
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 14:29:18 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102970
Welcome to the Third (Final) Decade.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 14:17:41 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102969
Certainly is the imposter, because I ain't 30. Ha!
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 13:55:09 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102968
Happy 30th Birthday! ( is the imposter...?)
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 11:26:10 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102967
Fun Fact: Urby has dual citizenship, being from both Finland and Guatemala.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 11:25:13 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102966
H0ppy birthd0y!
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-18 11:08:53 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102965
Happy birthday Urby!
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-17 23:37:46 UTC in journal: Journal sus... Comment #102964
Happy birthday!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-17 19:34:52 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102962
Well, you could freely contact me if you want C# mentoring in general, I'd say I'm good enough at it lol.

Cameras are, really, just points in space with some extra properties (FOV, far clipping plane, near clipping plane). In the case of 2D, they just have an XY position, a zoom factor, and a single angle. So, if you'd like the camera to follow Spike, you'd do something like this:
// Somewhere in some Initialize method: (assuming your player entity contains a Camera component and a Player component of some sorts)
playerComponent = GetParent().GetComponent<PlayerComponent>();

// Somewhere in some OnUpdate method:
cameraPosition = playerComponent.GetTransform().GetPosition();
So what's gonna happen is, the camera grabs a reference to your current player, and tracks the position. So wherever the player moves to, the camera follows along. The real fun happens when you start experimenting.
cameraPosition.x = playerComponent.GetTransform().GetPosition().x;
This will make the camera never move up'n'down, only left-right following the player, just like Super Mario Bros. for the NES. xD

Keep in mind that I got no Unity scripting experience so this code won't apply, it's more like pseudocode to get the idea across. :D
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-17 16:02:18 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102961
Allowed embedding.

Thanks. I agree, the music needs to be more subtle. For now it's just a place holder though along with all the backgrounds graphics. The only thing I like from this so far is Spike's graphics and animations. Pixel art is so fun. :) The huge learning curve for me is learning C#. On to the tuts. :/

Also, the camera I used that follows the player is a pre built script/ tool. It works great however it distorts the pixel art so I will have to find out how to script my own from scratch.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-17 11:10:46 UTC in vault item: dm_mudanchee Comment #102960
Thanks for the kind words. That waterfall is actually on purpose - it distracts players so others can activate the trap in that room! Nah, I think I just forgot to put a rock there. ;)
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-16 19:52:54 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102959
Why did you disable embedding? <w<
But anyway, that looks cute.

My only complaint would be the very noticeable usage of FL Slayer in that song, assuming you made the song. I'd recommend getting some clean electric guitar samples (actually, FL Slayer without any post-processing will do) and Guitar Rig 5. Guitar Rig 5's demo has enough functionality to distort a guitar sound real good.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-16 15:50:20 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102958
First dev log
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-15 18:16:36 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102957
Oh right, I was talking about 3D when I mentioned map geometry, lol.

The reason behind going straight through geometry is that triangles are infinitely thin. The physics engine isn't aware of the "volume" of the mesh, so of course it's gonna screw up the collision at high velocities. You can think of it like treating each triangle as a separate physics object, completely disregarding the big picture. If it worked flawlessly, taking into account the volume of a concave mesh, it'd be very slow. xD

Generally, what people do in that situation is make a dedicated group of convex collision meshes (e.g. a table would have 1 wide rectangular prism, and 4 thin cylinders for collision), in which case it's easier for the physics engine to process it and it's aware of the volume. Dunno how that one works in Unity, but at least you can use a bunch of box & cylinder colliders to approximate the mesh.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-15 17:10:07 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102956
Thanks for the insight Admer.

As far as i've seen, map geometry for me at least with 2d design is based on simple 2d collider boxes defined by the user that use pre built in physics in the unity engine. It's pretty easy to manipulate and from the small amount of 3d that i've seen, you can use the existing model geometry/ mesh to create colliders for 3d geometry as well.

This sounds great however if my character jumps from high enough above a 2d platform, he goes straight through the geometry. I guess it's kinda buggy.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-15 17:00:20 UTC in journal: Unity Game Dev. Comment #102955
While I don't have any significant experience with Unity (not to say I didn't try it out), I can tell you about modern engines in general:
  • map geometry is all made of models; although some engines like Godot and Unity have decent CSG plugins
  • as you've already witnessed, you start from scratch; you must invent your own movement physics or use a physics engine, you must invent your own system for this and that, specific to your game, basically everything is from scratch and all the engine does is handle the lower-level stuff like allocating memory for entities & components, render stuff and stuff like that
  • as you might've also noticed, asset importing is much easier; you can just drag'n'drop stuff, either into the editor's asset explorer or into some folder in your project
I think you made a nice choice if you haven't messed with programming before. C# is easier and forgiving compared to C++.
At some point, you might also wanna try out Godot which also supports C# (alternatively, it offers its own scripting language GDScript), and there's a TrenchBroom plugin for it to directly import TrenchBroom maps or something.

I, personally, occasionally experiment with Unigine 2 and CryEngine 5, which are big behemoths (but still perform better and run better than UE4 AHAHAHA), and otherwise I work with idTech 3 (Quake 3 engine) and idTech 4 (Doom 3 engine), with which I've done some more significant progress.
Though, I'm also planning to do some stuff in Unity and Godot.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-14 14:11:45 UTC in vault item: dm_mudanchee Comment #102954
Yay, thanks :D
Your map is awesome! the atmosphere is great, and it almost feels like I'm really there!
Except for whatever's happening hereExcept for whatever's happening here
There isn't too many or too little supplies, and they're placed magnificently! I haven't seen a custom map like this in quite a while. Bravo!
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-14 10:56:33 UTC in vault item: dm_mudanchee Comment #102953
Turns out I still had the map somewhere. Download is fixed now, have fun. :)
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-13 17:05:15 UTC in vault item: dm_mudanchee Comment #102952
Send a private message to Captain P. about the map, he's still online from time to time ^w^
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-12 21:53:49 UTC in vault item: dm_mudanchee Comment #102951
I would like to be able to download this map, but I can't. Hopefully, it doesn't take too much time out of your day to update an 11 year old download link. The only other place I could find this map was on Planet Half-Life, but seeing as GameSpy shut down a long time ago, none of the download links work. :P
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-10 01:03:54 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: trigger_camera Comment #102946
I was also having the issue where the camera would look at the func_train but was not itself moving along the path_corners. The solution for me ended up being checking the "start at player" and "freeze player" flags on the trigger_camera.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-09 14:56:19 UTC in poll: Tis the Season Comment #102945
Summer has the best thunderstorms.
Commented 3 years ago2020-10-06 21:57:58 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102944
Happy... uh, eggnog..birthday (??!)
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-06 16:41:06 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102943
So I'm either relatively young or very very old.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-06 10:05:47 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102942
Yeah but a quarter of 1152 is 288. Happy 288th birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-06 09:15:12 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102941
A quarter is 1/4 of something. 1/4 of 100 is 25.
Happy 25th birthday lol
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-06 07:29:29 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102940
A quarter is 25 cents. A cent is 1/100. 100 has 3 digits. Half-Life 3 confirmed!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-06 07:00:38 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102939
Y'all are thinking too hard.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 23:06:51 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102938
You are as old as George Washington?

Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 20:32:58 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102937
I'm jumping in the bandwagon here so...
Happy birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 20:32:09 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102936
Merry birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 20:13:26 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102935
Oh hey. You're like exactly two weeks my senior.

Happy belated Birthday
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 19:59:49 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102934
Happy GeorgeWashingtonth Birthday.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 19:40:47 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102933
Happy birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 19:40:41 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102932
Happy birthday
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 18:10:06 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102931
Cap thought about it a bit too hard
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 16:11:26 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102930
Happy Birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 09:01:55 UTC in journal: Quarter Comment #102929
Happy (...counts number of ridges...) 119th birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 03:22:04 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102928
We share a birthday! And somehow on every birthday journal of yours I've commented on I keep forgetting this is the case! Awesome!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-05 02:33:49 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102927
Happy Birthday!
I don't get the riddle in the title though. Not a reference to something I'm familiar with.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-04 21:00:57 UTC in vault item: func_tanks in CS:S! Comment #102926
Even 9 years later, this is funny.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-04 14:21:39 UTC in journal: I put Ovaltine in my Eggnog Comment #102925
happy birthday!
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-03 16:52:34 UTC in vault item: Bridge The Gap Comment #102924
Absolutely great despite what Urby says. The map is somewhat poorly illuminated (getting no favours from goldsource's "Flashlight uses lightmap resolution, lightmap resolution scales with texture size" issue) but no worse than many areas in classic HL mods such as USS Darkstar, and leaving you in complete darkness for a much smaller amount of time - I never had to pause in complete darkness to let my flashlight recharge, for instance.

Combat is on the light side, but paced and balanced well for the exploration focus the map has - You never get bored, but you also never feel overwhelmed or like the map is constantly throwing new enemies at you.

Brushwork and textures are, as always, given that SnC polish that makes me super jealous. Somewhat dull lighting aside, map looks damn good, though I'd recommend toning down the amount of lens flare/corona sprites by cast lights, because while they add some visual noise, none of those bulbs are bright enough to actually produce flares unless you're looking through a lens that was smeared with petroleum jelly and then pounded into the dirt.
Commented 4 years ago2020-10-01 16:34:43 UTC in vault item: Bridge The Gap Comment #102923
Just because
Commented 4 years ago2020-09-30 13:54:49 UTC in vault item: cs_sarajevo beta 0.86 Comment #102922
Commented 4 years ago2020-09-30 13:35:14 UTC in vault item: cs_sarajevo testing Comment #102921
Had the chance to play the beta and fell in love with it. I sure hope that one day you will come back, see this comment and re-upload this testing version :)
Commented 4 years ago2020-09-30 01:23:59 UTC in vault item: Bridge The Gap Comment #102920
Why me?
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.