Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 05:23:08 UTC
in max_leaf_patches Post #19041
Having followed a couple of your posts I think it might be time to have a good look at what you are trying to achieve?
A newer larger computer will not fix a difficult map.
Try this little Read Me and see if it answers any of your problems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 05:18:17 UTC
in very strange prob Post #19040
Why have multiple info_player_starts and info_player_deathmatches in normal HL...
It is a Death match map? Yes
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-11 05:08:43 UTC
in null texture Post #19035
Go to the example map Vault, both Kol and I have posted NULL stuff.
Adding NULL to every face the player will not see will not automatically reduce the compile time...
Actually I will go as far to say that it will have very little effect on the compile time as you are only removing a few map lit faces.
What it might do is reduce the r_speeds of the map, but there is no guarantee of that.
If the faces that are not seen are at the bottom of the map, then you don't need a sky box.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-09 08:58:06 UTC
in compiling hardware Post #18820
Agree with Jobabob,
The map I am working on now is reasonably complex but fully compiles in about 2 hours.
To test the entity setup I turn VIS and RAD off and it compiles in about 12 minutes. That way I can check to see if everything is working before I do a full/final compile.

If your map isn't compiling with basic commands in less than 2 hours, then I suggest you throw your 386 away and get a brand spanking new 486DX2... ;)
Or you could reduce the amount of light entities and brushwork and follow Anthony's suggestion:
The important thing is however making precise, neat maps
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-08 05:55:05 UTC
in Timefall Post #18718
I am still playing your add on.
I actualy have to think!! and check things out. (unlike mindless CS)
My hard drive is choked with saved games. (which doesn't happen often)
It is difficult but not impossible.
Although I think it might be too hard for people who have never experienced Quake or Doom, or are just too lazy to spend the time looking around. The instant gratification generation :-)
I am really glad I have played a few of your maps... You still think the same way which is good.
Well Done !
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-08 05:39:16 UTC
in Help with door_rotating Post #18717
Another one that I know works is changing the func_door_rotating to a func_door (trapdoor like-not swinging) make it move fast and it will drop your Sci.
You calling my fix lame?
Them's fighting words Meatwhatever....
And yeah Crash... good work, thinking outside the square.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-07 01:58:16 UTC
in vis Post #18598
As Jobabob said.... Zoners tools only compile the .map file and produce a .bsp.... they have nothing to do with running the game.
I suggest that your game won't run because you have a fatal error that occured during compile. Don't blame zoners for that.
Look at your map!
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-07 01:50:17 UTC
in Help with door_rotating Post #18597
There are some really bizarre problems with putting Sci's to death. More often than not they don't want to go.
The problem with your func_door_rotating is that it is interacting with the Sci. (I don't know why, I have just seen it happen)
You are going to have to try a few things and see what works. I have posted a few ideas at the Vault.
Another one that I know works is changing the func_door_rotating to a func_door (trapdoor like-not swinging) make it move fast and it will drop your Sci.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-07 01:43:26 UTC
in Problem using -nowadtextures Post #18596
FIRST... Get ZHLT253 1.7
The -nowadtextures should be added to the Additional game parameters box in Normal Hammer compile, or added to the csg.exe line in Expert.
Second, try adding -wadinclude (wadfilename without .wad) instead. That way you will only get the textures that are in your file, and not every texture used.

Without seeing where you actually added -nowadtextures, I can't be sure that it is in the right place. I think it should show in the log as part of the Command line.
Double check the compiling tutorial.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-05 21:18:32 UTC
in HL2 Maps n' Mods Post #18436
This question has been raised in many forums.
Mod teams everywhere want to know if they can import their work.
The response seems to be yes, with conversion as indicated by Jobabob....
But before you get too excited, dig out your first playable map (one that actually works) and use all the knowledge you have gained to improve it....
I bet you won't be mapping for long before you decide to scrap the map and use the original concept to start again.
So, what makes you think that transfering to HL2 will be any different? Most of the stuff you have done so far will be unworkable/unusable/look incredibly stupid in the new engine.
If you want to take the brush work with you, fine.... but you might want to spend a month working out how the new editor works before you do that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-05 21:07:29 UTC
in Anonymous posts Post #18433
Agree with the first part...
Not so sure about the second bit though.
The problem with being a noob, is that you are a noob!
Sometimes concepts like reading tutorials are difficult, and forums can be daunting first time around.
It is reasonably easy to spot people who are true noob's (just point them in the right direction), and just as easy to spot dimwit's who couldn't be bothered to read the tutorials (ignore them).
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-05 10:48:34 UTC
in Messages? Post #18322
Privet messages?
What's that?
Hedge post?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-05 10:41:59 UTC
in Hammer and Worldcraft Post #18321
They are talking about actual models. Like the ones seen in HLMV that can be adjusted through the animation box to be shown in most positions.
I think what you have are sprites that were included in some of the expert fgd's ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-04 04:15:05 UTC
in Hammer and Worldcraft Post #18234
hummm well i dont think ill update cause worldcraft is working just fine
Someone is finally using common sense.
If it isn't broken don't fix it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 01:09:31 UTC
in Compo Post #17833
You might as well enter all the compo's around.....
There are no current plans to resurect the compo's on TWHL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 00:56:24 UTC
in Texture Lights Post #17832
Just a bit of advice on the lights.rad
When you are making a new map, open an empty .rad file called "mymap.rad" and yeah, you would put the maps actual name in and not mymap!
When you put a textured light in your map, and you want to change it's settings, copy the texture name from the original lights.rad and paste it into the new .rad
Your new .rad file should only have the names of textures you have changed.
Add -lights mymap to the hlrad compile line, and compile away....

It is easier to send a modified lights.rad to someone else, than ask them to overwrite their Original .rad file.
It won't generate redundant errors during compile, just overwritten warnings.
You won't have to e-mail your brother for a copy of the original valve.rad because you screwed that up also:-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-29 00:48:23 UTC
in Tricky cs_vehicle behavoir, help plz Post #17831
The Tie Fighter's are func_trains following pathcorners.
That is why they are not affected by gravity.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 05:07:17 UTC
in chippy_beta1 Post #17392
There is a good chance that a lot of the speed in this map is caused by the slime/water/whatever.
Also, to fix the dark bit's, why not increase the amount of available light in shadow by using the zhlt switch -ambient n n n in RAD. The Dark bit's will still look dark, but the player will be able to see.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 07:13:01 UTC
in dod model's Post #17296
Is the pile of dirt a model?
If so check the center of it with HLMV and make sure it hasn't fallen through the floor. (Or use 3.5)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 07:10:32 UTC
in default wads Post #17293
As long as they are in the Texture Tab when you map with Hammer, then HL will automatically call them up from the right place when it loads the map. But they HAVE to be in the Texture Tab.
There is no need to wadinclude them, and definitley no need to distribute them.
The only textures that need to be wadincluded are ones that are not standard retail .wads.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 06:24:27 UTC
in Map Voting Post #17283
NEVER EVER release your first map
Good advice from Jobabob.
Do what I did, send it too a friend that you trust. If you get a reply like:
"Um, err, yeah... that was pretty good"
Then you can rest assured that it was complete rubbish and it's time you started again. Mapping is an ongoing process.
Most good mappers have one or two maps on their drives that they bring out and fool around with from time to time.
Time is everything.
It is really easy to spot something that has been done in a weekend and unless there is technical brilliance involved, most people walk away from the viewing with a distinct taste of bile in their mouths.
As I troll through the Vault, I amazed at what some people offer up as complete.
I am amazed at the audacity with which they present their masterpieces as wonderful additions to the major popular Mods.
I am Gobsmacked at their advertisements in the Shout Box, urging people to come and rate their maps......
And a true sense of bewilderment comes over me when those same people, feign hurt and outrage at the other members treatment of their work.

You will get good map ratings if you spend the time and produce something worthwhile. Ocassionally there have been vindictive ratings, as was the case with jobabobs Overlord, but that was the last time something worthwhile was trashed by the members.

Currently about < 2% of the Vault is worth downloading.
I think we should kill off the rating system and get a professional reviewer in, like the stuff that used to be done at the SnarkPit.... No punches pulled, the reviewer gives it the stars and the only comment.
That might slow the abuse of the Vault down a little ;)

Sorry SlayerA and Seventh.. I know I said I wouldn't react... but ARGH!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 06:02:24 UTC
in light_environment woes Post #17281
Light_spot is Ok, but the tut was written when that was the best option.
Now that you can have multiple skies in a single map, light_environment is probably a better choice.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 05:59:08 UTC
in Map Problems Post #17279
I don't need to see the map to tell you that the r_speeds suck because it has a LEAK.
Don't bother trying for r_speed figures until you can manage a full compile.
You can see through textures at distance because you haven't done a full compile, and you can't do a full compile till you fix the LEAK.
Post the rmf in the Vault, the .bsp won't really show us anything.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 05:25:19 UTC
in another noob question Post #17187
Umm, what is wrong with the Environment tutorial?
You might want to try there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 06:47:10 UTC
in Map Voting Post #17064
If you have a good look at all the maps in the vault, you might discover that the really good ones get really good ratings.
The really bad ones get thousands of bad ratings. So to avoid the discomfort of finding out that your work is generally unpopular don't check the "rate map" box. That way people who want to say something against your map will have to log in to leave a comment.
Pretty simple when you think about it ;)
Actually shutting down the voting system all together might be an easier option.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 06:42:16 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #17063
Try not to stretch your textures above 10.
Or you might fall victim to the "Bad surface Extents" thingy error.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 06:33:08 UTC
in Extremely Noobish Question. Post #17061
Gun.... Orientation.
The hardest thing to understand about gun's/turrets is the way they are placed in the map. Orientation is everything.
Check the tutorial Tank Rockets and I think it is mentioned in the 6th paragraph.
This might solve your stretched barrel and then again, it might not ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 06:24:06 UTC
in Plants and trees! Post #17060
Nice wad.
Most trees in CS are models.
Easier to place and look a heap better. But you probably already know that.

Any chance of posting screenies of 400x300 next time?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 06:19:52 UTC
in killing an apache Post #17059
Make a small box 3000 units away from your map, place the last path corner in it. Reason this works better than teleporting is that you will hear the apache sound as it dissapears, if you teleport it... You won't hear the fade.
Try killtarget by using a trigger relay. As the Apache passes the last pathcorner "fire on pass" the trigger relay to kill it. (I haven't tested this!)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 21:23:01 UTC
in I need more fps... Post #16822
If as you say the area is surrounded by cliffs, then your biggest killer is the size of the visible area.
Hint brushes tell the engine not to render texture in a place you can't see yet. If you can see an area, then Hint's won't work.
If you are standing at the far left of the screen and traveling to the right, try a hint from 1 to 2 and make sure it cut's through 3. Floor to sky. That should stop the engine rendering "FIELD" until you get to "TRAVEL" but when you do your FPS are going to drop because of the size of the field.

.....................Road............. -->

`````````3 ``````````___/
``````````| `````````/
...________/ ````````/
../``````````````` /
.| ```````````````|2
.| ```````````````|
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 21:09:51 UTC
in Yellow glowy things Post #16821
All of the above +
Model placement can be difficult at times, where you think it is Ok might not be. A model will be spawned in the map at a point determined by it's center. And it's center isn't always it's physical center.
The only easy way to get this right is get a copy of Hammer 3.5 beta, but since it was never released as a final, it has limited functionality.
I use it to place comple models and check orientation, then switch back to 3.4.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 20:09:41 UTC
in r_speeds - advice needed Post #16687
See what you mean... A couple of things that might work:
The tunnel wall texture could be stretched to 2x scale.
All the stuff that ZL said. But you won't get massive reduction.
Your biggest killer is the game engine visible distance. The depth of the map doesn't give you any room to reorganise it so that parts of the tunnel are blocked from engine VIS. Hint brushes would be pretty useless as you say, So apart from a few func_brushes to reduce the number of PVS's.... and a think about the texture, I can't see how you are going to get this to run successfully.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 03:58:31 UTC
in To anyone skilled with the cs-expert-fgd Post #16619
Thanks Steinin, But for what it is worth, I am not supporting CS anymore, now that Steam here.
If anyone is really keen and want's to parse the instructions from the CS.fgd so they fit our guide, then send them to me and I will see what I can do...
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 03:48:04 UTC
in Pretty Bright >.< .... Post #16618
This tutorial might help, if your like me and don't understand a word that ministeve say's :-)
Oh, and something else a lot of people fail to mention. The type of texture you use on the walls (if it's bright) can effect the overall brightness of your map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 03:41:09 UTC
in Batch Compiling? What is it? Post #16615
1. You don't need HLCC.
HLCC is just a different GUI interface with some great options. ZHLTGUI v9 is also out there also.
2. It might not be faster on your machine.
3. You can use all the same compile switches from ZHLT with Hammer Expert, that you can with HLCC or a .bat file.

Sorry Anthony, but them's the facts.

I have tested the compile time on all the above, it isn't any drastically faster with any method... it depends on the resources you machine is using at the time.
Batch is faster if you start your machine from the command prompt, but we are talking a few minutes for a big map....
If you use the same switches, it doesn't matter what you use, the map ends up the same.

If you have a problem with the tutorial that Seventh mentioned, let us know.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 06:32:40 UTC
in Omg and EEK! Post #16322
Great Screenies.. Pointless but great.
Send me some wireframe shots and then we might be able to help. I believe the High R's will be caused by the external rooms/texture scale or something similar.
To get the gl_wireframe 2 working in TFC, open the map without the multiplayer switches.

Oh, and any chance of posting 400x300 screenies? That way I don't have to hunt around the page trying to see who said what. :-)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 06:27:04 UTC
in Tech check Post #16318
I still get by with a PII 400Mhz, BX440 mainboard, 256Mb SDRam and a RivaTnT 16Mb 2xAGP graphics card.
Full compiles are done overnight, which suits me fine as I like sleeping.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-12 04:10:38 UTC
in i have a map with problems Post #16031
I think it might be a bit more than that JB, but useful advice all the same ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-12 04:05:39 UTC
in Sky!!!!! Post #16030
Crash420 is right, if you are using ZHLT 253 v1.7 to compile, the clip brush is included.
Check out the tutorials Bryan, search the forums.
Most of all, keep the questions coming.... It makes us all think.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-09 06:53:22 UTC
in I AM A RUBBISH MAPPER Post #15760
Your maps might be "as you say" crap....
But I am guessing that there are Crappier Mappers out there.
HooRay for a little humility.
Shame it isn't catching
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-09 06:46:17 UTC
in Unbreakable glass... Post #15759
I did experiment.
Double walls work some times, but with high powered weapons they don't (well not always). The Null texture works sometimes, but once again not always.
I did find that it had something to do with the direction the wall was facing on the grid. I top view if the wall was vertical on your screen, bullets wouldn't penetrate, but if it was horizontal they would? No idea how that translates. And then there is the question of material physics. depends what the wall is textured with.
At the end of the day.... it is CS. Need I say more? And this info isn't taking into account the EVIL steam thingy....
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 01:05:09 UTC
in Texture Problems With Cliets Post #15629
Start by getting Zoners Half Life Tools 253 v1.7
The with the -wadinclude switch, take out the &lt; and &gt; from the wad name.
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "C:SierraCounter-Strikecstrikemapsexe
There seems to be an error befor you start? Is this because of a path error?

Get Zoners, try again and if you get the error post the whole log.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 00:41:48 UTC
in Unbreakable glass... Post #15625
CS has a problem with allowing bulltes through various materials and wall thickness's. There are a few fixes, but I have found that most of them only work in a specific orientation of the grid.
Try two pieces of glass seperated by a unit.

Also, Try the search tool on this site to search the forums... I think someone has answered this.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 00:27:31 UTC
in Unbreakable glass... Post #15622
Func_wall is the answer.
Try this tutorial:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 00:19:26 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15621
That makes sense now... -dev 2 or -developer 2, either way it works Ok.
Must try that....
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-08 00:16:28 UTC
in Computer Nostalgia Post #15620
Wasn't it a Sinclair ZX Spectrum? Loaded with audio tapes?
A day to load a tape only to find that the data was corrupt, although I did make an acceptable version of Tanks.

Oh, showing my age now :-)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-06 22:51:02 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15540
hlcsg.exe -high -chart -estimate -developer
Which -dev # are you using? because the switch won't work on it's own.

I spent 3 hours this morning compiling the same map with everyones favorites. I was going to do an image post, but there really is very little in it.
I used zhlt compile tools without switches as a control.
All the above switches made the final product better.... I think it comes down to pesonal preference, as there wasn't much in it.
If you are thinking of tweaking your Final compile, then have a look at what the switches do.
If you want a switch explanation, run the .exe by itself, without any commands, in Dos and it will list the switches. It is a little less confusing first time around than Zoner reference.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-06 08:50:02 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15421
So everyone is doing pretty much the same, with a few personal tweaks.
Not really enough to do a test map on, but I might keep these in mind for later.
there's no point - all the cmd line switches are pretty well explained in ZHLT guide ...
That about says it all, and Jobabob has even given you a link to his post that explains a lot of the switches anyway...

Is anyone experimenting with XP-Cagey's compile tools?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-05 06:03:58 UTC
in bsp to map? Post #15313
I would normally delete this post.
But I really like craash420's reply... so it stays.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-03 07:56:16 UTC
in Your FINAL Compile switches? Post #15060
Ok, there was a post in another forum about compile switches, I thought it would be interesting to see what people are using as the final compile switches for a map release.

The idea is that I will test all the options people put forward using a simple batch file on the same map.... Hopefully there will be an addition to the Compiling tutorial based on the results.
And I agree with Jobabob, HLCC is a great tool if used wisely