I have seen the footage of Nicholas Berg's murder
No, you haven't. I didn't watch, but from what I've heard the screams don't synch with the video and there isn't a fountain of blood. If you cut someone's head off (or even just slash their throat) while their heart is still beating blood spurts everywhere.
Imagine you're a little kid on a playground. You could attack the bully and get pulverized, or you could convince a bigger bully that your bully was talking trash about him.
Do your own wet work, or trick the USA into doing it for you?"KILL THOSE RAG HEADED BASTARDS!"
Please free your mind from ignorant thoughts such as these. That comment isn't very far from "The only good indian is a dead indian!" or "INTO THE SHOWERS!!" America is the freakin' melting pot man! Avoid using racial slurs even if they're outside of the USA -- YOU also represent America and that comment is not what I want people to think of us.
How about your troops? Does that apply to them too?
If I were in command? Certainly. Justice would be swift and uncomprimising, regardless of you skin color, wardrobe, or diety.
Then again, if I were supreme ruler it wouldn't be America anymore. Too much freedom causes too many problems... but that's a different rant!