
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-19 20:07:13 UTC in journal: #6651 Comment #50079
omg how cool! I would basically KILL for a non-steam hammer 4 editor, and it would be ultra-convenient to be able to use it for GS as well.

Oh well maybe Thor shall be resurrected someday?


This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-16 22:24:39 UTC in vault item: phlt_copy_brush example Comment #460
i would have used a more crazier shape to show a more stark difference in the wpoly(i only saw a wpoly reduction of 4, which is pretty negligable)

you have a link to that glock replacement it looks sweet!
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-12 23:46:41 UTC in vault item: Rooms Half-life Comment #18269
the "slamming" sound in his map gets me every time..
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-12 21:54:08 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #3744

1. copy the "cubicles" folder to your steamapps\yourname\half-life directory
2. restart/start steam.
3. the mod will show up as "TWHL Cubicles" under your games list.
4. Enjoy the awesomeness!
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-12 00:23:23 UTC in journal: #6647 Comment #47913
i agree, games that are too hard suck all the fun out of it (same with puzzles whose solution makes no logical sense).
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-11 19:37:11 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #5006
RIM: Check it out! I've fixed the "too dark" glitch by tripling all the rad values! Get the new version here!

potatis: Yeah you cannot go up to the balcony without noclip.. there is nothing up there. The lights are REALLY dark in that map too, cuz my brightness and gamma were set to max when i mapped that. =(
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-11 11:50:18 UTC in vault item: Cubicles Entry - Casino Royale Comment #18258
thanks =)

As to the lighting, if you turn your gamma/brightness settings all the way up, the lighting will look normal. ;)

From now on, i will map at the default video settings so they look as intended...
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-09 19:09:33 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #16936
that sounds like a really good idea world cra.. i mean Soup!
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-09 17:26:58 UTC in journal: #6645 Comment #40045
i am envious tho i never had an amd processor ever (does it feel dirty?) What is ssd (solid state, like a flash drive?)that doesn't seem like near enough space, tho it will never fail on you, right?

disco: very graphic. =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-09 17:14:31 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #18666
i agreee with skals joe. that map is good, it just needs light, and that model-stuck-in-brush error needs attending..

disco: mod format can be buggy sometimes.. are u running it in steam or won? it worked fine for me in steam.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-09 15:04:44 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #20025
Just played again. So many excellent maps in the compilation. Among my favs are Muzz's, discostu's, but WorldCrafter's REALLY stands out, and makes me say "Wow." every time i see it.. EXCELLENT JOB ALL.

Note for my map(casino royale):

Whilst testing my map, my gamma/brigness turned all the way up, so, it looks VERY dark played in the mod(default gamma/brightness is 50%). I never realized this till now, and always wondered why some people would always complain my maps were to dark!

Should/can i modify and resubmit to u rim?
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-09 13:57:51 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #20023
haha cubicles is here!

Superb stuff and I LOVE that you opted for a keybinds to change levels! (I NEVER knew you could change levels that way!)Rim, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me! GENIUS! Splash is also very good as well we would expect from you. =)

I would rate each map, but i already did so for each map individually afaik.

A couple minor suggestions:

-add hev to each map? (unless it directly interferes with the gameplay of that map). i would of added one to mind if i had thought of it.. =(

-Maybe for the purposes of the coop the dark maps should be modified a bit possibley, to make them more "user-friendly"? it's just a little confusing, especially the furst one is full dark. maybe adding a game_text is all that it would take.

-possibly add a fading "author nameplate" (illusionary done with env_renders or whatev) at the beginning of each level, to idendtify the author of each map?

-after u reach the last map, possibly add a movie-style rolling credits or some such for fun.

-add some sort of music to the splash. The Office comes to mind!

Thank-you Rim for another superbly-successful TWHL coop project! Maybe we should get a mention in the news, yes?

Superb Superb Superb!
6 stars
=) =P =0
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-08 15:03:19 UTC in vault item: Satellite Comment #18232
i wrote a longish-ass review and i just lost it cuz my internets crapped out. I am not rewriting it. summary:

+Thoughtfully constructed
+thoughtfully detailed - i thought the recharge kits looked great! ;)
+good ambiance (at least the rain and thunder sounded fine)

-i agree some of the props looked a little weird, but that is nitpick more than anything. PM me if you want some advice to improve, but my main suggestion for ANY PROP is to USE REFERENCE PICS =)
-i kinda agree with skals about some of the ambience. some of the sounds from the pak file are utter shit and should not be used.
-i agree that there should be some sort of light in the vents. just a little bit leaking in from somewhere at a joint, or use some little texlights.
-rain conveyor is still too slow
-rain conveyor brushes should be in a grid pattern afaik, so you cant "see" down the rows of rain. also, i dont think you need so many conveyors either.
-There are Still stuck points on the sandbags =(. For god sakes cut them into triangles or put a clip brush around them. VM causes weird clipping and/or stuck points sometimes... VERY annoying

I am not judging the merit of the map as a DM map since i don't feel qualified to do so, but i give it a 4 for aesthetics, very nice!
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-08 09:26:40 UTC in journal: #6641 Comment #44537
congrats! =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-07 01:06:34 UTC in journal: #6639 Comment #55716
they work the same as the original hide buttons from hammer 3.x, but before that, you were stuck with hammer 4's way of doing it, which would open up a dialog box every single time you hide a brush. Never got used to it, never liked it..

Most of the other buttons/functions are exactly the same afaik.

The nodraw brushes are just guides for sculpting my f-14 in hammer =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-06 16:39:31 UTC in journal: #6636 Comment #54272
happy future birthday! =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-06 04:18:04 UTC in journal: #6634 Comment #55710
luke/naserve: i agree 100% but as long as it performs for me for the games i use it for, i'm gonna stick with it.

I still have a year left in the warranty from best buy, so hopefully it burns up before then and i get a brand-new laptop for free!


edit: i just played scII on high settings for over an hour, and the gpu temp never went above 65! (scII was the worst: on medium settings it would send my temps over 110 in like 2 minutes of playing)

) =) =)

Commented 13 years ago2010-07-05 05:55:04 UTC in journal: #6633 Comment #61970
return it gert new one! =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-28 18:09:20 UTC in journal: #6623 Comment #33301


Commented 13 years ago2010-06-26 16:56:54 UTC in journal: #6620 Comment #47870
jealous i am... =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-25 14:41:51 UTC in journal: #6615 Comment #41462
ha reminds me of my old job where we worked with concentrated organic peroxide. if you got the stuff on your skin it would immediately turn your skin white and burn you. It would start dead organic material(like leather boots) on fire if it came in contact with them..


Ah the fun of nasty chemicals. at least you didn't get it in your eye or on the kids..=P
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-23 13:07:03 UTC in vault item: Dissolution Comment #18162
i'll go a provisional 5 until i play the whole thing, but everything i've seen is done very very nicely. Agrees with muzz the huge pipes are a bit much and could use more segments, but the ones in the ceiling look really good and carefully constructed.

++fun gameplay/puzzzles
++careful/clean mapping
+++wadincluded textures +)

I'm afraid ia can't really say more until i play it again. the computer i/m on now does not have half-life, so i'll have to complete the map later.

5 for now, nice work!
= )
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 15:55:48 UTC in vault item: cs_deadline Comment #18164
link are dead, here's a mirror from cstrike-planet:
maybe mod can update the link?

superb stuff this!! looks like the l4d crew copied some of the areas of this map and put it into NO MERCY! =)

++good/careful brushwork
+painstaking small detail and creative "broken areas"
+most interesting stacks of random-sized boxes/trash i've seen =P

+/- Map is very big. i walked around for a long time and i don't think i saw even half the map.
+/- this already good map might still benefit from some more diverse/triggerable sounds.

-the skybox is horrible.. all that work into this map and that lame "city" skybox is disappointing. =(
-nitpicking: the tops of the "fences" that surround the perimeter could be clipped to look better.
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 15:10:15 UTC in vault item: Dissolution Comment #18173
as your attorney, i would recommend wadincluding your textures to the bsp. there are a very limited number of people who will play your map, and even fewer of those will be willing to do a seperate download for textures...

make it as easy as possible for people to play your map!

that said i downloaded the textures and tried it out. from what i saw it looks pretty good! I like the little cube-shape objects you have to find and insert to the high-voltage ports. =)

map looks very carefully made and nice from what i could see, though i didn't play the whole thing.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 13:59:50 UTC in vault item: Alpha Half-Life Recreation Comment #18172
i would disagree with some of the texture choices, but other than that very faithful/detailed recreation from the pic! my only real complaint is i would darken it a bit so those mini flood lights stand out more, but i am very biased to dark maps...

Nice work! =)
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 13:54:10 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles: Asylum Operation Room Comment #18177
agrees with tjb and brendanmnt. after dying 2 times (no autosaves) i gave up and noclippled around. Everything looks pretty neat tho, but i also agree with tjb that tho it is scary in the dark, you still need it to be a little brighter to be navicable.

Also, fix that "monster stuck in brush" error that causes the ugly/annoying "firefly" effect.
= )
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 13:45:15 UTC in vault item: Animal Farm Comment #18176
Wads missing: "couldn't open station.wad"

for the love of god please wadinclude all your wads into the bsp or include them with the release.(resgen tells me your only non-standard wad is station.wad, so include/wadinclude that one!)

Please pm me if you edit and i'll try it again?
Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 09:07:09 UTC in journal: #6608 Comment #41452
mod delete plz and plz correct the above misspelled "mangement" to the correct version.


Commented 13 years ago2010-06-22 09:06:56 UTC in journal: #6608 Comment #41451
some people really thrive in mangement! congrats/good luck and i hope you enjoy it!


Commented 13 years ago2010-06-16 21:03:52 UTC in journal: #6601 Comment #61959
i know nothing about cams but that looks sexy as hell! =)
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-08 21:13:31 UTC in vault item: Op4_Camper_Hunting Comment #18184
this link is dead for me jim..
= (

fps banana mirror not working for me either..
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-06 16:58:30 UTC in journal: #6592 Comment #55704
that one looks pretty good for a mobile mouse tjb!
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-06 16:18:41 UTC in journal: #6592 Comment #55703
wow tetsu0 i'm taking mine back and getting that one... i don't care if it's like $100 that is sweet-lookin!


Commented 14 years ago2010-06-04 19:35:58 UTC in journal: #6589 Comment #41440
So sorry rim..


At least you were able to speak to her and in a sense be with her when she passed.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-04 16:15:54 UTC in vault item: de_afield Comment #18174
same as rim, reminds me of a re-textured dust, but it's very skillfully constructed. it kinda reminds me of an old fort or castle from 18th century or earlier, which i like. The big downfall is there is NO SMALL DETAIL anywhere. NO props, small trims or architectural detail of any sort. you could also use Penguinboy's Twister or manually add some terrain variation. Pengy's utility is good cuz it allows you to do source-style displacements in the old HL engine...

++Skillfull construction
+very nice layout

-no small detail. theme it out like an old fort! add cannons and small outbuildings inside the fort instead of those stupide crates =). add rubble and debris like an older-but-preserved area of the fort in ruins. Go aztech a little bit and put in archeological dig trenches here and there and fence them off . SO much potential for this map!
-some of your arch door textures are stretched, otherwise the texturing looks pretty damn nice!
-enormous crates are ridiculous, a joke i guess but a very unfunny one imo... =P

i want to round 3.5 to 4 becuse it looks so nice, flaws be damned. Nice work man1
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-03 18:06:12 UTC in vault item: Facility Comment #18171
really cool stuff and nice implementation of the old textures in most places. Also, HUGE; i am impressed by the size of the map alone, as well the layout is great (parts appear to be portions of classic cs maps to me, but probably not intentional)

Add some gameplay or add some weapons/spawns and create an epic dm map!

I'm going 4 stars, because of zero gameplay/story. Add that or make it a dm and it's an instant 5 stars in my book.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-03 17:59:48 UTC in vault item: Stained Glass Workshop Comment #18170
Excellent map1

++fun/interesting props and detail work.
++fun gameplay
++Well-Constructed and clean
+Fun gameplay
+neaat lighting
++great gadgets like that accordian door
+superbly built and realistic

-a bit blocky at points
-questionable texturing at points

Great work and enjoyable, though a bit more gameplay/story would have been nice. Anyway, superb map 5 all the the way imo.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-03 17:48:04 UTC in vault item: SpaceBox Comment #18169
this is a really simple yet eloquently constructed map. i also like the layout which is original, roomy but not too roomy and good vertical gameplay. wpoly are almost nonexistent, so you have the option to shrink texture scales if you want things to look cleaner like the neon that borders the whole map.

would be nice to see a better textrue for the "neon" than that dam stock texture. i would also use a more interesting. texture for the "hologram" texture you use for ladders.
Add sprites around the neon or ladders to make it look cooler if you want

Neat stuff. You could re-theme the map and add props/doors to fit any genre, which might be neat and warrant a v2..

4 stars.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-02 22:50:13 UTC in journal: #6586 Comment #49069
chea if only you could maintain it... =)

the little bit of Irish in me makes me continually strive for full-retard drunk everytime i drink...


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-31 21:18:41 UTC in journal: #6586 Comment #49068
i must say i don't really understand how it works but i only read it once...i dunno did you get drunk playing?

power hour or quarters is great for 2-people drinking games, but cards are hard to make fun (hence your idea1)

make a 2-person version of asshole and you will WIN. I ffing love that game but you need at least 5-6 people..
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-31 07:42:20 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Custom Skyboxes for Goldsource Comment #100923
haha awesome. much easier using terragen than i thought it would be! great job..


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-28 15:53:00 UTC in journal: #6580 Comment #49058
Haha excellent! Congratulations dude!1


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-28 15:48:15 UTC in vault item: Jedi Starfighter - Half-Life Comment #18163
kk i will update with textures and a "nicer" scene, and reupload as v2..
= )
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-23 06:20:32 UTC in journal: #6572 Comment #41430
sorry my friend. =(
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-19 10:48:34 UTC in journal: #6570 Comment #49050
that's a sweet marker! (my last paintball was a VERY old tippmann semi-auto can't remember what model). Hope your problem is sorted now!

i miss playing paintball..... SO much fun! i used to love running up the flanks and catching players off-guard... so funny to watch the way people jump when they get hit and they're totally not expecting it..


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-17 08:22:36 UTC in journal: #6561 Comment #53569
Transporter, since that's what the Star Trek franchise uses.

Solved, you're welcome....


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-16 19:09:48 UTC in journal: #6564 Comment #61937
hahaha nice work wish i knew what i was looking at!


This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.