TWHL Tower: Source Comment #106266
Architecture — 8
Texturing — 8
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 8

A mixed bag but nonetheless fun the whole way through.
Commented 2 days ago2024-07-24 15:45:20 UTC in vault item: Tunnel Vision Comment #106265
hands down my favorite entry of vanilla aesthetics, a good combination of linear and circular level design just giving the original 1998 vibe, the only thing odd for me was when I headed towards the left and right rooms to push buttons for that power generator, I was ready for some kind of jump scare but it was too peaceful.
Commented 4 days ago2024-07-23 06:39:05 UTC in vault item: Pre-Disaster Office Complex Comment #106264
Unfortunately I can't,
I lost all of the source files for the map. I was planning on doing it again but for now it's nothing.
Commented 4 days ago2024-07-22 21:54:40 UTC in vault item: TWHL Tower: Source Comment #106263
I love love love collaborative mapping projects. A wide variety of styles, visually and gameplay-wise. Sometimes manic, sometimes funny and sometimes weirdly touching. Combat was just slightly to the easy side (played on hard), which is 100% fine by me. And it’s got Urby as your sidekick!
Commented 4 days ago2024-07-22 11:04:25 UTC in journal: Web Based GoldSRC Steam Background Image Converter Comment #106262
Really nice, thanks!
Commented 5 days ago2024-07-22 06:18:00 UTC in vault item: Advanced Half-Life FGD (for VHE 3.5) Comment #106261
very nice but i had to install malware valve hammer editor, a horrible sequence of events that i wouldnt wish on my worst enemies... 10/10 fgd file tho
Commented 6 days ago2024-07-20 18:06:52 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106260
Favorite compile error
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-19 22:34:09 UTC in vault item: TWHL Tower: Source Comment #106259
Most of these are works of source engine art
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-19 14:43:44 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Add a new simple weapon (straightforward way) Comment #106258
Great Tutorial.
I can get the gun in game, but it wont pick up any ammo so only get 30 shots.
says p->pszAmmo1 = "762"; I tried changing that to 9mm but the gun does not appear.
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-19 12:23:43 UTC in vault item: Pre-Disaster Office Complex Comment #106257
can you upload C1A2B and C1A2C maps ?
In this video ( ) we can see these maps
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-19 10:53:15 UTC in vault item: TWHL Tower: Source Comment #106256
it's finally here!!!
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-18 10:22:49 UTC in vault item: Techniques (Video Tutorial) Comment #106255
Thank you, I hope this video helps you!
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-18 07:46:15 UTC in vault item: Techniques (Video Tutorial) Comment #106254
This is actually a really cool video/example map. some of the stuff in here I didn't really know you could do. Would recommend you keep posting stuff like this. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-17 06:48:36 UTC in vault item: Techniques (Video Tutorial) Comment #106253
Hey wow. Even I learned something from it despite mapping for years. I didn't know about the align center texture button. Never exactly understood what that was useful for. Fantastic how you aligned the rail textures. I always aligned such things by hand.
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-17 05:58:25 UTC in journal: Web Based GoldSRC Steam Background Image Converter Comment #106252
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-16 06:11:52 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Texture Lighting Comment #106251
needs updates:
  • per-map texture lighting using <mapname>.rad and info_texlights
  • incorporate texlight switching using the previous comment's method as well as light_surface
  • light_surface
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-14 23:01:41 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: How to Make HD 1080p Backgrounds for HL1/Goldsrc Games Comment #106250
If it's helpful for anyone using this tutorial I've built a web page which allows you to do the conversion in your browser, then download the files individually. The benefit of this is that you can use any file format your browser supports, bust most importantly: bmp, jpg, png, and even svg.

Once you've loaded the image click each of the images to download each tga.

GoldSRC Steam Background Image Converter

For now, the tool is set to output at 1920 x 1080, in sets of 256 x 256px, uncompressed 24-bit TGA images.
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-14 20:31:19 UTC in vault item: sewagex3 Comment #106249
Architecture — 10
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 9
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 10

I've been running this on my server for some time now under OZDM with several bots to keep the game server lively. Zero issues. The map was well thought out and executed into a great dm map for around 10-12 players. Awesome work!!
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-13 21:21:31 UTC in journal: Map2Prop v1.0.0 Released! Comment #106248
Thanks you two! 😊
I'm actually surprised it wasn't already made for GoldSrc, only for Source in the form of Propper. And I agree, I think mappers would really have benefitted from it being made earlier. Just a shame I never really got the time and opportunity to properly sit down and work on modding until now.
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-13 19:18:36 UTC in journal: Map2Prop v1.0.0 Released! Comment #106247
Great success!
Awesome software, I only wish it were here earlier :)
Commented 1 week ago2024-07-13 19:17:35 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106246
Much appreciated Erty :lol:
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-12 21:42:08 UTC in journal: Map2Prop v1.0.0 Released! Comment #106245
Props to you for releasing! Nice work. :)
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-12 19:50:12 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106244
Thank you! 🥳
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-12 13:09:09 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106243
🎉 Congrats for v1.0 release!! 🎉
Finally we have the goldsrc equivalent to source's Propper!
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-11 10:28:04 UTC in vault item: Core Critical [final] Comment #106242
Excellent map. Beautifully crafted and fun to play.

The teleport sequence, with its complete change of the arena and resetting of player loadout, adds an interesting and exciting variation to the map and its gameplay that I haven't seen in other HLDM maps. -Chef kiss- 👌
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-11 04:17:46 UTC in journal: Puzzles vs Chores: A Design Dilemma Comment #106241
Puzzle design is definitely very difficult and its especially hard to strike that balance - one of the best ways to work out that balance is to play a lot of puzzle games. Not just ones that fit into HL2 or the type of puzzles you want to make - all kinds of different puzzle games. You'll start to develop a feeling of what's fun, what's boring, and what's frustrating.

When it comes to puzzles, especially for something like HL2 where puzzles are relatively easy, you have to design for the audience - people playing a HL2 map are much less likely to enjoy a super difficult puzzle, but people playing a Portal map are probably wanting more challenging puzzles.

One way that works for longer maps/mods is to do what Valve does with the Portal games (many other games do the same thing too) - start with a simple idea and then build on it over time. You can introduce the various aspects of a complicated puzzle one by one and then slowly make it more complicated and difficult - this way the player doesn't get overwhelmed with too many new ideas at once.

Some of my recommendations of interesting puzzle games to play to see how they approach difficulty: Myst, Quern: Undying Thoughts, COCOON, The Witness, Return of the Obra Dinn, Outer Wilds, The Talos Principle
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-09 09:36:50 UTC in wiki page: func_grencatch (Counter-Strike) Comment #106240
if it's flashbang, it only works once
if it's smoke grenade, it is repeatable but weird thing is: it seems to work only when smoke grenade stops (right before popping) in its area, doesn't work when smoke grenade just flies through it. (tested)
also smoke grenade can activate it even when technically outside of it, because it seems that as long as model touches it (grenade model spans maybe like 6 units so it can activate it even behind some thin wall), it's good.
not only that but grenade also gets launched in random direction after popping smoke and it doesn't lose possibility to activate it accidentally
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-09 09:10:10 UTC in wiki page: func_guntarget Comment #106239
cs 1.6:
since this entity works only once ("start on" flag kind of works like a trigger_auto), it is better to have it unchecked and have trigger_relay with targetname game_playerspawn target it with trigger state "on", so this entity will work every round.
this entity also takes damage from he grenades and env_explosions (all tested)
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-08 10:09:38 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106238
Happy belated birthday!
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-08 09:41:40 UTC in wiki page: func_breakable Comment #106237
cs 1.6:
-func_breakable with any material can be broken by grenade touch
-this works with or without targetname of it
-rendermode has to be something other than "normal" rendermode for this to work, if you wanted "normal", you can just use "solid" instead
this means that env_render can toggle its feature to be broken or not (tested)
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-08 07:01:09 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106236
Yo Striker, thank you!

The good owner of the service center has passed away and I became a director basically. We are , for some time now , an official service center for Yamaha, McIntosh and NAD products here. Aiming for getting into industry work as well , in regards to CnC machinery and such. Work is hard and you can barely walk around from all the stuff, but it will eventually clean up, I hope. So tl dr living in a hydraulic press for now.
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-07 21:19:15 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106235
Happy birthday Stojke!

How's the engineering life going on?
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-07 14:31:48 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106234
Thanks everyone :glad:
Commented 2 weeks ago2024-07-06 11:28:06 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106233
Birthy happday!
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-05 17:11:43 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106232
Merry Stojke Day!
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-05 14:47:20 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106231
Happy birthday!
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-05 05:51:44 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106230
Thank you Admer :heart:
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-03 23:07:26 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106229
Happy birthday!!
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-03 23:05:01 UTC in journal: There is no spoon Comment #106228
Happy birthday...?
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-03 05:41:47 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106227
very useful! thanks for this tool! <3
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-03 05:41:47 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106226
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-03 05:41:47 UTC in vault item: GoldSrc Map2Prop Comment #106225
(lmao, sry my mouse is glitched and comment was sent 3 times, idk how to remove comments if it's possible for this site)
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-07-02 19:32:41 UTC in journal: The periodic table of ElementsSrc™ Comment #106224
Commented 3 weeks ago2024-06-30 00:42:34 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Making textures with WadMaker Comment #106223
Btw, qpics is still used for the "Loading..." and "Paused" graphics. Not entirely phased out yet.
Commented 4 weeks ago2024-06-29 07:36:26 UTC in wiki page: titles.txt Comment #106222
Has anyone ever get their non-english titles.txt to work properly?

I tested the Korean version. Its titles.txt comes in UTF16LE encoding, but it looks like the engine fails to parse this encoding, so all env_messages just displays their message names instead of the message's contents. And of course it all uses default values for the $ settings.
Commented 4 weeks ago2024-06-28 22:53:55 UTC in vault item: Torch Grunt Welding Script Prefab Comment #106221