
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-01 10:38:28 UTC in journal: #846 Comment #42479
Man this journal is so old...
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-01 10:36:59 UTC in journal: #6003 Comment #41090
Actually, we know acknowledge this as the 10000th due to your special attention. Congratulations, I guess...
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 21:50:07 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57986
For whoever requested I add time and date: mission accomplished!
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 16:40:11 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57985
Yes, that stacks them vertically. I don't want that.

[EDIT] Meh, reverted to normal vertical stacking, without float. I bet if I'd use tables though it would work the way I want.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 16:11:16 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57984
No, I'm not trying to stack them vertically. The way they're arranged is the expected result. What is unexpected is that the same div block where it's written "comments" is the parent of these boxes, but it doesn't extend in the background!
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 15:59:10 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57983
Against amateur spammers it's super efficient.

[EDIT] I accidentally the whole comment system. I don't understand this, I tried making the comment boxes square and float them all to the left. Now they all get out from the initial div block, why does this happen?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 15:14:03 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57982
Added captcha. No spamming anymore :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 13:32:35 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57981
I was thinking about switching to the .free domain, but I don't want to over complicate myself now. I use Avast! and it doesn't say anything about the domain( btw is very popular, I don't understand why would your antivirus block it... what antivirus are you using?)

[EDIT] Made the div blocks colored differently.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 12:48:59 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57980
Ok, I added mysql_real_escape_string() and htmlentities() :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 12:08:17 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57979
"On the list"- what? I only just put the page online. Your antivirus lies to you :P.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 11:30:16 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57978
<table border="1">

I can''t believe this. They work! :o

Nah, this doesn't work on TWHL :D.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-30 11:20:12 UTC in journal: #7765 Comment #57977
And how did you navigate away? :|
Also, it seems that writing a single apostrophe returns an error. Writing two apostrophes returns one apostrophe. Similar situation with "\" on TWHL ...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-27 08:01:09 UTC in journal: #7762 Comment #63297
Seems like one of those good, but weird mods. For some reason, even though I find it frustrating at times, wtf moments amuse me...
But the fact that your mission is to encounter save Eli and you never encounter him seems just... a cheap plot excuse.
How much time did it take to finish?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-26 19:48:24 UTC in journal: #1305 Comment #45012
It seems that I found it too!
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-26 09:48:05 UTC in journal: #7760 Comment #43480
I googled him.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-25 20:52:40 UTC in journal: #7759 Comment #42037
require("names.php"); require("cheers.php");
echo $admin_congrat.$TWHL_Admins."!";

$sysadmin="Mister T";
$TWHL_Admins="Ant, Strider and Penguinboy."

$generic_congrat1="Happy birthday!";
$friend_cheer="Cheers, "
$admin_congrat="Happy Administrative day, ";

Happy Administrative day, Ant, Strider and Penguinboy!
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-25 20:39:05 UTC in journal: #7760 Comment #43479
So anyways, I couldn't resist:
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-25 20:24:00 UTC in journal: #7760 Comment #43478
"at it's finest, eh?"

I shouldn't have grammar nazi pretentions, but I'm not an english-native speaking person and I know that should be its.

Also, on topic, what's wrong with you lately? Are you developing some kind of social fetish? What's next? "OH HAI GUYS. Imma takin'a showa' and I haz this modern piece of technology. It also haz da camera. OUPS!"

I find you amusing.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-23 17:04:54 UTC in journal: #7758 Comment #51440
Who left 10 year old kids buy expensive camera equipment?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 21:18:35 UTC in journal: #7756 Comment #43467
And it costs ~30e.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-20 15:54:42 UTC in journal: #7753 Comment #43462
"Sorry. I know how excited you all were about it."
Oh, you don't even know..
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-19 17:30:18 UTC in journal: #7753 Comment #43461
Since you're a webdesigner, why don't you talk on subjects that cover this matter?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 23:00:21 UTC in journal: #7750 Comment #42029
What's the battery life?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 20:28:52 UTC in journal: #7750 Comment #42028
How much did it cost?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 09:06:52 UTC in journal: #7749 Comment #45585
How do you guys got invites to the beta btw?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-17 22:36:54 UTC in journal: #7749 Comment #45584
Heh, I wish Valve would offer to its community statistical instruments like these so that better quality maps will be produced. That's really neat.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-16 16:34:39 UTC in journal: #7747 Comment #55334
I wish you the best luck you can get. Hope we'll soon see you at Valve ;).
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-16 16:31:00 UTC in journal: #7745 Comment #43443
I'm shutting down my imagination for this particular journal.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-15 19:15:44 UTC in journal: #7744 Comment #50829
The advantage with women is that you get a specially designed place for your penis. I also think that a man needs a woman's tenderness.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-15 08:14:21 UTC in journal: #7743 Comment #57964
Hah, you spelled that right Mariowned.
Yep, almost 2 decades... where is that "reset age to 15" button?
I just checked my NG scientific calendar. Looks like Da Vinci was born on 15th of April too :D.
Voistinu voskrese Stojke!

Thank you guys.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-13 16:38:27 UTC in journal: #7741 Comment #59991
It is an excellent deal, but in some time Intel will release Ivy Core, which means 50% less power consumption on laptops. So if you were more patient, you could get something even better. And yes, I know the story about being patient and something new appearing, but this new technology will appear this month(afaik), and in a couple of months there will be a lot of offers based on the new platform :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-13 13:38:26 UTC in journal: #7740 Comment #48239
I was playing Mario at the age of 7. I upgraded to Duke Nukem by 9 though...
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-13 07:43:08 UTC in journal: #7740 Comment #48238
I'd be upset too. I'm not saying this is not cool, but be careful with a child's innocent mind.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-11 15:08:23 UTC in journal: #7735 Comment #63295
I tried to keep up with your rant up until its middle section but... it's too long. Try to condense your story into what's important.

If you're so passionate about writing gaming experiences, you should really be working at a gaming magazine :). Or at least open up a blog, it's that simple.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-11 13:17:13 UTC in journal: #7736 Comment #43421
HTML is nice
CSS is twice
PHP completes the page
MYSQL provokes rage
I don't want to make a webpage right now.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:07:25 UTC in vault item: de_snow_2x2 Comment #19915
Is naming a map (with 2 ways of aproaching the enemy base) "2x2" some popular movement among counterstrike mappers nowadays? I've seen more than once this naming on some servers.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-08 10:10:36 UTC in journal: #7726 Comment #51432
Yes, this community has a unique familiar feeling no other community has provided to me.
Even though we all have some vanity, I always have the feeling that this community sets an example in the sense that its members are ready to help each other anytime, without the pretension of being praised for their help.

Long live TWHL!
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-07 18:08:17 UTC in journal: #7725 Comment #43410
And seems like somebody got super enthusiastic: link.
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-06 10:47:29 UTC in journal: #7719 Comment #57953
Congratulations, you just figured it out.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-04 19:05:22 UTC in journal: #7723 Comment #43404
Eating home-made healthy food. Life is awesome.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-04 04:42:37 UTC in journal: #7719 Comment #57952
It was meant for a specific scene. Unfortunately, our camera batteries were dieing and we were exhausted so we skipped through some scenes.
Archie, unfortunately Nikon P100 and P500 only feature an AF setting for filming, not AE unfortunately.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-02 20:21:32 UTC in journal: #7717 Comment #66543
Nice! I tried InkScape a while a go too, but I'm too enthusiastic about drawing vector images.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-02 18:27:26 UTC in journal: #7716 Comment #63291
Interesting but seems not to be a popular mod. I searched for it on youtube but didn't find a video.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-01 20:35:22 UTC in journal: #7715 Comment #66969
Soup Miner doesn't like Brostep.
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-31 18:48:25 UTC in journal: #7711 Comment #62376
What's this actually about?
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-30 06:25:21 UTC in journal: #7708 Comment #42018
The way he throws those blocks reminds me of Chip&Dale on the Sega Mega Drive.
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-27 20:07:35 UTC in journal: #7704 Comment #45562
Holy... you must visit Romania if you're coming so close :). Who knows, if you do come and we meet( I live in the northern parts), I might just ask you for an autograph of a future director-you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-03-27 16:11:32 UTC in journal: #7704 Comment #45561
This is unbelievable. Have great luck with this! Just please announce us when this will be finished!