I think different paradigm is possible: a single func_train elevator cab with built-in doors, and func_wall_toggle cabs that are stationary at each level. doors would be local to each level.
2'8" is too wide? I eyeballed my shoulders and they're exactly 2ft. Add to that a bulky HEV suit and a little bit of personal space and 2'8" isn't too bad. The doors around my house are 3ft wide and would fit him just fine.
And don't forget that info_hullshape exists now. You can squeeze Gordon into as narrow a space as you like. It's just that his buddies (and enemies) can't follow.
The biggest flaw with sticking to 16u = 1ft in Sourceland is that you have rooms that are visibly too large... exactly 33% too large. NPCs interact with door handles and buttons at chest height that in real world (and visually in Sourceland) are at the halfway point i.e. waist height. And props are built with 12HU=1ft as well so they're also 75% of the size relative to the geometry of the room they're in.
Commented 6 months ago2024-09-03 14:46:18 UTC
in wiki page: item_airtankComment #106360
considering its cut content status, it has surprisingly more use as it can target other entities on touch as compared to health/hev chargers where such function is most desired.
Commented 6 months ago2024-09-02 18:20:23 UTC
in wiki page: FGDComment #106356
The FGD grammar is technically whitespace-agnostic. You can for example spread the @ThingClass declaration across multiple lines in cases where there's a lot of attrs() with long values, for readability sake. The problem is that third party programs that doesn't use a proper DSL parser and parses directly, makes assumption that it's always on one line. Worse still there's one snapshot of TB that assumes property lines must be indented, and breaks with a custom FGD written with poor indent discipline.
There's been some WIP screenshots posted in the discord, but yeah its been relatively quiet
I've finished my layout with dev textures, now I'm just going through the phase of lighting and admiring goldsrc shadows rather than actually doing any work
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-31 10:19:04 UTC
in journal: CyprusComment #106352
Sweden and Norway are beautiful in different ways.
Norway has fjords and some pretty dramatic mountains, while Sweden is full of forest (so much forest) and the coast being full of archipelagos (the skärgårdar).
Not to mention there's a big difference whether you're north or south of the Arctic Circle in either country, such a big difference in the nature you get to see, not to mention that north of the Circle you get midnight sun and it's a very popular place to see the aurora borealis.
There's also lots of glaciers in both countries, I highly recommend seeing one if you ever go to either one 🙂
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-30 14:27:21 UTC
in wiki page: lightmapComment #106349
If you're curious about how lightmap sizes are calculated, and the techniques used to light those lightmaps, I highly recommend this excellent video:
In Half-Life/GoldSource/VHLT it's more like Q2's QRAD3. Also discussed is Ericw-tools, which you can use on GoldSrc maps (though support is only in alpha as of writing)
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-29 17:46:55 UTC
in vault item: storagex3Comment #106345
@FreeSlave I have checked the map. No, all ambient_generics have sounds. I think that's C1A0 announcer. I am not sure why it has problems precaching stuff. Also, see this: https://twhl.info/thread/view/20817
im getting this error Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: 'models/v_ak47.mdl' Precache can only be done in spawn functions
i copied all needed files and checked the sourcecode several times
any idea?
since everyone has been having trouble with this and i needed to learn projectiles, i decided to work on fixing the bugs in this tutorial.
The integers that represent the animation events were not the same as what was written in the .qc for the melee attacks and reload so you had to change it to this
#define PDRONE_FIRE_SPIKE ( 1 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_LEFT ( 2 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_RIGHT ( 4 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_BOTH ( 6 )
#define PDRONE_RELOAD ( 7 )
the return NULL under GetScheduleOfType was causing crashes so i changed it to:
return CBaseMonster::GetScheduleOfType(Type);
i had to make a custom checkAmmo function and override checkRangeAttack1 and explicitly call them in getSchedule.
and thats about it. heres a video preview of the changes i made and the showcasing it working. I will share the gitHub Code below so you can reference it.
Good, But having chapters, (i.e Fixing Rail Textures) or the teqneiqe being teached would be nice. Also voice (Even Ai!) Would make the video much easier to understand and follow. Have a good day Brother.
i got the gun in the game, but seems like the fire and reload animations don't work. the weapon just stays idle while it fires or reloads. i've checked the animation order in a model viewer and they're the same as in the animation enum. is this something to do with the half-life updated sdk?
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-25 20:43:34 UTC
in vault item: Literally my First mapComment #106331
The best way to learn is to play maps (and mods too) that are specifically focused on combat. When you do so, ask yourself, "why did this enemy spawned here?" or "why does this happen in this particular spot?". If you can, ask the developers and mappers behind it, they usually give very good explanations and break it down very well.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-25 19:34:03 UTC
in journal: CyprusComment #106329
Hey Potatis, if I ever visit Malta, I hope I will remember! As for Sweden, idk, when I think of visiting the Scandinavian countries I mostly think of Norway, fjords etc. Thanks.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-25 07:39:50 UTC
in vault item: Literally my First mapComment #106328
Hey thanks for the feedback, Yeah i didn't know how to approach things with the combat since i'm mostly clueless on how things work with NPCs and Ai stuff
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-25 02:21:18 UTC
in vault item: Literally my First mapComment #106327
On the bright side, i love how interactive the map is (on a certain lever), with things like the radio or the computer. The map looks quite nice, and there's a good level of detail. Combat was somehow fun, and you provided (little) cover.
On the other side, the enemies spawned in group, rather than being scattered around the map, wich makes it difficult to fight back. You could add a little variety on that, something like having 3 combine coming from one side and a pair coming from the other. I went right pass the citizen's sequence, since it took a while to get triggered. Also, you could signpost the HEV suit a little better.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-24 20:24:08 UTC
in vault item: Literally my First mapComment #106326
I forgot to mention this is for HL2, I didn't tested this in EP1 or EP2
Oh by the way, don't jump from the window that is in the 'bedroom'
I forgot to put a playerclip so if you're there you'll be softlocked ( or noclip to get back where you jumped from )
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-23 21:02:54 UTC
in journal: CyprusComment #106323
I won't be. But if you ever find yourself in Malta, or southern Sweden when I'm there during summer, you can count on me to show you around and to a good beer.
Commented 6 months ago2024-08-22 12:03:29 UTC
in wiki page: func_waterComment #106322
Note for GL mode: the wave grid size is constant at 64x64. If the textures are not 64x64 it'd be stretched to fit.
It's also possible with BSP binary hacking to rename a normal texture used on normal brushwork into water, bypassing the culling done by the compiler, so that any surface it's applied to – walls, ceilings, etc – has the wavy effect, but with waveheight of 0.
Actually, it's not the lightstyle 255 that marks "no light data" but the "special" flag on the face's texinfo. If your map is pitch black all the light styles on all faces will be 255 but they're all still valid faces because BSP already chopped them up so that the lightmap size is reasonable. Faces with "special" flag don't get chopped.
I can confirm at least EF_INVLIGHT (16) and EF_LIGHT (64) works on point entities.
It'd be useful to do further testing and create a table of which effects works on which type of entity.
And don't forget that
exists now. You can squeeze Gordon into as narrow a space as you like. It's just that his buddies (and enemies) can't follow.The biggest flaw with sticking to 16u = 1ft in Sourceland is that you have rooms that are visibly too large... exactly 33% too large. NPCs interact with door handles and buttons at chest height that in real world (and visually in Sourceland) are at the halfway point i.e. waist height. And props are built with 12HU=1ft as well so they're also 75% of the size relative to the geometry of the room they're in.
declaration across multiple lines in cases where there's a lot ofattrs()
with long values, for readability sake. The problem is that third party programs that doesn't use a proper DSL parser and parses directly, makes assumption that it's always on one line. Worse still there's one snapshot of TB that assumes property lines must be indented, and breaks with a custom FGD written with poor indent discipline.I've finished my layout with dev textures, now I'm just going through the phase of lighting and admiring goldsrc shadows rather than actually doing any work
Norway has fjords and some pretty dramatic mountains, while Sweden is full of forest (so much forest) and the coast being full of archipelagos (the skärgårdar).
Not to mention there's a big difference whether you're north or south of the Arctic Circle in either country, such a big difference in the nature you get to see, not to mention that north of the Circle you get midnight sun and it's a very popular place to see the aurora borealis.
There's also lots of glaciers in both countries, I highly recommend seeing one if you ever go to either one 🙂
to spawn hornets, as part of a trap. really cool.link to solution:
i copied all needed files and checked the sourcecode several times
any idea?
The integers that represent the animation events were not the same as what was written in the .qc for the melee attacks and reload so you had to change it to this
#define PDRONE_FIRE_SPIKE ( 1 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_LEFT ( 2 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_RIGHT ( 4 )
#define PDRONE_MELEE_BOTH ( 6 )
#define PDRONE_RELOAD ( 7 )
the return NULL under GetScheduleOfType was causing crashes so i changed it to:
return CBaseMonster::GetScheduleOfType(Type);
i had to make a custom checkAmmo function and override checkRangeAttack1 and explicitly call them in getSchedule.
and thats about it. heres a video preview of the changes i made and the showcasing it working. I will share the gitHub Code below so you can reference it.
Plus, I use it as the basis for all my mapping, simply due to the improved engine, so I've logged around 6x as many hours in EP2 than in HL2.
Meerjel, hope you country does well.
On the other side, the enemies spawned in group, rather than being scattered around the map, wich makes it difficult to fight back. You could add a little variety on that, something like having 3 combine coming from one side and a pair coming from the other. I went right pass the citizen's sequence, since it took a while to get triggered. Also, you could signpost the HEV suit a little better.
Overall, just a decent map.
Oh by the way, don't jump from the window that is in the 'bedroom'
I forgot to put a playerclip so if you're there you'll be softlocked ( or noclip to get back where you jumped from )
I hope you have a great time in Cyprus
It's also possible with BSP binary hacking to rename a normal texture used on normal brushwork into water, bypassing the culling done by the compiler, so that any surface it's applied to – walls, ceilings, etc – has the wavy effect, but with waveheight of 0.
andEF_LIGHT (64)
works on point entities.It'd be useful to do further testing and create a table of which effects works on which type of entity.