
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-24 18:55:51 UTC in vault item: Rotating Hurt Comment #101966
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-24 13:04:14 UTC in journal: Mapping out the future Comment #101965
Well shit. You've been here longer than me. Haha! Welcome back. I'll be perfectly honest, as much as I like Sledge, I've taken to JACK more recently, so I might not be of much assistance with your questions. :P
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-24 12:44:29 UTC in journal: Mapping out the future Comment #101964
A senior TWHL member. Welcome back, sir!

Mapping is like riding a bicycle. You never forget it. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-19 21:22:09 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101963
Useful for punishing you heathens ;) If they're too hard, you've probably eaten stale baguettes. Baguettes go stale in hours
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-19 12:25:15 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101962
Baguettes are just too hard for human consumption.

But they could serve as melee weapons in a pinch.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-19 06:11:49 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101961
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-19 01:36:43 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101960
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-18 20:37:48 UTC in journal: I have no more tricks left for you Comment #101958
Time is limited, your choice of life not so much.
If you take all of those other things out and focus on one thing only you will most definitely succeed. It is impossible to do something fully with out focusing solely on that.

Creatively said, if your grandma had wheels she would have been a bike. So just like that if you want to do all those things with all of these limitation you must be much more than human, and youre not.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-18 09:28:12 UTC in journal: I have no more tricks left for you Comment #101957
I think you are overthinking stuff. Just choose one thing and do it. Pure determination or so they call it? I have noticed that the biggest cure to depression is to kick your own ass and do whatever you dream about. That is not easy and everyone finds the strength in different places but I tell you, once you get on the road you won't regret it. There's lots of discouraging and distraction these days, don't let that affect you.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-18 03:17:38 UTC in vault item: Metropolice Outpost Comment #101956
The level design is great. Everything looks and sounds great, and I love it conceptually. The difficulty is just a major turn-off, I've always got too little ammo for too few guns on too low health. Didn't finish this map even though it deserved to be finished just because of how anti-player this gameplay was. I'd love to see this map edited to let the player start with more weapons/armor, anything just to even the odds against the enemies.
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-15 17:10:06 UTC in vault item: Metropolice Outpost Comment #101954
Architecture — 10
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 10
Lighting — 7
Gameplay — 3

I was prettycurious about this "non-linear" design and let me preface this review by saying, that part was awesome. At first, I was extremely confused and disoriented - being presented with several paths to go instead of one, I got huge FOMO upon picking one. But I soon caught up on the way the map works and it was pretty fun. During my (brief) playthrough, I had several "OHHHH so I'm back here!" moments and I found the map to be a textbook example of how to pack loads of mapping and gameplay into a seemingly small space.

But. Big big but (pun intended).

The combat is extremely poorly managed. More often than not, I'd find enemies swarming out of every direction, with no indication as to a wave was over or where the next attack would be from, trying to take cover or retreat for a few minutes only to find there were enemies behind me as well. In addition, I fought through the majority of the map with a pistol only, as munition for the other weapons was extremely rare. I had to quicksave every few moments (and use godmode once, after saving only to get shot in the face right after). In the end, I ragequitted after dying for the tenth-or-so time in the same spot (trying to kill half a dozen combine plus two shotgunners when you're on 10 health and only got a pistol is kinda hard).

There's huge potential in this concept, but I think going over the combat and re-doing that would really benefit the map. Maybe a more traditional approach to staging assaults would be good, with more obvious indication where to expect enemies from, and places to retreat to for some licking-my-wounds. That being said, this is still a pretty cool map, and the layout and visuals are certainly en par with any campaign map.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-14 03:53:23 UTC in vault item: Metropolice Outpost Comment #101953
Hey! Thanks for playing. And i appreciate very detailed feedback from you, this will help me to improve my mapping skills.
Good job with finding code, and finding second secret. There is actually a third secret and it's a well hidden room which really hard to find, maybe even impossible if you don't know about it's existence. In this room is a result of my experiment with monitor, camera and combine scanner.
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-13 14:26:28 UTC in vault item: Metropolice Outpost Comment #101951
This was a great little map, and an interesting concept compared to the usual Half-Life maps. I love non-linear level design, and the way you've linked all the areas up in this map was really well done. Opening up clever new routes and shortcuts was good fun, even if it gave the enemies more ways to reach me. I found the two (are there more?) big secrets, shutting off the gas trap and inputting the code.

I feel like the barricade and ladder placement parts felt a little rough, as I only found out I could do them by stumbling into the walls and seeing the transparent markers appear, but there's probably not a whole lot you can do about that in Source.

It was quite challenging at the start. I wandered into the poison zombie tunnels and metro cop stations with nothing but a crowbar and pistol, which left me pretty low on health for the first half. I think had more trouble when the Combine reinforcements arrived then the headcrab canisters after them. It almost seems like those two should happen the other way around, with the Combine being the map's big crescendo, but otherwise I really like the way you kept repopulating the same area with new threats.

It also looks really nice. The detail is well done throughout, I especially like the pipe work, and you have some very nice dramatic lighting in places. Really well done.
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-12 12:05:18 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101948
Far Cry 2 also has that system.

Whenever you had a main objective, your prefered buddy would call you to meet him/her in a house. He/she asks you to do a favor and in exchange he/she simplify your main objective assuming you agree and do the favor.

The problem with Borderlands 2 side objectives is that some of them aren't "logic" and are more like "challenges" (kill that bad guy with a pistol, kill 50 guys wuth critics...)
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-10 16:01:55 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101947
I'm not really a fan of Goldsrc, I'd have to re-learn half of what I know about mapping for that. BMS' rad visuals make it hard to make a map that can match the stock maps, but it's pretty much the same as mapping for HL2, so it's a working environment I'm familiar with.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-10 12:39:32 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101946
this would definitely be doable in goldsource if you wanted to.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-10 12:06:54 UTC in vault item: Map2Curve v0.81 Comment #101945
Thank you
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-09 05:35:52 UTC in vault item: Never Ending Comment #101944
Architecture — 9
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 9
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 7

This map is really cool. The architecture is more than perfect. I don't know how many brushes you have taken for the medkit and the H.E.V regenator, but it stunned my point of view away. The texturing is also really detailed and accurate. Really great work there. The ambience is also great. There are sounds, some glows and smokes, but maybe on some places you should have putted some sounds, or at least change the env_sound. The lightning is stunning and where there are dark areas, they are for hiding spots. The lights are reserved mostly for the places where shooting is going to happen. The gameplay is great, but not much. I think that the map is too big for a deathmatch one. Also the stunning graphics are something which blows you away from shooting. Also there aren't much guns and their placement is not good. I'll give you some examples of that:
-I thought that the longjump module should be more hard to see. The longjump should be on that duct up there, instead of putting at the mid of a hall.
-I found an MP5 clip. After whole 4 minutes of searching I found the MP5 on a place, that I might have passed 100 times.
I think you get it what I mean. More guns and placements.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-05 22:00:20 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101943
Just had a thought I might try and build into something.... again drawing inspiration from Metal Gear Solid V (almost 200 hours on record, I seriously need a new addiction to get away from this game)...

basically taking MGSV's prison facility, Camp Omega, and its POWs you can liberate throughout the missions, and putting that into Black Mesa.... what I'm thinking here is, primary objective: go there, do this. Secondary objectives: liberate security staff held captive by HECU, rescue scientist xyz who's hiding out in the labs, destroy HECU comms centre... each side op shipped off into a separate map would allow for easier creating the maps, but they should all interact with the main mission.... for instance, the security staff would form a squad and support the player, the scientist would unlock a retina-scanner guarded door to let the player grab a fancy weapon (RPG? Tau cannon?) and taking out the comms would disable reinforcements during a final battle...

I gotta draw shit up and chances are, I'll never have the time to do this (plus, BMS is tricky to map for because it sets the bar for visuals much much higher), but I'd love to flesh out the details for this one...
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-05 19:32:49 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101942
I like that concept. My mod will be more like "do whatever you want whenever you want", so it's all optional but still linear, sort of like GTA: San Andreas.
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-04 17:45:19 UTC in vault item: mortise Comment #101941
Good map with interesting details!
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-03 15:23:15 UTC in news: New Mini Competition: The Whole Warp Life! Comment #101939
man... this idea sounds pretty warped
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-02 16:08:35 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101938
I've actually had an idea for a mod like this. Basically it would be a bunch of interconnected maps that basically act as a freeform open world, with objectives throughout that can be approached from multiple directions.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-31 13:55:40 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: trigger_camera Comment #101937
Hi, I've tried the first lines of this tutorial about trigger_camera. In JACK the info_player looks like Gordon with his special outfit but when I run the map, in the camera sight the player has the Gman outfit ? I'm afraid Half-Life grants identity theft !! Is it normale like a joke of the devellopers ?
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-29 16:23:57 UTC in journal: My Kickstarter Comment #101936
Hey Guys and Gals, I reduced the prices on my Kickstarter so feel free to give it another gander.

Commented 5 years ago2019-03-28 16:00:44 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101935
Sorry I didn't see this sooner. So glad to hear it sounds like good news - you're both immensely strong to go through more of this. Lots of love, mate.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-28 09:50:27 UTC in wiki page: func_conveyor Comment #101934
4 years later I still think it would be a good idea but I dare not bothering the smithing god with that. Indeed that would be too short a tutorial since this entity is basically straightorward : a brush with the scroll texture , tied to a func_conveyor . The yaw defines the steering. As for the angle of the texture, it is set with the Advanced texture tool.
Then a func_button which target is the name of the conveyor switches the steering for both the conveyor and its texture.

Anyhow the YouTube Hammer Quickies 6 is great, for a mortal that is.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-26 13:02:11 UTC in poll: French Bread Showdown Comment #101933
I made a profile just so I could tie Croissant Crew up with Baguette Battalion.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-25 19:23:42 UTC in news: New Mini Competition: The Whole Warp Life! Comment #101932
Time to make a HL Deathmatch map for the first time.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-23 03:21:23 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101931
I am glad that everything worked out well. I wish I had read this sooner. From your original post, it never sounded like something too serious. Doctors usually come up with more creative terms for dangerous things. "Anomaly" is typically reserved for something that's rather innocuous.

Post-surgical sites frequently look "anomalous" on imaging studies. The anatomy is distorted enough to confound the radiologist.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-23 00:13:27 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101930
Excellent news!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-22 23:52:58 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101929
Good to hear that there's no issues!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-22 16:15:34 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101928
She thanks you all for the well-wishes. However, they found nothing but a little swelling. Kinda anticlimactic but I guess in this situation, it’s a good thing. She’s recovering now just fine and will be back to things in about a week.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-21 17:10:25 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101927
Hope the operation is going successful, sending much <3 to you guys! ! !
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 17:15:27 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101926
You guys are great, she’s happy to see all your wishes. Just to let you know, she still has a folder full of all the original emails from the first one. She appreciates you guys that much.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 17:13:36 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101925
My best thoughts go to you and your wife. Hopefully everything will go smoothly!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 14:29:17 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101924
Oh no! Hope everything works out for the best, guys.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 14:07:55 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101923
Yeesh, sorry to hear that, man. Hoping for nothing but the best outcome for you both. x
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 13:11:24 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101922
Oh dear. I hope everything goes in the best order and ends well. But I'm sure it'll go fine. :)
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 12:25:22 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101920
I can't imagine what's going through your head. It's a pretty common procedure nowadays, so I'm sure it will go smoothly. It will all go fine, I'm sure
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 12:22:28 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101919
Here's hoping it goes as well as last time and everything gets sorted!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 10:36:08 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101918
I hope everything goes as well and as smoothly as it possibly can!
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