
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-24 13:38:04 UTC in vault item: Vehicle Prefabs Comment #106153
Can I add these to the rimpository with credits? These are absolutely excellent.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 20:14:23 UTC in vault item: some map Comment #106152
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 15:50:07 UTC in vault item: some map Comment #106151
This sure is some map. One of the maps of all time.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 14:46:08 UTC in journal: Reporting in Comment #106150
Heya Striker! Good to see I'm not too alone in maintaining a bit of positivity despite the times.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 14:38:21 UTC in vault item: some map Comment #106149
There's not much to show yet... there's even only one enemy you can actually get to...

..but i did it anyway
such amazing boxes
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 14:05:13 UTC in vault item: some map Comment #106148
It would be nice to see some screenshots of the map.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 12:04:46 UTC in journal: Reporting in Comment #106147
Ah, a fellow snowboarder! 😃
Those mountains look lovely! I bet that slope was fun!
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 11:46:59 UTC in journal: Hiatus(Yes, again) Comment #106146
Taking breaks and resting is very important. No matter if it's work or hobby or chores.
I hope things get well and you get the rest you need 🙂
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 11:13:05 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Coding Fog Comment #106145
This tutorial sends messages to the player on every spawn, which is probably not something we want in multiplayer.

Suggested change, in CBasePlayer::Precache function, add m_bSendMessages here:
if ( gInitHUD )
    m_fInitHUD = TRUE;
    m_bSendMessages = TRUE;
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-20 08:08:59 UTC in journal: GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT Comment #106144
why did it send my comment twice is there a delete button
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-19 22:34:42 UTC in journal: Hiking Comment #106143
Mountain hikes are always agonizing, but somehow always worth it. The inner peace you get having that view at the tops is unique.

@Urby: What do you mean "gives us free access". Do you have to pay to go on hikes in UK? :O
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-19 22:27:04 UTC in vault item: model chargers pack (works with vanilla HL!) [v1.0.1] Comment #106142
You have to keep doing it.. no one created a masterpiece on their first try.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-19 22:25:16 UTC in journal: Hiatus(Yes, again) Comment #106141
Sabbaticals away from all the virtual stuff are like honey for the mind.
I hope you find the time to recharge and face the problems in life. Godspeed!
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-19 22:24:28 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106140
You have to keep doing it.. no one created a masterpiece on their first try.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-19 17:18:05 UTC in vault item: dm_perthowned Comment #106139
You are genius.

Those who complain on optimization must have computers from 2000's. My 10 years old computer runs it just fine.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-18 15:43:30 UTC in journal: Hiatus(Yes, again) Comment #106138
Thanks for your kind words and for your best wishes. I'm glad you find Pathos promising, and responses like these are what make me reinforce that I want to keep supporting it.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-18 15:13:34 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Setting up Crowbar for Half-Life/GoldSrc Comment #106137
^ Crowbar is only a frontend for whichever studiomdl you choose. The problem you're facing seem to be errors with the .qc file referencing smd files that doesn't exist.
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-18 14:33:31 UTC in wiki page: Brush Entity Comment #106136
My FGD's ZHLT BaseClass is like this:
@BaseClass = ZHLT
    zhlt_lightflags(choices) : "ZHLT Lightflags" : 0 =
        0 : "Default"
        1 : "Embedded Fix"
        2 : "Opaque (blocks light)"
        3 : "Opaque + Embedded fix"
        6 : "Opaque + Concave Fix"
    light_origin(string) : "Light Origin Target"
    zhlt_hull1(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (standing)"
    zhlt_hull2(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (big monsters)"
    zhlt_hull3(target_destination) : "info_hullshape (crouching)"
    zhlt_usemodel(target_destination) : "ZHLT Template Model Target"
    zhlt_copylight(target_destination) : "ZHLT Copy Lighting From Target"
    zhlt_noclip(choices) : "ZHLT No-clipping" : "" =
        "" : "Default clipping"
        1 : "No clip"
    zhlt_invisible(choices) : "ZHLT Invisibility" : "" =
        "" : "Default (visible)"
        1 : "Invisible"
    zhlt_customshadow(string) : "ZHLT custom shadow (Alpha/RGB)" : : "Float value that specifies opacity of this brush entity. 0.0 (opaque) -> 1.0 (no shadow). Enter three values for RGB."
    zhlt_embedlightmap(choices) : "ZHLT embed lightmap" : "" =
        "" : "No"
        1 : "Yes"
    zhlt_embedlightmapresolution(choices) : "ZHLT embed lightmap resolution" : "" =
        "" : "[UNSET]"
        1  : "1 "
        2  : "2 "
        4  : "4 "
        8  : "8 "
        16 : "16"
        32 : "32"
        64 : "64"
    skin(choices) : "Contents" : "" =
        ""  : "[UNSET]"
        -1  : "Empty"
        -2  : "Solid"
        -3  : "Water"
        -4  : "Slime"
        -5  : "Lava"
//        -6  : "Sky"
        -15 : "Translucent"
        -16 : "Ladder"
        -17 : "Fly field"
        -18 : "Gravity fly field"
        -19 : "Fog"
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-18 08:34:02 UTC in journal: Hiatus(Yes, again) Comment #106135
Life will do as life does, everything else must take a back seat. Sorry to hear that things are rough, and I wish you the best. The Pathos Engine stuff I've seen is really quite promising. :)
Commented 1 month ago2024-04-17 15:28:08 UTC in vault item: Stencil shadows - Example mod Comment #106134
Oh, okay, I didn't actually pay much attention when I specified the license. I've changed it to a more permissive one. Thanks for noting it.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-15 23:04:15 UTC in poll: New Poll? Comment #106133
Favorite hl chapter. List them all.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-15 22:02:03 UTC in vault item: Tunnels Comment #106132
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it a lot. But if you'll allow me to defend myself a little...

The rubbish chute was originally going to be the way out of the room but I changed it to the shootable window in order to shorten the map. I decided not to close the lid fully because I thought it looked pretty good hanging ajar like it is, I completely forgot that it's a passable func_detail.

There are supposed to be large and very noticeable cracked glass decals on the window telling the player to shoot it but that screenshot seems to suggest otherwise which is weird. I tried placing ammo nearby with the dead guard in the cafeteria to hint at it but I guess that was probably stupid because of the space of the room, the difficulty accessing it, the distance the ammo is from the window and the bullsquid.

It never occurred to me that you could use the cart to jump over the crates. The aim was to give the player something to do while entering the wall grate besides just walking into it, if that makes sense. Climbing over the crates is actually a better way to use it though I think.

Overall, this is an old map that I made when I had just started seriously making maps. I didn't think about idiot proofing the lights in the lift shaft and I thought the brush lights didn't look that bad. I also didn't think to change some things for players who don't have the same settings applied to the game as I do, obviously I prefer the default gamma and the HD models.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-14 20:01:30 UTC in vault item: Tunnels Comment #106131
Architecture — 10
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 7
Gameplay — 7

Alright, here's some feedback:

In general:
  • The brushwork and detailing is very, very nice indeed - maximalist, but not too crazy, and pretty consistent throughout.
  • Good use of inaccessible areas, they really help achieve that classic Half-Life illusion where places seem like a part of a bigger world.
  • Sequences are very well executed (that scientist with the gun startled me as much as I startled him, lol), and the use of sentences is spot on.
  • Most of the map is pretty silent, could use some more ambient noises (especially in larger areas)
  • There aren't many enemies or weapons - if it were an intro map in a campaign that would be fine, but since it's a single level it feels a bit lacking.
Specific issues I found:
  • These types of light brushes are too solid-looking, a lower FX Amount (renderamt) value would make them more transparent.
User posted image
User posted image
  • The pushable cart in the beginning can be used to climb past the crates blocking the corridor, but there is no way to get back from there.
User posted image
Seems like an excellent place for a secretSeems like an excellent place for a secret
  • There's a null face in the room with the barney and scientist that is visible from the vent (if you look hard enough).
Between the table and the chairBetween the table and the chair
Closer lookCloser look
  • The player can jump down this rusty shaft and get stuck.
Just make the lid solidJust make the lid solid
  • I'd recommend placing the crowbar around here instead of later, to encourage the player to break this window.
I usually avoid breaking things with bulletsI usually avoid breaking things with bullets
  • This whole area down here is a bit too dark, the ladder is barely visible.
My gamma is 2.2, maybe that's whyMy gamma is 2.2, maybe that's why
  • A foolish player can wedge himself between the large elevator and the light on the wall, a clip brush is needed here.
The cables got de-syncedThe cables got de-synced
Overall it's a very nice level. The ending's pretty abrupt, but that's to be expected from a single standalone map. I'd like to see it make a return as part of a larger campaign.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-14 18:05:51 UTC in vault item: Stencil shadows - Example mod Comment #106130
ok thank you very much. i asked because you have the project on all right reserved.

thank you agian
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-14 16:55:56 UTC in vault item: Tunnels Comment #106129
Architecture — 9
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 8
Lighting — 7
Gameplay — 7

it was fun and I liked the parts with the scientists, but I fell in a trash chute and was stuck and had to noclip out like midway through. the gameplay wasn't groundbreaking but it was pretty good, and the level design looked great.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-12 06:51:53 UTC in vault item: Stencil shadows - Example mod Comment #106128
Yes of course, anyone is free to use this.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-11 22:25:09 UTC in vault item: Stencil shadows - Example mod Comment #106127
can i use this in my mod please? i will credit you.

Thank you
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-11 17:42:04 UTC in vault item: train gets stuck Comment #106126
@man_simple, that's not the end of the journey.

So, it appears that this is due to the doors closing. When they close, they appear to trigger the multimanager again, disabling the train after one second.

Seems like an usual bug which I've not seen before where a door that targets a multimanager will also fire on close. Not sure if that's a new bug after the 25 year update or not...

In any case, the way to get around this for now would be to have the path_track target the multimanager, and have THAT handle the opening of the doors at 0 seconds.

Also, you didn't ask about this, but a little more advice:
  • Your grates and railings should be using the Solid Render Mode, not Texture. Texture makes them glow in the dark and show glass decals when shot.
  • Try to avoid using the Fit button when texturing. It stretches and squashes textures and can lead to compiling issues further down the line.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-11 10:29:50 UTC in journal: Quiver Comment #106125
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-10 12:38:17 UTC in vault item: train gets stuck Comment #106124
I compiled your map and loaded it in the game:
  • I went into the elevator and pressed the button;
  • the door closed;
  • the elevator along with the door went along the given path;
  • near the glass doors, the elevator stopped;
  • the doors opened and the elevator went on;
  • The elevator stopped at the end of the journey. Glass doors closed.
It is not clear what the problem is, everything works as planned.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-10 09:58:53 UTC in journal: Hiking Comment #106123
I love a good hike. My family and I have a National Trust membership which gives us free access to those sites all over the country. Mostly just stately homes and old castles, but the grounds often reach far and wide have offer some stunning views. Waiting for the late spring/summer months to kick in so that England is a little more photogenic. Haha.

Hopefully the sun comes out for us at the end of May when we tackle the Wrekin again. You can see a good portion of Shropshire from the top.
image source: Tripadvisorimage source: Tripadvisor
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-10 01:17:44 UTC in vault item: Sources of Deathmatch Classic Forest Skybox Comment #106122
Fuckin' sick.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-09 08:06:56 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Intro to the Tools of Hammer Comment #106121
Good idea! Will see about adding a section about the toolbars 🙂
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-08 22:31:40 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Intro to the Tools of Hammer Comment #106120
I feel like 2 of the toolbars need to be explained as well, as they've been a lot of cases of people accidentally having IG/TL/SL/UVL on, and getting confused... Ideally they should've RTFM but it wouldn't hurt drawing attention on the important ones.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-08 04:20:45 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106119
Yes, apparently Valve chose to split t0a0b into t0a0b1 and t0a0b2, but forgot to remove the original.
It's exactly the same except there isn't a loading screen before the target rangeIt's exactly the same except there isn't a loading screen before the target range
There is a level transition from t0a0b back to t0a0a, but it's broken. However, turns out it's possible to go from t0a0c to t0a0b by swimming back towards the underwater gate right before the HEV charger section. Whether this means the rats in t0a0b should be counted as well or not, I have no idea. Same goes for the ones in the Blue Shift, Dreamcast port and PS2 port iterations of the Hazard Course.

Who knew chasing rats would lead down a rabbit hole?
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-07 19:52:21 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106118
Huh, didn't realise that about t0a0b and t0a0b2. Is one actually unused in the game?
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-07 13:12:31 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106117
That's adorable!
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-07 10:18:39 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106116
Yup, five is the total. t0a0b and t0a0b2 appear to be duplicates of the firing range map with the former being a little larger, including the flashlight area.
User posted image
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-07 00:41:46 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106115
I suppose we could do a search for "monster_rat" in the vanilla maps to get a correct count, and to make sure it really is only within the Hazard Course.
Wikis are community driven, so information isn't guaranteed to be correct. Someone might have made a guesstimate without checking, and the number was never fact-checked. That happens all the time :p
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-07 00:22:39 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106114
Yeah, the rats weren't news to me either, but that particular rat above the hologram took me completely by surprise. The OverWiki says rats only exist in Hazard Course but doesn't say how many. The Fandom Wiki says there's four, and "none have been found elsewhere"...! I just think it's weird this one inconsequential detail has escaped the very wikis dedicated to documenting these inconsequential details.

Also, Drug Barons seems interesting, I'll check it out. Thanks!
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-06 20:51:17 UTC in journal: 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 Comment #106113
Yup, I've known about the rats in the Hazard Course for a looong time now. Not sure when I first learned about them. I didn't know there was even a rat model until I played Drug Barons, the first custom campaign I played for Half-Life back in 1999.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-06 15:12:47 UTC in vault item: Endline Comment #106112
Excellent map! Thanks!
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-06 03:52:27 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: The Complete Guide to Lighting Comment #106111
You can have an intuitive preview of the lighting styles on this page:
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-04 06:39:57 UTC in journal: Hiking Comment #106110
That's a nice photo!
Kind of reminds me of the mountains in southern Spain 🙂
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 21:33:43 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Hunt Comment #106109
Thanks for the feedback. Missing textures are likely from turning all my dev textures into null once I think I got everything. I simply didn't notice them. The pause zoom is a biproduct of binding an animated cvar to a -command like +mouse2 -mouse2. It can be fixed by not animating it, but it's not as fancy looking. I'm happy to hear that you found the tripmine platforms enjoyable. I hope to continue to develop them. I'm surprise you didn't mention the weird lights in the little food section. turns out you can't flip lights or toggle them either on or off independently. All the targeted light have to be either on or off, not some on or some off. If there's a way to do it, I don't know it. :<

As long as all the crabs were fun to look for, cosmetics aside, I see this as a success. If you looked for them for 1.5 hours, I'm surprised someone played the mod for that long at all.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 21:05:36 UTC in vault item: Headcrab Hunt Comment #106108
Heh, funny that you changed your mind and made such a nice detailed map in a short time span, I really did enjoy running around and trying to find all headcrabs. I didn't actually count the time but I think it took me 1 and a half atleast, the last few headcrabs were hidden pretty good. I also didn't understand the tripmines at first, but then I really enjoyed that mechanic. And I even abused them sometimes where I just spammed them at places, I guess if I hadn't I wouldn't have found every headcrab.

As for textures, I noticed a few missing ones, 3 to be specific:
  1. the top trim under the hallway with the 69 above
  2. the crate on the shelf near 1. is missing it's bottom
  3. the top green metal crate is missing it's bottom
Also if you press Esc to pause and then Esc again to unpause, it also zooms, not sure if that's intended (as in no other way to do it) or if it's a bug? It's no biggie, just found it odd when I noticed it.

And I didn't notice any needs for optimization on my Intel I5-4590 with a Nvidia Geforce GT1030.
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 18:05:50 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106107
theres more stuff tho so yeah just play it fr fr
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 18:05:29 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106106
i added now
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 17:57:29 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106105
i forgor
Commented 2 months ago2024-04-03 17:10:34 UTC in vault item: my first map Comment #106104
No screenshots?