
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-22 07:53:51 UTC in vault item: Freeman's Tomb Comment #11325
at skool
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-22 07:53:40 UTC in vault item: Freeman's Tomb Comment #11324
update map - don't post a new one!!

anyway - will play this evening - although good screenshot would be appreciated! ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-22 04:42:26 UTC in vault item: The Playtest Comment #11323
Nope, there's a little more to this - the button opens the route to the end. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-22 03:41:07 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #11322
Strider wanted me to use his stuff to kind of finish off Aqua labs in a way. So STFU. I'm sure if you ask strider he will tell you the same.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-22 02:50:16 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #11321
run whit normal vis is much better..good detail.

3-star rating removed as simehong2000 and naoko are the same person - see the contact details at , the email address simehong posted here (same as the one in naoko's profile), and the identical spelling and grammatical mistakes - Oskar Potatis 2022
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-21 23:17:35 UTC in vault item: The Playtest Comment #11320
Some great stuff, and it looks really good!

Funny voice acting--superb!

Does it end at the rotating button?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-21 22:55:59 UTC in vault item: Freeman's Tomb Comment #11319
Some excellent stuff!

I must admit I didnot play the whole thing, but what I saw looked good!

Superb ambience in the "suit" chamber, but I would make the door latch more apparent--I ran around for 5 minutes looking for the key, not really knowing what to do! If that's the effect you're going for, it worked, but it's a bit annoying ;)

I liked the env_sound in that first chamber as well, but not in the subsequent corridors--sounded funny and repeatative.

Excellent use of triggers, game_text--though I'd make it only a trigger once...--, lighting, and neat vistas--the glass chamber out front.

Very nice SP stuff, near as I can tell :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 16:57:41 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11318
Thanks for that 5, especially from a guy named Rimrook:)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 14:44:24 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11317
whoops, forgot to rate it :|
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 14:44:11 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11316
I love old skool maps. :D

Try cleaning up the trims and clipping the windows. Also might that the whole outside is being drawn. I think it was sky boxed or something. The first thing i did was fall out the window and was forced to restart.

Tweak these and you have a very nice and deserving 5 star map, by my rulebook.

Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 14:29:47 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11315
This is my favorite Halo 2 map. I could be harsh, but i won't.

It felt small compared to how the Halo 2 one feels. Maybe select everything and transform-scale.

Also, the boxes need to be larger, or delete every other one so you can easily run between them and on both sides of them. Also, you can teleport trains by selecting a flag for it, try this instead of having them travel beneath the map. The r_speeds are a bit icky. Less boxes will cut that down and you'll be in business.

Pretty good Remake :)

A few tweaks and it could be a really awsome map. otherwise it's a 3 star.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 10:54:26 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11314
Very cool. Feels like Unreal. NICE!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 08:37:24 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11313
It's just easier to give bad comments then good ones/moderatly good ones. :P Rowleybob do you always give good comments or what.

Sarwan, you are only a begginer, maybe you aren't a great mapper now, but if you'll try you'll quickly turn to be a great one.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 07:42:34 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11312
"not sure if I included that smg model in any of my last maps on here."

You did.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 05:52:34 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11311
Just try giving praise to your own, and you'll get people flocking all over it!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-20 05:18:09 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11310
Hmm...strange...a rookie map and it gets more reviews than my map :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 21:16:33 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11309
Argh, dont comment on your own map please. Please read tutorials before making a map. Its very cubic. :( I could make it in 3 minutes. It gets what it deserves. One star. But, if you practice and READ you can become a great mapper. I look foward to your next map when you learn abit more :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 20:16:28 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11308
yea i noticed that, I couldnt find a way to fix it either
unless theres a way to limit how much ammo u can take from it, maybe a "trigger change target" and multiple "game player equip"s and have one of the equips removed after its use. then it would limit the number of clips/rockets/grenades
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:30:54 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11307
The only problem with this is that when your ammo is full in your gun, the clips will just continue to drop on the ground. But I can't really see a way around this.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:23:13 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11306
What's the point of that?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 16:50:30 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11305
PhotoFilter is free/good. I've heard gimp is good too.

-both free-

Slackiller has got some links to texturing sites, which also have links to hundreds more...

I should talk, I rarely if ever use custom textures :P :shame:
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 16:41:39 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11304
Thanks a lot all, these comments realyl help. this is my first map period :). i wasnt sure if a max viewable distance was a property, now i know.

i have to work on my texture choices i agree. i just got a little giddy when it was finished brush/entity wise lol
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 16:39:59 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11303
Nicely done but show us the closed version as well...You can split the picture in two.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 15:57:19 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11302
"excellent map ihave never seen this before"

I could't agree more!

Um, ok what the hell. Not much to comment about for this map, but I must say I liked the "red" part with the double levels. Paste in one of your nicely consructed func_ladders, and make a nice terrace on the roof!

The "grey" side is 3 walls with windows in them--which were quite nice btw! This side needs something. Anything.

If you're going to make a map like this, I would recommend including some func_vehicles like in de_starwars or he_offroad. Maybe include some func_tanks of some kind of gimmick, or stronger theme!

Can't wait for your next map in the sk series :-)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 15:48:05 UTC in vault item: HL2 Supply Crate for HL1 Comment #11301
not sure if I included that smg model in any of my last maps on here. But if anyone wants it ill re-upload the zip with the model.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 15:34:23 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11300
Excellent first map!

No real use in nitpicking a map such as this, because for what it its--an FY Playground--It's very nicely done!

The only criticism I'm going to put forth is to increase your "max viewable distance" under map properites.

Looks like your off to a good start in the other departments--clean brushwork, and no errors per se in anything else--though they deinitely can be improved ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 12:49:30 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11299
Might have two accounts, and thought that he was logged on to the other one? ??

I ain't gonna d-load this one ether.
Not because of the screenshot, not because of the comments above.
I simply don't got CS
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 08:28:06 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11298
I'm sure not going to download it. Commenting on your own map and saying it's excellent is one of the lowest things you can do... why do people do that stuff anyway? Do they think we can't read the names above the comments?
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 06:48:40 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11297
I wouldn't be so harsh if you hadn't commented on both your OWN maps.

Its shit. Its a box, its 4 textures. Its appaulingly bad and doesnt deserve to be in the map vault.

Dont submit maps until you can at least create a series of rooms connected by corridoors. Nobody will download this, especially since you commented on your own map
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 06:13:29 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11296
One word: Tutorials

They are on your menu bar to the left, it is best to start on the real basics before making a map like this that has many problems.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-19 05:44:29 UTC in vault item: sk_Sniper Comment #11295
Judging frm the screenshot, it looks like you need to work on your mapping skills a little more. Spend some time on a map and keep asking for critique. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 23:12:28 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11294
fairly good for an early map. Okay brushwork on the little hut things on the roofs, I liked the way you could snipe the people through the windows.

It's got some slightly high r_speeds (around 1400 at max), really bad texture choices, and if I'm not mistaken, you didn't use Zoners Half-Life Tools (I suspect this from looking at the flat shadows on the boxes).
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 22:30:04 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11293
But he didn't say this was his first map, just his first cs 1.6 map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 20:25:55 UTC in vault item: Dropship then Assault Comment #11292
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 18:18:14 UTC in vault item: Sky Snipe Comment #11291
For a first map, this is really good.. Its quite fun for an awp/scout map, but the the texturing is absolutely dreadful....
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 14:23:04 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11290
dont got photoshop :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 11:38:07 UTC in vault item: Strange Findings part 1 Comment #11289
A Rip off by Ansith.
Strange it most likely looks like aqua labs.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-18 06:17:47 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #11288
Quite good, quite good. The ending was a bit confusing.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 19:31:17 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11287
pretty kewl map but those 3 lights definetly are too bright. Also, too much light comes through the windows being that its a night map but i cant realy complain being that I do that myself sometimes.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 15:49:50 UTC in vault item: sol_arena Comment #11286
Yep, they are sprites. The trick is: set the render mode to glow, and the render fx to constant glow-that way they won't fade out. I also rescaled it to 3 times bigger than normal.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 13:23:46 UTC in vault item: Xen Manta Prefab Comment #11285
I only managed to make a single tailed prefab... it looked awsome.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 12:35:46 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11284
i had some trouble finding a texture for some walls, i didnt want to use blue or red cus that area is neutral
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 10:52:23 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #11283
Wow! :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 10:27:03 UTC in vault item: Dropship then Assault Comment #11282
No, I'll download it now, 4 months later or something..
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 09:30:01 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11281
The map is beginning to look better, still, it needs some more work.

I'm glad you fixed the ammo/weapon thing.
The lightning is a lot better, but still needs major improvement.
It seems you're (like rowley said) using pointlighs.
Textlightning is a lot better looking.
I think you should make the lightning a bit more darker.
Keep the same lightning over the map, besides the funky red and blue between the 2 convoyers.

1 more thing, between the 2 convoyers you have a floor texture on a wall, change that, because it really looks ugly considering you have that floor texture also on the floor!
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-17 07:38:02 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11280
Agreed, but I think it would look better darker!

From the shadows, it looks like your still using pointlights, but whatever--give textlighting a try sometime!

You pipes and wires look great, but you might consider experimenting with other textures and texture scales to make them look better. They look fine, just the lighting on them is a little weird in places. PM me if you want to explore this any further...

Excellent work. I really like how this map looks/feels. The conveyors remind me of the Droid factory from Star Wars II :P

Nice ambients too btw.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 23:00:50 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11279
alrite i think iv fixed the probelm with the lighting and weapons. The updated map should be uploaded sometime by tomorrow morning.
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 20:45:07 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11278
i was waitin for some1 to say somthin about the ammo, i tried to make it invisible so u could only see the weapon but got extra ammo.

it is small but then again i ment for this to have 4 people playing (thought there are 6 start points)
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 19:28:51 UTC in vault item: SmallHall Mappack Comment #11277
Yep :].

Though you where teh noob Habboi :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:49:35 UTC in vault item: Halo 2 Elongation Comment #11276
I thought this map was excellent and well executed in most areas, except of course lighting.

If your boxes are a func_train, you can light them in a seperate "box" someplace on the map so they're all lit properly--like the train at the beginning of HL.

The rest of the lighting is far too someone already said--it looks fullbright!

I personally like the small layout of the map, but really have no idea how it would play until I played it. Probably a bit too small, considering you can circumvent the entire map in 30 sec :)

If you did not use texture lights, I would recommend using them.

All in all, very nice-looking map and nice concept.