Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 18:23:50 UTC
in Door trouble, sorta.. Post #28979
Use func_door rotating and place the origin brush where you want the 'hinge' to be. Then mess with the "Pitch yaw roll" property. It's tricky as hell, and hard to explain. If you played Minimicus and saw the laser unit swing down from the ceiling at the end, I think that is similar to what you are trying to do. It swings down at a 45 degree angle from one corner. In the rmf, the x axis is ticked, the laser unit (func_door_rotating) is placed at a 45 degree angle (in top view) from where it shows up in the compiled version; and the pitch/yaw/roll property is set at 0 315 0. I have no idea why I had to set it up this way to get it to work; it took me two days to get it right. If your map is big, set up a test map with just the pyramid in order to get it working.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 17:59:47 UTC
in info_bigmomma and other monster Post #28974
Use an AIscripted_sequence that calls a scripted_sequence to make the monster retreat.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 21:10:59 UTC
in Cameras Post #28823
Set the hold time to a high number like 99999. (I don't know what the max time allowable is.) Then just trigger the camera a second time to turn it off.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 21:08:13 UTC
in Adjusting light brightness Post #28822
The last number in the row is brightness. The first three numbers set the color RGB and can be set by clicking the 'Pick color' button that comes up when you highlight the brightness property.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 19:16:01 UTC
in double doors... Post #28694
Triggable? Is that a swedish word or something? heh heh :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 19:13:48 UTC
in trigger teleport delay fade text Post #28693
Thanks Seventh, you saved me the trouble of pimping my own example map. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 21:48:57 UTC
in Sky see through Post #28301
Sky also appears see-through if you haven't done a full vis. It's only a problem if you still see it after the full vis is done.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 19:01:53 UTC
in Laser or beam? Post #27598
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 20:45:21 UTC
in Problems with hlbsp... Post #26859
My suggestion would be to take out one thing at a time and try it. I am assuming the trigger_auto sets off the multimanager which fires the game_text and env_fade? Try taking out the game_text first, its the buggiest of all those entities. Also, if you want to fade in at the beginning of the map, you don't need env_fade, you can use map>map properties> level fade in> yes.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 18:15:50 UTC
in Topic Post #26718
Monster_furniture doesn't bleed or splatter.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 18:41:08 UTC
in Scripted sentence Post #26586
Make sure you haven't ticked the 'gag' flag in the sci's properties.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 16:49:41 UTC
in what are all the different commoands Post #26347
Multimanager doesn't have commands. It only has the names of entities that you place in your map, allowing you to activate them in a certain sequence. Perhaps, I don't understand what you are asking. You could look up multimanager in the TWHL HL entity guide for a list of properties.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 16:43:18 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26346
Don't forget, it should be fun for the player. This doesn't sound like it would be any fun in a game. :
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 11:16:05 UTC
in Random teleport location Post #26053
You could place many info_teleport_destinations in your map, then set up many trigger_changetargets (one for each destination) that changes the trigger_teleport desitination field to each one of the info_teleport_destinations. Then use a multimanager to fire off each trigger_changetarget in succession. Then have the multimanager target itself at the end, so it just keeps rolling through the destinations. That way the player would be teleported to a different place depending on when he entered the teleport.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-08 11:05:12 UTC
in Compile Problem (too lazy) Post #26048
Worldcraft dude, if you switch to Hammer, will you also change your name to Hammer dude? :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 19:38:07 UTC
in What nationality are you? Post #25714
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 08:43:51 UTC
in Talking guards Post #25380
Take a look at my answer in this post, it should help with getting your sentence wavs set up and running.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 08:13:20 UTC
in Talking guards Post #25376
I have never had to code in any mouth movements. (I wouldn't know how to do that anyway) In my experience, the mouths move according to the varying frequency within the wav file. In other words, it happens automatically.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 19:59:03 UTC
in Barney Anger Post #25284
You can't do this without coding.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 19:55:57 UTC
in sentences Post #25132
For my custom sentence in LDSF (for the laser fun contest), I used a multimanager that called several ambient generics that were each set to play a Vox (PA) word wav file. The rmf is available with the download for LDSF.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 16:55:01 UTC
in security card probs Post #25104
Anyway... nikos, if I knew more about how the entities were set up in your map, I could prolly help. Put it in the problem maps and I'll have a look, if you want.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 16:40:39 UTC
in security card probs Post #25103
What posts? heh heh. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 10:30:20 UTC
in security card probs Post #25071
You shouldn't need the global or multimanager in both maps. (BTW, what is the multimanager there for? Usually you don't need one in this set of entities.) Only the multisource should be in both maps. Then the 'master' property of the door should be the name of the multisource.
So picking up the key triggers the env_global, which allows the multisource to be active, which sets the door master to unlock the door. Look at the security card tutorial (not the key tutorial) to see the proper entity set up for this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 17:30:42 UTC
in help needed please Post #24918
You'll have to change your name Worldcraft Dud. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 10:55:44 UTC
in Brush Error Post #24848
Problem solved. Check out my reply on your map in the vault. As an added bonus, I even teach you how to solve the problem yourself!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 10:39:18 UTC
in help needed please Post #24847
Monstermakers, otherwise the monsters will be in the room from the time the map starts.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 08:31:27 UTC
in A problem with tracktrains Post #24829
Maybe he's doing that because func_tracktrains are only meant to work with path_tracks! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 08:20:49 UTC
in help needed please Post #24826
If you're going to do it that way, you don't even need the trigger_once, just set the 'target' property of the weapon to trigger your monsters. However, you'll need to set your door sound and the monstermakers all with the same name. Sometimes doing that leads to trouble. I recommend you make the effort to learn how to use the multimanager now. It will save you a lot of trouble later.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 22:53:49 UTC
in SlayerA's Mods Post #24758
Thanks man! It's always good to hear that someone likes my stuff! If you google Minimicus you'll see it has been reviewed in 4 or 5 different countries! It's been downloaded over 2000 times according to the sites that keep count. I owe a lot to TWHL, I've learned a lot here. Anyway, thanks! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 18:26:51 UTC
in Trigger_once sentences Post #24731
Unpack pak0.pak, look in the sound folder. Find sentences.txt. In there are all the names for the sentences. They point to the matching wav files and their subfolders, like the one you found for gman_choose1. Make a backup copy of sentences.txt if you plan on changing anything in there. ;) Or better yet, just don't change anything in there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 06:15:50 UTC
in path_corner teleport Post #24635
Check out teldelay, the very first example map in TWHL! It shows how to use env_global and multisource to trigger a teleport when you want it to happen.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 17:11:26 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #24435
While we're at it, why don't we scramble the letters in each post? ( Of course, then all our posts would look like pepper or ministeve wrote them. LOL!) :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 16:58:15 UTC
in how do i make new sound files for HL? Post #24425
Nope I didn't use any animation for the Gman at the end, I just have his 'prisoner' flag ticked so he doesn't go walking around. But I did use scripted sentences to get him to say the things he says. And if you have HLywood, you have all my sounds. Look in sierra/half-life/Hlywood/sound and look in the subfolders that are there, it's all the sounds I used. The readme file tells where i got all the sounds. Thanks for being interested enough to ask me about my mod! :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 06:10:09 UTC
in Strange question but I'll ask it... Post #24354
You can adjust the amount of minimum allowable light in the entire level by using the -ambient parm in the $light.exe compile command. For almost dark areas, I set mine to -ambient .0047 .0047 .0047 which barely lights up the dark areas of the map. I'm guessing that a setting of -ambient 1.0 1.0 1.0 would give the fullbright effect you are looking for. The settings are very sensitive though, as you'll discover if you try it. I won't ask why you would want to do this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 22:05:20 UTC
in trigger_changelevel Post #24323
See my answer in the map vault. You'll need to trick the HL engine AND the player to get this to work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 19:04:55 UTC
in trigger_changelevel Post #24305
I think you included the wrong mapfile in your zip. There is no changelevel or landmark in
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 18:40:56 UTC
in how do i make new sound files for HL? Post #24303
There are several steps in the process and the answers above have hit on some of the steps. But here's the the whole enchilada in a nutshell. The first thing to remember is don't alter any of the original files or sounds contained in your pak0.pak file!!!!
If you have your own mod folder, create an empty folder in there called "sound". So you should have sierra/half-life/mymod/sound.
I used pak explorer to extract the sounds folder in the half-life/valve/pak0.pak file. Grab a copy of the sentences.txt file from there and place it in your mymod/sound folder.
I am assuming you have some custom sounds already that you want to use. Create another folder in your mymod/sound directory to hold your custom sounds. Now you have mymod/sound/custom full of your new sounds. Put You'll need to convert them to 8 bit mono wav files. I used Goldwave in a batch mode to convert the whole folder at once.
Then in mymod/sound/sentences.txt, look for barneys or scientist sentences. Find the ones you want to alter and change the directory and filename so it points to your new custom sound folder and filename. Like Andy said, look at the folders in HLywood and you'll see what I'm talking about here. For the monster sounds I did it differently because they don't have sentences. Worldcraft dude explained that method above, just remember to convert any custom sound to 8 bit mono wav format. Man, I feel like I just wrote a tutorial! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 20:53:53 UTC
in Apache issues Post #24164
The problem I'm seeing is that the 'trigger on death' property doesn't seem to work with the monster_apache. So anything you want to trigger after the death of the apache won't work. For me, the only thing that came close was when I set three apaches in the map and ticked the 'start inactive' flag on two of them. I used a multimanager to activate them at 60 second intervals. I used empty aiscripted sequences that I could call as the first path point (one for each apache). I'm zipping my map and posting it as a download in your problem map area.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 16:55:51 UTC
in Lasers and beams. Post #24140
I haven't seen it. But you can make lasers flash on and off and you can make them move. So I guess you could make them spin too. It's tough to tell how long it would take, it depends on the skill of the mapper. Plan it on paper first so you can plot and name all your points before you even get started.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 06:16:11 UTC
in multi_manager sound lapse Post #24048
It sounds like you have the sound toggled. Check the flags in the ambient_generic properties. Tick the 'Not toggled' flag.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 19:14:24 UTC
in Ha ha ha I need to make ... Post #24005
Func_water works just like a func_door. You'll have to give it a name and trigger it. Place one large func_water brush where you want the water to be at it's highest level. Then tinker with the settings to get it working properly. (I know I took the easy way out right there) ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 17:25:30 UTC
in Leak Post #23991
Look at the screenshot I included for your map. It shows where the leak is. You'll just need to rework the way those pieces fit together.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 05:26:04 UTC
in map problem Post #23858
Your compile log shows that your copy commands are not set up properly in the hammer configuration area. They are copying the bsp and pts files back to themselves rather than copying them to your c:sierrac-strikemaps (or wherever they should be going). So you do a compile, the new files don't get placed in the correct folders, then the game starts, but you are seeing the old version because it hasn't been replaced by your new files.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 17:05:30 UTC
in Barney Open Button Not Working Post #23816
I'm looking for your map in the problem maps section and I don't see it. However, Barney (or any characters in the game) never actually PUSH the button. As you have found out, they go up to the button and they go through the motions of pushing the button, but the button never actually gets pushed. The secret is, YOU make it happen behind the scenes! There is a 'target' property in your AIscripted_sequence; put the button's name in there. (Or the name of a multimanager that calls the button as one of it's things to do) Then when Barney is done going through the motions of pushing the button, the AIscripted_sequence will trigger the button.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 16:09:45 UTC
in Lasers and beams. Post #23804
Putting a laser in your map and getting it set up shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. That is, once you know what you're doing. The Laser beam and effects tutorial here at TWHL is a good one. I used it to learn about lasers before winning the Laser Fun competition. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 11:44:50 UTC
in scripting Post #23775
This sounds like it would be difficult to do. Monsters don't always do what you want, when you want. How about placing an ambient_generic in the shadows so that it plays the sounds of the monster. Then use a monstermaker to spawn the monster in the shadows after the player has checked out that area.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 11:32:28 UTC
in My Maps Post #23773
I usually put in a screenie if the map needs one, although it's nice when the mapper adds his own screenie. I only use the original HL models, not hi-def nor super-hi-def.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 18:42:09 UTC
in Need help with map Post #23662
Thanks for the free advertising, Anthony! ;) Joe, go ahead and make your White House idea. Mine's just a rough scale-model of the outside. Just don't blow yours up using a spaceship! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 20:59:09 UTC
in Lasers Post #23011
That's strange, i got the same results in my test map. I never knew that about the env_laser. Try using an env_beam instead of an env_laser. It's basically the same, just set up slightly differently. In my test map, the env_beam didn't cause any pain when the damage is set to 0.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-18 19:21:39 UTC
in Two crowbars Post #22999
It's been done. Remember the Rocket Crowbar mod? I also liked being able to throw my crowbar at other players. And yes, it was cool.