
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 13:53:54 UTC in journal: #7821 Comment #58014
grats to taylor and jeffy too(yay i can did reading!), everybody is graduating from something it seems! :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 12:47:03 UTC in vault item: Vis Test Comment #19999
I read and re-read the thread, and checked out the rmf, i still can't say i know what's going on.

Are you saying to change the max node size to 8000 or that the node size is irrelevant to hinting?

Apologize in advance for my peripheral knowledge of the vis process, tho i must say I are fascinated by test projects such as these ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 12:22:20 UTC in journal: #7820 Comment #53676

If this is for goldsource, try making a new install of hammer 3.x to a seperate directory or even a usb drive, as it should run fine portable, and see if it opens that way.

If this is for source, the only thing i know to try is to verify the integrity of the tool cache, and also from the sdk maneu, try reseting game configurations.

sorry for your trouble hope you get it sorted quicksmart! :(
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 12:17:33 UTC in journal: #7821 Comment #58013
Many congrats Striker and Archie! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-31 22:31:40 UTC in journal: #7816 Comment #54427
Yup! enjoy sir! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-31 11:44:27 UTC in journal: #7815 Comment #43580
<the sound of a large hammer falling on urby's balls, and insane cries of agony>

This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-30 22:39:39 UTC in vault item: dm_ob_combat_house_hd_rc1 Comment #19996
Ha cool!

Some nice changes from the previous version!

the trees look great, as well with the bright lighting, env_sun and fog added for haze, really reminds me of a nice summer's day =)

Other than that, i don't see much of improvement, except the crazy factor, and man this map is like i was on 200 acid trips the way it's textured and detailed! =)

Looks like this would be A LOT of fun to play, and when i compare your nightmare church map(which was absolutely amazing) to this one, it seems you are not really focusing on realism in any way for this, just fun gameplay and a very eye-popping, audacious map.

Nice work, and looking forward to seeing more of your maps ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-28 03:40:24 UTC in vault item: subtec Comment #19990
i get this when i try to play the map:
User posted image
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-22 22:35:24 UTC in journal: #7805 Comment #48255
yeppers dimbark is correct, well, BOTH are correct, explained here.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-22 15:19:11 UTC in journal: #7804 Comment #43559
Quitting is not really a solution to anything if you don't have something else lined up.

Commented 12 years ago2012-05-22 10:34:55 UTC in journal: #7804 Comment #43558
My heart goes out to you-all with long commutes.. ='(
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-22 10:31:33 UTC in journal: #7805 Comment #48254
obi-wan kenobi's saber was blue ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-22 10:29:36 UTC in journal: #7806 Comment #39644
fuck ya, can't wait for the new bond ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-21 10:17:14 UTC in journal: #7804 Comment #43557
dang that sucks sir, but i guess there are worse commute situations, e.g., southern california.

too bad you can't work from home for like half the week or somehthing, so as to take the edge off the commute..
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-21 06:46:34 UTC in journal: #7803 Comment #45610
Congrats Archie! :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-20 22:32:07 UTC in journal: #7802 Comment #62381
backup now! =P

any noise from an hdd scares me. i normally don't hear mine but my 175gb is starting to make some "odd" noises recently, so i backed that shit up quicksmart.

And like Stojke said, if you start hearing any "bad" noises that probably means death is imminetnt and immediate action is required if you need any of that data.

applicable cliche
-Better safe than sorry
-hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-14 15:33:39 UTC in vault item: Herman Comment #19978
I never bought portal2, and i guess i never looked a any screenies too closely to notice?

They sure are sexy tho, it's really such a good idea :o
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-14 11:34:08 UTC in vault item: Herman Comment #19975
whoa really cool screenie pic Satch! Are these unique to portal2 of did you get it to render like that from scratch?
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-14 01:19:18 UTC in journal: #7795 Comment #60935
<runs to read original thread again for more info>

also, I feel the thread bump thingie should be less agressive than it is, or at least the bump request button should be working (I don't think it works for me)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-14 00:07:27 UTC in journal: #7795 Comment #60934
I just looked at your thingie on Valve wiki, never knew there were mods on there! =)

Do you have a webpage with more media on it? also i would think you'd have a link to that or your moddb page ore something in your profile?
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 21:34:49 UTC in journal: #7794 Comment #45600
Really cool Archie how are you doing that?

I really dig the lighting in the second sequence.. looks too good to be gs ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 16:27:59 UTC in journal: #7791 Comment #58004
what?! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 16:25:33 UTC in vault item: Trigger each round Comment #19970
This is pretty cool i could have used this like 6 years agao ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-10 12:22:46 UTC in journal: #7784 Comment #66433
Well that sounds like a good time to wake up tjb, i mean before the raping ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-09 20:31:53 UTC in vault item: ridge_high Comment #19966
Agrees with stokje i LOVE the inspiration that went into this map and almost everybody maps their high school early on in their mapping career.

Lots of neat things about this map but there are also lots of fundamental problems.

Not problems really, but just a phase that every mapper goes through in the beginning. I'll try to give some tips, not going into too much detail because many of the things i'm gonna say, probably won't really make sense until you have had more experience with hammer.

-scale. your scale is way too big in most of the map. if you need to, use some cyclers of a scientist or some other model, to use as a general reference for the proper height/witdth/breadth of things.

-textures. your texture choices are pretty generic. try to stay away from the default half-life ones because they are mostly pretty bad. Also, pay attnetion that your texture scaling is not too big as to look cartoonish(like the brick texture that dominates most of the school).

-detail. for a map this big you will require A LOT of detail to finish it off. Examples would be more furniture and accoutrements in the classrooms, hallways, to make the spaces more believable or "lived in".

-layout. i love that you included working doors to all the rooms but keep in mind from a gameplay perspective it might not be the smartest thing. and you might want to block off some areas so the layout is less repetative or copypasta. (if you DO decide to keep all the rooms accessible, try to vary them with distinct details to be less boring, and to act as landmarks so they are easily distingushable from one room to the next.

-lighting. like everything else, try to keep it more varied with different brightnesses for differnt areas of the map. Explore texture lights as soon as you can if you plan on being a goldsource mapper ;)

Sorry for the TL:DR, and good luck with your mapping! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-08 08:01:14 UTC in journal: #7778 Comment #48249
that is soo ffing cool. now you have to get a red one and play Darth Vader(or as my little nephew calls him, Mr. Scary) :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 12:29:11 UTC in journal: #7775 Comment #43521
you should obviously be sleeping more, but the question is why are you sleeping so scarcely in the first place? insomnia? dicking about online? work?

If it's insomnia, i would definitley recommend adding some exercise in your routine somewhere, just 30 minutes of some good cardio at least and some simple low-impact muscle training (i personally like pushups/situps and simple yoga.

i find if i do this once or twice a day everyday, i feel, work, and SLEEP much better.

Striker: never knew that about flax seeds holy crap!
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 11:49:29 UTC in vault item: cs_twhl_2012 BETA Comment #19953
Really impressive job by everybody, and a simply astonishing amount of work people squeezed into there 24-hour slots.

Great work people! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-05 16:46:45 UTC in journal: #7773 Comment #43512
u did it again! the one two generations ago, the little urby guy ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-05 09:43:37 UTC in vault item: cs_twhl_2012 BETA Comment #19947
ya striker u was thinking the same! I also think it would be cool if we were to tandomly light windows in blitz section by t spawn
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-05 06:33:41 UTC in journal: #7773 Comment #43511
I didn't read your journal, I just want your old avatar back. (hope journal entry wasn't impirtant) =/
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-03 13:04:13 UTC in journal: #7769 Comment #42042
hi keyyy! come to little baby time squaw! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-03 05:48:11 UTC in journal: #7768 Comment #57998
That's a beautiful poem striker, and i think the translation is just fine ;)

I used to be really bored by the moon, until i watched a bbc special and learned all the amazing things the moon has done and continues to do for the earth... Such as, life may have never moved from water to the land without tidal areas, which are caused by the moons gravity "stretching" the earth.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-01 17:10:10 UTC in journal: #7766 Comment #43496
i like hotdogs
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-25 22:27:18 UTC in journal: #7760 Comment #43477
bathtub is the best time to relax and drop your phone in the water! ;P
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-23 01:34:46 UTC in vault item: Venko's cool prefabs 2 Comment #19930
Ok i admit it:
  1. i DID NOT read the readme.
  2. yes, i am a lazy person.
  3. Sorry i reviewed your map without permission
Really bro i was just trying to help, and i never intended to act condecending nor dickish, though i know i come off that way, 'specially to people who don't know me for a long time.

Apologies Sir! ='(
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-22 13:27:01 UTC in vault item: cs_minecraft_final Comment #19927
Only had time to run through quick before i'm leaving the house for the day, but some really cools stuff:

+materials seem perfect as well the texture's sounds
+looks just like minecraft

+/-lighting is a bit bland
+/-sky seemed a bit bland and i didn't see any cloud blocks up there but maybe because i ran through so fast.

-layout could be more interesting(a bit too flat imo) but i am no guru of cs gameplay, so..

Are you adding the day/night cycle and the music? you could possibly add some monsters fairly easily, yet i don't know how'd that jive with gameplay.

Nice work! 3.5 rounds up to 4. a really good themed map, but room for improvement imho.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 23:55:14 UTC in vault item: npc_war Comment #19926
One thing i've noticed is that your brushwork is VERY messy. Make sure you are using the right tools for the right thing:

Select Tool(Ctrl+s)
Select single objects and groups. While using this tool you can also resisze SINGLE retangular objects or groups that are the same size in at least one dimensions(trying to scale brush sides of different sizes this way will cause your objects to go off-grid and scale unevenly, causing leaks and other problems).

Vertex Manipulation Tool(Ctrl+v) (a.k.a. VM)
Use VM to "move" brushes to different angles--like the big ramp in your map--,and to evenly scale/resisze objects of different sizes, by ONLY SELECTING the applicable vertices.

Basically, i would recommend you rebuild the main 12-16 brushes that make up the bulk of your world walls, and try to make them look something more like the objects visgrouped in green and yellow below:
User posted image

Each vertex from one brush should line up perfectly with the brush it's next to. This way is MUCH CLEANER to look at, will help prevent leaks, plus your brushes that seal your world from the void should not overlap. (it is impossible for hammer to properly render 2 faces occupying the same space, so overlap is easy to spot in the 3d window)

Also when building the main walls of your map, try a grid size of 16 or 32, and you will notices you 2d views look much cleaner, and easier to edit/debug ;)

Hope this helps some! feel free to pm me if you need more help :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 20:02:03 UTC in vault item: Venko's cool prefabs 2 Comment #19922
4. The total number of Venko's prefabs used in a level by the "mappers in need": 0 persons.
5. Calling someone "lazy" who actually takes time to download/comment on your work is idk, just really stupid =/
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 03:37:15 UTC in vault item: Venko's cool prefabs 2 Comment #19859
  1. you put the prefabs all in indivdual rmfs, when they would all fit nicely in one. I'm probably NOT going to load up each rmf just to look at an uncompiled prefab, which leads to #2:
  2. compile a quick bsp so we can quickly look a the prefabs in-game. This is a simple thing you could do to make it easier for people to see if they would want to use them.
  3. why you'd post someone else's prefabs i have no idea, and furthermore, i wouldn't recommend uploading anything with "bugs" since there is absolutely no good reason for to do this i can think of.
[/end rant]
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-21 03:34:09 UTC in vault item: EsoTerrace Comment #19867
Looks really cool, and intriguing you can change the layout of the map with buttons? have to check this out..
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-19 01:44:28 UTC in journal: #7752 Comment #53672
Hell yes it is sir, have fun! =P
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 22:19:52 UTC in journal: #7750 Comment #42027
i'm cureious where cuz i haz buyin a new one soon, but i'm leaning toward tigerdirect, just because some of my fwendz shop there
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-18 20:19:41 UTC in journal: #7750 Comment #42026
Nice sir wher'd u buy it?
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-17 14:05:02 UTC in journal: #7748 Comment #43448
OMG stojke good to know! :o

I would also recommend staying hydrated and forcing your self to get up every hour or so and stretch your legs doing some other busy work or make coffee, anything; just to get out of the chair and lessen the eye and back strain ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-17 00:39:19 UTC in journal: #7747 Comment #55333
Good luck sir! (i think you are a shoe-in as well =P)
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-16 12:14:31 UTC in journal: #7745 Comment #43442
haha yes! lick doorknobs and the rims of everyone's coffee cups! share the love ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-16 11:45:22 UTC in journal: #7745 Comment #43441
Keep fighting the good fight sir =)