How are you testing this?
Do you have a list of the colormap values for each TFC team, putting that in HLAM and comparing?
"The entity listed in the error is just a helpful indication of where the beginning of the leak pointfile starts..."From the error message itself. It could be outside the map, or it just happens to be the entity nearest a possible leak location. Following the How to fix those leaks tutorial explains the steps to find and fixing the leak(s).
/Program Files/
" (it's ambiguous because the directory doesn't specify the drive, and both game and compile tools are on different drives).nomodels "1"
in liblist.gam as DaSalba said, and players instead choose playermodels elsewhere.m_fInBurst
(set to false in Spawn()) that you set to true in PrimaryAttack() if m_iBurst is equal to m_iMaxBurst, and set to false if m_iBurst is zero.m_flTimeWeaponIdle
to 0.1.void CMP5::WeaponIdle()
if (m_fInBurst && m_iBurst > 0)
m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0.1;
// ... rest of code
Essentially use PrimaryAttack() to start the burst fire, and let WeaponIdle() as a loop to call PrimaryAttack() until the burst count is
to CMP5's header; int m_iMaxBurst
and m_iBurst
and initialise both of these to 3 in CMP5's Spawn() method.void CMP5::PrimaryAttack()
// don't fire underwater
if (m_pPlayer->pev->waterlevel == 3)
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 0.15;
if (m_iClip <= 0)
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 0.15;
m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME;
m_pPlayer->m_iWeaponFlash = NORMAL_GUN_FLASH;
// ... rest of code
At the bottom:
// ... rest of code
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = GetNextAttackDelay(0.1);
if (m_flNextPrimaryAttack < UTIL_WeaponTimeBase())
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + 0.1;
if (m_iBurst < 1)
m_flNextPrimaryAttack += 0.5;
m_iBurst = m_iMaxBurst;
m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + UTIL_SharedRandomFloat(m_pPlayer->random_seed, 10, 15);
You'd then need to make a check if the fire button had been released in the middle of a burst to reset m_iBurst back to m_iMaxBurst.pev->movetype
to MOVETYPE_STEP won't help, and monsters uses the cliphulls as well for entity-to-world collisions.speaker
entities are used together to make the sounds play more often. An example would be c2a5c, where four speaker
entities set to play the FAR_WAR sentence group to add an ambiance of distant combat.pev->movetype
to MOVETYPE_STEP should get it to use similar collisions as monsters, though it's not guaranteed to be better..../Steam/steamapps/common/Half-Life/<your_mod>
. Any other textures won't work./Users/marii/Documents/1compiletools/tools/sdhlt.wad
is not found. You should change the entry for this WAD in the Game Configuration, to point to its location on the X:/ drive.