Commented 16 years ago2008-03-18 16:38:56 UTC
in journal: #4948Comment #39710
Yeah but as my Uni always says...
"Students should feel free to consult Wikipedia ( as one of the most powerful instruments for opening knowledge that the Internet has yet produced. But it is not a one-stop-shop for reliable knowledge. Indeed, the term "encyclopedia" is somewhat to blame. Because it is communal, dynamic, and unreferenced, Wikipedia is not really (or not just) an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is better thought of as a combination of encyclopedia and "blog." It is the world's blog."
So in other words you can't always trust it :> But most likely it'll go on way after series 4. Lets hope it doesn't end like the video game.
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-17 20:16:16 UTC
in journal: #4948Comment #39709
Lost is alright. Kinda felt stretched out though as I got to series 3. I just stopped plus no Sky TV :> I can't be bothered to watch it online either. Oh and the fact that the writers strike is messing with the story...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Hehe I see this transferred well to TWHL3. I noticed a spelling mistake AND I said that the clock has to be set to static when in fact it has to be physics despite the missing behind...Oh well
Commented 17 years ago2007-06-22 18:47:17 UTC
in vault item: Advanced scriptsComment #15178
This map is awesome. It helped me with a scene I needed. Only bugger is the NPC doesn't seem to move when in this pose. Like he is frozen but I think it wasn't made for close-ups or long durations. Like a one off peek.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
As for the fire effect...As far as I am aware I don't recall a sprite like that but unless you make your own sprite maybe you could somehow trigger the explosion effect you get from barrels to constantly repeat although it might look cheap.
"Students should feel free to consult Wikipedia ( as one of the most powerful instruments for opening knowledge that the Internet has yet produced. But it is not a one-stop-shop for reliable knowledge. Indeed, the term "encyclopedia" is somewhat to blame. Because it is communal, dynamic, and unreferenced, Wikipedia is not really (or not just) an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is better thought of as a combination of encyclopedia and "blog." It is the world's blog."
So in other words you can't always trust it :> But most likely it'll go on way after series 4. Lets hope it doesn't end like the video game.
global sam
on startmovie
sam=3 -- Sams sprite number is 3
on exitFrame
on keydown
case (_key.key) of end case
on move dir
if dir = "left" then end if
if dir = "right" then end if
if dir = "up" then end if
if dir = "down" then end if
if mem_no > 8 then else end if
Nice example! I will use it sometime.
And yes Ghetto is a silly person who I'm sure will be banned sooner or later. (Me hopes) or matures like someone we all know.
Looks quite nice. I'd like to test it but I removed my CS to free up space..(Heh space joke)
But from the pic it seems you got the grasp of lighting pretty well and you even used a model as a light origin.
Well done. Nice for a first map it appears.
Perhaps add some mountains in the distance?
Perhaps add snow falling.
Well I don't know cause I never tried it : <
Anyway it's true. I pwn Madcow.
That's too much information for me
As for the fire effect...As far as I am aware I don't recall a sprite like that but unless you make your own sprite maybe you could somehow trigger the explosion effect you get from barrels to constantly repeat although it might look cheap.