Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 20:45:36 UTC
in Limit.. What is it? Post #111258
Can we see the map when it's done? It sounds very cool.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 20:29:23 UTC
in Rats Map Post #111257
I know... the totorial for textured lighting sucks. I don't understand textured lighting either.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 18:21:54 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #111249
Ok, well I'm not having much luck with that either. It seems to not trigger it all the time and it sort of messes up.

Jeeze... how hard is it to trigger something at the begging of a map! Grr...

You'd think someone's had this problem before.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 21:39:07 UTC
in Rats Map Post #111080
If you stick to one room that's an ok size I sapose you could scale it 10X up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 21:34:33 UTC
in custom brushes? Post #111079
Those were the days. I can remember when I was at that level of mapping. I could never figure out how to solidafy the brush after I made it. What do ya know? Ya right click or press Enter!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 19:04:24 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110920
OH! I get it!

So now I have a door that at the beginning of the round targets a multimanager that targets a relay (set to off) that triggers the sprite?

Or do I have to open the door for it to work every round?

Well I just compiled it and it doesn't work. Can I not just make a trigger multiple at the exit to the spawn that triggers the relay which turns off the sprite?

I mean... trigger_once? trigger_once 's re-initialize after each round right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 18:59:42 UTC
in Making a small LED type light. Post #110916
Ahh... ok thankyou. I will try that now.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:54:13 UTC
in Making a small LED type light. Post #110906
Ok... but how do I "switch" the texture?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:53:05 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110905
Ok, ok... wait a seccond. I am very confused. Could you dumb it down for me?

I have a door in my map. When someone opens it, it triggers the Multimanager which triggers the sprite to turn off? Do I have that right? And what is this about env_render? I use that in place of what?

It seems to me that this door thing is used to start the entity like that in the first place. The problem is, there is nothing I can use to trigger something, only if it's on. This is triggering it at the begining of the map, but I don't always want it triggered, I want it only if it is on.

Is there not someway other than useing multimanagers to make a sprite turn off in 5 secconds?

Thanks again for the help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 21:41:58 UTC
in Making a small LED type light. Post #110761
Is there a tutorial on how to make textures change?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 16:27:21 UTC
in Making a small LED type light. Post #110736
Hi. I was just wondering how I could make a small red light that only lights up like an LED.

I don't want it to give off light, I just want it to light up. Whenever I make a red light, you can't acualy see the light bulb itself, you only see the light it gives off.

I read the light totorial but I don't see any similar situations. Thanks again for your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 16:02:17 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110732
Well no wonder I couldn't find it. I didn't know what it was called. Thanks. I'll read it now and get back to ya.

Ok wait. I don't understand. What does that do? When you use the door it triggers the entity (in my case sprite) until it closes? Or it only turns it off when it is on? Or what?

I just want to make sure it's off when the round starts.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 22:15:57 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110464
Hmm... can't find it... Can you give a direct link?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 13:16:06 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110432
Well lets pretend it's counter-strike. What could I do?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 12:29:48 UTC
in Make Sure The Sprite Is Off! Post #110422
Hi. I have a button that turns a flame sprite, 3 orange lights and a trigger hurt for 10 secconds. The mod I'm making the map in has "rounds". If the flame sprite is on when the round ends, it says on for the next round, but when you press the button it turns off, but the lights and trigger hurt turn on. How can I make sure, that the sprite will be off before the end of the round?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 19:13:41 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #110041
Yes... I could do that... but every time I tinker with it I mess it up and have to press undo.

I guess I'm gonna have to live with it.

Thanks for all of the help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 20:33:52 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109929
"The contents of this file are the property of Brophis and the StargateTC
Team. They may not be modified or changed in any way without my express
permission. This includes modifying or changing any of the associated
textures. The textures relating to the Stargate and DHD may not be used
by anyone in anything other than this prefab without my permission."

That came with it... grrr... so there is no way then?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 20:26:27 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109834
Hmmm... I agree... but I'm not allowd to modafy the prefab in any way. Damn rules... it looks like I'm not gonna get arround this one then?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 19:36:16 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109670
Ummm... well I can't do that... you see... I'm working with a very complex prefab and I don't know exactly where the sounds are... I just know the whole thing is making several different sounds, that I don't want heard in the next room over.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 16:56:29 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109650
Tried that... kind of... I have limited space.

If you'd read the "Forum Posts" tutorial, you'd know not to try and post E-ASCII diagrams! - Seventh
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 16:43:03 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109645
Hi. Is there a way or a brush that would allow me to make it so that you cannot hear a sound through a wall. Ya know when you've got a sound going in the map and you have a wall beside it? You can still hear the sound on the other side of the wall. Is there some kind of brush that won't allow sounds through it?

Thanks for your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 16:55:50 UTC
in Could not open wad file Post #105737
Oh... Well thank you all very much.

I tried -wadautodetect and it worked the first time. I will now do all of the other things you said.

Thanks so much!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:34:02 UTC
in Could not open wad file Post #105689
Hi. My hammer was working fine. But now I can't compile because it can't open any of my .wad files. I have tried copying and pasting the wad files all over the place to see if they work somewhere else but that didn't work.

So now all of my maps won't compile. Here's my compile log:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:Documents and" "C:Documents and"

** Executing...
** Command: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"

hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlcsg.exe "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"
Entering C:Documents and

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.86 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.00 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (0.29 seconds)

Error: Could not open wad file program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcange.wad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

Error: Could not open wad file program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetccached.wad
Using Wadfile: seirrahalflifecached.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (2 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: seirrahalflifedecals.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (222 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: seirrahalflifehalflife.wad
  • Contains 12 used textures, 100.00 percent of map (3116 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: seirrahalflifeliquids.wad
  • Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (32 textures in wad)
--- END hlcsg ---

** Executing...
** Command: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlbsp.exe "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport.log for the cause.

--- END hlbsp ---

** Executing...
** Command: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlvis.exe
** Parameters: -fast "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"

g_fastvis = true
hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlvis.exe -fast "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport.log for the cause.

--- END hlvis ---

** Executing...
** Command: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlrad.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"

hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: F:FDRIVE~1AJ'SDO~1MYRECE~1MAPEDI~1hlrad.exe "C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport"
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:Documents and SettingsAJDesktopMapssg_teleport.log for the cause.

--- END hlrad ---


Thank you for all of your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-27 12:02:20 UTC
in Seeing the bottoms of Clip walls Post #99394
Ahhh... wait a seccond. I understand now. I didn't realize that multisprce had to be there. Thanks for your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-27 11:34:58 UTC
in Seeing the bottoms of Clip walls Post #99382
I did... that's what I was trying to do... that's why I made it in the first place... I've been following that totorial.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-27 11:05:21 UTC
in Seeing the bottoms of Clip walls Post #99353
Ok.. Good news, it works now, thank you. But I want to make a teleporter.

Now my problem is that my teleporter isn't triggering, it's just going without being triggered. I want all of the laser effects to work but the trigger_multiple won't trigger because the trigger_teleport is teleporting without being triggered. I have re-posted it in the map vault.

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-27 09:57:20 UTC
in Seeing the bottoms of Clip walls Post #99332
Did you look at the map? Are you saying I should delete all of those damn decals I made and make a short little func_illusionary that just comes over the floor?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-26 22:31:49 UTC
in Seeing the bottoms of Clip walls Post #99272
My problem is that I want to be able to see where the walls are on the floor. But the blue decals that I made don't show up when you play the map. How can I make them show up? Please help!

I have it in the map vault, it's much easyier to see what I mean if you download the map (very small).

There is the link to the map... it's for the Mod Stargate TC (just incase you were gonna ask that)

Thank you for your help.

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 10:24:47 UTC
in Hint brush Post #93893
So it's just to make the lighting more the way you want it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 15:46:07 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93773
No it didn't I had to add it... that wasn't hard to fiqure out.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 15:44:09 UTC
in Hint brush Post #93772
Can someone tell me what a hint brush is for? The totorial doesn't say what it's for or what you can do with it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 15:10:14 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93768
Ok.. YAY I MADE ONE WITH IT!!!! I just draged the map into the .exe. Then it made it for me. Thank you for your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 18:41:12 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93627
Hmmm... so is there any totorials on how to use it? It is very confusing. What do I do? And where do I put the file when it's outputted?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 17:30:14 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93591
Wow.. ok I have it but it seems to me that this resgen thing is used for .wads and stuff required for the map to run. How do I work it (what do I put where and type in) and will it put the .txt with it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 23:45:04 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93367
That link doesn't work.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 23:32:00 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93363
Hmm.. I can't find anything about it on that site.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 22:04:23 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93356
Well what if the person joins my server and doesn't have the map? They will download the .bsp and the .wads but not the .txt. And that is what I want them to have, the .txt.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 17:17:19 UTC
in Making Map Descriptions Post #93213
Hi. Is there anyway I can "Imbed" my map decription into the .bsp? I want people to be able to read the description when they download it when they join the server. When there is a custom map you don't have the .txt unless you have downloaded it officaly.

Thank you for your help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 19:20:16 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92666
Ok, I have always used those compile tools. It must have switched over to the old ones when I converted from WON to Steam. It works now. That was the only problem. Once again I thank you for your effort in helping me. I love you all!!!! (Not in a gay way of corse) :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 18:25:10 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92357
Ok, this time I used .wads that were not in my Steam folder and I got this:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:F Drive StuffAJ's" "C:Program"

** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvecached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
added 2 additional animating textures.
1 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvecached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
added 2 additional animating textures.
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvecached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
added 2 additional animating textures.
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvecached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
added 2 additional animating textures.
1 seconds elapsed

But it still did qcsg.exe 3 times... WTF!?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 18:16:58 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92355
And could you link me directly to it please? I don't know what it is and I can't look for it on some site if I don't know what I'm looking for. THANKS!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 18:15:41 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92354
What is this ZHLT you speak of? Compile tools or a new hammer? What is it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 19:48:17 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92121
Ok guys, I really need your help now on this one.

I have all of it set up right. I'm having .wad problems I think. Where are the .wads located on steam? I'm just switching from won now and I'm messed up. I can't find the cache.wad or whatever for the origin brushes.

So, for now I said screw it, I'll figure out wads later. So I compiled it with only 1 wad and this happend:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:F Drive StuffAJ's" "C:Program"

** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
WARNING: couldn't open program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcnemesis.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
WARNING: couldn't open program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcnemesis.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
WARNING: couldn't open program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcnemesis.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
WARNING: couldn't open program filessteamsteamappspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcnemesis.wad
1 seconds elapsed

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 18:12:04 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #92092
Ok.. Thank you I will do that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-19 20:21:06 UTC
in .Map only? No .Bsp? Post #91910
Hi... My map won't go into .bsp format.

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:F Drive StuffAJ's" "C:Program"

** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetccached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcchulack.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcpldecal2.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcland.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcsg_temple.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetccached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcchulack.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcpldecal2.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcland.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcsg_temple.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetccached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcchulack.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcpldecal2.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcland.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcsg_temple.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: F:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppspaintball_master22@hotmail.comhalf-lifestargatetcmapssg_tolit"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Program
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0)
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetccached.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcchulack.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcpldecal2.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcland.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifestargatetcsg_temple.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvedecals.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
Using WAD File: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
0 seconds elapsed
What's the problem? Too many wads? Thanks for the help.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 18:23:51 UTC
in Bots CSS Post #88013
Well if you think about it, the bots want to go to their waypoints right?
So when you have a path that zig zags like that they don't understand why they would go in a zig zag path when they can quite simply go directly to the other waypoint. When waypoints are created the tend to join to the closet other waypoints forming paths. The bots go from way point to waypoint. I this case you have paths that are being ubstructed by walls. You will need to do some manual wayoint editing to fix that. And I'm not sure how to do that in hl2 becuase I haven't really checked out how to delete waypoint paths in hl2 yet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:04:31 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86800
I wouldn't sapose someone could just compile it for me? LOL! :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 10:31:34 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86635
Well the thing is, we don't know that that's the problem. Do we?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-28 17:47:55 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86402
Umm... well as soon as I press F9 it closes. No little window that says what it's doing. It only does it for this map. All others work great.

What is this hlfix?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-27 22:56:20 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86241
Hi. I'm making a very complex map that crashes when I press F9.
I have no error report to show you! I press F9 and it's like I said exit.

I have many entities that point to nowhere. But there are so many of them that it would take HOURS to find all of them.

Please help.